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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

Scarletts sleep is all over the place but she's still little :) I do hate how she does longer stretches during the day instead of night :nope: she is starting to stay up more now though!
Scarletts sleep is all over the place but she's still little :) I do hate how she does longer stretches during the day instead of night :nope: she is starting to stay up more now though!

hope she grasps day and night soon for you! its only been this last week O has started to stay awake a bit more through the day he would just eat then sleep prior!

Just when i thought the infection had started to clear on saturday there was nothing there the redness had gone no (sorry tmi) oozing, then tonight theres been the most oozing there ever has been :cry: looks like another trip to drs tomorrrow :(
Rough few days with fussiness and unmatched. Lactation nurse thinks reflux. I have an appt tomo to see her at the hospital and can't wait!

How's everyone else doing?
My baby's days and nights are still mixed up too. It took my son about two weeks to sort them out. It's so hard. From 12 to 3 she wants to constantly be held and/or fed. Her crying doesn't get to me so much as I'm so, so tired that I physically can't hold her without nodding off and nearly dropping her. DH and I try to tag-team but he's even less of a night person than I am. She also doesn't like to sleep in the bassinet so I've started to "train" her. I made her take her afternoon nap in there today. It took a bit of doing but she did it!
Fleur - I'm sorry to hear that Arthur is a lazy eater, I hope he starts gaining weight soon.

Starry - I'm sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with Post Partum Anxiety, Anxiety is no fun at all! :(

Rosie - I hope the infection clears up soon :(
Yeah, the anxiety is tough. I've always had it to some degree but now it is just so hard because it feels out of my control. It's not being triggered by anything specific so I know it's all hormonal. But that also makes it harder to avoid. After an attack I always feel so stupid. But I think it is getting better. Nursing is going well, I am starting to physically recover (stitches still sore but that's normal) and there is a lovely doctor following up with me to make sure I'm OK. I am now thinking over whether or not to medicate for the anxiety. My mom has been telling me for years that I should but with TTC and pregnancy I never wanted to risk it.

Anyways, Hannah only woke once last night and didn't fuss once about being put into the bassinet. I don't know if it was just a fluke or not but overall she has proven to be a "keener". She caught on to nursing so quickly whereas my son never did at all. I still bottle feed a bit. Formula is essentially a crutch but it makes me feel secure enough to try nursing and keep going. I'm still very nervous about nursing in public so I plan on bottle feeding when out and about today. I just can't risk another anxiety attack. I'm sure once I'm more confident with nursing then I will be willing to try in public (right now I still feel like I'm juggling bowling balls trying to get myself ready).
starrynight: as long as baby is getting fed, you do whatever combination makes you happy. I found nursing in public a lot easier around the 1 month mark. I flew across the country for a funeral and was forced into nursing on the plane, in the airport... I tried using a cover, but after the first 5 minutes of fighting with baby, boobs and cover I was ready to light the damn thing on fire...probably would have if we weren't 40,000 ft in the air and I wouldn't have been arrested...lol. After that I said f-it, and just did it. It gets easier :)

Rosie: hope that infection clears soon!

Miss J is one gassy little miss! Sweet mother of pearl, this girl can clear the room! She's been so gassy these past 2 weeks, im considering if I should cut out dairy from my diet and see if it improves. I REALLY REALLY REALLY dont want to. I love my milk, cheese and yogurt... Going to have a chat with public health tomorrow and see what the nurse thinks. I think she's having a bit of a growth spurt, looking to eat every time she opens her pretty little eyes. My toddler is less than impressed

Fleur: are you home from the hospital yet? Hope everything is going well...
Thanks girls, been back to the drs this morning and theyve took swabs so should get results back in 3 days, im now on my 3rd lot of one lot of antibiotics and shes doubled it up with another lot im sure if you picked me up id rattle at the moment!!!

BUT last night my clever little man went to bed and was asleep for 6.45pm and didnt wake until 4.45am took 1oz and went straight back to sleep till 7.30 :D i did say to him was it really worth it for 1oz lol! not going to count my chickens yet but it would be nice if it continues!

bumpin O suffers with terrible trapped wind and by teatime he can become a screaming mess if i dont give him gripe water regulary, becuase i was out all day he didnt get any and was passed himself by 5pm so when i gave him some then when he had his bedtime milk the trapped wind came up and alot of projectile sick :/
I haven't, but I clearly remember my mother using gentian violet when she had thrust back when my brother was a baby. I've read that it's not as effective as it used to though... don't know why.

We're back home since Sunday. Arthur did gain weight (since Friday he gained 400g) but breastfeeding is all messed up, thanks to the recommendations of the pediatrician. She made us combi feed, and I know for some it's wonderful, but it has made my son lazier when nursing (well that along with other things she recommended leaded to that result). I can't pump because the cups are hurting me (the pain is unbearable) and Arthur will scream until I give him the damn bottle of formula. My milk is mostly dried up. I'm so pissed off because I knew this would happen, I told the pediatrician and she said no, everything would be fine, she had never seen problems like that before.
I have an appointment with her Thursday and I really don't want to go. Do I have a choice? I guessnot. The midwife told me that the official diagnosis is malnutrition (then told me that she believes thats too harsh). Pediatrician never said that to me. That explains why I've got a billion appointments. If I don't go, I imagine they will call social services.
Honestly, it feels like a nightmare. We had a SMALL problem, and now it has become so huge I doubt I will be able to breastfeed for as long as I had hoped.
But tomorrow I'm seeing another doctor. I want a second opinion. This time it's a woman specialised in breastfeeding. She might be more helpful and understanding than the one at the hospital. I'm going to ask if she can sign something or whatever, saying that she will keep her eyes on us so we don't have to go back to the hospital pediatrician AND social services won't be called.
That truly showed me that even though I don't have a PhD, I should listen to my instinct more.
I haven't, but I clearly remember my mother using gentian violet when she had thrust back when my brother was a baby. I've read that it's not as effective as it used to though... don't know why.

We're back home since Sunday. Arthur did gain weight (since Friday he gained 400g) but breastfeeding is all messed up, thanks to the recommendations of the pediatrician. She made us combi feed, and I know for some it's wonderful, but it has made my son lazier when nursing (well that along with other things she recommended leaded to that result). I can't pump because the cups are hurting me (the pain is unbearable) and Arthur will scream until I give him the damn bottle of formula. My milk is mostly dried up. I'm so pissed off because I knew this would happen, I told the pediatrician and she said no, everything would be fine, she had never seen problems like that before.
I have an appointment with her Thursday and I really don't want to go. Do I have a choice? I guessnot. The midwife told me that the official diagnosis is malnutrition (then told me that she believes thats too harsh). Pediatrician never said that to me. That explains why I've got a billion appointments. If I don't go, I imagine they will call social services.
Honestly, it feels like a nightmare. We had a SMALL problem, and now it has become so huge I doubt I will be able to breastfeed for as long as I had hoped.
But tomorrow I'm seeing another doctor. I want a second opinion. This time it's a woman specialised in breastfeeding. She might be more helpful and understanding than the one at the hospital. I'm going to ask if she can sign something or whatever, saying that she will keep her eyes on us so we don't have to go back to the hospital pediatrician AND social services won't be called.
That truly showed me that even though I don't have a PhD, I should listen to my instinct more.
Aww I'm sorry you're having such a tough time! Hopefully you can get it sorted soon xo
Anyone else that's breast feeding hungry ALL THE TIME? Lol I'm starving all day long and I'm eating us out of house and home.. I.cant.stop! I do t remember feeling this hungry when I nursed my other boys?
Anyone else that's breast feeding hungry ALL THE TIME? Lol I'm starving all day long and I'm eating us out of house and home.. I.cant.stop! I do t remember feeling this hungry when I nursed my other boys?

i didnt this time with DS but i was expecting it, but my goodness i remember been absolutley ravenous when i was BF DD, to the point i used to pretty much have a meal around 3am when i was sat feeding her lol nothing would fill me,
For the last 24 hrs Lexi has decided that sleep is for wimps and 30 min naps are the way forward!

Mummy is a zombie today :(
Anyone else that's breast feeding hungry ALL THE TIME? Lol I'm starving all day long and I'm eating us out of house and home.. I.cant.stop! I do t remember feeling this hungry when I nursed my other boys?

I'm combi-feeding but mostly BFing so yeah, hungry most of the time. My anemia messes with my appetite from time to time so I'm not STARVING but I definitely have the munchies. Since my mom is here to help around the house there are lots of healthy options so I am trying to snack on fruit or even drinking extra water instead.

fleur - sounds like a really tough situation. I hate the fear of social services hanging over parents' heads. We know our children best so you'd think we could make our own decisions in these instances. They probably do think they're giving the best advice for your child. Maybe the second opinion is what you need. All the best. :hugs:
Went to lactation yesterday and glad I did. so i have a forceful letdown on right breast causing her to unlatch since she can't suck, swallow and breathe correctly. It is also causing her to bruise my nipple since she gets frustrated so it's where some of the soreness is. Also think she has reflux as she's back down to same weight as 2 was ago... I have a Dr appt tomorrow morning to see what the Dr wants to do about weight and reflux. Hope to get something figured out since bfing is making me feel bad for her and it's sore
fleur, sorry things aren't going so well. your experience it's sounding very much like mine with G. if you want to chat, let me know. it's a tough road to be on, when breastfeeding isn't going the way you planned.

Gaves, I'm having the same issue with my let down. I've had to recline to a 45 for her to manage the letdown. seems to be helping her eat, but she's been sooooo gassy and miserable! plus I think she's having her 6 week growth spurt which isn't helping the gas.

I found the first 3 weeks while my milk was still regulating I was STARVING! it's calmed down lately... Lol
Oh, could a letdown issue cause gassiness? My LO has been having problems with gas/colic. For the past few days she is hardly happy during the day unless she is being rocked. Yesterday was OK as we were driving around and/or pushing her around in the stroller but today was bit of a nightmare. She's like that both after the boob and the bottle so not sure if letdown would be the problem in this case. She does love to suck though and I think she sucks after she runs me dry. Not sure if sucking air on the boob is as bad as it can be while sucking air from a bottle.
Same here bumpin. The nurse complimented my modified cross hold. This crosses more to my pelvis and hips then straight across so she is more upright to get less air. Also keeping her upright for 10-15 min after seems to help.

I think so starry. The nurse yesterday said to not worry if I can't get a big burp every time bc then it means she's latched right and not getting air. When she struggles w my letdown she's taking extra gulps and gets in more air... that's the fussiness, burps and spit up. I'll fill you in to the Dr suggestions.
I'm not sure I do have a letdown problem. I just have a baby who would gladly suck on me 24/7 if I let her so a lot of it has to be dry sucking. She only gets tiny burps after nursing compared to the bottle feeds. I guess I'm trying to figure out why I have a baby who cries all day when there is no apparent issues. This morning she is quiet though which is a nice change. I remember my DS was a fussy newborn but he refused to take daytime naps until about 3 months.

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