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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

Could it be the kind of formula? Is she gassy or constipated? I'm pretty sure Scarlett dry sucks half the time she's on the boob! I was told it's just them trying to up our supply or doing it for comfort. I can't get her to take a pacifier so dry sucking it is! Have you tried swaddling or pacifiers?

My nipples are still killing me. Had a fun experience today. Was nursing in the car waiting for a store to open and she pulled off and I was spraying everywhere! I mean the dash board, the door, her face, I couldn't get a grip of my boob to put it Back in because it was so wet! Sheesh I thought leaking was bad
Hannah hates pacifiers. :( She loves to suck on her fingers though. Swaddling helps sometimes but it's hit and miss. When she's really, REALLY fussy even cuddling does nothing.

Today I'm experimenting with topping off my nursing sessions with an extra ounce of formula. I've noticed she is far less fussy when I do that. Also her wet and poopy diapers have been decreasing since I've gone to mostly BFing. Oh well. She slept 6 hours straight again last night so that makes 4 days in a row. I'm thinking she's finally figured out her days and nights. Makes the daytime crying easier to take.
starrynight, sounds like a good plan, I had to do that with G. if you pump for a few minutes after every feed, you may be able to decrease the formula over a few weeks. might be worth it, if you want to switch to ebf.
I'm actually leaning towards FF'ing to be honest. I hate BFing and I hate it more everyday. I can't even say why as there are no specific issues and thus nothing really to fix. I just hate it and find it stressful. The fact I have bottles and formula in the house as a "crutch" is what is helping me to keep on going with BFing. I hope to go with combi-feeding (mostly BFing) for a month or two yet. Or until the doctors/public health nurses stop asking the "are you BFing" questions. ha ha

The formula top-offs are helping though. She's still fussy but she's quieter than she has been. A few feeds I didn't need to add the bottle at all as my letdown came extra heavy. She chocked on me a few times at one feed.
Hannah - I guess everyone is busy with their little one's :cloud9:
Hannah - Boo :haha:

Aww bless him, both Tyler and Jayden are awake here, it's hard work keeping up with them both :sleep:
I'm here. Lexi has been getting her night and day back to front for the last few days so I'm a bit of a zombie but I'm here :D
Last night was rough again. It took 1 1/2 hours to get her to go to bed and then she only slept 3 1/2 hours when she's normally been doing 6. It's horrible when she won't resettle after her night feed. She screamed for another hour. We ended up letting her CIO. I don't like to do it with such a little baby but DH can fall asleep during her screams (how on earth??) and I was ready to smother her...I really was that tired and stressed. I let her cry and she was asleep within about 10 minutes and hasn't woken up since. It's now after 10am (so about 4 hours).

But now that I have increased the bottles again, BF is going better again as well. It seems I need both. Not going to let the doctors guilt me again. At least she's getting some breast milk!
When they wake in the night it's awful, last night I couldn't keep my eyes open :lol: he was awake 1.30-4.30! Bleughh! Atleast I have Netflix haha xx
Late nights are the worst. DS only wakes up once but by the time he wakes up, I've just fallen asleep. (I'm an insomniac.) I've completely given up waking up DH because while he's more than willing to help in the amount of time it takes for him to get up I'm already done feeding/changing. He just takes too long to wake up and Bryson usually screams the house down within a few minutes so I can't wait for him. But the late night feed is usually when I catch up on FBing, BnBing, reading the news, etc. DD slept through (12+ hours) at 6 weeks so I'm like c'mon Bryson! :lol:


Sweet little man today. :cloud9:

We are up every two hours at night, every three hours if I'm lucky. My kids have always been crappy sleepers!
Amour - sorry to hear that! Hopefully he will find a new job soon.
Bryson is adorable :)

My LO isn't interested in lifting his head during tummy time AT ALL. He much prefers to push his little leg and move forward. He "crawls" like that until we pick him up :haha:

BF is going better for me, I'm on meds that help with my supply and we've stopped giving Arthur bottles. We're still topping off nursing sessions with formula but we're using a tube and he's sucking on one of our fingers to get the milk. That way he understands he can't be lazy if he's hungry.
x-amour - sorry your dh has lost his job. :( My DH has been without work for awhile too and it's so stressful, especially with a baby in the house. Your Bryson is so adorable and look at him hold up his head so nicely! What a champ.

fleur - I'm glad nursing is going better for you now! :)

afm - DD had her 2 week check up today and DR said we were doing everything perfect. She has now made it past her birth weight.
Amour - Bryson is such a little cutie! :cloud9:

I'm sorry to hear that DH's position at work was cut :(

Fleur - Glad to hear that Breastfeeding is going better for you :D

Starry - That's great that DD has made it past her birth weight, way to go! :)
Only 1 feed during the night and she slept like a dream. I feel human again!!!

Not sure if it was the key or not but just in case it helps anyone else.....

We folded up a towel and put if under one end of her Moses basket mattress so she slept with her head raised. She drifted off within seconds and for 4 hour stretches.
Had a rough night last night Lyle just wanted cuddled ALL night! First bad night we've had though which isn't bad x

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