I hope you feel better soon, bumpin!
Pediatrician' appointment was upsetting. Arthur's burn had completely disappeared so we didn't bring it up, but guess what? Yep, weight is still "unsatisfying". I'm getting rwally tired of them (the pediatricians who work at the hospital where I gave birth) trying to make me feel guilty for having a small baby. I've told the one we saw this morning that Arthur's appetite had decreased in the past few days (which apparently is normal for a 8 weeks old). He sleeps more during the night, he's hungry less often... so of course his weight gain hasn't been optimal this week! Other than that, he is doing great. Lots of baby talk, big smiles, gets excited when he sees OH and me...
What is upsetting is that this time, they're encouraging me to stop breastfeeding. Since he's 2 days old that's what they're pushing for (and I'm not the only one who says that, the hospital is known for pushing formula on mothers who choose to breastfeed). Nothing bad about formula when it's your decision or when it's not going well, but I want to breastfeed and things are improving! It's just that babies during this wonder week tend to lose their appetite!
We go to the breastfeeding specialist tomorrow. Hopefully she will be more optimistic than the pediatrician.
In the afternoon we'll go for his 2 month shot :/