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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

Hi Ladies!! I haven't really been on since I had my son, and I'm too lazy to ready all the way back, but it looks like you have all settled into motherhood quite nicely! I must say that this thread has adorable babies. How is everyone doing?

Afm: things are great. I am madly in love with my son. He is such a good baby, too. He eats well, sleeps well, and is just generally happy! Life is so much better AFTER pregnancy :)
I think as long as he's not losing any weight who cares how fast he's putting it on if it's in a normal range! I hate the "weighs too much" "weighs too little" crap some doctors pull.
I'm glad your getting a new Dr fleur. Hopefully the new one will be more supportive. You are a tiny person, so it makes sense that Arthur would also be itty bitty.

on antibiotics for mastitis :cry: this sucks

miss J is starting to sleep in nice long stretches :) last night she slept from 930-430! really not helpful with mastitis, My poor boobs feel felt ready to explode! hopefully my body behind too adjust quickly, and hopefully this trend continues. G was 25 months before he slept through the night consistently ( he's only 26 months now... Lol)
My milk blister is back! OUCH!! Getting DSD tomorrow until next Sunday. We have never had her more than 2 nights. DH is working all week so I have and dd. Wish me luck.. Getting really anxious about it. Molly's sleep has been awful for like a week now so I stay in bed with her until at least 9 ish. Guess that's not happening. Ek
fleur - I'm glad to hear that Arthur is doing so good and that you're finding a new doctor. Hopefully you'll quickly find one that truly supports BFing along with allowing you to be the mom and make the final decisions for your child.

My DS' head was larger in proportion to his body than average but his doctor was able to look at the bigger picture....my head is big (yay...) and his head's growth followed along on the same growth curve so there was nothing to suggest something was wrong even though it wasn't textbook.
glad all is good with everyone :kiss:

we are moving across counry in a couple of weeks which will be interesting! e have travelled there with ella before so im more worried about the rabbit :dohh:
Had an eventful day, me, hubby and baby got a taxi to go see the MIL and the dumbass driver plowed into the car in front.

An afternoon in A&E followed. Lexi is fine, the car seat protected her completely but will of course need replacing now.

I have whiplash and a seatbelt shaped bruise, hubby has bruised ribs.

Lesson to all UK ladies that even though legally a car seat is not required in a taxi it is essential. I dread to think what would have happened if if been holding Lexi!
Mrs. Stefka - glad to hear you and Jack are doing well!

Bumpin - ouch! I hope the antibiotics will work quickly!

Wannabe Mommy - glad to hear everyone's okay. Must've been scary...

Life after vaccination hasn't been easy. We were told Arthur would be sleeping more than the usual, but nope, he slept LESS than usual. All day Tuesday then Friday he was on and off the boob, falling asleep then waking up as soon as I'd unlatch him. Today he's doing a bit better, the fever is gone at least, though he's still more fussy than the usual. He got dehydrated too, because for a few hours he refused to eat no matter what I'd try. Fortunately I got him to nurse and all signs of dehydration disappeared.
Wm, sorry to hear the taxi bumped into someone! Glad your all ok though.

Fleur, sorry Arthur is sleeping less! I hope things improve soon.

Lyles belly button is starting to clear up which is great! Hasn't bothered him one bit :)! First jag next Wednesday, dreading it :(!
wannabe so sorry to hear about the crash cant imagine how you were feeling glad to hear all ok though

Nic hope his jabs go ok, O had his last week

Well i was really really hoping to avoid the whole reflux thing and the issues we had with DD but looks like DS has cmpi, his symptoms over the last 2 weeks have gotten worse and worse, i swithced him to comfort milk tto see if it was just colic but it doesnt look like it, Im going to try and get him in at the drs tomorrow i just cant see him any longer in pain when drinking his milk and i know how quickkly they can get worse and i dont want to get to the point of refusing milk full stop like it did with DD because the drs didnt believe me :( x
Layla has a cow milk protein intolerance , I cut out all dairy since I'm bfing :)
She's 6 weeks today and 11lbs today, growing well
wannabe - how terrifying! I am glad everyone is relatively OK.

Rosie - aw, poor guy. I think my girl has reflux too but I've never experienced it before so can't be confident that's what it is. Seeing the doctor this week. I hope your doctor listens to you this time and he is feeling better soon. My girl's reflux was so bad this evening she did refuse food. Scared me a little. :(

She has been eating well until this point. She has a cold too so that definitely doesn't help.

fleur - hope Arthur feels better soon.
welll it took me 25mins to get through to the drs this am and surprise surprise there are no appts available and i have to ring back at 1.30 if non available i can go and sit and wait to be seen as an "emergency" to be honest the fact that hes refusing feeds and given hes only 10 weeks im going to go and sit if i dont get an appt,

starry if i hadnt of dealt with it with DD i would have no idea but it took 5monts of persistant drs visits and eventually a trip to a&e for them to listen to me they diagnosed silent reflux it wasnt untill she was almost 2 years old and on 2 inhalers that i got out dairy from her diet and her symptoms disappeared for the DR's to say yes you were right!!!

if theres one thing ive learnt from having DD is mothers instinct is nearly always right and always trust it! x
Did dairy cause the reflux or just aggravate it? I've switched to a reduced lactose formula a few weeks ago and that has really helped with DD's gas pains but the reflux is still there. I know my niece had reflux but no dairy issues. Not quite ready to switch to the lactose-free formula yet. It's even pricier and harder to find than the reduced lactose variety.

So far our pediatrician has been very good about listening to concerns and he is often sooner to notice things than I am which is good as he's the medical expert...not me. He was very on top of the ball when it came to my son's flat head syndrome. When I was looking up info on insurance coverage for the corrective helmets I came across multiple forums where parents complained that their doctors wouldn't listen until the point treatment was harder and more extensive. My doctor pointed it out and started physiotherapy when my son was 8 weeks old. He was also always checking for reflux because my son was a puker. It wasn't reflux that time but makes me hopeful the doctor will listen to me in regards to DD.
it seems dairy is causing the reflux, we ended up getting sent to the hospital this afternoon as DR was refusing to believe me and i refused to leave!

Anyway after me telling them his symptoms and watching him have a bottle of milk they gave an immediate diagnosis of cows milk protein allergy and ive been given a prescription milk which is also lactose free i have to try this for 2 weeks if he improves he will stay on it if not he has to go onto an amino acid based formula, along with potentially reflux meds, pediatrian didnt seem to think the silent reflux is all that bad but that it was just the allergy so we shall see,

daddiesgift his symptoms are diahrroea which is full of mucus, sneezing, hives, arching his back when taking bottles and just generally been unsettled im just now praying for a quick turn around now hes on a special formula xx
Layla has a bit of blood in her stool when I eat dairy , same as my 3 year old and started at the exact same age .
I don't think my DD has a true dairy allergy. But she was having gas and a bit of constipation. The reduced lactose formula has reduced that to a great degree. She still has clear, sour-smelling fluids mixed in with her spit up and tends to get upset and cry while spitting up so that's why I am thinking reflux. She also coughs after spitting up or when lying flat on her back.

Right now I'm hoping she still has a sensitive tummy and will outgrow her sensitivity to lactose but will wait to see what the doctor says.

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