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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

AF is still very light and spotty. Now I don't know if this is pre-spotting and the heavy stuff is coming or if I'm having a light first period. Last time I got a light first AF was my first pregnancy which ended in m/c and there was some retained tissue and I didn't pass it until months later. I definitely feel bloated and gross like I do while on my period. Meh. Hormones. :wacko:

Keep getting comments on how big my DD is so I guess she's big for her age. :shrug: She still seems like my little peanut to me. She still curls up into the fetal position and acts like a newborn.
My little lady is now weeks old and yesterday I discovered she has two back teeth! Poor little mites been chewing on hand like theres no tomorrow, I suspected teething but OH told me to stop being so rediculous. But there they are, two teeth already!
My little lady is now weeks old and yesterday I discovered she has two back teeth! Poor little mites been chewing on hand like theres no tomorrow, I suspected teething but OH told me to stop being so rediculous. But there they are, two teeth already!

How many weeks is she? I know they can start early...I was starting to suspect this with Taylor...he's 9weeks and 3days now and he's started chewing his hands instead of his dummy to soothe him, hes dribbling a little more than usual and crying out in pain at random intervals...I was wondering the same but im not sure.. will have to keep an eye out xxxx
Scarlett had a check up today. 12 pounds 11 ounces! Everyone kept saying how big she is and doesn't look like a 7 week old :( my big girl! She's also up four inches in length from birth :dance: guess breastfeeding is doing something :winkwink:

Anyone have or getting an IUD? I'm thinking of the merena
My little lady is now weeks old and yesterday I discovered she has two back teeth! Poor little mites been chewing on hand like theres no tomorrow, I suspected teething but OH told me to stop being so rediculous. But there they are, two teeth already!

How many weeks is she? I know they can start early...I was starting to suspect this with Taylor...he's 9weeks and 3days now and he's started chewing his hands instead of his dummy to soothe him, hes dribbling a little more than usual and crying out in pain at random intervals...I was wondering the same but im not sure.. will have to keep an eye out xxxx

Sorry I meant to say shes 9 weeks. She started with the hand chewing, dribbling, blowing bubbles and crying out about a week ago. Ive been ising using infant bonjela, its magic stuff! She hates the taste but after a few seconds she'll stop crying and is all smiles again x
Scarlett had a check up today. 12 pounds 11 ounces! Everyone kept saying how big she is and doesn't look like a 7 week old :( my big girl! She's also up four inches in length from birth :dance: guess breastfeeding is doing something :winkwink:

Anyone have or getting an IUD? I'm thinking of the merena

Im getting the copper coil put in next week. We chose that because it took so long get my cycles back to normal after I came of the pill so we decided the best thing to do would be to stay away from any of the hormone based contraceptions. That way if we do decided to have number 3, we (hopefully) dont end up TTC for two years again! X
My little lady is now weeks old and yesterday I discovered she has two back teeth! Poor little mites been chewing on hand like theres no tomorrow, I suspected teething but OH told me to stop being so rediculous. But there they are, two teeth already!

How many weeks is she? I know they can start early...I was starting to suspect this with Taylor...he's 9weeks and 3days now and he's started chewing his hands instead of his dummy to soothe him, hes dribbling a little more than usual and crying out in pain at random intervals...I was wondering the same but im not sure.. will have to keep an eye out xxxx

Sorry I meant to say shes 9 weeks. She started with the hand chewing, dribbling, blowing bubbles and crying out about a week ago. Ive been ising using infant bonjela, its magic stuff! She hates the taste but after a few seconds she'll stop crying and is all smiles again x

Fab thankyou will definitely have to keep an eye out haha :') not affecting him so much yet but like I said he lets out a cry of pain every so often, dribbling and hand chewing so maybe it's time :) xxxx
My friend suggested the teething liquid from boots. Apparently the bonjela can slide off their gums so needs reapplying more often whereas the liquid is absorbed in and sticks.

Not used it here yet but will be giving it a go when the time comes.
So DD is in her size 6 months clothes now. Only, I thought it would be fall by the time she would be in them so they're all long pants and long-sleeved shirts. I have a few summer dresses and one or two shirts but not enough for the remainder of this hot summer. DH is definitely going to balk at me buying more clothes but all the stores are having their summer clearances now or I could even check thrift shops though I always seem to have bad luck there. I can never find anything that isn't ripped, stained or horribly faded. (Seriously, who donates such poor quality clothes, anyways???)

And her head is getting flat on one side. :nope: I'm so upset with myself because the same thing happened to DS and I was determined to prevent it this time. I put her on her tummy, I hold her over my shoulders on different sides, I switch which arm I hold her in and even switch which direction she faces in the bassinet and on the change table to encourage her to lay on different sides of her head.

DS needed a corrective helmet and I would feel like schmuck if DD needed one too. Sure the doctor will think I'm an idiot as well.
My son didn't start teething until 9 months but I've heard of babies teething early. In a pinch Tylenol can help with some of the nastier side effects if they get feverish, etc. I remember that two of his teeth came in at the same time and they popped out in the space of half an hour. It was so quick and he was SCREAMING. It was a rough go.
So DD is in her size 6 months clothes now. Only, I thought it would be fall by the time she would be in them so they're all long pants and long-sleeved shirts. I have a few summer dresses and one or two shirts but not enough for the remainder of this hot summer. DH is definitely going to balk at me buying more clothes but all the stores are having their summer clearances now or I could even check thrift shops though I always seem to have bad luck there. I can never find anything that isn't ripped, stained or horribly faded. (Seriously, who donates such poor quality clothes, anyways???)

And her head is getting flat on one side. :nope: I'm so upset with myself because the same thing happened to DS and I was determined to prevent it this time. I put her on her tummy, I hold her over my shoulders on different sides, I switch which arm I hold her in and even switch which direction she faces in the bassinet and on the change table to encourage her to lay on different sides of her head.

DS needed a corrective helmet and I would feel like schmuck if DD needed one too. Sure the doctor will think I'm an idiot as well.

Snap to so many things! Lexi is 10 weeks tomorrow and we've had to bust out the 3-6 month clothes.

Do you have any sewing skills, just enough to sew a straight line? If yes there are some really easy and cute baby clothes you can make. Baby bloomers and pillowcase dresses are great and there are free patterns online.

Lexi gas a flat head on the right side, HV isn't worried and says it will correct when she's sitting up more often and can tolerate tummy time for more than a few minutes. I have started letting her side sleep for daytime naps to keep her off the flat spot.
Another quick thought, we had a clothes swap at the play group it go to the other week . Everyone bought stuff in, got a ticket for each item and could use the tickets to buy other stuff. I took in a load of newborn clothes she grew out of after 1 wear and picked up 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes in return.
Gracie's head is quite flat one side, I just try and keep her upright in the day because shes not a fan of tummy time unless shes on my chest.

Everyone I spoken to has said it will sort itself out so im not too worried just yet :)
Both of my babies hate/d tummy time. DD just plants her face into the blanket and pushes her butt high into the air. Her nose is always so red when I pick her back up. :( Silly girl. So I hold her on my chest or over my shoulder or even sit her up on my lap. My hand is close behind her head to quickly support her when she loses neck control. She is getting better at looking around.

My DD is wearing a sized 6 month sleeper and i can't believe how well it fits. I was hoping to get at least one more wear out of each of her 3 month sleepers that are still clean but now I think I'll have to pass. She can't fully stretch out in them. DH agreed I should go to the thrift shop to pick up more shirts. All of her summery outfits in size 6 months are so frilly and fancy. No way are they comfortable for everyday wear. The rest are for cooler weather so now I'm thinking it was money wasted. Not sure if she'll get to wear them.
Arthur is the same when it comes to tummy time. He will rub his nose on the mattress and whine until I pick him up... unless he rolled from back to front by himself. I've never seen him do it, he waits until I'm not looking :duhh: I know he's strong enough to hold his head up though.

Still in 1 month clothes here! But he's growing well, he took 1lb in the past two weeks. Weight is currently 8lbs9oz. We're going to the pediatrician tomorrow, if she's not satisfied with his weight then I don't know what would make her happy, he gained exactly what he's supposed to! Still under the 1st percentile but he always was.
Lexi just lays there licking the playmat when we do tummy time. She's perfectly content but really not getting any of the benefit and the play mat ends up covered in spit :D

She loves sitting up on my knee and 'standing' she can lock her knees and push herself into a standing position, she looks so shocked and proud every time !
No idea why it posted a second time ages after I first posted it, oops.
fleur a pound in 2 weeks is a fantastic weight gain!

j is in 3 month clothing, 10 lbs 6 oz. breastfeeding continues to be mostly well. Still having lots of nipple pain and working on improving her latch. she's a chatty little thing, I think she likes the sound of her own voice. she's constantly cooing and singing. she also hates tummy time. she just complains and rubs her face into the mat. she sits so well with support, Has awesome head control so I stopped bothering.
Molly isn't sure about tummy time too. I lay her down and she licks the mat for a bit and eventually cries. We get better results when I lay with her on me. She likes her playmat way better and watches all the lights

We had the 2 month visit this week. shots were HORRIBLE!!!! Never heard a scream like that, holy shit! In tears listening to her... �� 3 shots later she's looking at me like why. She's got some lungs! As soon it she was done I threw her on a boob to calm. Needed to be held all day and night. Anytime I put her day she freaked and cried this sad cry. We just cuddled all day, I think I was more traumatized!!! Oye
Aw, gaves, I feel badly for your LO. It's awful, isn't it? When my DS was a baby my cousin warned me beforehand to take DH with me and to have the doctor explain everything to him as I'd be too busy crying myself. She was right too.

fleur - sounds like Arthur is gaining lots of weight. He started out small so of course he will behind the curve a bit. I think as long as progress is being made I wouldn't be overly worried about percentiles.

bumpin - that's so cute about your DD being so chatty. My own DD is just starting to find her voice but hasn't quite gained full control over it yet. I agree about the head control. I sit my DD in my lap and her neck and head control is getting better and better so I don't put her on her tummy nearly as much as the public health nurse says I should. She tolerates the tummy time for a few minutes but then starts to whine and she's a tough one to soothe.

I'm graduating DD to a faster flow of nipple today and seeing how that goes. She's becoming too much of a snacker and I can see if the formula isn't coming out fast enough that she would grow bored. She also is developing a bad habit of falling asleep after only taking an ounce. It's been a week and it's getting worse and worse. It's sort of like a baby who hangs off the boob all day except I have to toss the formula after 1 to 2 hours and that is a lot of money down the drain. And I am just not willing to put up with that demanding of a schedule with trying to get my house back in order and raising a toddler and dealing with PPD. At least nights are very slowly getting better. It's 2 steps forward, 1 step back in that regards.

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