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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

Thanks Nic will give it a try, I deliberately have chin length hair so I don't have to do anything with it cos I'm crap at styling it :D

Here's Lexi this afternoon after playing herself to sleep

Wannabe can you pin it back with curby grips?

I think I'm the only one that wants to have sex all the time :blush: :haha:!

I normally feel this way and now that I know sex doesn't hurt and I'm no longer feeling ill I am more than willing to go back to our former routine. I don't always have the energy for the full-shebang but I'm always up for a quickie. LOL We're not like rabbits or anything but we aim for at least twice a week but it can often be three or four times (except during AF or times of poor health, of course).

Wannabe - what a darling! I hope second round of vaccinations go better this time.

afm - DD goes for her first round of shots next week. And she has STTN the past three nights in a row. I hope, hope, hope that this is not a fluke but the start of a new routine. I need my sleep! And I'm anxious to move her to her own room but want her to be mostly STTN before I do.
:sex: what on earth is that lol i go to bed and im wiped out!

Were having a bit of a rough time at the min with Oliver, after been diagnosed and put on nutramigen formula every single feed is a complete nightmare, it smells completley foul so can only imagine the taste of it at a complete loss as to what to do to get him to eat, other than feeding times hes the happiest little boy ever, today i resorted to getting him to sleep knocking his dummy out and slipping the bottle in :/ x
Aww poor Oliver! The pediatrician forced us to give Arthur some Nutramigen after every feeds during the first week (which was not the right thing to do in our situation but whatever). He hated it so much he would scream and scream until he'd throw up... then the last day it looked like he had gotten used to it. Hopefully it'll get better for you as well!

We had our first long car ride with Arthur this weekend and it went better than expected! On our way to our destination, Arthur fell asleep after only 15 minutes on the highway, woke up 2 hours later to silently look out the window, fell back asleep right away and finally woke up for a feed when we parked the car. The way back home went even better than that: he fell asleep as soon as we left the parking lot and only woke up when we got home, 3 hours later!
He didn't like sleeping in a strange bed though. He wasn't a big fan of the family reunion either... too many people he didn't know, too much noise, too many photographs taken when all he wanted was to be nursed. Seriously, I spent 15 minutes repeating that he was hungry, but they would not give him back to me and they were like, "why is he crying? make him smile so we can take more pictures" um, nope, not going to be able to do that unless you let me go and feed him. I'm glad my family loves Arthur, but that really annoyed me.
these are my babies :):cloud9:


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Rosie - that sounds rough. :( I hope Oliver accepts his formula soon. DD is on a gentle formula that still has some lactose in it and that stinks so I can only imagine how the milk free formula smells.

fleur - glad Arthur travelled so well for you. We live in a rural area and have to make long drives all the time and I don't know what I'd do if my kids didn't travel well. I'm sorry the reunion was stressful. I don't get why adults become so silly around babies that they completely disrespect the mom and put their dumb photos ahead of the baby (yes, there is some personal resentment coming through on that one, ha ha). I find that borderline rudeness is really the only way to get through that you're serious.

bumpin - so adorable!! I love that impish little grin. Your DS also seems to adore his little sister.
thanks! I can see the mischief brewing already in her... G loves her to pieces. he's always kissing and hugging her, it's really sweet :)

My sweet Bryson today. Getting so big. :cry:
It really does go by too fast. What a cutie though.

afm - after STTN 3 nights in a row DD then went back to waking up at 3am. and then last night she woke up at 1:30. Was that supposed to be some cruel joke? To make matters worse, DS woke up at 3am and then I woke up to DH's alarm at 5:30 and then DD woke up again at 7. I never got more than 2 hours of sleep at a time. I'm miserable and tired beyond belief.

Last night was DD's first night in the nursery so I'm hoping the 1:30 wake up was more of an adjustment. I took the blanket I'd been using as a bassinet sheet and laid it underneath her so her crib would feel more familiar. She slept about 6 hours straight after that. It was a little lonely at first without her beside me but her nighttime 'talking' was getting too disruptive. I can hear her cries from her nursery.
I saw that earlier. I can't believe anyone would ever have the nerve to say that to anyone let alone a mother. How disappointing. And some of those comments, my God.
Yep! I wonder if any of those idiots would say those kind of things to their own mothers??
Layla is 2 months today :)
She's 12lb5oz and 24 inches long
She's doing gReat !
wow. That Facebook discussion is disgusting. And so many are focused on excusing their own fat-shaming instead of on the fact that people felt it necessary to be so rude and mean to a stranger.

Though I must say I'm getting tired of people blaming the parents whenever someone behaves badly. How long into adulthood do I get to blame my parents for my problems? When do I have to start taking responsibility for my own actions? Apparently never. So much for free will.
Lexi is apparently having a sleepy day. She has been asleep since 12pm it's now 8.15pm and she's woken twice briefly to eat and then gone back to sleep. Wonder what this means for tonight??
She might be OK. If it's a one-off the routine shouldn't be mixed up too badly. She may wake up an extra time or want to play in the middle of the night but hopefully it will not be too rough on you.

I do tend to wake up DD if she is sleeping too long in the afternoon for that reason though. I know they say not to wake a sleeping baby but I will if I feel it is better for her. I feel uncomfortable if the times between feeds goes on too long. But as I said, I think you should be OK. Fingers crossed!
She slept surprisingly well. Have her a bottle at 8.30pm and she slept till 3am then again till 6.45am.
I'm glad her routine wasn't upset by her sleepy day. Some days we're just tired, I guess. And babies grow so fast. Must be hard work.
We did it yay!!!! I just hope it's not a fluke!!! Little man has been going through a growth spurt the past 2weeks so his night routine of 7-8hours between bottles went out the window....friday night he slept 7 and a half hours...last night...9hours!! Had his bath and bottle at 8 and only just woke for his bottle at 5 yay!! He woke briefly between but only for his dummy! So happy if this means we're finally sleeping through <3
Am I evil that I found great satisfaction in this...??

I had a batchelorette party for my sis in law today. It was kayaking and lunch then we hung out got ready and all went to dinner. I was gone 13 hours! (Cried leaving since I knew how long and it's never been more than a few hours) DH had a horrible day with her and she was a fussy nightmare... no sleep, eating a ton and wouldn't let u put her down without making a scene. (She's also EBF and had only done 2 back to back bottles so this was long for her) Any who, I'm a sahm now and feel like when I say she's had that kind of day it's like oh, ok! Think he will have a greater appreciate for my exhaustion now... except that I'm already up again feeding at 330 am while he sleeps! Lol

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