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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

These babies are growing so fast!
Lyle is now 12lb 14, 10weeks and still in 0-3!
They are aren't they! Getting Taylor weighed next Wednesday...that'll be 2wks since he was last weighed and he was 10lb 14oz xxxx
Layla is about 11lb10oz and almost 8 weeks old
These babies are growing so fast!
Lyle is now 12lb 14, 10weeks and still in 0-3!

I think length has some effect on the size needed. I keep getting comments on how long DD is or how she is "all legs". Her torso is long too though as even her 3 month body suits look really stretched-out on her. But girth wise she would be OK so her shirts and pants still fit though the 6 month versions fit OK too. Her size 6 month shorts don't fall off even if they're still very billowy on her.

I just wish DD would develop a pattern at night. She hasn't really been STTN yet but more and more she gets up at 5:30 for her 'night' feed but still reverts to her 3am night feed from time to time. I'm finding that those two hours makes all the difference between a good day and bad day. She falls asleep again for 4 hours each time so wake up is then either 7:30 or 9:30. Last night she got up at 3 and I'm so cranky and exhausted. Yesterday, she got up at 5:30 and I woke up on my own before she did and didn't need a nap in the afternoon so could use the quiet time to work on some projects. Also had the energy to get loads of chores done.

I think part of the problem is when she wakes up a 3am I am then later woken up by my husband's alarm at 5:30 so my sleep is broken. When she wakes up at 5:30 we're all up at the same time and I've had the 5 to 6 hours of solid sleep leading into that rather than 3 to 4 hours followed by broken sleep.
Lexi is long and all chunk. 10weeks 2 days today and 14lb 2 oz. that puts her in 91st percentile for weight.
Defiantly agree with the length of them changes the size, Lyle is really long and not got any baby fat.
He has thrush in his mouth though :( so got some medicine to clear it up
HELP!!! have you dtd yet and if so when? I still have zero desire.. He "tried" again and I stopped him. I just feel gross and I'm so not comfortable with myself pp (still being 20 lbs up from before) and it has turned into a fight with him trying to say he feels that it's him and he can't understand that I'm just not ready. PLUS she's In her car seat on couch not strapped in... we were getting ready to leave.
First time he tried I had just fed and put her down, it was 11 30 pm I was beat and my dsd was in the next room. Really? These are the times you try? It's been a few hours and we are barely speaking.. I'll ask a question and get 1 word answers if anything.

Sorry, needed to vent!!!
Sarah. :hugs:

About 3 weeks PP both times. :dohh:
But everyone is different. You only had a baby a few months ago, he should remember that. :hugs:
Haven't dtd yet! Partly because Arthur won't sleep if I'm not there, but still the result is the same.
Your OH needs to understand that you're not feeling ready and that it's NORMAL. Sure, other women have had sex by now, but this is one situation where you cannot compare yourself to others. Try finding articles aimed at new fathers that talk about it, I know my OH has read a few.
Haven't DTD yet, I just please him in other ways lol
My DH is fine with it. He understands , it'll come again once you're ready. :)
Found an article and made him read it since it was all too perfect...

Growth spurts can go and DIE

just finished a round of mastitis, to hit a growth spurt. so painfully engorged! she spent 2 days feeding every 45 minutes, then dropped to every 3, with a 7 hour night time stretch. anyone else get this with growth spurts?
I don't BF but find that LO will eat like a glutton for a couple of days and will then have a really sleepy couple of days napping all day and 6 hour stretches at night.
Gaves I was about 3weeks after to, but as fleur said you can't compare yourself to anyone else here! It's when you feel ready x
We DTD at 6 weeks and again yesterday too bloody tired all the time for sex at the minute. Only managed it yesterday cos hubby was asking when and why so long and I pointed out he only tries it on when we head to bed at night. I fall asleep roughly 5 seconds after my head hits the pillow so he's out of luck if he wants it then :D
We have dtd but nowhere near as much as before! We were at it everyday before baby was born but now twice a week is a good week lol. As PP said there others ways to please him, I dont bother to do them, if hes in the mood and Im not he goes for a long shower and sorts himself out ;) sooo many times hes told me Ive fallen asleep AGAIN and thats what hes had to do haha I dont mind, saves me a job.... Quite literally hahahaha xx
I finally got the courage to DTD again and it went just fine in spite of my tear but then the next day AF started. :dohh: And THEN I caught a stomach bug. And last night DH started to complain about a sour stomach so we'll see when we do it again. My stomach bug was bad though--I never felt sick so never really took care of myself. I had uncontrollable BMs and even had one in public :oops::oops::oops: and now I don't think my DH will ever see my as a viable partner again. :cry: And I figure it was a bug because DS had nasty, nasty diapers and, yeah, DH is starting to feel ill too. Though I did read that forceps deliveries can damage the muscles there and then I'd need surgery to repair the damage. Darn that Google!

I was reading that linked article and it's interesting and I do think men need to understand our physical limitations in the beginning. But I do think it's unfair to expect them to go months on end without anything. There's got to be a way to find compromise. With both of my children I told DH that I made no promises before my post natal appointment 8 weeks after the birth and even then I would stress that he might not be able to 'finish' in me the first time but that I would promise to take care of him either way. We had a similar agreement for after my miscarriages. Actually, the first time after my miscarriages and section with my son hurt more than this time and I had a forceps delivery!

I do think the advice on getting men to help more around the house or help their wives have quiet time is beneficial. The more men stubbornly act like the baby is the "woman's job" then the less sex they'll get.
To be fair id like to have a lot more sex than we're having and I do feel bad for DH, he's being really patient about it i just think he doesn't understand the full on tiredness and why I'm crashing as soon as I hit the pillow :D

Have suggested a few more nooners may be the solution to keep us both satisfied LOL!

On a desperate topic we got the invite today for Lexis 2nd round of vaccinations so we're back at the docs next Wednesday so I can feel like in torturing her again :(
The last couple if days Lexi has discovered my hair and is having great fun grabbing chunks of it and refusing to let go.

It's not long enough to tie back yet so any advice?
Wannabe can you pin it back with curby grips?

I think I'm the only one that wants to have sex all the time :blush: :haha:!

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