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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

I'm the same when Taylor goes to his dad's and plays up :') they don't realise how hard it actually is until they experience it alone themselves!! I'd say well done molly!! :') he might be hesitant to do it again but it's good that he's seen its not all a walk in the park xxxx
Was over at the I laws yesterday and FIL who is really uncomfortable around babies kept calling my LO "it"

"It's quite big isn't it" and so on.

Think I wore my teeth down from all the grinding!
Oh god idve ended up either saying something or punching him in the face :') I was bad enough when I was still pregnant and people called him it!! :') xxxx
annoying when people call your lo it or she or the baba

she has a name grr
Sorry ladies I need a rant...you're more than welcome to have your own opinion on it as it does seem to be a touchy subject when it comes to this...Taylor is 11+4 now and last night I gave him a little bit of baby rice before bed...I did this because he had 3x7oz bottles in 3hours and was not settling...he was still hungry...but he's on hungry baby milk...I only gave him 2baby spoons as recommended by my sister who weaned her first at 10wks (she's now 7years old and is perfectly fine) my mum weaned all 5 of us when we were 8weeks as they didn't really say much about it then apparently...Taylor settled straight after it with a huge smile on his face and had NO problem at all while eating it...he fell asleep 10mins later!! Now someone on facebook was asking about it as they know that SOMETIMES hv recommend it a little earlier (not often but I've known it to happen) so I commented saying it's down to your own judgement but they do say 4-6months but I just tried it and Taylor was fine and has finally settled...I just got a really nasty comment back off of someone saying "it's far too early, you've done wrong, should've offered more milk" etc. I had explained that he had 21oz of hungry baby milk in 3hours but they are still saying I'm wrong in doing so...but not long ago someone posted saying that her hv had recommended it for some reason I can't remember and cannot find the post and nobody really laid into that lady...so why me?! Yes I get that he's only 11+4 but nothing else would work and I was close to breaking point! Im a single mum and have nobody around to help really...I'm not exactly going to start weaning him onto proper baby food...it was 2baby spoons of baby rice for christ sake...I don't think idve managed tonight without a breakdown if I hadn't tried it...but now I feel like a bad mum who's done wrong because I've given it him early...its not going to happen all the time...my mum has suggested when he's extra hungry like tonight to try it...is what I've done really that bad?! I've just given him what he wanted and settled him...I didn't do it to be one of those mums that want to rush him onto food...it was a last resort and I couldn't think of anything else...he didn't want to cuddle and the milk just wasn't filling him enough :/ has anyone else experienced this? With our may babies or previous lo's? Opinions are welcome its just that the lady that was commenting on fb did comment on the hv recommended nicely!

Sorry about the long post Xxxx
the issue is that baby's tummy is not developed enough for solids. introduction very early increases the risk of allergies, food intolerances, and digestive issues later on in life. it's a long explanation of inflammatory processeses, but that's what it boils down to. there may be other reasons that your son is looking for more, besides hunger. silent reflux, gas, or even a strong sucking drive all make a baby seem much hungrier than they actually are. I personally, would wait until the recommended age.
I don't think 2 baby spoons of rice will do lasting damage but wouldn't suggest giving any more till at least 4 months if you can.

Does your baby have a dummy? He might have been comfort sucking rather than hungry, I would also suggest contacting your HV if eating that much in such a short period of time is common to see if they have any advice for you.

As mentioned earlier it could be a number of issues rather than hunger that is causing your LO to eat so much.

Chin up! You will always get strong opinions pro and con for anything you do for your baby that goes against the official guidelines. You have to do what you feel is right based on your experiences and the medical advice you get from someone who has seen your baby.
I would discontinue the rice until at least 4 months especially in a bottle, major choking hazard. Your LO is about to hit the 12 week growth spurt and I believe the large amounts of eating is normal. My DS was the same for a while and then went back to eating normally. It could also be other factors such as simply wanting to suck or reflux. If you are concerned he is not consuming enough perhaps speak to your pediatrician.

Sorry someone on Facebook made you feel crummy. :hugs:
Thanks ladies :) yeah he has a dummy but he was having none of it...I literally tried EVERYTHING but to no luck...I can understand the thing about allergies completely and everything else and its not that I'm starting him on it every night...I wouldn't do that yet :) like I say it was a last resort after id tried everything else he had that at 8 last night then slept til 2 had a bottle then slept til half 7 so he seems his normal self now laughing and smiling away...not affected his routine in any way :) I think I'll take my mums advice on using it if he gets like that again...but not unless he does...it was literally a case of as soon as he'd drained the bottle he'd scream the place down...he's never been like that before...

I know there are people who have strong opinions and I'm happy to receive them but not in the way she gave it...especially when just the other week she was praising someone on it because they'd got recommendation...xxxx
Thanks ladies :) yeah he has a dummy but he was having none of it...I literally tried EVERYTHING but to no luck...I can understand the thing about allergies completely and everything else and its not that I'm starting him on it every night...I wouldn't do that yet :) like I say it was a last resort after id tried everything else he had that at 8 last night then slept til 2 had a bottle then slept til half 7 so he seems his normal self now laughing and smiling away...not affected his routine in any way :) I think I'll take my mums advice on using it if he gets like that again...but not unless he does...it was literally a case of as soon as he'd drained the bottle he'd scream the place down...he's never been like that before...

I know there are people who have strong opinions and I'm happy to receive them but not in the way she gave it...especially when just the other week she was praising someone on it because they'd got recommendation...xxxx

honestley dont beat yourself up about it, been a parent is bloody hard work and you have to do what you think is right, DD was weaned around 14 weeks she had real bad reflux and refused point blank to drink any milk so we had no option and was agreed by pediatrician, looks like we will have to do the same with Oliver too hes at the point becasue of his cmpa and reflux where he is drinking bear minimum of milk, personally i would avoid rice though it serves no nutritional benefit at all and to be frank tastes like wet cardboard, use baby porridge and fruit and vegetables at least he will be getting nutrition for it, little man had his first taste of apple and ham sandwhich courtesy of DD at the weekend!
Thanks ladies :) yeah he has a dummy but he was having none of it...I literally tried EVERYTHING but to no luck...I can understand the thing about allergies completely and everything else and its not that I'm starting him on it every night...I wouldn't do that yet :) like I say it was a last resort after id tried everything else he had that at 8 last night then slept til 2 had a bottle then slept til half 7 so he seems his normal self now laughing and smiling away...not affected his routine in any way :) I think I'll take my mums advice on using it if he gets like that again...but not unless he does...it was literally a case of as soon as he'd drained the bottle he'd scream the place down...he's never been like that before...

I know there are people who have strong opinions and I'm happy to receive them but not in the way she gave it...especially when just the other week she was praising someone on it because they'd got recommendation...xxxx

honestley dont beat yourself up about it, been a parent is bloody hard work and you have to do what you think is right, DD was weaned around 14 weeks she had real bad reflux and refused point blank to drink any milk so we had no option and was agreed by pediatrician, looks like we will have to do the same with Oliver too hes at the point becasue of his cmpa and reflux where he is drinking bear minimum of milk, personally i would avoid rice though it serves no nutritional benefit at all and to be frank tastes like wet cardboard, use baby porridge and fruit and vegetables at least he will be getting nutrition for it, little man had his first taste of apple and ham sandwhich courtesy of DD at the weekend!
Thanks sweetie :) if it does come to starting early for me I'll give porridge a go instead then :)
Aww!! Bless him haha xxxx
Thanks ladies :) yeah he has a dummy but he was having none of it...I literally tried EVERYTHING but to no luck...I can understand the thing about allergies completely and everything else and its not that I'm starting him on it every night...I wouldn't do that yet :) like I say it was a last resort after id tried everything else he had that at 8 last night then slept til 2 had a bottle then slept til half 7 so he seems his normal self now laughing and smiling away...not affected his routine in any way :) I think I'll take my mums advice on using it if he gets like that again...but not unless he does...it was literally a case of as soon as he'd drained the bottle he'd scream the place down...he's never been like that before...

I know there are people who have strong opinions and I'm happy to receive them but not in the way she gave it...especially when just the other week she was praising someone on it because they'd got recommendation...xxxx

honestley dont beat yourself up about it, been a parent is bloody hard work and you have to do what you think is right, DD was weaned around 14 weeks she had real bad reflux and refused point blank to drink any milk so we had no option and was agreed by pediatrician, looks like we will have to do the same with Oliver too hes at the point becasue of his cmpa and reflux where he is drinking bear minimum of milk, personally i would avoid rice though it serves no nutritional benefit at all and to be frank tastes like wet cardboard, use baby porridge and fruit and vegetables at least he will be getting nutrition for it, little man had his first taste of apple and ham sandwhich courtesy of DD at the weekend!
Thanks sweetie :) if it does come to starting early for me I'll give porridge a go instead then :)
Aww!! Bless him haha xxxx

i remember with DD i thought you had to start with rice and i tasted it from that day forward i vowed if im not prepared to eat it i cant expect her too lol hence i moved to porridge and fruit and veg lol ive today just made a batch of purees up and froze them mainly peach and nectarine because there in season so taste lovely and come a couple of weeks down the line they wont be :) x
Lmao I thought you had to start with rice too but if I can use porridge instead if he's not settling I'll do that :) I'm hoping he won't get like last night again for another few weeks really but if he does and ends up hungry after thst much milk again I might have to...it settled him right down and he seemed to enjoy it haha! Like I said not doing it to wean him early it was just cos he was hungry :') on box I've noticed it says 4month though not 6...xxxx
Lmao I thought you had to start with rice too but if I can use porridge instead if he's not settling I'll do that :) I'm hoping he won't get like last night again for another few weeks really but if he does and ends up hungry after thst much milk again I might have to...it settled him right down and he seemed to enjoy it haha! Like I said not doing it to wean him early it was just cos he was hungry :') on box I've noticed it says 4month though not 6...xxxx

bless him its a lot to drink in short space but he wouldnt of drank it if he didint want it, alot of the 1st stage things say 4months because the official line is as close to 6 months as you can however they say not before 17 weeks, but some medical proffesionals will recomend before in cases like severe reflux like what happened with my DD and also looking that way with DS, DD was a completley different baby once on solids and actually started gaining weight which was a massive weight off our shoulders x
I feel like such a mean mommy today. Took Lexi to get her 12 week shots this morning, she screamed and looked at me with such a sad face then she's been really restless and sad all day.

Have finally got her to take a nap by giving her a little teddy bear which she's clinging onto like her life depends in it.
In my mom's day she was told to start introducing solids at 3 months and at school there was always "that one kid" with allergies. It just was not common. Neither was obesity or diabetes. If my baby was that hungry I'd be desperate enough to try food too. I have a friend who introduced solids that early because her DD was starting to nurse every hour and would need a bottle in between those feeds on top of that...and that went on for a week or so. I'm not in other people's shoes so I can't judge.

Wannabe - poor Lexi. Hope she bounces back soon.

afm - DD had her check up yesterday and sure enough, the doctor commented on her flat head. The doctor was filling in for our regular one so she doesn't know DS had plagio as well. I'm so scared about the follow up appointment with the regular doctor. I'm so scared he will think I'm a negligent mother and call social services on me. :cry: I've been doing all the exercises and holding her on different sides, etc, to prevent flat head and it still happened!! :nope: I'm going to have to prop her on her side in bed. I'm nervous doing it but desperate times....

Other than that, her appointment went well. She recovered quick from the vaccinations and was back to her usual self pretty much right away. She is now over 12 pounds and 24 inches long. Her weight is just above the 50th percentile, her length the 85th and her head the 97th! :haha: (big heads run in the family :blush:)
Aw bless! I wouldn't worry starry! My sisters dd is the same...they won't call ss on you they haven't her...Some things can't be helped :) he seems more settled tonight and he's not had any :)! He's having a bath just after 7 and is due a bottle just before 8 then we're going to bed so he can have an early night and I can watch lord of the rings and eat ben and jerrys half baked icecream with my duvet :) xxxx
Starry, I doubt they would call ss on you for that. Just explain to your doctor what you've been doing to attempt preventing it... mothers who are negligent don't care when things like that happen and you clearly do!

Arthur has been insatiable too! Two nights ago he woke up so frequently to nurse that I only managed to sleep 2.5hours. I'm thinking that it must be the 3 months growth spurt. The heat doesn't help, and we've got plumbing issues so I can't give him a bath to cool him down a bit.
Thanks, ladies. DH is reminding me that our doctor is not that type of doctor. He's a little quick to jump the gun on some things, IMO, (our son is now in line to be tested for autism and that is just not an issue...he just caught DS on a bad day) but it also means that he listens to our concerns and will get things checked out if we want. Overall, I'm happy with our children's doctor. I just get paranoid sometimes because I've heard enough horror stories about SS and people calling them on parents for the most random things.
i love reading updates!

lo is due her jabs next week :(

she is also now in cloth now she fits in them

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