thats one of the things im getting when i go shopping, i dont use baby rice just fruit and veg and porridge, with DD once she hit 6 months we added full ffat to all meals so butter cream she eat full fat greek yog by the bucket load but I wont be able to do that with DS :/ x
growth spurt around 16 weeks?
Lyle has been sleeping tons & not having as much milk?
Does anyone else find milestones stressful? DD is just starting to show the beginnings of reaching but still isn't very good at it. I feel like she should be grabbing toys better by now. And she's not close to rolling yet. She's technically a June baby so I can't compare her to the early May babies but I stress.
DS has been behind on everything and now we're waiting to get him assessed for developmental delays. We've had to pretty much force him into everything. Every stage has been so much work and I'm starting to get the "wait, he's how old?" from people.
Oh good lord the squealing has to end! All day today if she's happy,sad,tired,wants the toy over there, wants to roll over, is hungry...... All of it has been communicated via squeal!
Any idea if this is a forever thing or just temporary?