May Emeralds 2014! :)

i worry too :hugs:
happy 6 weeks :happydance:

finally got s booking appointment woooooo
JLeeCT - Hugs. It is so normal to feel afraid at times, especially if this is your first pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones do a havoc on our emotions as well as body. It's exactly what we want to get our sweet baby, & worth it, but it is not easy either. The first trimester can be testy, hang in there.
Hey ladies! I haven't had internet for awhile. How is everyone doing?

I have been unbelievably sick these last few weeks. I wish it was just "morning sickness". I could barely get out of bed at all yesterday. It seems like all that I do these days is sleep and throw up. It'll totally be worth it in the long run, though.

I have my first appointment with a midwife on October 10. I am so nervous about it. I do not like doctors/people touching me and I have a needle phobia. Hah. My boyfriend is going with me to the appointment. We're super excited to see the heartbeat!

Hope everyone is doing well! :hugs2:
Phantom - I hope you feel better soon.

Good luck with your Ultrasound tomorrow.

JLeeCT - I know exactly how you feel! I guess if you are not bleeding, not in any serious pain etc then everything is progressing as it should, if you are ever unsure, POAS :winkwink: I would highly recommend a fetal doppler, helped me loads with reassurance with my first pregnancy, thinking of getting another one this time round.

Magicwhisper - Yay for your booking appointment :yipee:

Stargazer - Welcome to the thread and Congratulations.

Perseids - Hope you feel better soon :hugs:
has anyone told friends/family yet? We have told a few friend who knew we were trying but no none else. Hubby is really wanting to tell people but i'm hesitant which is wierd because with our two olders we told people after peeing on the stick. Having older children (7 &5) adds a whole different level of complication to this...
Stargazer - We have told close family and a few close friends.
Hi ladies hoping to join you in here! wanted to wait until I had my first scan.

been a long road to conceive this baby DD1 was IVF and so is this pregnancy, had my scan on Monday which revealed we are having TWINS still in shock and don't quite believe its happening to us but thrilled and on:cloud9: at the same time :D

as it stands my due date is 6th may, however apparntley they don't let you go over 38 weeks but joining the group on which my due date is as I don't know actual hospital policy on multiples!

symptoms wise have had really bad tiredness from pretty much 4weeks! and nausea kicked in at 5 weeks if I wake feeling sick I have it all day not been physically sick that often :/

look forward to sharing the journey with you all :D
Rosie - Welcome to thread and Congratulations on your twins, how exciting! :D
we've told family and close, friends. my work has already figured it out.

Rosie: congrats on twins! how exciting!
hi girls,

can you please take me off the may due date list? I am misscarying.


thanks for everything girls
Hi everyone! I passed the 8 week mark yesterday and feel like time is moving so slowly. I have no appetite and get terrible heartburn at night that is so bad I sometimes throw up. I can't believe I have to wait three more weeks for my next ultrasound.

Does anyone else feel constantly nervous that the pregnancy will fail? I am terrified that the baby will stop growing or that I will miscarry even though everything I read tells me that once you hear a heartbeat those odds decrease every day. It's my very first pregnancy and it took me a while to get here (I have PCOS and used Clomid/IUI) so I think I am just extra anxious.:cry:

Anyone have advice or kind words?

I feel exactly the way you do. I saw my babies heartbeat at 6 weeks. I have another scan at 8 weeks and I am so nervous something will go wrong. This is my first baby too. We TTC for almost 2 years and got pregnant from IVF.

I don't have much advice as I'm in your shoes. I guess we both have to have faith everything will be alright. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm here if you want to chat. :hugs:
Jlee and Layla I feel the same.

Mines an IVF baby too.

I got this today at 5+2 yay! So pleased. Reassured the spotting was nothing now. Looking forward to my scan a week Thursday at 7 weeks!!
Hi ladies hoping to join you in here! wanted to wait until I had my first scan.

been a long road to conceive this baby DD1 was IVF and so is this pregnancy, had my scan on Monday which revealed we are having TWINS still in shock and don't quite believe its happening to us but thrilled and on:cloud9: at the same time :D

as it stands my due date is 6th may, however apparntley they don't let you go over 38 weeks but joining the group on which my due date is as I don't know actual hospital policy on multiples!

symptoms wise have had really bad tiredness from pretty much 4weeks! and nausea kicked in at 5 weeks if I wake feeling sick I have it all day not been physically sick that often :/

look forward to sharing the journey with you all :D

Congratulations on twins Hun :happydance: lucky lucky lady. But deserving after IVF xxxx
Congrats 4mags! That is reassuring. Glad all is well!

Hi Rosie!
I love the baby bump pics :D, i wont have a decent baby bump probably until 12 weeks, im a heavy girl as it is so once my belly rounds out some i will take a pic :)

So excited to make this thread!! All momma's due in May are welcome to come and chat about pregnancy's up's and down's! We're here to support each other and commiserate together :haha: Come find your bump buddies and congrats everyone!!

:happydance::flower:List of May Momma's to be!! :flower::happydance:

May 1

May 3

May 4

May 5

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

May 11

May 12

May 13

May 14

May 15

May 16

May 18

May 19

May 22

May 24

May 25

May 28

All team yellow until December/January!! :yellow:

Got my :bfp: August 22 :)
Anyone wanna be bump buddies and track our pregnancies??

I'm having a lot of symptoms (cramping, sore boobs, nausea, cravings, headaches, exhaustion, cranky, food aversion, lots of CM, etc) and have our first doctor's appointment on Monday to check blood levels!


Also, teacup made us a special signature for MAY BABIES!!! Thanks girl!! Congrats again everyone!! Here’s the URL:

(remove the *s)
can you put me for the 29th :)
Mimi, so sorry for your loss.

I won't be around much for awhile. Between the toddler and the constant MS, my free time is spent sleeping.

Congrats and welcome to all the new ladies!
I had my scan today! I had a student doing it though and she was pretty horrible. She made me put the internal probe in myself, then dropped it, made me put it back in after it had been on the floor. The picture isn't very good because she clearly wasn't putting it in far enough at all. But I saw the heartbeat which is all that matters! I had a horrible nightmare last night about going to my scan and them telling me there's no need to do the scan and I looked down and I was covered in blood. I am so relieved!!

Heartbeat was 122. Is that about where it should be? Ive never had a scan this early so I don't know.
She made you do it??? After it was on the floor??? I would have complained, i have been a student nurse before and we would ahve been in huge trouble for doing something like that!!... As for heart beat that sounds pretty good, maybe a boy for it being on the lower end??? i dont think i will be going for my first scan til at least 12 weeks!!

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