May Emeralds 2014! :)

I wouldn't worry I have had mild period like cramps since I got my bfp on and off I can hardly feel them sometimes
Well I am now baking tons of cakes for mg oh birthday it is a tradition in his work to bring in cakes well of course we have to make 5 5 cakes :dohh:

I can't do the best bit of licking the bowl though :cry: :haha:
I don't remember my first pregnancy being this bad... But I honestly feel like I have no happiness left in me. I just want to cry all the time. I have no appetite. If it weren't for my boobs hurting so badly and me throwing up every day I wouldn't even feel pregnant. My toddler whines, screams, hits, pinches, pulls my hair, and throws things at me all day. And I mean all day! Toys are just for show in our house because he doesn't play with them. My husband is just not supportive or caring in the least bit. Honestly, I don't remember the last time I have felt so low. No friends, no help. I don't understand why this is happening to me.

Family who can help? maybe just for a few hours so you can get some rest?

few more weeks hun and hopefully you'll be feeling better. its better 2nd pregnancy for me this time, but it was awful first time, so i know how you feel :hugs:

have a bath and just get to bed as soon as you can to rest :thumbup::thumbup:
Well I am now baking tons of cakes for mg oh birthday it is a tradition in his work to bring in cakes well of course we have to make 5 5 cakes :dohh:

I can't do the best bit of licking the bowl though :cry: :haha:

Yummy I love baking cakes and especially licking the bowl mmmm ha ha what kind of cakes are you baking Hun
tons of them :rofl:

choc fudge cake, fairy cakes, carrot cake, choc cupcakes, triple choc cupcakes

al my oh idea :rofl: is is getting bored now though :dohh:
StarGazer - Heartburn is horrible! I suffered with sever heartburn with Tyler and I am also suffering from it now! Argh! :(

ProudMomma2be - Congratulations on your BFP :happydance:

Emalou - I'm totally with you on the sneezing! :haha:

Phantom - I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through, we are all here for you :hugs:
Oh I know the sneezing pain. Did it yesterday killed me!!

I'm just exhausted. So tired. Came home, ate dinner, showered and got straight I'm bed. Just thinking constantly about my scan now. Keep dreaming about it. Hope everything is ok.
I love cakes, but now even those don't sounds good. lol Food aversions and MS not a good time. haha
I don't remember my first pregnancy being this bad... But I honestly feel like I have no happiness left in me. I just want to cry all the time. I have no appetite. If it weren't for my boobs hurting so badly and me throwing up every day I wouldn't even feel pregnant. My toddler whines, screams, hits, pinches, pulls my hair, and throws things at me all day. And I mean all day! Toys are just for show in our house because he doesn't play with them. My husband is just not supportive or caring in the least bit. Honestly, I don't remember the last time I have felt so low. No friends, no help. I don't understand why this is happening to me.

So sorry you are having a rough time right now. I know it will pass. The first trimester is the worse. Feeling sick, lonely, exhausted and emotional can not be easy. Especially with the rage of hormones we are having right now! Im fairing well this time but with my 2nd pregnancy I seriously wanted to divorce my OH I was so sick of everything! Im glad I didnt obviously and in hind sight I see a lot of that was just the hormones and my own fears of having another child. As for you toddler mine is the same age and he just spends his days getting into EVERYTHING. So for me I just take away things hes not suppose to be playing with. If hes hitting you, Id take everything away that he can grab to throw and tell him he cant get it back till he learns not to. If he throws a fit no matter about what just dont pay attention. Sometimes they do things because we react, even if its in a negative way. I find myself more frustrated than usual with both of my kids and the things they do but I know this isnt really me and this isnt how I usually feel. Im much more tolerant its just the sickness, hormones and exhaustion. Cheer up it doesnt seem like it but it is going to get better. Tell your OH he needs to help and he needs to give you a break or you are going to lose it. If he doesnt listen then just leave the toddler in the room with him and go lock yourself in the bathroom and take a bath and relax.

If your toddler naps, nap with him. Forget about everything else and just sleep. You need to eat frequent small meals, even if its making you sick. Toast and saltine crackers are great. Loads of water too. Peppermint, ginger ale, ginger snaps (especially snaps for me!) help with morning sickness. There is also a medication the doctor can give that you take once you feel it coming on and its AMAZING. If you let yourself become to hungry you are just going to get sicker. I have no appetite at times and I cant find anything I want to eat but I just force myself too. If I dont Ill be sick all day. Even if the only thing you want to eat is candy or french fries just eat that to get something in you. I hope you feel better soon. Be stern with your toddler AND your husband. They need to be making the situation better not worse.
Phantom: I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.
Going through very similar except that DH is getting more sensitive about it. But that's only because I had a hormonal break down about it :haha:
I feel like the worst mom ever because my almost 2 year old is acting out SO bad. I am to the point where I have very little patience for her. I can't keep up with the house because of how exhausted I am by 11 am, I don't cook much because I can't stand smelling the food, we haven't even had time to get groceries after the wedding, I don't work so I feel like I'm just a burden, the washing machine is broken so all our clothes are dirty, my dd's main form of entertainment is tv and running around the yard.. I thought I'd be a much better mom. DH keeps fighting my negativity saying I'm just being hormonal and I'm a wonderful mom, its just so hard to believe it. You're not alone and I'm glad I'm not either. :) We'll get through it!
For brushing your teeth while nauseous I learned a trick on another thread. While you're brushing your teeth just stick your free hand under running water. I don't know how, but it really, really works. I can use toothpaste and do a proper scrubbing job without gagging once. as soon as I remove my hand from the water I have to spit everything out or I'll gag.
For brushing your teeth while nauseous I learned a trick on another thread. While you're brushing your teeth just stick your free hand under running water. I don't know how, but it really, really works. I can use toothpaste and do a proper scrubbing job without gagging once. as soon as I remove my hand from the water I have to spit everything out or I'll gag.

I must try this, brushing my teeth has been challenging lately.
im tempted to buy paper plates and plastic cutlery just so i dont have to do dishes...

How is everyone today ? Im tired my my DH is starting a new job it's only temporary for Christmas so he is out training today me & my 16 month are going to have mummy time if I don't fall asleep ha ha running after a toddler is so exhausting he has started with tantrums already
hi everyone, sorry been bit distant since first post with working and running round after a 2 year old and been knackered!

I also feel guilty that I tend to be using the tv as a babysitter lately just so I can rest :/

as for teeth brushing that gets me everytime must try the water trick though intrigued to see if it works now!

had my booking appt so just need to wait for my scan date now, I did have some spotting on Tuesday/Wednesday so rang day unit and they want to scan me but thing is they cant see me until Wednesday at the earliest, ive been trying to take comfort in that ive read its very common when carrying twins I just wont realax completely until ive seen my babies on the screen x
Sorry to those having a hard time

I completely understand, im coping really poorly as well.

I have zero motivation to do anything i feel sick all the time and everything is just overwhelming me. No matter what i do theres more and more to do around the house, it sucks.

DD is driving me insane - and i mean *eye twitching insane* i have no patience with her and feel terrible. Tonight id had a gut full and said to dh to just take her and get her ready for bed, i cant deal with her anymore today.

Luckliy DH has been pretty good, its hard cause hes not here alot because of work.

Im not doing this again. As much as im glad to be pregnant, 2 will be it for us. I cant imagine doing this agin with two kids to look after, hurry up 2nd tri so i can feel half decent again

Phantom, I hope that your husband starts helping you more (definitely speak up, I know I'm sometimes bad about assuming my husband knows what I need but he needs me to tell him). You will feel better, and just hang in there, and like daddiesgift said, keep trying to eat and nap when your toddler naps, that will help you feel a little better. My daughter (18 months) threw an epic tantrum at the store the other day, and it was the grocery store trip from hell, but she is still learning, she's young, so just try to be patient and firm, and do your best. Maybe find a play group in the area when you are feeling a bit better to bring him to, that always gets out some energy for my daughter. I hope you are feeling better, and we're here for you.
My other half is being fantastic. Last night he basically put me to bed, have me a massage then went off and did all the house work, laundry and the washing up.

I'm definitely blessed.

I don't have morning sickness. I feel ok when I wake up them it gets to about 11am and I want to throw up. I have lunch sickness. This means I never eat lunch. Argh.

I'm so tired today even after an early night, struggling at work but cherishing every moment.
6 weeks as of yesturday going for my second set of blood tests to make sure my levels are rising!!!

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