I have two older girls 7 and 5. At the begginning of my pregnancy if someone asked me what I wanted gender wise I would say that either would be fun and I thought I believed it. Until I had an ultrasound at 12w1d and there was a little something sticking out in a "potty shot" Now I know based on my reaction that I desperatly want another girl. Yes, obviously I want a healthy baby but I really want a healthy baby GIRL. I didn't think I really cared but apparently I do. I have peed on all sorts of things, done every online gender predictor I can find, googled accuracy of heartrates and gender and googled accuracy of nub theories, skull theories, potty shot theories and every other kind of theory I might come across. I have viewd 100's of ultrasound pics online, read countless blogs, websites and forems. I am literally driving myself insane. The worse part is the guilt I feel about not wanting a little boy, my husband literally lit up when the dr gave her guess...
The wierd thing is I was sure this baby was a girl...It has a fast heart rate, and this pregnancy is EXACTLY like my other two, when and how i'm sick, cravings ect. I desperatly want to go somewhere at 16 weeks and pay to find out...
I know i'm being silly, I know that having a boy would be fun and different and exciting..I know most of this is horimones...I know it still could be a girl. But I feel like all my excitement with this pregnacy is gone. I no longer look at little clothes, boy or girl, I don't dream, I don't do anything and that makes me feel guilty and horrible. I know that these are the things that your not "supposed" to say and feel but I do. And other than "get over it" i'm not sure what to do.
I know that when I do know for sure I will get over any dissapointment and be excited about this baby, this baby is wanted and loved and I know that its more than gender. I'm just struggling right now and didn't really know who to share this with.