Yesss ewcm!! Usually get this for two days before my positive opk! Yayy!!! Lol
Over 20 million swimmers (that's the only amount they check for) and over 70% motility. IUI went in well. FX'd for A BABY!
Claudia- that's a lot of follies! Is your biggest 14mm? Did they say what's the size of the other follies? I usually have 2 dominant follies close to ovulation. Will they continue with iui with so many follies?
Over 20 million swimmers (that's the only amount they check for) and over 70% motility. IUI went in well. FX'd for A BABY!
I had my cd21 bloods today and I have ovulated So neta next Saturday!
Over 20 million swimmers (that's the only amount they check for) and over 70% motility. IUI went in well. FX'd for A BABY!
Positive opk today!!! Tomorrow is go time wooo
Positive opk today!!! Tomorrow is go time wooo
Positive opk today!!! Tomorrow is go time wooo
Positive opk today!!! Tomorrow is go time wooo
Positive opk today!!! Tomorrow is go time wooo
Yay so excited for you!!! Fx'd!!!
Wantjust1more- sorry you feeling so crappy. Could be a good thing, but could also just be normal. I hope its positive for you! I'm 9dpo/9dptrigger and 8dpiui. I can officially say that the trigger is out of my system but I've been a crazy lady trying to analyze tests! I've probably tested 3 times today! Dh says he sees nothing on the tests, but I have line eye! Crazy I tell you! I'm actually looking forward to af, I can't take how obsessed I've become! No tests for me next cycle!!!