May IUI's!!

Hi please can I join?

I'm on cd 5 doing my 3 rd attempt of iui this month guessing 24 th may.

Clomid, prognova to thicken lining, scans from day 8 -natural ovulation and iui day after positive test. Progesterone pessaries after and weekly acupuncture x

hi Lazydaisys and welcome to the group!:hugs:
I'm so very sorry for your losses ladies.. I have never been pregnant or had a loss, but I can't even wrap my head around how I would deal with such a terrible experience. I commend you ladies to be able to move forward and keep trying for your baby. You both are very strong and are in my prayers. Hoping you get a bfp and have a h&h 9 months very soon!!!!
Hi please can I join?

I'm on cd 5 doing my 3 rd attempt of iui this month guessing 24 th may.

Clomid, prognova to thicken lining, scans from day 8 -natural ovulation and iui day after positive test. Progesterone pessaries after and weekly acupuncture x

Welcome :wave:

I was on Clomid myself this cycle, tracked my ovulation with opk as well and had an IUI on Monday.

Wishing you lots of luck!!
Hi ladies!

Hoping it's okay that I join in. I tried to get caught up today as I was resting after my IUI. This month is IUI #2 with Gonal F and Ovidrel trigger. I had one good follie at 20mm and hubbies count was up to 23 mill post wash from 12 mill post wash last month. Those numbers have made me hopeful! I'm actually going in tomorrow for another IUI and then accupuncture.

As I've caught up on some of your stories my heart aches for you. I know the love and deep desire I have for a baby I've never had so I can't even imagine the pain and grieving you have been through. Hoping and praying for a happy May for us all!
Hi ladies!

Hoping it's okay that I join in. I tried to get caught up today as I was resting after my IUI. This month is IUI #2 with Gonal F and Ovidrel trigger. I had one good follie at 20mm and hubbies count was up to 23 mill post wash from 12 mill post wash last month. Those numbers have made me hopeful! I'm actually going in tomorrow for another IUI and then accupuncture.

As I've caught up on some of your stories my heart aches for you. I know the love and deep desire I have for a baby I've never had so I can't even imagine the pain and grieving you have been through. Hoping and praying for a happy May for us all!

Welcome :wave:

Sending lots of baby dust your way :dust:
Hi ladies!

Hoping it's okay that I join in. I tried to get caught up today as I was resting after my IUI. This month is IUI #2 with Gonal F and Ovidrel trigger. I had one good follie at 20mm and hubbies count was up to 23 mill post wash from 12 mill post wash last month. Those numbers have made me hopeful! I'm actually going in tomorrow for another IUI and then accupuncture.

As I've caught up on some of your stories my heart aches for you. I know the love and deep desire I have for a baby I've never had so I can't even imagine the pain and grieving you have been through. Hoping and praying for a happy May for us all!

Welcome! Good luck to you
My digi said "not pregnant".. I'll be hibernating.. I can't take this.

Don't lose hope... I'm in the same boat like tube it's not over yet!

Thank you.. I really appreciate you all.

You have one tube too??

Yep lost our baby last year etopic at 7 weeks 3 days ... Was rush to the er cause it had ruptured and they had to take the tube right tube. This is our first month trying injectables and iui. I'm at 4 days past iui. We have no kids been married 2 years.

I lost our set of twins Aug of 2011.. Miscarried one, they thought i was only 6 weeks when we went in for the ultrasound, when they didn't see one, i started bleeding right away. Doc said "in the next 48 hours, you'll pass the baby".. They gave me a medical bag in case i caught it while bleeding.. I sat on the Toilet at home crying, cramping, bleeding, my mom rushed to where i live to help me.. I finally passed the baby, i was further along than they thought.. I saw the nubs, the head.. Looked like an alien.. I held my baby crying asking why why WHY.. I put my baby in the medical bag and had to freeze it.. So yes, he/she was in my freezer.. Took my baby to the doctor to get sent to the autopsy unit.. I mourned for a week... Like a normal mother would, after losing a child..
While i was sitting in church, a week later from the miscarriage.. i felt the pain, a stabbing pain.. When i went to the bathroom there was so much blood.. As soon as i walked out, i passed out in the hallway, when i woke up i was in the ER, levels were rising but not doubling.. They could not find any baby.. I was so upset not knowing what was happening... They Rushed me into the operating room and when i woke up, i remember asking the nurse what had happened.. She said "you had another baby stuck in your tube, we removed your tube and your baby as well"... I was so depressed, i could not stand life..

Not one, but two!! I asked why even get pregnant? To go through suffering, who would do this? Where did i go wrong?...
Worst pain I've ever felt..

Im sorry for your pain. Especially the trama you had to deal with after to get to closure. We had alerted the Dr office a week before it happened that we had spotting.. the midwife dismiss it. the day i was rush to the ER i was in the Dr office and she assured me the baby is ok. put the sono machine and showed me the baby moving. Even tho I told her i was in a pain level of 8 or 9 she sentme home..That was 1 pm at 7 Pm the Pain was beyond bearing. My husband to me to the ER and the technician said as soon as she saw me she knew what was happening. they baby had already died and I had internal bleeding. If i had gone untreated we would of died. I have changed doctors. and hospital. what pissed me off is they should of paid attention. I feel like I need to know their job. Had no Idea what to expect cause we were never pregnant before. I didnt know what is normal and what is not. SO now Im research everything. My I knew things wasnt right and my husband said also trust the Dr. office. Now he trust my feeling on this. They could of prevent the tube loss if was taken care of a week earlier when I called them. This hospital policy is I have to see the midwife before seeing the doctor.

omg thats ridiculous. im so sorry that you had such a horrible experience like that. its so scary because we have to trust them to some point because theyre the drs but we KNOW our bodies as well.

It is rediculous.. And we can't do anything about it.. And honestly I don't have the energy to keep reliving it
My digi said "not pregnant".. I'll be hibernating.. I can't take this.

Don't lose hope... I'm in the same boat like tube it's not over yet!

Thank you.. I really appreciate you all.

You have one tube too??

Yep lost our baby last year etopic at 7 weeks 3 days ... Was rush to the er cause it had ruptured and they had to take the tube right tube. This is our first month trying injectables and iui. I'm at 4 days past iui. We have no kids been married 2 years.

I lost our set of twins Aug of 2011.. Miscarried one, they thought i was only 6 weeks when we went in for the ultrasound, when they didn't see one, i started bleeding right away. Doc said "in the next 48 hours, you'll pass the baby".. They gave me a medical bag in case i caught it while bleeding.. I sat on the Toilet at home crying, cramping, bleeding, my mom rushed to where i live to help me.. I finally passed the baby, i was further along than they thought.. I saw the nubs, the head.. Looked like an alien.. I held my baby crying asking why why WHY.. I put my baby in the medical bag and had to freeze it.. So yes, he/she was in my freezer.. Took my baby to the doctor to get sent to the autopsy unit.. I mourned for a week... Like a normal mother would, after losing a child..
While i was sitting in church, a week later from the miscarriage.. i felt the pain, a stabbing pain.. When i went to the bathroom there was so much blood.. As soon as i walked out, i passed out in the hallway, when i woke up i was in the ER, levels were rising but not doubling.. They could not find any baby.. I was so upset not knowing what was happening... They Rushed me into the operating room and when i woke up, i remember asking the nurse what had happened.. She said "you had another baby stuck in your tube, we removed your tube and your baby as well"... I was so depressed, i could not stand life..

Not one, but two!! I asked why even get pregnant? To go through suffering, who would do this? Where did i go wrong?...
Worst pain I've ever felt..

Im sorry for your pain. Especially the trama you had to deal with after to get to closure. We had alerted the Dr office a week before it happened that we had spotting.. the midwife dismiss it. the day i was rush to the ER i was in the Dr office and she assured me the baby is ok. put the sono machine and showed me the baby moving. Even tho I told her i was in a pain level of 8 or 9 she sentme home..That was 1 pm at 7 Pm the Pain was beyond bearing. My husband to me to the ER and the technician said as soon as she saw me she knew what was happening. they baby had already died and I had internal bleeding. If i had gone untreated we would of died. I have changed doctors. and hospital. what pissed me off is they should of paid attention. I feel like I need to know their job. Had no Idea what to expect cause we were never pregnant before. I didnt know what is normal and what is not. SO now Im research everything. My I knew things wasnt right and my husband said also trust the Dr. office. Now he trust my feeling on this. They could of prevent the tube loss if was taken care of a week earlier when I called them. This hospital policy is I have to see the midwife before seeing the doctor.

Why does it have to be like that.. Horrible experiences-- pregnancies in general are supposed to be beautiful moments.
I feel like my doctor should have done a D&C, not let me del. the baby like that. I KNOW exactly how you feel. There is a pill they could have given us, MTX that would have done the process, still saving the tube.. I know how you feel and i know how it is being the one tube wonder.

we can't go back in time, all we can do it start fresh and every morning thank god that we are alive, because we lost so much blood. I feel like we went through the same experience but different sides of the body.. So weird..

we will get our rainbow babies. One way or another! :hugs:

Hopefully see I would of been due May 17 which is my birthday so I'm hoping I'm pregnant for my birthday ... Trying to make this some kind of positive
Miraclemaking- I see now that you also suffered a loss. I'm so sorry hun! Hope that you get a great birthday gift and that you are blessed with a bfp! My birthday is 10 days after yours:) hopefully some luck in that! Fx hun!
Welcome Emi & Lazy:) glad we're all in one thread:) fx for this cycle ladies! I'm 13dpo & af should be here on Saturday. Hoping she stays away tho! Any of you ladies experiencing any symptoms? So far I've had a breakout on my face, twinges in my left ovary(last night), a mouth ulcer(omg, it hurts!), af cramps on 6dpo, dizzy on 4&5dpo. And how can I forget, I've been so moody & irritated these past 2 days! While I know that all this could be normal in the tww(or all in my head,lol), I'm trying to be hopeful! Saturday is my beta & I just wish it could come quicker!
New to the group.

A little about me. Today is cd7 and started Gonal F injections on cd5. This is will be IUI #4. The first 3 IUI's were un-medicated and all 3 failed.

I feel very lucky to have a very supportive DH every step of the way and especially since he has been great giving me the injections (don't think I could do it myself).

I'm so happy to have found this group. Although DH is very supportive he doesn't know what changes happens to our bodies and what thoughts go through our heads through this process, so it's really nice to hear from other women that are going through the same thing.

Good luck to everyone.
New to the group.

A little about me. Today is cd7 and started Gonal F injections on cd5. This is will be IUI #4. The first 3 IUI's were un-medicated and all 3 failed.

I feel very lucky to have a very supportive DH every step of the way and especially since he has been great giving me the injections (don't think I could do it myself).

I'm so happy to have found this group. Although DH is very supportive he doesn't know what changes happens to our bodies and what thoughts go through our heads through this process, so it's really nice to hear from other women that are going through the same thing.

Good luck to everyone.

hi gliterbg! welcome and good luck to you! i completely understand. its nice to be among women who understand the madness we go thru :hugs:
Miraclemaking- I see now that you also suffered a loss. I'm so sorry hun! Hope that you get a great birthday gift and that you are blessed with a bfp! My birthday is 10 days after yours:) hopefully some luck in that! Fx hun!

Wild chic Ty :) fx to you too.

So I went in to the doc today to test progesterone and they said it 40 that it looks good. I been taking progesterone gel also. I asked if that can cause it she said not as much.. Any of u have experience with the progesterone test at about 6 days past iui? She says it's a good sign but I doesn't test the pregnancy hormone.
Hey girls!so i've been keeping busy and just relaxing, going for a jog, exercising. etc. I did try to check my cervix and the "nose" that everyone says you're supposed to feel, I felt yesterday, it was high but reachable, and this morning, I couldn't reach it and i didn't want to try to reach any further lol :haha: So I am hoping its a good sign because i know when my period is around the corner, it's low and soft. So FX'd!!!!!! not to mention, my face is doing wonderful!!! :thumbup:

Welcome to everyone who is new to this thread! It's a great one!!!
Miraclemaking- I see now that you also suffered a loss. I'm so sorry hun! Hope that you get a great birthday gift and that you are blessed with a bfp! My birthday is 10 days after yours:) hopefully some luck in that! Fx hun!

Wild chic Ty :) fx to you too.

So I went in to the doc today to test progesterone and they said it 40 that it looks good. I been taking progesterone gel also. I asked if that can cause it she said not as much.. Any of u have experience with the progesterone test at about 6 days past iui? She says it's a good sign but I doesn't test the pregnancy hormone.

No, my doctor hasn't even checked anything yet. They did last cycle and was all good, so i guess they felt they didn't need to do it this cycle.

How are feeling other wise?
Hi ladies!

Hoping it's okay that I join in. I tried to get caught up today as I was resting after my IUI. This month is IUI #2 with Gonal F and Ovidrel trigger. I had one good follie at 20mm and hubbies count was up to 23 mill post wash from 12 mill post wash last month. Those numbers have made me hopeful! I'm actually going in tomorrow for another IUI and then accupuncture.

As I've caught up on some of your stories my heart aches for you. I know the love and deep desire I have for a baby I've never had so I can't even imagine the pain and grieving you have been through. Hoping and praying for a happy May for us all!

Yay you moved over to this thread!!! :happydance:
Miraclemaking- I see now that you also suffered a loss. I'm so sorry hun! Hope that you get a great birthday gift and that you are blessed with a bfp! My birthday is 10 days after yours:) hopefully some luck in that! Fx hun!

Wild chic Ty :) fx to you too.

So I went in to the doc today to test progesterone and they said it 40 that it looks good. I been taking progesterone gel also. I asked if that can cause it she said not as much.. Any of u have experience with the progesterone test at about 6 days past iui? She says it's a good sign but I doesn't test the pregnancy hormone.

No, my doctor hasn't even checked anything yet. They did last cycle and was all good, so i guess they felt they didn't need to do it this cycle.

How are feeling other wise?

Thanks feeling good .. Not a much symptoms tho.
I think it's a positive sign the cervix is high.. I think it's great news for you :)
Miraclemaking- I see now that you also suffered a loss. I'm so sorry hun! Hope that you get a great birthday gift and that you are blessed with a bfp! My birthday is 10 days after yours:) hopefully some luck in that! Fx hun!

Wild chic Ty :) fx to you too.

So I went in to the doc today to test progesterone and they said it 40 that it looks good. I been taking progesterone gel also. I asked if that can cause it she said not as much.. Any of u have experience with the progesterone test at about 6 days past iui? She says it's a good sign but I doesn't test the pregnancy hormone.

No, my doctor hasn't even checked anything yet. They did last cycle and was all good, so i guess they felt they didn't need to do it this cycle.

How are feeling other wise?

Thanks feeling good .. Not a much symptoms tho.
I think it's a positive sign the cervix is high.. I think it's great news for you :)

if i'm feeling it right lol :dance:

I'm hoping!! I got my ticker and counting down the days.. .
Fx for all you ladies! We have a great thread going on and hoping it's a lucky one <3

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