May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Hi aimze,
Yes I have thought of Donor eggs and adoption... But still need info on both. There is a private place about an hour away that claims the shortest donor waiting list. How are u finding the adoption process so far x
Honestly silver adoption is a walk in the park compared to's such a positive experience that each step you take you're closer to your family...

We went to an open evening in July, prep courses aug & sept decision that yes we can go to stage two in oct an now were doing 3 more prep days, weekly social worker visits till jan an feb is our decision month!!

It crazy to think that from our initial enquiry to actually meeting our children could be 9 months!!

Definitely worth attending an open evening, even just for further information xx
Silver, so sorry hun :hugs: I don't know much about donor eggs but I know that you will make the best decision for you.

Aimze, that's so amazing about adoption! My brother and I are both adopted because my parents dealt with infertility and I can't say enough positive things about adoption. Families are made in different ways, but that doesn't make them any less of a family.

Hmommy, great 2nd beta! Keep us posted!
Hmommy-when is your ultrasound scheduled for??

Silver-I would definitely look to see if they're are other clinics in your area that you can go to. This clinic just doesn't sound very confident with your circumstances and that's huge. I want to see this happen for you, but adoption and donor eggs sound like great options as well. I had a girl at work egg pregnant fr
Donor eggs.

Lucinda-hope youre doing well!!

Stay hopeful-are you working on the nursery or out shopping now that you know it's a boy?

Well I had a break down on thanksgiving. As I've told you before my sisters preg, she told me last week she heard the heart beat and I was excited for her, but then on Thursday I saw the announcement she made, and bc she started telling people it became even more real. My family was talking about it with her on thanksgiving, family that was excited to come to share this experience with me, and it upset me so much that I'd go outside and hang with the guys and just stay quiet. I couldn't help but feel like they should've been talking about being preg with me and not her and that she was stealing this special time from me. I don't know if I'm being silly but there was just so much going on it surrounding her pregnancy, that it was just too much for me, so dh and I left for his family's house-which was much better bc I was the only preg one! Lol! Don't get me wrong I'm happy for my sister, but I thjnk I would've been more happy if it happened after I delivered. Having not known whether I would even get pregnant, I don't want her taking this from me, especially if I don't have any eggs to get preg again. And bc you hear of people delivering early or having still borns, so I still feel like this baby isn't 100% guaranteed even though I feel confident about him. So it was frustrating. I'm going to have to get over it though bc I can't be like this forever. :(
Stacer, I'm at work right now, so will write to you later.. I feel your pain though!! I nicknamed my sisters Fertile Mrytles a long time ago as they keep popping them out and posting a thousand pics a day on FB of their kids (much to the joy of my mother and everyone else). - Deep breaths pal. It's not intentional... most likely ;) And your baby will come first and be a healthy, beautiful boy!!!
I don't know :dohh: Aimze, I have blood work to do this coming Friday and then they'll probably schedule me for the following week as I'll be 7 weeks then. I am freaking out hoping and praying for a heartbeat!! I had bad cramping last night which is terrifying to me because of my mc last time... cramping was the only symptom of the mc. :nope: I wish I could just relax and enjoy being pregnant like I see so many other women do, but experience brings worry! :wacko:
Babe you're bound to feel like that!! It's nerve wrecking!!!

Relaxing is just impossible!! X
Stacer thanks for asking...I'm doing well!!! I'm supposed to take Lupron Depot injection #3 dec 15 but thanks to my nurses error I'm being billed $900 for nov's injection and will have to pay another $900 if I want to do Dec injection....well if she doesn't clear up this mess by the end of this week I will plan for transfer cycle as soon as AF arrives!
Stacer, it's totally ok to feel like that! You had to go through so much to get here, and I don't think people who haven't dealt with infertility really understand that.

Hmommy, glad things are going well so far and I'm keeping everything crossed for you! I know how hard it is to relax, I don't think I've ever been able to just relax and enjoy being pregnant like so many people seem to be able to do. At first I was worried about another early mc, then every milestone I'd breathe a little sigh of relief but I'm still nervous about reaching the next one. Cramping at this stage doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong, though. It can be perfectly normal. I had quite a bit of cramping throughout my first trimester.

Lucinda, I hope you get the whole mess straightened out soon! GL with whatever you decide to do!

Stacer, I've sort of started shopping for the nursery... All I've done at this point is start looking at baby furniture online. I thought I'd have some time over the Thanksgiving break to do some shopping, but my grandfather passed away so I spent most of the break with family. I'm hoping to get lots more done over the Christmas break in a few weeks. I need to start figuring out what crib, stroller, etc. to get.
Lucinda-I can't believe they're messing up the finances for the shots! What a bummer! Hope they get that straightened out. I don't blame you wanting to just do the transfer if they don't. Keep us posted!!

Stay-there's so many good deals right now, it's hard not to buy! We got out mattress last week for $60 cheaper than it was before (I've been watching it on amazon) and the price actually just went back up. We got the crib on sale too a month ago, and ended up buying the stroller today bc it was $60 cheaper as well! We probably won't be buying too much more since they're throwing me a shower, but it's nice to get some good deals bc everything is so expensive! And you better start doing some research, there's so much to choose from that I find it overwhelming! I just want someone to tell me what's the best! Lol!

Hmommy-how frustrating to have such fertile sisters. It's like a slap in the face. But whatever. I personally hate when people tell me "look what you have to look forward to" in a negative way about raising kids, bc if they had to go through what us ladies had to, they would know that we will embrace thigh struggles and not take them for granted! I can't believe you have to do more blood work before the ultrasound. I'm sure the suspense is killing you. But with betas that high, I think the only thing you should be concerned about is how many heartbeats you will be hearing!!! Keep us posted! And try to stay sane! I'm thinking once you get past the 13 week mark with everything looking good you'll start to relax a little more!!

Silver-I hope you're doing well!!
Stayhopeful thanks!
Stacer that is exactly what I was thinking but then again that nurse assistant is not the brightest bulb! So if they have not cleared up the mix up by dec 13(in time for overnight shipping so I can take shot on sun 12/15) then I will have no choice but to transfer after 2 months of Lupron therapy instead of 3. I am getting excited either way because I have 2 months down of Lupron left and FET cycle will begin in 2 wks(if mix up is not cleared) or 4 wks....after all this waiting I'm soooo close! Hopefully this Lupron and intralipids will do the trick for me as this is FET #4! Now have to butter up DH to have consents signed for the 5th time ;)
Lucinda, I'm really praying for you... I want to see you get that much deserved BFP girl!! :hugs:

Stacer and Hopeful, it's awesome that you guys are able to shop with all these great sales going on. Not long now before you're telling us all about your showers!! :happydance:

Yep, Stacer, DH and I are so anxious for the US... just want to see what's going on in there. I think they'll schedule me for the week of the 15th because I'll be 7 weeks seems like so much longer to wait than last time.. ugh. :shrug:

Keeping you all in my thoughts :hugs:
Lucinda-you are very close! Enjoy this time before you go with the FET! I know it's hard when all you can think about is the transfer, but still at least try! :)

Hmommy-I hope they schedule you the week of the 15th, if not sooner!! Eek I'm anxious for you so I can only imagine how you two feel! So exciting though!!
Thanks stacer and hmommy ;) so my RE is speaking to medical director from my insurance company in order to get this cleared up. So by Monday the latest I should know if I will be taking my last Lupron injection on the 15th or moving on to FET.
Hmommy-how did your bloodwork go? Was it another beta or something else?

Lucinda-glad they're working to clear this up! Good news is something's going to happen one way or another!!
Hey there, just progesterone and estrogen monitoring... although I would have loved to get another beta to see how things are going. I'm so nervous!!
Afternoon gorgeous ladies,
Thought I d pop in to say hi. You all sound like things are moving on well.
Stacer your getting v organised.
Hmommy the u/s will be here before you know it Hun. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you.
Lucinda hope they get everything sorted.
As for me just trying to enjoy the holiday season, enjoying a few glasses of vino and looking forward to a new year! Can't wait to kick this one out of the back door. Trying to think of a proactive plan for next year. Try and increase my fitness, lose a few pounds and try not to focus on how rubbish trying to conceive is! The last one s the hardest
Love and hugs x:happydance:
Hey silver ;)
So my RE pulled through and got my Lupron covered 100% and it arrived today!!! So next weekend I will be administering my last Lupron injection!!!! So if AF arrives on time it should be here sometime after Jan 15....I'm assuming it won't be on time, this medication makes you stop AF while on it. so that means 3 months of no AF , and then waiting for AF to arrive after it being gone for 3 months.
So here's to 2014 being my yr!!!!

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