I am so behind on the thread! I was completely flattened by morning sickness for a few days, then out of town for Thanksgiving, then more morning sickness and exhaustion, so I was about 10 days behind. Whew, this thread moves fast!
Anyway, it was great to see all the milestones of 15, 16, and 17 weeks and the upcoming or recent scans and gender reveals! I'm so sorry for those of us who still feel like crap despite being firmly in the 2nd tri. I can't imagine trying to do this with other kids, so I am in awe of you mammas who have other LO at home!
My OB officially diagnosed me with HG this week, although I think she had done so about three weeks ago and just didn't tell me. I am on a lovely combo of Phenergan at bedtime, B6 in the morning and evening, and Zofran in between to just keep the vomiting at bay. I totally hear you ladies who talked about it taking all your energy to keep from throwing up. I am the same way. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth trying so hard, but I know it isn't like a stomach bug, where you feel better after throwing up. The dizziness and nausea has me quite exasperated. And I'm soooo exhasted all the time. On top of it all, I've lost almost 7 pounds in the last three weeks due to nausea, vomiting, and having no appetite. OB said not to worry unless I lose more... but that was 2 pounds ago. I just hope it's early enough that it won't hurt the baby, since I'm getting my prenatal in every evening.
On the good news front, I got my cell free fetal DNA results back last week. No abnormalities detected on any chromosomes, including sex chromosomes. We are relieved and will just have the AFP in a couple of weeks and forgo the CVS or Amnio. They were able to see 2 X chromosomes, so they said it's a girl with 95% certainty. The anatomy scan on December 27 will let us know for sure. But for now, we're telling just a few close family members and keeping it a secret, just in case. We aren't telling my mom because if the blood test was wrong, she would be so confused about the "change" in sex at the anatomy scan LOL. So for the moment, we're a cautious team pink
Oh, and Rosie, we're all on tenterhooks waiting for your reveal... can't wait to see what you're having. I'm guessing girl, but I'm terrible at reading ultrasound images!