May Marvels 2018

2:15 for mine! I asked for 4 so my husband could work a bit longer but they were full. DH has so many things he has to take off early for this month. He's feeling the stress of not having enough time to finish what he needs to get done. But this is the most important one since it's our only scan this pregnancy unless we need another for some reason and he wants to be there. We're bringing the girls too. Broken are you bringing your son too?

Anyways I figure 2:15 is a good time... oh except I just realized my big girl is in preschool at that time. So I guess she will be skipping that day lol!
My dad is driving us and my son is probably going to stay in the car with him. But I'm going to offer them both to come to the waiting room with us and come in at the end to see baby. My mum never got to come to a scan with my son (ex wouldn't allow it) but I think I'd like my dad to come, as this is the last time we're doing it.
Yeah so here family has to wait in the waiting room until all the anatomy scan is done, then at the end for 5 mins they come in and can see the baby and they'll tell us the gender then if we like. So DH will be waiting with our girls for probably 20 mins which will be fun for him... I'll have to pack some activities for them to keep them busy!!
That's why my dad is taking us. Otherwise DH would have to sit with my son and miss most of the scan. It seems to be dragging so much even though it's finally just a week away
Finally went out to eat!! Got some steak and mowed it down with the yummy rolls.
Then we drove around looking at lights.

Tummy is tight but it feels good to do some "normal" things again.
Still woozy during the day and skin is so tight and painful.

9 days till scan.
Finally went out to eat!! Got some steak and mowed it down with the yummy rolls.
Then we drove around looking at lights.

Tummy is tight but it feels good to do some "normal" things again.
Still woozy during the day and skin is so tight and painful.

9 days till scan.

Chel I totally did that with my first... first time out to eat was at like 27 weeks (I was sick that whole time!) and I got a steak with veggies and mashed potatoes and I still remember how amazing it was... that was 5 years ago lol. A real meal is so delicious after being sick for so long!!

Not long for your scan!!
Looking forward to the upcoming scans and gender reveals. It will be interesting to see how many more girls will be added to the group.

Afm- I had a shit day/night and continue to. I started by stretching and turning my neck while in bed yesterday am and hurt my neck. Dh had to get me out of bed as I couldn’t get up. I then decided I would shovel the snow around my car (it was light and fluffy) and lifted the shovel and turned at the same time and reefed my back which is causing some MAJOR pain and discomfort. I ended my eve with a slight case of gastro in which I violently have been emptying the contents inside my stomach and bowels. I’m feeling miserable and sitting on my couch at 2am trying to sleep as it hurts too much to lay in my bed. Not looking for pity just looking to vent as I’m feeling super frustrated!
Chel I'm glad you got to go enjoy a nice dinner! I bet it was amazing after being ill for so long.

Ready I'm sorry you've hurt your neck and have tummy bug :( I hope you feel better today.

I did 3 of 4 school run walks yesterday, then went to supermarket straight after school to do the big Christmas shop and by last night my entire pelvis was in pain. My hip joints, under the bump and into my back. Awful. Then I was woken up by my next door neighbours baby screaming (not crying, screaming) for what seemed like ages. I was starting to get worried tbh, then it stopped.
So basically this morning I feel like I've been hit by a truck. And I have all the school runs for the rest of the week to do. Hurf.
Oh RnW that sounds miserable take it easy today and put your feet up!!!

I find too if I do too much I ache come the evening! I do the school run 3 times a day so come Friday I'm knackered! Looking forward to next week once kids break up!

Cheluzal glad you had a nice evening.

I have a consultant appointment next week, still not feeling baby much I really hate having an anterior placenta!! I only really feel anything when I'm laying on my side.
I'm lucky I only have to do it twice. I'm hoping to be in better shape when this baby is ready to go to nursery :haha:
Deffo looking forward to the break next week.

DS school play is on Friday. FOB has said he's coming. I don't know if he will though. But if he does it's going to be very embarrassing I think. FOB is convinced me and DH tell everyone/let everyone thing DH is DS bio dad. Which ofc we don't. Everyone at school knows DH is stepdad (think the teachers don't pay much attention, we're referred to as DS parents a lot)
If he comes this will be the first time he's ever come to DS school, so I'm expecting him to make a big fuss over who he is.

I'd just rather he stayed away. My school is full of gossips and I'm already talked about, I'd rather not feed the rumour mill for a few more weeks with these people.
Finally went out to eat!! Got some steak and mowed it down with the yummy rolls.
Then we drove around looking at lights.

Tummy is tight but it feels good to do some "normal" things again.
Still woozy during the day and skin is so tight and painful.

9 days till scan.

Chel-that's awesome! Same for me; I went out to breakfast with hubby and my son on Saturday and it was great. Now that smells aren't so overwhelming, it's nice to be able to be in a restaurant. I still have bad nausea days here and there, but typically only throwing up 1x per day now and usually don't have the constant nausea.

Looking forward to the upcoming scans and gender reveals. It will be interesting to see how many more girls will be added to the group.

Afm- I had a shit day/night and continue to. I started by stretching and turning my neck while in bed yesterday am and hurt my neck. Dh had to get me out of bed as I couldn’t get up. I then decided I would shovel the snow around my car (it was light and fluffy) and lifted the shovel and turned at the same time and reefed my back which is causing some MAJOR pain and discomfort. I ended my eve with a slight case of gastro in which I violently have been emptying the contents inside my stomach and bowels. I’m feeling miserable and sitting on my couch at 2am trying to sleep as it hurts too much to lay in my bed. Not looking for pity just looking to vent as I’m feeling super frustrated!

RNW-that sounds miserable. I'm sorry!! Hope it eases up soon for you.

Chel I'm glad you got to go enjoy a nice dinner! I bet it was amazing after being ill for so long.

Ready I'm sorry you've hurt your neck and have tummy bug :( I hope you feel better today.

I did 3 of 4 school run walks yesterday, then went to supermarket straight after school to do the big Christmas shop and by last night my entire pelvis was in pain. My hip joints, under the bump and into my back. Awful. Then I was woken up by my next door neighbours baby screaming (not crying, screaming) for what seemed like ages. I was starting to get worried tbh, then it stopped.
So basically this morning I feel like I've been hit by a truck. And I have all the school runs for the rest of the week to do. Hurf.

I'm lucky I only have to do it twice. I'm hoping to be in better shape when this baby is ready to go to nursery :haha:
Deffo looking forward to the break next week.

DS school play is on Friday. FOB has said he's coming. I don't know if he will though. But if he does it's going to be very embarrassing I think. FOB is convinced me and DH tell everyone/let everyone thing DH is DS bio dad. Which ofc we don't. Everyone at school knows DH is stepdad (think the teachers don't pay much attention, we're referred to as DS parents a lot)
If he comes this will be the first time he's ever come to DS school, so I'm expecting him to make a big fuss over who he is.

I'd just rather he stayed away. My school is full of gossips and I'm already talked about, I'd rather not feed the rumour mill for a few more weeks with these people.

Broken-that sounds miserable too with all the pain! I've been starting to feel some minor aches and pains also, but thankfully nothing has been constant. I do remember that around this time with my last pregnancy, if I spent a lot of time on my feet, my whole body ached by the end of the evening.
And regarding FOB, obviously he feels he has something to prove, probably due to feeling guilty for being a piece of crap father. I'm sorry you have to deal with such an idiotic individual. It's too bad you can't just cut him out of your life, like you said you've been able to do with some of your toxic family members...but I suppose since he's the father you can't really. I'm sorry:( I'm becoming a fan of cutting people off...finally was able to do that with my stepmom and I'm way less stressed. I feel guilty about it every day though..hopefully that passes.
Thank you mrsstrezy. I had a lot of hip problems last time and I already had back issues before pregnancy so I'm not looking forward to the next few months. I'm hoping staying active will combat some of the pain.

FOB absolutely feels like he has something to prove. He's a shit dad to my DS. Sees him for 8-10 hours a MONTH. I don't care if he makes an arse of himself, but it's me that will be talked about by all the gossips and I just don't want that. Plus I'll get it in the neck if anyone says anything to FOB. If he shows I'm gunna just hang back at drop off, not say anything and get him in and out after the play.

I'm glad you've managed to deal with things with your stepmom. I saw your other post and it's not easy. I've reconciled with some of the less asshole members of my family (new baby guilt I guess) but I felt guilty for a long time after cutting them out. I think you've made the right choice for you though, and that's what matters.
Kuji I understand! I have convinced myself it's a boy and have made a list of all the great stuff having a boy would mean and now I feel completely ok if it's a boy where I was definitely heading toward gender disappointment if I didn't have another girl. Maybe try that? If not, I would ask them to write it down for you rather than tell you, so you can be alone or with your family when you open it up. I don't need a sonographer judging my reaction lol!

I'm definitely going to try my best not to get upset on the spot if it's another boy. I know it wouldn't be that big of a deal in the end but yeah. Especially when I still have everything, even baby clothes, so it would be less to biy when it comes to that.

Either way, today's the day. I'm super scared and nervous but I can do this! Hopefully at 1pm est I'll finally know what this baby is so I can just get this done and over with.
Kuji-can't wait to hear your results! Make sure to come back and update us!
Kuji hope all goes (went!) well!!

Reiko, I've got the appointment in our shared house calendar as "Ultrasound appointment (remind them we don't want to know the sex!)" My mom also got casually told when she was pregnant with my brother (I have been learning so much more about her pregnancies), which bothered her. Of course it wouldn't be the end of the world, but I'm enjoying the mystery for now. 1:30pm tomorrow, either way!

The kicks over here have ramped up a bunch in the last few days. Husband's been able to feel them a bit, starting yesterday (our morning wakeup ritual involves a lot of bump attention now, and has for weeks). First time in a while something's surprised me to the point of tears; mostly it's been a lot of "holy sh*t" and laughing. Today he put his ear to my belly (also very usual for us now) and heard the heartbeat!!! Just blown away by this week.

RnW I know you weren't LOOKING for pity but that just sounds like an objectively crummy time. Hope things get better all around!

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