May Marvels 2018

How exciting that we have so many gender scans this week!! I can’t wait for mine on Friday...preparing myself for the fact that its probably another boy.

Anyone else having issues with snoring? With my son, I snored so loud my husband couldn’t even sleep in the same room as me, but this didn’t start happening until the last month or two of the pregnancy. Its already started with this one, and I’ve been waking up 5x a night because I wake myself up with a snore. I’m freaking myself out because I was reading up on snoring remedies and then learned that snoring in pregnancy can mean GD, preeclampsia, sleep apnea, ect. Ugh, good thing I have my appointment on Friday so I can make sure all is well. I will also be doing an early glucose test on that day to see if my GD has returned.

Also, is anyone feeling pressure in their lady parts yet? I’ve already noticed this and I’m starting to worry about THAT now because I had a mild cystocele with my son and I’m worried my pelvic floor is going to suffer worse damage. Terrified of needing surgery on all my organs down there.
Oh yea, and here’s the latest of me!


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Bump is so cute Mrs!!

I felt pressure from 16 weeks with my 2nd DD, this one I felt it really early but baby has definitely moved up and I don't feel it too often anymore. My midwife said it was normal, and I didn't have any damage after last pregnancy so hopefully it doesn't mean anything!

I also have an early test for GD, whenever I actually get around to booking it... I can feel that I have it already from the way I feel after carbs, but need to get tested to get a diagnosis obviously. Really hoping to stay off insulin or I'll have to transfer from mw to OB and that means no home birth here! I should try and book it for a morning this week but probably won't get around to it until after Christmas!

I do know moms who have had it their first go and never had it again... but I've had it twice and almost definitely this time I will too, so I'm not one of those lucky ones!! I don't have any risk factors either... that's why I can't believe the testing protocols in some places! To only test if you're a certain weight... I'm 5'4" and 105 lbs, I would have never been tested and had my blood sugar running high the entire third trimester if I lived somewhere else. Crazy!
You look lovely mrs!!! Get doing your pelvic floor exercises now to prevent and extra weakness down there, good luck Friday!!

I can't believe Christmas Day is in a week!! 😱😱 I think it's gone so quickly!!
Joanie has her first nativity play tomorrow morning!! My heart is going to melt!!! Then I have to rush off upto London for my sons eye appointment so another busy day tomorrow!!! 😴😴
Lovely bump Ricschick! I feel like you all look a lot more pregnant than me ha!!
MrsStrezy and Ricschick, you're both looking so darling!

I've been thinking about pelvic floors a lot lately, too. Midwife said no lifting over 25 pounds (~11 kg) (did I already yell about this? I'm still annoyed), because of some hand-wavey pelvic floor & diastasis recti concerns, but she didn't go into any specifics. I think my eyes about popped out of my head; I've been powerlifting for about two years now (big three lifts in powerlifting are benchpress, deadlift, & squats, plus I do a whole lot of cardio/cross-training at this super friendly small gym that's mostly women), and my lightest top weight on any of the big three lifts is a 90 lb benchpress (~40 kg). Keeping it light for me is like, at least 25 x 2 right now. I've decided the mental health risks of suddenly not lifting are bigger than the physical risks right now, and am doing research and asking lots of questions to make sure I stay safe.

But! I finally tried out a prenatal yoga class this weekend. It was super small (just two of us!!) and really lovely. The teacher is a big birth nerd (and doula) and I'm looking forward to learning more from her; signed up for a few more classes before she changes studios. I craaaave information right now, and she was so knowledgeable about pelvic floor function/strength and benefits/risks of using different kinds of core muscles in different movements. Yay!
Reiko it's so funny how different bodies carry pregnancies, isn't it? (I also feel like I look way less pregnant than other folks, but it's also my first pregnancy, so hey.) I JUST got my first "are you..." from someone I know this week (a woman I sing with in the choir sometimes). But it's pretty clearly changing by the day right now.
Loving the bump pics ladies! I’ll take one later and post it. I feel huge but know I have a lot more growth to happen.

Looking forward to the scans tomorrow and to hear what you ladies are having.

I met with my Secondary MW today and she was great. My primary MW gave her my history so she’s going to be super proactive about getting me my U/S results even if it means she has to go to the office over the weekend to get the fax. I’m starting to get more nervous. I just want good news.
Thanks ricschick!! You’re looking rather adorable yourself!!

I’ve been doing my pelvic floor exercises religiously for quite awhile, even before I was pregnant. I definitely feel the exercises did help my cystocele improve, although I don’t think its completely gone. I should probably be doing more of the exercises...I don’t think I’m doing the recommended amount per day.
Happy 20 weeks to me! Halftime already, incredible! Baby is the size of an endive (?). A banana makes more sense.

Your bumps look lovely ladies! And yay for more gender scans soon!
Ladies. I'm back from scan.

I'm :blue:

I'm absolutely shocked. I was convinced Nev was a girl. But nope. Baby boy. Balancing out all this team pink haha
We're pink too!!

Me and dH are shocked, we definitely thought blue.

Three girlies for us... #girlmom!!

But, I felt like my u/s tech took a long time. It took about 35 mins total and she came and left twice. So I'm worried something didn't quite look right. Will see if I get a call tomorrow from my mw...
BUMPS: Mine is out there for a FTM, but most of it was 40 year-old bloat starting, lol.

SCAN: Ours is Thursday but hubs won't let us know until Christmas. Hoping for a boy but dang, the odds here...3 women at my job are pregnant and all having girls. Hope I beat all the odds! I'll let you know Monday morning.
Such a news-ful day! Yay!

Happy 20 weeks to me! Halftime already, incredible! Baby is the size of an endive (?). A banana makes more sense.

Your bumps look lovely ladies! And yay for more gender scans soon!

Ha ha; all I remember about endives is trying to work them into salads when I was an au pair in France, and the kids haaaaated them. They seem impossibly small when compared to a banana (even if the banana were crown-to-heel, which I think is around this time, and if the endive were crown-to-rump?).

Ladies. I'm back from scan.

I'm :blue:

I'm absolutely shocked. I was convinced Nev was a girl. But nope. Baby boy. Balancing out all this team pink haha

Surprise boy! Congratulations!!

Ladies! We are having a girl!!!

Yay! Congratulations!

We're pink too!!

Me and dH are shocked, we definitely thought blue.

Three girlies for us... #girlmom!!

But, I felt like my u/s tech took a long time. It took about 35 mins total and she came and left twice. So I'm worried something didn't quite look right. Will see if I get a call tomorrow from my mw...

Surprise girl! Congratulations!!

Hope whatever the tech was checking on is no big deal, and she's just being overcareful.

BUMPS: Mine is out there for a FTM, but most of it was 40 year-old bloat starting, lol.

SCAN: Ours is Thursday but hubs won't let us know until Christmas. Hoping for a boy but dang, the odds here...3 women at my job are pregnant and all having girls. Hope I beat all the odds! I'll let you know Monday morning.

I know this isn't how probability works at ALL but it just seems like a boy would balance everything out nicely, right?

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