May Marvels 2018

I'm sure you will be absolutely fine Chel! The docs will keep an eye on you to make sure baby doesn't get too big.

My son was 8lbs and they say subsequent babies are usually bigger each time so I'm hoping this little boy stays in the 8lb bracket too. I'm a bigger girl in both height and weight and was so flipping massively with my son. Don't really want it any worse this time haha.

Hope so. A co-worker is having her first and the baby is over 9 pounds and she's in misery....but she said her and her husband were big babies. Hubs and I were tall, thin kids so hoping that hereditary kicks in!

No carpal tunnel. Just severe hip pain at night.
I'm sure you will be absolutely fine Chel! The docs will keep an eye on you to make sure baby doesn't get too big.

My son was 8lbs and they say subsequent babies are usually bigger each time so I'm hoping this little boy stays in the 8lb bracket too. I'm a bigger girl in both height and weight and was so flipping massively with my son. Don't really want it any worse this time haha.

Hope so. A co-worker is having her first and the baby is over 9 pounds and she's in misery....but she said her and her husband were big babies. Hubs and I were tall, thin kids so hoping that hereditary kicks in!

No carpal tunnel. Just severe hip pain at night.

I hear you on the hip pain chel. Do you have a breastfeeding pillow or a roll? I have a really long one from Theraline and it really helps if you put something between your legs at night. My doctor also suggested swimming as a good exercise against hip pain.

Sorry, I have no experience with carpal tunnel.
How is the weight gain looking ladies? I have gained 9kg so far, which I feel is better than my last pregnancy during which I gained 23kg in total, omg. However, I am still worried about gaining lots again. Thankfully, I was able to loose it all last time but still...
Broken that sounds horrible! I have heard of it but not has any experience with it. Have you tried googling it? Hoping you find the splints work!!!

Chi not sure on weight gain I've not weighed myself in ages!! Lol I'm away at the mo so I will once I'm home.

I still have this bloody cold it just won't go!! It's driving me mad!!
Ladies-I would try not to worry about the size of the babies TOO much. I've heard many instances where people had easier deliveries with their bigger babies vs. their smaller ones; less tearing, ect. I think it all depends on the position the baby comes out in and your birthing positions. So bigger doesn't always = bad delivery. That's what I'm telling myself because we have enough other things to worry about!

Sorry about the carpal tunnel; no experience with that:(

So far I've gained 13 lbs this pregnancy. Don't know what that translates to in kg. I gained 30 lbs with my son and would be fine if I gained that again. Breastfeeding made all my extra weight gain disappear by the time of my post-partum visit. I can only hope that happens again!!
I'm not too worried about size of baby and birth. I tore with my son and it'll probably happen again and I'm fine with it.

Weight wise I've actually stayed around the same weight (apart from this week with Christmas food obvs haha). But I'm already pretty chubby, so I'm assuming I'm burning extra fat to actually grow baby and it's offsetting the weight of baby and stuff. I can't imagine the equilibrium will last all the way but it's nice while it lasts. I'm fairly active too (bloody 4 mile school runs)

Ricschick all google told me is that it's common in preg and wrist splints can help but basically there's nothing to do but wait until baby is born and my body goes back to normal.
I hear you on the hip pain chel. Do you have a breastfeeding pillow or a roll? I have a really long one from Theraline and it really helps if you put something between your legs at night. My doctor also suggested swimming as a good exercise against hip pain.

But of course. I bought the Snoogle and it did crap, so I use it for my head with a regular pillow over it to raise my head. Long, softer pillow between legs.
Last night wasn't bad! I didn't flip as much and didn't feel much pain. Finally slept in some, even though I still have my 4-5am pee break.

Speaking of break, school is out until January 9th!
I've started halving nausea med this week. So far, so good.

Oh! And I passed my 3-hour glucose!
How is the weight gain looking ladies? I have gained 9kg so far, which I feel is better than my last pregnancy during which I gained 23kg in total, omg. However, I am still worried about gaining lots again. Thankfully, I was able to loose it all last time but still...

I don't own a scale so only know when I visit doc, but last check was up 13 pounds. It's about 2 more than desired but nothing is said. I'm not stressing, even though my psycho mom keeps reminding me she only gained 21 total with me...thanks for the support, crazy lady. :wacko::growlmad:

I gained 10 "happy" marriage pounds in the year of marriage before trying and being 40, my little pooch from slower metabolism was starting, so I am concerned about losing it afterwards. I've always been a very thin girl and only in the last few years the few pounds come right at the belly and look bigger than skinny rest of body. Arg...
Great news about the glucose test chel! I've got mine on the 31st of Jan. Hubs can't come so I'll be nice and bored in the hosp on my own.

I'm also enjoying the school break haha. We go back on the 8th.

Chel my mum took every opportunity to remind me she didn't get *ANY* stretchmarks when she had me. It made me really insecure tbh. Even though it was totally out of my control. I think she needed to remember she smoked all the way through her preg and I weighed flipping just under 6lbs! My DS was a chunky 8lbs 2oz and I was just so full of baby it wasn't even funny.
Try not to let her get to you, every woman and every pregnancy is different.
Cheluzal good news about the glucose test!! I have mine end of Feb that's going to be fun not!!

Bigger babies are easier to push out! I didn't tear with any of my babies and pushing out the 9 pound babies was easier than the others.
Great news about the glucose test chel! I've got mine on the 31st of Jan. Hubs can't come so I'll be nice and bored in the hosp on my own.

I'm also enjoying the school break haha. We go back on the 8th.

Chel my mum took every opportunity to remind me she didn't get *ANY* stretchmarks when she had me. It made me really insecure tbh. Even though it was totally out of my control. I think she needed to remember she smoked all the way through her preg and I weighed flipping just under 6lbs! My DS was a chunky 8lbs 2oz and I was just so full of baby it wasn't even funny.
Try not to let her get to you, every woman and every pregnancy is different.

Your glucose is in the hospital? Mine was in the office but they let me in a private room with a huge recliner. It wasn't bad.

Are you a teacher, too? Or enjoying it as a mommy?

Oh, I put my mom in her place. I'm pretty sassy and she has definitely helped me learn to use boundaries without apologies. She was also 20 friggin years younger! She will not be called when I go into labor.
She is one who told me, verbatim, that if I tear because I'm not demanding an episiotomy, she will say "I told you so." mom does/says that? Medicine has advanced in 40 years, woman. I'll get it if needed but she thinks they should be 100% done because she had two just fine. Ugh,

I love her but I don't enjoy being around her too long. Luckily she lives over an hour away so it's dealable online/text/etc. My MIL was such a sweetie and I really hate that she's passed.
Finally feeling baby consistently. The little pings and bubbles I thought were it were correct, and it's happening often now.
Hubs got to feel him kick for the first time last night!
Great news about the glucose test chel! I've got mine on the 31st of Jan. Hubs can't come so I'll be nice and bored in the hosp on my own.

I'm also enjoying the school break haha. We go back on the 8th.

Chel my mum took every opportunity to remind me she didn't get *ANY* stretchmarks when she had me. It made me really insecure tbh. Even though it was totally out of my control. I think she needed to remember she smoked all the way through her preg and I weighed flipping just under 6lbs! My DS was a chunky 8lbs 2oz and I was just so full of baby it wasn't even funny.
Try not to let her get to you, every woman and every pregnancy is different.

Your glucose is in the hospital? Mine was in the office but they let me in a private room with a huge recliner. It wasn't bad.

Are you a teacher, too? Or enjoying it as a mommy?

Oh, I put my mom in her place. I'm pretty sassy and she has definitely helped me learn to use boundaries without apologies. She was also 20 friggin years younger! She will not be called when I go into labor.
She is one who told me, verbatim, that if I tear because I'm not demanding an episiotomy, she will say "I told you so." mom does/says that? Medicine has advanced in 40 years, woman. I'll get it if needed but she thinks they should be 100% done because she had two just fine. Ugh,

I love her but I don't enjoy being around her too long. Luckily she lives over an hour away so it's dealable online/text/etc. My MIL was such a sweetie and I really hate that she's passed.

Yes mine is in the hospital. I don't know how long the actual test is, it just says approx 2 1/2 hours on the letter. I'm not looking forward too it tbh, it's very difficult to get blood out of me and I end up with lots of stabs.

I'm not a teacher no, just a mummy enjoying the break from routine.

Oh dear. That is not a good thing to say to any expecting mum, never mind a first time mum. It's probably a generation thing. Plus they don't go round giving them willy nilly. I think it's just if you need forceps type intervention. I fully intended to refuse it unless it was 100% necessary. I tore, but I was okay with it. And I'll be the same this time around. I don't want any unnecessary intervention, I'm sure very few people do, outside of pain relief ofc. I can't see anyone begging for an episiotomy tbh.
Mainly because a local injection in your lady parts is awful! :haha:

I'm glad you can stand up for yourself with your mum. My mum was usually delightful, she just said bizarre things sometimes. Like the stretch marks comment. She's passed away now, I miss her very much. She was my birth partner for DS and I'm a bit worried how I'll manage labour without her this time around.

Also yay for proper movements and your DH feeling little man move as well! How lovely for your both.
Yes mine is in the hospital. I don't know how long the actual test is, it just says approx 2 1/2 hours on the letter. I'm not looking forward too it tbh, it's very difficult to get blood out of me and I end up with lots of stabs.

I got my baseline draw on arrival, took drink, then a draw every hour after for 3 hours. I was there from 8:15-11:30! And they stuck a new one each time but I had only one working vein so it got it all 4 times. Ouch, it hurt but shockingly didn't bruise.
So, something kind of weird... I was sure this baby was a boy, and whenever anyone asked I would tell them that. But I never said I preferred a boy. And I think you guys know I've mentioned a few times I actually wanted a third girl.

But now that we've started telling people it's a girl, not a big announcement or anything, but a few people here and there, it's like people are so sorry we didn't get a boy this time... it's weird! It's like they have gender disappointment for me?! Like why do you care distant person whether it's a third girl or our first boy?!
MERRY CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got my boy!!!!

Yay! I'm still happy yellow over here for ours, but I realized I'd been getting more and more antsy to find out whether you were getting your boy. Congrats!! And you look darling!!

Congratulations chel! Welcome to team blue!

Happy 21 weeks to me! Baby boy is the size of a baby boy choy? What's with the strange vegetables on ovia?

Happy 21 weeks Chibi! I want to know why it's a pomegranate on here, when we had that weeks ago on Ovia. How big are these babies really!

Congrats Chel!
Ladies babies are approx 10” long from head to toe around 20 weeks. I’ve never seen a 10” long pomegranate but I have a banana.

And then there's the thing where most of the measurements switch from crown-to-rump to crown-to-heel at 20 weeks! is an exception; they're charmingly precise. (And frankly a baby bok choy is way too small.)

I hear you on the hip pain chel. Do you have a breastfeeding pillow or a roll? I have a really long one from Theraline and it really helps if you put something between your legs at night. My doctor also suggested swimming as a good exercise against hip pain.

Sorry, I have no experience with carpal tunnel.

Oh my goodness I love my Theraline pillow. It's been magic as a Sick On The Couch pillow, too. Something about it not being squishy like a normal pillow really does the trick.

Chel, what a load of unreasonable hogwash from your mom!! Way to go on setting boundaries with her. People seem to want to police women anyway, pregnant women doubly so, and then it's so much worse when it comes from family.

Finally feeling baby consistently. The little pings and bubbles I thought were it were correct, and it's happening often now.
Hubs got to feel him kick for the first time last night!

ahhh this this this. Yay!!

So, something kind of weird... I was sure this baby was a boy, and whenever anyone asked I would tell them that. But I never said I preferred a boy. And I think you guys know I've mentioned a few times I actually wanted a third girl.

But now that we've started telling people it's a girl, not a big announcement or anything, but a few people here and there, it's like people are so sorry we didn't get a boy this time... it's weird! It's like they have gender disappointment for me?! Like why do you care distant person whether it's a third girl or our first boy?!

People are weird. Or they're trying to sympathize with what they think you're feeling. See first point.
Also holy mackerel being sick while pregnant is the worst. I tried to imagine it, and then I got my traditional Christmas cold (not every year, just often enough that it's a thing in my mind) and it is SO MUCH WORSE. And all my favorite coping strategies (DayQuil/NyQuil, screaming hot bath) are off the table! So it's worse AND there's less I can do.

Whenever anyone asks me in the future about Things To Do Before Getting Pregnant, "screaming hot baths if you like them" and "take all the drugs you want when sick" are going on the list. (Also "get to know what your digestion feels like on a normal day.")
Reiko I had some very smug people tell me they *knew* Nev was a boy because I said he was girl. These were the same people who said my DS was 100% a girl because "this family doesn't carry boys"
Ummm.... I do. Twice now. Shut up.
So it's not the same as what you're experiencing but it certainly contributed massively to my gender disappointment.

Kitten I hear you on the bath!! I have my baths screaming hot every time. I'm so hecking miserable with these cold flipping baths. DH keeps saying "get a bath" to help my hips and my back and it's like a) the bath would be cold (to me) so unenjoyable and b) I'm starting to get worried I wouldnt get out of the bloody thing haha.

My wrist splint came yesterday and although it was difficult to sleep with it on and it makes my arm feel weird it has helped with the pain.
Broken I stand in a piping hot shower to warm up cuz it’s freakin cold out and to help my back when it hurts. I then lie in bed with a heating pad on the places that hurt. Hips are a little more difficult to ease the pain, sorry yours are hurting. Mine usually kick in the last tri.
Reiko why anyone would say anything especially if you aren’t voicing any disappointment. I had a few people voice their disappointment that I waited so long to tell them I was pregnant like I should have right away. Dh and I have been quite guarded this pregnancy after losing ds and it pisses me off that anyone thinks they are entitled to know on their terms.
Well it’s ‘freeze your face’ cold here this week and I hate it! I had a dream last night I was on a beach basking in the heat and sunshine and it was glorious lol. Anyone already planning their post pregnancy weight loss/get fit plan? I had started a program in the spring and am looking forward to getting back on it. I’m probably being a little optimistic that I’ll start before summer but who knows.
Also holy mackerel being sick while pregnant is the worst. I tried to imagine it, and then I got my traditional Christmas cold (not every year, just often enough that it's a thing in my mind) and it is SO MUCH WORSE. And all my favorite coping strategies (DayQuil/NyQuil, screaming hot bath) are off the table! So it's worse AND there's less I can do.

Whenever anyone asks me in the future about Things To Do Before Getting Pregnant, "screaming hot baths if you like them" and "take all the drugs you want when sick" are going on the list. (Also "get to know what your digestion feels like on a normal day.")

Love your descriptor for baths: screaming, rofl. I LOVE hot baths and showers. I haven't taken a bath yet and need to, as hot as I feel comfy and won't disturb baby.
I told him yesterday in the shower that mommy likes hot showers, so deal with it. I stand until it runs out.

Bad cramping last night and into the morning. I've had cramping pretty much every day of this pregnancy. I think it was gas/constipation, at least I hope. Never had bleeding or even spotting, and with baby more chill yesterday...of course I worry. I think husband's Milk of Magnesia messed me up. It didn't help me go...just eked out slowly every pee. Ew.

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