Hi all!! Sorry I have been MIA, just seemed to be super busy but have been making notes as I have been reading so I will attempt to respond to the highlights!
Welcome to AmandaBanana and congrats to Yazzy on team pink.
Loving the name choice Broken; my nephew is a Ryan and he is so cute. Also boo to your SPD.
Hope your Colorado trip was good MissTrezy. My OH and I are going on a mini break in 4 weeks for a babymoon/birthday weekend for him. We are staying in the UK but doing a 3 night stay in a lovely place so plan is nice dinner Friday, touristiness Saturday and spa day on Sunday before travelling back Monday
The other posts seemed to be around GTTs, where to birth, movements, food and sex?
I have the glucose tolerance test on 19th Feb at 28 weeks, fingers crossed for passing it. Sorry to those of you who have GD to manage. I pray I don't have it as my cravings are totally carby - I have been munching crumpets in work so my weight gain is ridiculous. I gained 8lb in December then have added another 3 now; so I cancelled what I lost and I am about 7lb up on my weight when I found out I was pregnant :S
If you dry spell ladies wonder whether DTD keeps weight off, I can say categorically no. I've been lucky enough to be fine with it, mostly sticking to the spoony type of action and so far so good
I am feeling baba move a few times a day now, only had that one time she kicked for OH, she had been kicking just below the navel and I could feel it so I asked him to put his hand there and he did so of course she stopped then he spoke and she got super excited and he felt it!
Hasn't been that strong since but that's ok, I am sure she is okay in there.
Birth wise I would love to try for a home birth but keeping an eye on this anti c business with the bloods for now and seeing how it pans out. I am consultant led because of that and my age and weight (they seem to trust me not to be high risk for PPH as it only happened with my first). They don't seem averse to it, but if for any reason my blood attacks hers then it could be safer to do a hospital delivery.
I would be happy to have my kids about but then they are older so it isn't too tricksy.