Happy 32 weeks Viera
Chel I'm having trouble lying on the sofa now. I like to nap through the day but I only stay asleep for half hour/40 mins before my hip hurts too much and wakes me up to roll over.
Chibi is it like a weird burning electric feeling in your like actual genitals? If so I am right there with you.
Reiko happy last day of work! I'm sorry your sugars aren't co-operating. I really hope your midwife can think of something you can do that isn't insulin.
Ricschick I considered rompers, but living in Yorkshire, our summers are never assured and may isn't a guarantee it will be warm haha. I can always grab some if it gets reasonably warm. Just long sleeved onesies so far. I haven't bought any coats or jackets yet, I'm hoping onesies and blankets will be warm enough in may.
Ready I really wanted him to be involved. He picked out a lovely blanket too. White with bright circles all over it. I can get cot sheets in the same design and I'm going to! He helped us pick clothes as well. He was super excited.
That's lovely your DD is so interested and knowledgeable about breastfeeding and stuff. I'd like to know what animals feed from the vagina though

DS hasn't discussed feeding or anything with me. I'm pretty sure he knows he was fed from a bottle, but he hasn't discussed it with me. I'll be bottle feeding this bubba so he can help if he wants to. If not, obviously I won't force him.
I did have to tell him he mustn't ever pick the baby up out of his cot though. DS helped us flat pack the cot and changing unit and mentioned he was big enough to reach into the cot and get baby. We both told him he must never do that. I hope he listened.
I'm waiting on my last delivery of clothes from eBay and then I'm going to wash everything and put it all in drawers. Is anyone stripping their pram down to wash it?
Mine is brand new so I'm thinking to just wash the liner of the carry cot and leave the rest of it.
I'm really starting to feel the back ache now. It's hurting constantly, even when I'm sat down/laid down. 9 weeks to go.