May Marvels 2018

chel, glad to hear your latest GTT went okay, too! Your shower sounds lovely and you two are cute as buttons, to boot. I love the idea of a rebirthday, too. What a thoughtful way to honor your brother. (My mom and her sisters do a version of this around the time their mother died; it ends up being a yearly celebration of her life.)

Thanks! My MIL died on 5/23 and my hubby actually wants our son born then, I guess to replace a bad death with a good new life. We shall see...that's almost a week over due date and with me being 41 next month, I'm not sure how long they will let me go.

A lady tried intimating I was too big for still 10.5 weeks left. My reply: "If you're about to make a comment on my body, keep walking." I am so not in the mood for this ridiculousness! How does making a freaking life make it okay to talk about your size? UGH
I keep waiting for someone to say something about how 'huge' I am (like they've done with both my other pregnancies) so I can be snarky, but surprisingly it hasn't happened yet.

I've got my c-section scheduled for April 25th, I'll be 38 1/2 weeks along at that point. From now until then, I go in to my OB twice a week plus an ultrasound every week to measure fluid. Oh the life of a high risk pregnancy.
Hi all! Haven't checked in for a really long time...we have been so busy. I hear everyone on the stupid comments about body size..I have had SO many people say I'm big. One lady at church said to me the other day "you're huge." Everyone thinks I'm about to pop at any second. My OB assured me I'm measuring right on track, not ahead. I guess I just must be fat this time around! I'm so taken aback by some of these comments that I can't even think of a snarky comment. I just typically say "yea, I'm big."

I failed my 1 hr glucose test a couple weeks ago and went in for the three hour a few days back. I was shocked that I actually passed!! So no gestational diabetes for me this time around. That was a huge weight off my shoulders!

I am struggling mentally lately though. We were supposed to have gutted and completed our bathroom remodel months ago. My husband dragged his feet and now we're finally doing it this week. Now I'm feeling frustrated because I'd really like to complete the nursery, but it's turned into a "catch-all" for all the crap from the bathroom. I've also been overwhelmed by the mess; it's hard cleaning a home where every square inch is covered in dust when you're big and pregnant.

In addition to some of the other ladies on here, I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M HAVING ANOTHER KID!! My son is a full blown threenager and it's exhausting. He argues with me all day, whines, has epic meltdowns, doesn't listen, and overall just treats me like garbage. We're trying to be consistent with discipline, but it seems like he doesn't respond to anything. I was feeling extremely down this morning and told my husband it was mistake to have another child because I feel my 3 year old is just going to ruin the experience. The first week of having the baby home is going to be so hard with being sore, leaky, sleep deprived, and having a mean toddler running around and barking out orders and demands. I'm sure I'll get over it and I'm very happy I'm having a baby girl, just needed to vent.
Mrs I hear your pain! There is nothing more frustrating than home Reno’s. I grew up living in them and married a contractor (turned Insurance broker recently). I have been living through Reno’s for the last 6 years. We are down to the finishing touches and actually have my dad here today putting in trim and baseboard. My husband has a 1000 stupid little finishes to complete and I’m hoping that will happen over the next week or two. Part of my issue is having no control over it and then the flipping mess.
Do you have someone that can light a fire under dh ass? My dad is coming back Saturday to get 500/1000 jobs done alongside with dh. I’m sure dh is thrilled!!! Haha
As for your threenager, it really is worse than the ‘terrible twos’. Consistency is key but is sooo hard when you are tired and pregnant. I have no patience these days and my kids feel it. I hope it gets easier for you soon!
I'm creating a "Before Baby To-Do List" and I'm giving hubs until my bday on 4/9 to have it done. He's good about doing but having it in writing and a firm deadline help.
I told him I was nesting and my attitude and OCD would get worse, and I would stress until it was done.

Our nursery is almost done! Pics soon. I'm still washing all of the little clothes we got on Saturday, lol. I just do a teeny load a night because that's all I can manage.

I also took off tomorrow, and spring break is next week so no work until the 19th! I had a sore throat since Sunday and just feeling run down and want to rest! No sickness at all until now, lol, so can't really complain of a little cold, but took Tylenol last night and actually slept ok.
Mrs it’s so hard isn’t it! I find changing the subject helps so for example if she’s morning she wants something and I’ve told her no I try to distract her with something else, I also explain everything like why she can do something or have something but I also make sure I don’t give in. Or I try to compromise that works well too.
Happy 30 weeks Ricschick!

We put our cot and changing unit together last night. And went into town with DS and picked out some baby clothes with him today. THEN came home and found a bargain of vests and sleepsuits on eBay as well. A flipping productive day haha.

Then DH found a bundle of superhero clothes in 3-6 size which he bought as a treat to himself haha.

We've definitely got enough 0-3 clothes so we can start looking at 3-6. We've only bought vests and sleepsuits in 0-3. They're just so little and pjs are the best and comfiest for that age I think.

My DS picked a beautiful blanket out and he's so proud of himself for getting the baby a gift. It's so cute.
I'm super uncomfortable. The recliner hurts so I'm lying in bed mostly. Ugh.
Cold slowly going away, never got too bad but coughing makes me pee...lovely.

Oh, and I got a jury summons in the mail, lol. At least "expectant mother" is the first reason to get out of it.
I now know the joys of "lightning crotch". Thank you son. 😂
LOVely broken!!! I agreed about Jammies for newborns. No point in fancy outfits, not for our family at least!!

Today was my last day of work! And I have to call the dietician on Monday, blood sugar numbers are really bad overnight so I need insulin IMO. I doubt there’s anything she can suggest to make them better otherwise.
Happy 32 weeks viera!!

That’s lovely broken!!! I agree onesies are just comfy and easier the only “outfits” I’ve bought consist of leggings and a top. But I’ve bought mostly rompers for hopefully a warm summer!!
Broken-I love ‘productive’ days! That’s a great idea taking ds out to get a gift for baby. I’ll have to do that with the kids. Ds is 14 so not too bothered but dd will love it.
Dd and I just had a conversation about her helping to feed baby. I explained I would breastfeed solely for the first 5-6 months. She thought about it and asked ‘so you are going to feed her like animals do?’ I said yes. She then asked ‘so you will feed her from your vagina?’ Haha I then had to describe how it works so she then says ‘why don’t you just give her a bottle so it’s easy?’ She cracks me up.
When is everyone starting to wash your baby stuff? Have I asked this before lol? I just want to get stuff organized.
Happy 32 weeks Viera

Chel I'm having trouble lying on the sofa now. I like to nap through the day but I only stay asleep for half hour/40 mins before my hip hurts too much and wakes me up to roll over.

Chibi is it like a weird burning electric feeling in your like actual genitals? If so I am right there with you.

Reiko happy last day of work! I'm sorry your sugars aren't co-operating. I really hope your midwife can think of something you can do that isn't insulin.

Ricschick I considered rompers, but living in Yorkshire, our summers are never assured and may isn't a guarantee it will be warm haha. I can always grab some if it gets reasonably warm. Just long sleeved onesies so far. I haven't bought any coats or jackets yet, I'm hoping onesies and blankets will be warm enough in may.

Ready I really wanted him to be involved. He picked out a lovely blanket too. White with bright circles all over it. I can get cot sheets in the same design and I'm going to! He helped us pick clothes as well. He was super excited.

That's lovely your DD is so interested and knowledgeable about breastfeeding and stuff. I'd like to know what animals feed from the vagina though :haha: DS hasn't discussed feeding or anything with me. I'm pretty sure he knows he was fed from a bottle, but he hasn't discussed it with me. I'll be bottle feeding this bubba so he can help if he wants to. If not, obviously I won't force him.

I did have to tell him he mustn't ever pick the baby up out of his cot though. DS helped us flat pack the cot and changing unit and mentioned he was big enough to reach into the cot and get baby. We both told him he must never do that. I hope he listened.

I'm waiting on my last delivery of clothes from eBay and then I'm going to wash everything and put it all in drawers. Is anyone stripping their pram down to wash it?
Mine is brand new so I'm thinking to just wash the liner of the carry cot and leave the rest of it.

I'm really starting to feel the back ache now. It's hurting constantly, even when I'm sat down/laid down. 9 weeks to go.
Also happy Mother's Day to the U.K. mummies! I hope you've been spoilt rotten by your little ones. Crazy to think next yr we will have a new little one to celebrate with.
Broken that is lightning Crotch! I have that and sometimes it feels like I’ve been kicked down there. I guess it’s your body getting ready for the big day.

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