Meanwhile, in our neck of the woods...had the stressy ultrasound last week (supposed to be like 10 minutes; ended up being more like 2.5 hours). It was just supposed to be a position check, but then they wanted to do some measurements since they hadn't seen us in so long (uh, you are not our primary care, buddy), and they had a 4th year ultrasound student, and would it be okay for her to get a bit of practice with those? Sure, fine, whatever. (Next time I will be like "NOPE.")
The doc at the hospital was very faux "oh yes I remember you" with us (he "remembered" several things about us which were wholly untrue), and was concerned that a couple of the long bones are 2-3 weeks behind. Like the femurs. Which is something that is also true for both of this kid's parents. Maybe they're genetically related to us?????

He also called our midwives and told them we should strongly consider a hospital birth instead, so the baby could be immediately assessed. I am not pleased. This is exactly the kind of pathologizing we've been working to avoid.
Husband did a bunch of google research (midwife: "oh no" me: "I actually feel greatly reassured now!") and we've decided not to worry. 1) It would be genetically reasonable, 2) everything was perfectly on track at the anatomy scan, 3) third trimester measurements are notoriously unreliable, 4) there wouldn't be anything to DO even if there were a dysplasia of some sort. The nurse who teaches half our childbirth classes, our friend who's a family practice doc (and did a lot of work with pregnant women during her residency), and our doula who's a huge pregnancy nerd all rolled their eyes and told us not to worry, too.
Baby was breech at our last appointment 2 weeks ago, so I've been freaking out separately about that, but I'm pretty sure they've been head-down recently (I've felt all the hiccups super low down). It's really my one fear; everything else hasn't worried me about labor/childbirth.
Also the Spinning Babies website is SO OVERWHELMING. The organization is alllll over the place. I figured out forward-leaning inversions and could. not. even. with the rest.
We at least got to go to the coast for a few days last week! Didn't even bring my computer. Saw whales from our window (way out, but still!), and a ton of birds, some sea lions, and some REALLY good thunderstorms. Got a lot of hail (?) and some snow (??) and plenty of wind and rain, too. Loved it.
And we had our baby shower Sunday. And we got a new car last week. Gee...I wonder why I feel like everything's been happening at once recently?