May Marvels 2018

Chel you officially will be the about 10 months lol! I really don’t feel old unless I’m focusing on the pain in my body. I def didn’t have it at 25 with my ds!
And Chel my MW has told me that they don’t like you to go past 40 weeks hence all of the natural things I’ll be doing to get this baby out prior. It helps that I have given birth 3x already.

I really can’t believe she will be here in about 6 weeks! I’m so excited and a little in awe. It’s been a long road the last 4 years and all seems so surreal.
I'm kinda jealous of you ladies in the rest of world that can request sweeps at 37/38 weeks and aren't allowed to go over 40 weeks and stuff.

I love our NHS, but we don't get anything like that. We aren't offered a sweep until 40 weeks and inductions aren't discussed until closer to 42 weeks.

I'm currently on my 3rd midwife. She's useless as well. I saw her last week and was out in 5 mins. She checked my blood, urine and baby heartbeat and I was out the door. No discussion about anything. Really disappointing.
Ahh broken that’s crap !! I hate it when they treat you like that especially as I look forward to my appointments hopefully you will get a nice one at birth!!
I have a mw appointment tomorrow so will see what she says about the growth scan I had and see if I’m still measuring 3-4 weeks ahead!!
I’m so knackered today I feel like I could sleep all day!! And I’m having quite a few bh today too!
The midwives at my hospital are lovely. (I hope. I go to a different hospital than I'll give birth in but they were lovely when I had my son) it's just the gp midwives.

She had my notes in her hand and couldn't be bothered to look at see if baby was head down. So frustrating. She's a cover midwife so I might get someone different next time. Who knows.
Congratulations Huggles! AlL the best to you!

34 weeks pregnant today and 22nd days left at work. Hope for me that I make it. ;P
First NST today and saw new OB (several in practice). He was super cool and requested another scan! Baby measuring a bit small but of NST he said: "...for 32 weeks is phenomenal." I go every Monday morning until birth now. Baby was fine 2 weeks ago so I'm not worried; I want a tinier baby.

So I'm up to 172. Looks like I'm gaining 3 pounds a week. I'm 5 pounds less than my 6'1" husband! :wacko: I'm just embracing it and letting it go at this point...up 37 pounds total now.

Ladies...the acid is real and has just found me. Hubs made chili but dang, it is not settling well. Keep burping and it feels like I've vomited and it won't stop. Guess I'll swig Maalox and take another Zantac. Yuck!
Chel I'm up 37 lbs too. The diabetic educator who did my NST today didn't seem impressed with that weight gain lol. But my NST was great too.

My morning blood sugars have lowered so now I'm not even sure I'll be going on insulin after all. But I will definitely still be getting the early sweeps just because she might be big from those few weeks of high sugars. Wednesday I meet with the diabetes clinic to see if they want me to do insulin but I doubt they will. And then Thursday morning have my growth scan... I found this chart of what your baby "should" weigh week by week. I'm guessing they're going off 50th percentile which my previous 2 girls were. So if she's 5.25 lbs she'll be on track with my other girls.

20 days and I'll be full term! Yay!! 36+1 I have an 80 minute pregnancy massage booked I CAN'T WAIT!! Lol that's April 9 XD

Has sex caused anyone to have contractions yet? I think we are still a bit early. I remember with my first around 36 weeks any time we had sex I had severe contractions for hours after!
Broken-sorry the MWs are sucky on your end. I’m with a MW cuz our OBs suck. If I were you I would go in next appt with a list of questions.

Happy 34 weeks chibi!

Chel the acid sucks and the struggle is real. I wouldn’t survive without Zantac.

Reiko-good news on your sugars! Hopefully you don’t need insulin. A few short weeks and baby will be here. So crazy! As for the sex yes I have contractions of some sort. They don’t last long but they are there. Last week I had some noticeable pressure and was worried labour was starting but baby girl is just so low and depending on how her head is turned I can feel it in my lower back.
Glad things have mellowed a little here these days...went to the coast last week & actually got caught up here pretty quickly!

Huggles: so excited for you!! I'll be keeping you and that little bean in my thoughts. <3

Broken, I'm so intrigued by how different systems react to +/- 40 weeks! Our friend went to almost 42, and had a NST at ~41 weeks with an OB who was SUPER judgy and declared that she "NEVER let her ladies go over 40 weeks!" Goodness. We're "in dates" for home birth between 37-42; if we go over 42, we risk out (our practice does noooot like unnecessary risks).

But what a bummer about that most recent midwife. Ugh.

Reiko, sex is a very reliable way for me to get some free BHs over here. I can't get over the oddity of that feeling, but glad to have nothing more exciting than BH at this point.
Meanwhile, in our neck of the woods...had the stressy ultrasound last week (supposed to be like 10 minutes; ended up being more like 2.5 hours). It was just supposed to be a position check, but then they wanted to do some measurements since they hadn't seen us in so long (uh, you are not our primary care, buddy), and they had a 4th year ultrasound student, and would it be okay for her to get a bit of practice with those? Sure, fine, whatever. (Next time I will be like "NOPE.")

The doc at the hospital was very faux "oh yes I remember you" with us (he "remembered" several things about us which were wholly untrue), and was concerned that a couple of the long bones are 2-3 weeks behind. Like the femurs. Which is something that is also true for both of this kid's parents. Maybe they're genetically related to us????? :roll: He also called our midwives and told them we should strongly consider a hospital birth instead, so the baby could be immediately assessed. I am not pleased. This is exactly the kind of pathologizing we've been working to avoid.

Husband did a bunch of google research (midwife: "oh no" me: "I actually feel greatly reassured now!") and we've decided not to worry. 1) It would be genetically reasonable, 2) everything was perfectly on track at the anatomy scan, 3) third trimester measurements are notoriously unreliable, 4) there wouldn't be anything to DO even if there were a dysplasia of some sort. The nurse who teaches half our childbirth classes, our friend who's a family practice doc (and did a lot of work with pregnant women during her residency), and our doula who's a huge pregnancy nerd all rolled their eyes and told us not to worry, too.

Baby was breech at our last appointment 2 weeks ago, so I've been freaking out separately about that, but I'm pretty sure they've been head-down recently (I've felt all the hiccups super low down). It's really my one fear; everything else hasn't worried me about labor/childbirth.

Also the Spinning Babies website is SO OVERWHELMING. The organization is alllll over the place. I figured out forward-leaning inversions and could. not. even. with the rest.

We at least got to go to the coast for a few days last week! Didn't even bring my computer. Saw whales from our window (way out, but still!), and a ton of birds, some sea lions, and some REALLY good thunderstorms. Got a lot of hail (?) and some snow (??) and plenty of wind and rain, too. Loved it.

And we had our baby shower Sunday. And we got a new car last week. Gee...I wonder why I feel like everything's been happening at once recently?
Also the Spinning Babies website is SO OVERWHELMING. The organization is alllll over the place. I figured out forward-leaning inversions and could. not. even. with the rest.

SO in agreement here. Everyone advocates it but I wish they had more streamlined articles. I gave up and will let it be what it will be.
Not one doc has said a word about my weight gain so I'm trying to give in and stop stressing. But when you've been a tall, thin girl for your life it's very jarring and unexpected (considering my mom gained nothing and keeps telling me).

SEX: we haven't done it since we conceived! I got the HG and then just have zero libido and feel gross. I've offered but hubs refuses unless I can truly enjoy it. I get handsy with him often, lol. He's a trooper.
We haven't had sex since a couple weeks after we conceived. We are going to start in a couple of weeks to try to induce labor, but I just have not felt up to it at all this time around. So nauseated and sore everywhere.
The train to bonertown will eventually leave the station again.

On an entirely different note, my new petty complaint is that my nails are growing too fast. I got gels a couple (?) weeks ago with a friend (only the second time I've ever had them done), and they are SO GROWN OUT and starting to chip. But they are EXTREMELY glittery and I'm still enjoying that part. I've always been a nail-shredder and it is so funny to actually have nails long enough to tap the keys on my keyboard.
The train to bonertown will eventually leave the station again.

On an entirely different note, my new petty complaint is that my nails are growing too fast. I got gels a couple (?) weeks ago with a friend (only the second time I've ever had them done), and they are SO GROWN OUT and starting to chip. But they are EXTREMELY glittery and I'm still enjoying that part. I've always been a nail-shredder and it is so funny to actually have nails long enough to tap the keys on my keyboard.

‘Train to bonertown’ it!
Also stuck on the station waiting for the bonertown train :haha:

We've had sex once since conception. Both agreed it was weird. Haven't done it since. Couple more months tho and I'll be back on the ride :haha:
Kitten don&#8217;t even worry about that ultrasound. Sounds ridiculous. And even if the baby needed to be &#8220;assessed&#8221; midwives can totally &#8220;assess&#8221; your baby at home. So much eyerolling!!

I managed to get 4/5 Of my last blood sugars in the morning within normal range so no insulin from the diabetic clinic again this week. Going back at 35+5 for another look at the numbers. The nice thing is that she recognized how OCD you have to be to control GD properly and how much work it takes. I feel like my husband doesn&#8217;t wnderstand that at all. Sorry I know I talk about GD a lot and none of you girls have it (thank goodness!!) but it&#8217;s the main thing I&#8217;m dealing with lol.

I did pull out all the baby clothes from the garage and washed them, NB and 0-3 months sizes. Guys, those NB size clothes. Are they even for real?? I can&#8217;t believe my big 2&4 year olds once fit in them!?! I&#8217;m hoping this baby is 7-8 lbs so she can wear them for a few weeks too, they are sooo teeny and cute!!

We have been using condoms for sex since the beginning. That&#8217;s my weird thing since I know semen dialates me pretty good. But DH doesn&#8217;t object. But we&#8217;ll stop soon to hopefully get some early dialation going before my sweeps.
Thanks for the reassurance, Reiko! We had another midwife appointment today, too, and it sounds like everyone who needs to be on the same page is already there. Whew. Drama llama, go away!

And I for one totally don't mind the GD talk...I was flagged as high-risk for it early on (due to probable not-officially-diagnosed PCOS) and freaked out, then researched a lot, and have ended up really interested in the details. Info calms me down. (Plus our diabetic friend taught me how to take readings! And gave me a way better idea about how much work it is to monitor your blood sugars well.) And my favorite other mama in our childbirth classes also has GD, and I like learning about other people's experiences/realities so I can understand where they're coming from better.

I still can't believe we're going to have a baby who will fit in the tiny little clothes people have bought/handed down to us. And I have no other kids as proof that an actual baby will fit in them!
Reiko talk about what you need to talk about! That&#8217;s what we are here for.
I washed clothes this last weekend and was also in awe of how little everything is. It doesn&#8217;t last long but for a couple of weeks they fit in to what looks like doll clothes.

We haven&#8217;t been having sex super often but def haven&#8217;t stopped. 3rd tri I get a bit Randy so luckily for dh he gets some lol.
Same here, nothing happening here for months, except for a little hand action, hehe. May try closer to delivery. ;)

I am now at the stage where I can barely finish my food portions anymore. No more room, I guess. And acid reflux, yes, but only if I drink too much before going to bed.

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