May Marvels 2018

Ready it was a random midwife I'd never seen. She waltzed into my room, saw me eating a biscuit and yelled at me and my mum that I wasn't allowed to eat, why was I eating, I might need to go to theatre. Then waltzed off again. Don't think I saw her after that.

I ended up taking my rings off, put my wedding ring on a necklace and the other 2 in a ring box for safe keeping. My hands feel weird and naked and I hate it. But at least they won't damage my fingers or have to be cut off now.

Ricschick that's so hard about your dad moving. Big :hugs: I hope he's gunna let y'all spend summers at his place in Spain though.

Chel happy birthday!!!

Reiko I'm glad your massage was good. I'd love one but fundswill not allow. Have to make do with DH half assed attempts lol. Glad you're getting switched back to mw care as well. Hopefully that'll make a nicer labour experience for you. And you get to the hospital in time!

DH woke me up throwing his guts up at half 1 this morning (he is the noisiest puker I have ever met. Like he must be putting effort into being that noisy) he's still not feeling 100% and he can't go into work for 48 hours now. So that's 2 days wages gone. Sigh. Poor guy, I feel bad for him. I'm just hoping it's something he's eaten and not a virus that's gunna infect my house.
Ugh broken I really hope that’s food poisoning and not a virus too.

Last thing you need in your house :(
OMG you guys 26 days till my due date!?! 12 days until 38 weeks (when my last was born)!?!

(Also induction is likely off the table due to not needing insulin but I will still be getting sweeps when my mw thinks it’s appropriate.)
thanks everyone I feel a bit better today.

happy birthday chel!

broken hope dh is feeling better!! my dh is a noisy thrower upper too lol!!!

reiko id love a massage too but I just don't get the time!! glad it made you feel good!!
I am in great need of a pedicure tho!! don't normally have them but I cant reach my feet and the weathers going to warm up by the weekend so might need to squeeze one in somewhere!

I went to my mw appointment today, all fine but still measuring 35 weeks! I was measuring 3 weeks ahead at my last appointment and now only 1 week ahead, mw said that was fine. my pelvis is so sore lately tho and walking is hard work now!!
Hi everyone!

It's been awhile since I last posted. I've been keeping up with everyone along the way, but haven't had the energy to respond. I'm glad to hear so many good things about all the ladies who are due in early May! I am also thankful for all the advice about preparing for induction at the hospital and labor in general. I feel much less anxious about the whole thing!

I just wanted to let you all know how I've been doing. It's continued to be a rough pregnancy, morning sickness-wise. It has helped knowing others have had a resurgence this trimester, too. I'm still on diclegis and zofran with phenergan as a back up option on "bad" days. Additionally, I was diagnosed with antepartum depression (pregnancy-related depression), which was a major turning point. That happened at the beginning of February and I am feeling so much better now. I can't believe how difficult things were before I got treatment and that it went on for so long! I think it started when my MS was terrible and my DW was out of town for most of December. That whole isolation thing is no joke!

Two weeks ago, I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension, which means I'm now on high alert for developing pre-eclampsia. So twice a week NSTs and fluid check scans, plus once a week OB visits to check my blood pressure and liver function. The BPs have been creeping up into a worrisome range, but liver tests have been great, so I'm crossing my fingers all will be well for awhile yet. They did move up my induction from May 19 all the way to May 5, due to this added complication, so I'll be having my baby at 37 weeks (or sooner, if pre-eclampsia comes in). It's really crazy to think that I'll have my baby in my arms by this time next month!

Thankfully, my blood sugars from type 2 Diabetes have been fairly steady and mostly in range for the last several weeks. It was really stressful to have those numbers creeping up and have to add more and more insulin. I had to adjust my dinner insulin this week, but it was a minor change compared with previous ones. I am now on ridiculous amounts of insulin and can't wait for baby to arrive so I can stop stabbing myself 8+ times a day.

DW is home most of the time now, with the last trip to see MIL last week, so we can finally focus on getting the baby's room ready. It's getting close, but we need one more big push to get things where they need to be. DW decided this weekend that she wants to paint the room... holy cow, that wasn't even on my radar! LOL. I told her she can paint the room if she wants, but it's all up to her. I will help with painting furniture, but I'm not painting walls at this point :haha:

Still working on my post-partum bag. I need to buy a few things, but mostly, just need to determine exactly what needs to go in the bag and get it all together. After several "scare" visits to the hospital for possible pre-eclampsia where the OB said they might induce me that day, I am feeling the clock ticking faster and louder!
Feeling a bit down and tearful today, my dad went to Spain to live today and it feels so strange that he won’t be round the corner! I lived with him since I was 14 and I’ve always been so close to him and have seen him 3-4 times a week for the past 5 years and now won’t see him for months 😢 he’s coming back to see the baby then he will be off again. Not a good day.

That sounds really hard on a "normal" day, but really difficult when you're pregnant! I am a "daddy's girl" and really don't like living several states away from him. I always feel a little down when our visits end, so I know what you mean. I hope you will get to visit him often so you don't have to miss him so much. :hugs:
Anyone else got swollen hands? I'm getting scared I'm going to have to take my wedding ring off, it's so tight now. I wear a ring on my other hand that is a tad loose, but now it's leaving an indent because my fingers are swollen. I don't want to take my rings off. But also don't want to have issues and have them cut off or anything awful like that.

Yes! I took my engagement ring off weeks ago because it is slightly smaller than my wedding band and was getting uncomfortable. But I feel weird about taking off the wedding band now, even though my hands are getting more swollen. I would wear them on a necklace, but I'm afraid the chain would break and I'd lose them both. So I guess they'll both go in the ring pouch to wait out the rest of the pregnancy. I hope you find a solution that feels right for you!
And I finally got my leave dates provisionally set with our HR! I'm off on PTO from May 1st, and then my maternity leave officially starts on my due date, til mid-August. That's an American win! Plan is for both me & husband to stay home for the first month, then I'll stay home a couple months on my own, then I'll return to work (still working from home) and he'll stay home for a couple months. We still need to figure out what we're doing for childcare after that, but that gives us 5 months before we need anything.
It is sad that it's an American win, lol. We are so behind the modern world.
I have to send in for my leave. As a teacher, my district will only give maternity leave (no pay; just continue benefits) during one school year, so if I leave now they won't resume in August. I want the full 3 months so I'm taking it after summer, August-end of October then I'm taking a personal leave (I pay benefits at $760 a month) until the start of January, when the second semester starts.

So I'll return when he's about 8 months, which is good. I have time to settle daycare and get him weaned off the boob. It'll be tight but we have a very healthy savings and I feel I need to be with him at the start.

Now I'm just hoping he doesn't come too early. I can't take leave now and you can only take 10 sub days in a row. If he comes before 5/11 I would have to go in a day or pray my job would let me look like I'm there if I'm not. If not, hubs is bringing baby up to feed every 2 hours and I'm walking out of class.....arg...I want him out early but I want everything to work out.

I'm with you both on the "win" in the US for maternity leave. It sucks that we a) get such a short amount of time and b) have to cover the cost ourselves. I likely won't have any FMLA left by the time baby arrives, thanks to the morning sickness and other pregnancy issues (like, ya know, doctor's appointments), so I'll have to take personal leave for the entire time I'm out. That means I have to pay my benefits out of pocket with no help from my employer, and four weeks of the time off is completely unpaid. I'll get 2 weeks of short term disability and then three weeks of paid parental leave, but the first four weeks off have to be completely unpaid to qualify for either STD or the paid leave. I'm annoyed at how much planning (financially) is needed for 9 weeks off of work and then other American women hear I'm taking 9 weeks and are like "oh, that's such a nice long time!" It's all I can do to keep from saying something snarky, but maybe that's partly pregnancy hormones? Anyway, I'll end up being back at work the Monday after July 4, if baby stays put until my May 5 scheduled induction. Ugh!
Question for you experienced moms:

I've heard various points of view on whether or not you need to use special baby laundry soap (supposed to be gentler?) or if you can just use regular laundry soap on baby's clothes. Any opinions or suggestions out there? Is it really necessary to get the special soap, or only if baby has unusually sensitive skin? I'm planning to go with the recommendation that whatever you use for baby clothes also gets used for everything else, since baby will come in contact with our clothes and such, but would love to have some real-life experiences to help me decide what soap to use/buy. I'm open to ideas about brands, too. I really just want a soap that cleans the clothes well and doesn't cause problems for babies. I never knew there would be so many conflicting ideas out there on something so minor :wacko:
Wicky - I never bought special laundry soap for either of my boys and they never had a problem. If the baby has sensitive skin, I would, but if not there's no harm in using regular.
Chel your babe will be totally fine at 38 weeks, even 37... 37 weekers can be difficult to breastfeed since theyre missing out on a bit of sucking practice in the womb ;). But I know of plenty of healthy 36 weekers that don’t have more than a few days stay in the hospital. We’re they ok with what your cervix is doing?

She was fine with cervix. We'll keep an eye but she didn't feel I needed to head to the hospital. No dilation or anything.

Definitely want him baking as long as possible, but 38 won't make me sad. I already shaved 1 week I hear 2? lol
Hi everyone!

It's been awhile since I last posted...I just wanted to let you all know how I've been doing. It's continued to be a rough pregnancy, morning sickness-wise. It has helped knowing others have had a resurgence this trimester, too. I'm still on diclegis and zofran with phenergan as a back up option on "bad" days. Additionally, I was diagnosed with antepartum depression (pregnancy-related depression), which was a major turning point. That happened at the beginning of February and I am feeling so much better now...

Oh man. I feel for you so badly! I know how rough I had it for 3 months, and could not imagine still dealing with MS. Phenergan was the ONLY med that barely took the edge off.

I totally get the isolation. I would break and cry after just gets you eventually. So glad we're at the end and that this will be worth it for us all!
Wicky, my 2nd has sensitive skin so I found the baby detergent was good for her. I think they have it at costco for a decent price. But after the first few months she was fine with the normal detergent... maybe around 7-8 months. Now I still have one in my cupboard and if I notice any irritation on their skin I switch to it every now and then but not religiously.
36 weeks already! Wohoo!
Managing to eat six dates a day, they are small and quite yummy, but haven't drunk any raspberry leaf tea yet.

Acupuncture felt great and I am going again tomorrow. I really hope it helps with labor.

And only 10 days left at work!!!
Wicky- the biggest concern with baby’s skin and detergent is the fragrance in them. You can buy any of the regular detergents that are for sensitive skin or fragrance free. A lot of the ‘baby’ detergents are just as toxic as the regular ones but they put a baby on there and call it safe. It depends how ‘safe’ you want to get.
Wicky I haven't bought any different washing powder, but I did buy "baby" fabric softener. Just because I like how it smells. I won't change unless baby has skin issues.

I do wash all baby stuff separately to our stuff tho for a long time though. I think DS was about 3/4 when I stopped.
Hi all! Just thought I would check in as well, because it's been awhile. Wicky-I hear you, many times I want to write responses out but I'm just too tired to type, lol. Feeling pretty good, besides being sore with some occasional swelling and heartburn. Hormones and emotions are SO all over the place...I'm so ready to get back to a baseline where it DOESN'T feel like I have raging PMS every second.

I started taking Red Raspberry Leaf capsules to prepare my uterus for labor! I'm hoping it'll do something. I didn't try it with my last pregnancy, so it'll be fun to compare. Still feeling nervous about doing a natural childbirth; sometimes I feel like I just want to get an epidural and be done with it. I'll just have to see how things go. I've been reviewing my Bradley book to prepare myself to do things naturally though.

I have my postpartum kit all ready to go. My friends threw me a baby sprinkle this weekend, so then afterwards I was able to figure out all the stuff I needed for baby. Went to Buy Buy Baby and got it all. Just have to go pick up the glider and hang some pictures and then the nursery will be done!

Hospital bag not packed yet...I just feel like it might be too soon. We'll see; probably in the next couple weeks or so. Will also get going on my freezer meals in the next couple weeks as well.

Regarding detergent-I have definitely found that the ones with fragrance, even the baby ones, are an issue. So I usually just use any detergent as long as it's "free and clear" of dyes and scents and that seems to work out just fine.
So ladies I’ve been crampy on and off for the last 2 days. It’s not contractions and not like the Braxton Hicks I have been having. It has that kind of menstrual feel to it. Anyone else experiencing this?
Wicky I’m so sorry you have had such a hard time!! Hope baby cooks a bit longer for you!!!
I’ve always switched to non bio washing powder as it’s more gentle on babies skin and me and my eldest have quite sensitive skin so I do it as precaution to begin with. I wash everyone’s in it then until baby is a few months old then I might switch back il see, a couple of my babies have had baby eczema too so that’s another reason why. There’s no real correct answer to this it’s just trial and error.

RnW I’ve had this occasionally but not often maybe call l&d if your worried? Xx
So ladies I’ve been crampy on and off for the last 2 days. It’s not contractions and not like the Braxton Hicks I have been having. It has that kind of menstrual feel to it. Anyone else experiencing this?

Most of my pregnancy. I started cramping before the BFP and really haven't stopped. I have noticed it is much more intense this past couple weeks though! Combine it with the severe uterus tightening and my contractions and I have no idea what my body is doing! I'm convinced I will be in real labor and not know it... :nope:

...getting another scan this afternoon to measure baby since he was measuring small! Since I'm *cough* old I get the specialist with the free 4D and I cannot wait to see his little face! It's been since January! :happydance:

Anyone else peeing less in the night? All of the sudden, I am only getting up once and sleeping in deeply....unusual. But I poop with each pee, arg...hope its body getting ready.

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