Hello, everyone. We're getting close, aren't we?
Baby is head down (and has been since 28 weeks). She's not engaged yet, but has been sitting really low all pregnancy. Lots of pressure on the cervix, and she punches it sooooo frequently. Someone at work this week noticed that I suddenly started walking funnily.

The PGP is still going strong. I ended up visiting the osteopath, and that helped a little. I might go back again sometime in the next couple of weeks.
I'm not ready at all. I just did the first load of laundry today. Everything is still sitting in suitcases and boxes. Gah!
Reiko - Very pleased about your scan
I agree about the midwives. With the less experienced midwives, I come away feeling quite sore.
Yazzy - happy to hear about your scan, and hope the next one goes well
RnW - I used hypnobirthing with my first, and it really made a difference. I've been really bad this time around, and have just started practicing, but am not that worried about labour. I dont know why, but I've got a "done it before, can do it again" attitude. Maybe it was so long ago that I just don't remember
Broken - I'm happy you found a midwife you're happy with. I haven't seen the same midwife twice this time around. We just get appointments with whomever is doing the clinic that week.
I'm putting DH to work next weekend. He gets to do all the vacuuming, and setting up crib, etc. Re lady garden

, I get waxed semi-regularly. Have to say that pregnancy makes it much more painful!