May Marvels 2018

Chel - I'm glad you had a quick labour. I said heck no after having DS1. Here I am almost 6 years later....:haha:

I didn't realize 30 minutes was quick for a first birth until everyone told me, ha. And he came early. My prayers were finally answered.

Hubs is getting snipped. No doubt about it. We're old and this pregnancy was hellish. Doing it before we change our mind. I thought it would be me but my husband fell in love the minute he heard Siler cry and just adores and dotes on this kid all day long....he will be the one to crack, lol.

Edited to add: just noticed my ticker. lol Too funny that my kid should still be in for another week.
Saw pediatrician today and my little guy was tongue tied. They didn't notice or say anything at the hospital, arg. So hopefully we can start feeding better!

My boobs are definitely pouring milk but Siler can't latch on the right to save his life. So he favors the left and I'm pumping the right. I can only get about 1 ounce in 30 minutes, but doctor said my age can affect that. If the left can satisfy it's nice to have back-up milk in the fridge at least.

Siler is constantly on and off the boob and I can't tell hunger from comfort suckling. That frustrates me. He'll suckle and seem to eat and be happy then 10 minutes later, get the boob and fall asleep in a minute. lol
Guess I should just let him snuggle and comfort since it won't last. Where else do I have to go and do, right? That 4th Trimester thing makes sense.
Broken I’m glad your home now and can hopefully get some rest!! My 1st had jaundice so I kept her by the window. Should clear up soon!!!

Agcam id just say to him thT if you go quite and don’t answer him that your not being rude you just need a minute and get dh to tell him to stay out of your bedroom!!

Mrs wow anytime now for you then!!! Jump dh and hopefully that should do it lol!!

RnW 4th sweep now fx this one works!!

Rach congratulations!!! So glad you got your rainbow xx

39 weeks today!! Had a few period like cramps last night which obviously stopped! Dtd this morning so was hoping that might get things moving but apart from feeling a bit crampy nothing as yet!!
Happy 39 weeks Ricschick!! Hopefully this week sometime you get to meet your baby :). A little crampy is better than nothing right! It means something is getting ready!!

I’m happy because I put on my “fat” shorts today and I fit into them! So I actually have something to wear for the hot weather here!! I was ready to do the hair elastic trick for the button but they just did up normally, yessss!!
Birth Story! I am very verbose. Not concise at all. Sorry it's rambling.

Background: Ryan had been measuring big on his scans. At my last growth scan at 36 weeks his abdomen measurements were off the top percentile. So the consultant had me repeat my GTT and come back in 2 weeks. At the next app, we agreed that I could have a stretch and sweep at my next midwife app at 38 weeks on May 4th and I was booked to come back May 8th for a second sweep and induction booking because they didn't want Ryan to go over due.

So we went on the 4th and I was about 1cm dilated. Midwife said the sweep was successful and she was able to really get everything swept round and stuff. Delightful phrasing haha.

That night I had some period like cramps, but every time I started to time them they stopped. I went to bed and by morning everything had stopped.

Over the weekend I started to lose my mucus plug in bits and pieces. I had some random tightenings but nothing painful or regular or anything.

So Tuesday May 8th arrived. Appointment at 9:30. Sweep performed and I'm about 2cms dilated now. I was booked for my waters breaking on Friday 11th May if nothing kicked off.

We left the hospital and took a steady walk to our local park and wandered about the duck pond. Saw lots of cute ducklings. I firmly believe the ducklings helped bring on the labour haha.

We got home around 12ish and had lunch. By half 12 I was having pains that were grabbing my attention. I started to time them and they were every 5 mins. I waited for about an hour, they didn't get any closer, but they didn't fade or stop either. And they were definitely more painful! Now I was needing to breath through the pain. I held off another 40 odd mins before I rang the hospital. I was convinced I was being a drama queen, that the pains had come on too suddenly and it was all gunna be a false alarm. The hospital advised me to come in and be checked. So we hauled Josh out of school, grabbed the baby gear and headed off.

We got to the hospital about 4:30 and they monitored me and Ryan for a while before examining me. At 5:20 I was declared 4cms. We were in labour! DS went off to my friends and I got some lovely gas and air at last.

At about 6ish we got onto labour ward. Thankfully I didn't need constant monitoring so I could get up and move about, bounce on the ball. I still only had the gas and air but by around 7ish I started wanting an epidural. Not for the pain, but because the pressure building in my groin and my bum was getting unbearable. I was begging my midwife to check me, but hospital policy stated I didn't need to be checked until 4 hours had passed.

By this point I had moved back to the bed, after a heartbeat check for Ryan. Something changed in the contractions. Where before I had been breathing the gas and pretty silent, now I was moaning with the pains and I was starting to push.

Me and my midwife made a deal, she would tell the midwives taking over from her at 8 to check me, because they would be with me all night then. At about quarter/ten to 8 the new midwives came in, Vikki, my first midwife left with best wishes and good luck.

We decided it was probs best I take my leggings off at this point, I have no idea how I thought I was gunna give birth fully clothed. I told my new midwives I WAS pushing, I couldn't help or stop it. I was told to go with my body. They examined my tummy and Ryan's head was completely descended into my pelvis, they couldn't feel it anymore at all. I asked for a cervix check, I wanted permission to push so I could really get into it, I was still trying to hold back. Laura, one of my midwives said she was pretty sure if she just parted my labia, she would see Ryan's head and was it okay if she did that instead? I agreed, I desperately wanted to be able to push properly.

Ofc, she was right. They could already see the top of his head. He was still in his waters at this point. I remember thinking I wonder if they're going to break his membranes like they did with DS. But I didn't have enough brain power to ask. I kept on pushing, I could feel Ryan moving down the birth canal, feel his head getting closer. Every push I though "this will be the one that gets his head out". They invited DH to look as he was starting to crown, I got to feel his head as well.

And then that was it, at 8:19pm, his head was out and his body followed straight after. As DH said "he shot out". Afterwards I learned the midwives broken his waters when he was out. They put him on my chest and started to rub him off and get him breathing. They worked on him for a few mins on my chest, while Ryan debated if breathing was truly necessary. It was decided he needed a tad more help, so daddy cut the cord and off he went to be worked on by the doctors that just appeared in the room.

I was watching him get nice and pink, but the silence was deafening. There were awful words like 'crash cart' floating around, which terrified me and DH. Then we got a few little hiccups and a small cry. They were still working with Ryan when it all went a bit wrong with me.

I delivered my placenta all fine. Then I started to bleed. And bleed. And bleed. Suddenly there's a team of doctors there for me. I'm given oxygen, someone is putting cannulas in my hands, they're giving me fluids and drugs, injections in my legs, drugs put where you don't want drugs put! They've put a catheter in. Someone is massaging my stomach, someone else is putting pressure on my uterus from the inside(!)

Poor DH was left standing in the corner in utter panic. I was pretty out of it, all I cared about was that Ryan was okay. One of my midwives came to explain that I was okay, but I was having a pretty serious post partum hemorrhage and they needed to stop the bleeding. I was laid on the bed, watching the doctors work on Ryan and thinking "oh please don't have to give me a hysterectomy. I'm done with kids, but please don't take my womb away"

Thankfully, that didn't happen. They got the bleeding under control. They got Ryan breathing nicely and agreed he could stay with us and didn't need neonatal. And then it was over. Everyone left, I thanked as many people as I could and it was us and our 2 fantastic midwives again.

By this point DH was walking around with Ryan, who I hadn't even seen properly yet. I desperately wanted to hold him, but I was still pretty much flat on my back, with lines in both hands and I couldn't move. So we did the best we could and I at least got to see his face at long last. Over the next hour I managed to get somewhat vertical and arrange my various wires so I could hold him at last, and feed him.

We were told there was a possibility either Ryan or myself had an infection that might have passed between us. So we were both on antibiotics for a while. Ryan for 48 hours while they waited for blood tests to come back. I got sent home with mine. So we had a few days in hospital and we came home Friday the 11th May. Ryan has settled in perfectly at home and is a wonderful, calm, contented boy. We couldn't be any happier. <3
Broken that is so dramatic. How frightening!

I&#8217;m so very glad you are both ok! I can&#8217;t imagine the panic seeing your baby being worked on like that! And then for DH to see you being ill on top of that! He must have been just... well I know my husband wouldn&#8217;t have done well in that situation.

So very happy you two are doing well after such a scary situation!!
Reiko I did see him walking around with Ryan crying. He later said he was crying because he was so thrilled with Ryan, crying because he was terrified I was dying and crying because he was overwhelmed. Poor guy ended up just sat in the corner out of the way. One of our midwives did sit with him and explained what was going on.

I wouldn't have wanted to be in his position though. I don't think I'd have coped as well as him.
Also baby pics I forgot to add to birth story!

First pic is a little while after birth, maybe an hour or 2 old. Second is 3 days old coming home.

We're still keeping a close eye on his jaundice. We've had to wake him for 2 feeds today, if he doesn't wake himself properly tonight I'm moving him to 3 hour feeds tomorrow with alarms to wake us in the night. I really don't want him back in hospital under the lights.


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My turn!! Waters broke this afternoon. Xx

Broken not had a chance to read your story yet. Xx
Thank you for all the suggestions for dealing with the in-laws. It's okay during the weekend because DH is around. It's during the week that it gets really awkward. Will see what to do....

Ricschick - Good luck! Hope you have a quick and easy delivery. Will wait to hear the news!

Strezy - With my first, I was 3cm dilated on the morning of my final sweep. My waters went that day. Hope things happen soon for you!

Rach - So very pleased for you! How wonderful :)

RnW - I do hope the fourth sweep gets things started. FXd for you. :dust:

Chel - Yeah, age was a deciding factor this time around. It basically came down to now, or very likely wouldn't happen. I hear what you say about having a difficult pregnancy. I told DH that we probably wouldn't be having a second if the first one had been this difficult.
Props to your DH for getting snipped. I'll probably have permanent birth control put in place afterwards. Fed up of being on the pill, with all the side effects.

Broken - I had a PPH the first time around. They took DS from me to the cart, because he was obviously awake but didn't move or make any noise. They helped me out of the birthing pool, and I remember asking whether the water should be red. The rest of it sounds familiar - IVs, injections, massage....the works. I ended up spending 3 nights in the hospital. DS was fine, so I didn't have the additional worry that you did.
I'm so glad that it all worked out okay. Ryan is gorgeous, and sounds like an absolute darling. I hope his jaundice resolves soon :hugs:

No change on this end....random BH/contractions on and off. Nothing regular. What can I say? :shrug:
Rach congratulations on your rainbow!

Ricschick yay!! Go mama go!

Chel, DH is getting snipped too. This pregnancy was much harder than my last one, and we don't want nor can we support any more children.

Agcam it was scary for sure. But I was kind of out of it. I'm feeling the effects now though. I'm on iron tablets because I lost 2 litres of blood and my iron was low. I still feel really faint and weak when I stand for a while. I have no idea how anemic people cope. I feel really rough

I can't catch up with the posts I missed, so to all you ladies a bit dilated, or having more sweeps I'm sending all the labour vibes to you. Babies for all!
Good luck Ricschick! More babies coming!

Moms, when does the feet swelling go down? Mine is worse now than before birth!
Chel - Yeah, age was a deciding factor this time around. It basically came down to now, or very likely wouldn't happen. I hear what you say about having a difficult pregnancy. I told DH that we probably wouldn't be having a second if the first one had been this difficult.
Props to your DH for getting snipped. I'll probably have permanent birth control put in place afterwards. Fed up of being on the pill, with all the side effects.

I just turned 41 and hubs just turned 47...we'll take this one natural blessing and call it a day. Hubs did not want me going through what he witnessed. No way I could do it with a toddler.

Of course I thought I would cave but given how smitten he is with this guy, he will crack so I'd better make the appointment soon, rofl!

I'm not restarting birth control, not at my age. Pills wreaked havoc when I stopped them and I'm too old. The other stuff is too new or eh for me. I don't like unnatural stuff anyway...they could take my uterus for all I care now, ha.

And like Broken, kids are too expensive for another! :)
Broken good to read your story, glad all is ok now and you are all home safe and sound. Enjoy all of those baby snuggles!

Rics eeek good luck! Baby coming your way soon!

I'm still just waiting it out, trying my best to do as I'm told and not lift my son or do anything strenuous!
Ricschick yay!! Go mama go!! Baby soon!!

Broken spd any better since delivery?? Ryan is sooo cute!!
CHEL I didn&#8217;t have massive swelling but it did go down almost right away. I have read though a lot of times it gets worse before it gets better too. Also have heard of developing preeclampsia after the birth! So make sure your BP is being monitored at your next appt! I sweat all my water out, I have the worst postpartum sweats for the first week it&#8217;s crazy!! Now I can fit my sandals again thank goodness!!

Ready I wonder how you&#8217;re doing.... ;)
Also is it just me or does every poop postpartum feel like you just won an award!

Like, yesss I did it!!! XD lol
Reiko it kinda has, but my hips are still a little sore. My afterpains are pretty intense too. Like very strong period cramps.

Also I haven't had any issues pooping post partum. I feel so lucky. I've actually had an upset tummy today, which could be the iron tablets, I'm not sure.

Chel, I'm not sure my swelling has completely gone yet. I'm giving it another few days before I try and put my rings back on.
On the topic of swelling... I was so worried about how much I gained this pregnancy but it was definitely water weight. I gained 35-40 lbs (depending on morning sickness loss) and in the week since delivery I&#8217;ve lost 25 XD. Definitely water weight!!

My after pains this time we&#8217;re really unfriendly too Broken! Lasted a solid couple of days and I can still feel a bit crampy after a good nursing session!! With my first and second I barely had any so it wasn&#8217;t fun!!

I wonder how ricschick is getting on! She was hoping for some baby news in the past few days but it&#8217;s her baby news she&#8217;ll be getting!! Hehe!!
Aww Rach, congrats, so glad you swung by to let us know.

Broken - The PPH sounds scary but the labour and delivery sound like they were quite smooth, all things considered. Was Ryan born in his waters?? That is supposed to be lucky!

Oh Rics, how exciting, can't wait for news.

I have never had my waters break spontaneously; good job really as I am sat on a new sofa typing this...

I had such fun yesterday whenever anyone asked when I was due and I could say yesterday, plus I maintained at SW which was nice and means I can officially class my weight gain from the week I found out, to term as 18lbs (not counting the 5-7lb I lost in first tri and then regained). I am right back at the weight I was when I rejoined last July with the aim of getting knocked up after losing 2.5 stone but then it happened at 1.5.

I'm still enjoying the last few days of having a bump, but I am looking forward to being a bit more active again.

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