May Marvels 2018

We made it through out first night home. Not too bad.
He won't settle in the bassinet well but I think he is comfort suckling. Plus yesterday morning's circumcision made him oh so sleepy and he didn't eat most of the day and was making up for it last night.

He'd turn sideways and use my boob as a pillow and that's how we're sleeping. I hate it but I feel safe enough with it and me. He's snug and not on his back and he rests so swell over my heartbeat for at least 1.5-2 hours.

Of course he just won't latch this morning, poor guy. My nipples are huge and his mouth is oh so tiny. Plus he keeps pulling his tongue up....arg...BF is hard but we're going to keep plugging along. He's meeting his diaper quota so I guess he's getting food.
Sounds like your doing a great job!!

How’s baby now broken? Hope your feeling ok!!!
Congratulations on all these babies! I keep checking in to see if anymore have arrived!

Chel sounds like you are doing great...have a read about the 4th trimester, that may reassure you how babies just need comfort and cuddles. I've always co-slept with mine (use a next to me co sleeper) because they just need to be close to you.

I had my scan for fluid again today, sonographer doesn't think there is a lot of fluid but they are still going on the deepest pocket so I still have to go straight to hospital if I get contractions or my waters go, no waiting it out at home.

I'm sure i'll be the last one on here giving birth lol!

Agcam yes my daughter loved her birthday and can't wait for her bowling party on Sunday!
CHEL you’re youre definitely right, BF is hard! The first week is always the hardest and then things settle down a bit... honestly with my first it was like 12 weeks hard... with my 2nd it was 2 weeks. Hoping this one gets better after 2 weeks too. They are just figuring things out like we are right!! I bf my other 2 for 18 months and once the hard part is over it is wonderful. I can’t wait for it to get a bit easier over here. For my nipples to heal up after the first few days of newborn torture trying to get my milk in and for her latch to mature a bit. I have the 2 week goal in my mind for when things will be a bit easier overall, I remember a transition with my other 2 at about 12 days PP where life just seemed to become manageable.

Not long now before more babies come! I hope everyone has a really good delivery! Is anyone getting a c section or is everyone just waiting to go into labour? It seems like we only had one section in our group which is an amazing ratio so far!!
Touchwood I’m just waiting to go into labour I’ve never had to have a c section so hopefully there will be no reason this time and things will be straight forward!!
I take my hat off to you girls who bf it sounds so hard! Bf just isn’t for me so welldone to you girls!!!
Reiko with you on the bf, I think with my daughter after 2'ish weeks we were flying! She never had any problems and fed her until 17 months. My son it took 5 very painful weeks because he had an undiagnosed posterior tongue tie, got it sorted and I only managed to stop bf just before he turned 2 😂😂
Once it's established it's so easy because you can head out anywhere and not have to remember anything apart from nappies as you can just feed them anytime!

Waiting here to just go into labour,the consultant said yesterday no hoovering, gardening, lifting, sex etc...basically don't do anything that could possibly rupture my membranes.
Congratulations Chel!!

We're still in the hospital but should be coming home today. Ryan is doing fab. Feeding well and sleeping well and basically being amazing.

I'm super anxious to get home and see DS. ODS I suppose now haha.

Gunna work on my birth story when I get home and I'm not on my phone.

Sending labour vibes to all you ladies still waiting. I was sure I'd see babies when I logged in today.

I'm also in awe of you ladies that are bf. It seems like such hard work to establish and stuff. That said, messing with bottles is hospital is it's own nightmare. I can't wait to get home with all my own stuff.
Broken did you have to take your own formula in ? My hospital has changed their rules and I have to take my own formula in so I’ve bought those starter packs which are little bottles with teats.
Feeling a little sore in the groin today and still no signs of baby!!!!
Yazzy I’m going to do everything your dr told you not to! Lol I had PROM with both of my kids which knocks labour in to full gear for me. I need it to happen.

I’m on the BF boat too. With ds I think I had FTM stress and didn’t produce enough so I only lasted 4 months but with dd I had no issues. I too love not worrying about the bottles and stuff plus it’s free which I like. To each their own though. You have to do what works best and causes the least amount of stress.

I’m glad you ladies are doing better and life with babies is moving forward. I can only hope it happens sooner than later over here. I’ve been quite nauseated with loose bowels for a couple days and just down right miserable. To top it off I have lovely (painful) bulging hemorrhoids that popped out the other day. I’ve been having so much pressure I guess it’s been bound to happen. If anyone has any tried and true methods to ease the pain/pressure/size I’m all ears. I have ointment, wipes and have been doing the sitz baths.
RnW oh you pore thing I had them at the end of my last pregnancy they were sooo painful!! Fx they’ve stayed away this time so far!! I did as your doing used ointment etc I hope they feel better soon!!!
Rosie - Hope the clinic went well. The policy here is that they strongly recommend not to go over 42 weeks due to risks with the placenta (which is common knowledge, I guess). If you choose to go over, it's sort of at your own risk, and the consultants would have to get involved.

Hope - I love chubby cheeks :D Good luck with bubs coming soon. I'm in waiting mode too...

Chel - I'm glad you had a quick labour. I said heck no after having DS1. Here I am almost 6 years later....:haha:
As far as breast-feeding goes - if I remember correctly, DS went through a phase of cluster feeding in the first couple of days. He was basically latching on every 30 minutes, to get the milk supply going.

Reiko - I'm hoping for no interventions. I couldn't have a home birth this time around because I had a post-partum haemorrhage the first time. I'm planning to hypnobirth, and would love a water birth as I had with my first.

Ricschick - Hope things kick off for you soon. I'm in wait-and-see mode too. Just so long as I can avoid an induction I'll be happy :)
Did you manage to find prevalin? Has it helped at all?

Broken - Glad to hear that you and Ryan are doing well. He sounds like a darling. :) I don't think I said "sleeping well" about DS1 until he was 4 years old, and even now he's not a great sleeper!

RnW - I've been using Witch hazel for haemmorhoids. It is certainly soothing, even if it doesn't shrink them. I just wet a cotton pad and leave it on there.
I had bleeding early on, and the pharmacist suggested using diaper cream on them as a barrier. They subsided for a while, but are now back, thankfully without the bleeding so far. If nothing works, I'd speak to the doctor and ask for a prescription, though they might not give it to you until LO is here.

Ahhh....breastfeeding. I breastfed DS1 for 19 months. It was tough going, expressing at work, etc. He also started reverse cycling once I returned to work (when he was about 3 months old), and it was zombie land after that.
I'm hoping I'm able to breastfeed this time around. My boobs look like they've shrunk since the start of the pregnancy, but that might just be because my belly has grown so much :haha: Time to increase my consumption of oats, I think.
Ready ha ha I'd be with you on starting this labour but because there is a 'small' risk of cord prolapse it is a big no no to do anything strenuous. Saying that, I've been at gym class with my little boy and that is exhausting enough lol.
Feeling period like achiness in my lower back today, probably just need to rest. I can't wait to put my feet up tonight!

Sounds like baby Ryan is doing well, can't wait to hear your birth story!

With feeding you just have to go with what feels best for you. As long as baby is fed, that's all that matters. I love bf for the convenience, so easy at nighttime too so I really hope this baby will latch on well. It was really stressful with my son because of his tongue tie.
Ricschick yeah I had to take my own formula. I had a starter kit too. Life saver. But then we were in for a few days so I had to get DH to bring in bottles and powder and stuff. They gave me a cold water steriliser which was actually pretty amazing. If I didn't already have a steam one, I would consider cold water. It's so easy.

Agcam I seem to make these unicorn babies that are amazing as newborns and babies, then the hit some demon switch on their second birthday and put me through 2/3 hrs of absolute hell :haha:

I'm still pretty low on brain power after doing all the baby stuff alone since birth. DH is on duty tonight so I can catch up, so hopefully I'll be back to form tomorrow and can bash out my birth story and catch up with everyone.

And share pics ofc! Ryan has developed jaundice over the last couple of days so we're keeping an eye on that. They checked his levels and it was way below needing treatment and obvs they still discharged us. But I'm keeping an eye on him. Cos bubba looks like he's got a heck of a tan ATM.
AGcam I’m sure once baby is here those breasts will fill right in... honestly I hate how big they are for the first few months of bf! I can’t wait till they get a bit smaller!

In our hospitals here they give you everything. Diapers, wipes, formula if you need it, breast pumps if you need it. That’s the huge plus of the hospital. Definitely save a few dollars on babies first essentials! And the nurses tell you to pack up all the extra diapers with you when you go home! Would be stressful to make sure you have enough of everything, especially when you’re not sure how long your stay is!!
I have a question about in-laws....

How do you deal with having your in-laws around when you're having contractions? I've had a few on and off today (could be strong BHs, or early labour contractions....not sure which), and I've tried to stop and breathe to get some hypnobirthing practice in. It's a bit awkward with my father-in-law around. I don't know how to tell him, without offending him, that I can't talk and need some space. They're from a different mindset than ours, and also have no problem coming into our bedroom, for instance.

I've managed to get DS to understand that when I say "Shhhh", I mean it. Think I can try the same tactic? :haha:

Reiko - I normally have quite a small chest. This time, I'm considerably bigger than I was the first time around. It's an odd feeling. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep on my stomach for a while yet.
The local hospital provides you with some stuff if you don't have it. At least they did 5 years ago. They had nappies, cotton, wipes, etc on standby. They also have Medela breast pumps and expressing rooms, and provided us with bottles, etc. when I needed to express. I was quite pleasantly surprised.

Broken - I hope Ryan gets over his jaundice quickly. It's good that it's at a level where he doesn't need treatment. Hope it resolves soon!
Congrats Cheluzal!! He’s absolutely precious!!

Had OB appt today and I’m 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. I was happy about that. Maybe I’m weird, but I absolutely LOVE the huge boobs I get when breastfeeding. I’m normally small chested so it makes me feel so good to have big boobs. Then I’m depressed when they go away, lol
Hey all, thanks Agcam - clinic was fine, they discharged me and said I can just see community MW on Monday for a sweep then possibly one the Monday after if I haven't had the baby. The local policy is 40+12 for induction of an overdue child here.

I also feel like my breasts have shrunk this time, but I am expressing a little colostrum each day and rubbing it in.

I would be direct with the in laws, you must have a free pass to be setting the rules! Perhaps your OH could explain the hypno to them? Or maybe if you have any books/handouts they could look at to wrap their heads around it?

Sorry to hear the little fella has jaundice Broken, sounds like you are having a bumpy start but I am sure you will all be reet soon.
Hopefully we will get some more sun this weekend and you can top his little self up!

Argh again, I planned to respond better to everyone but I cannot remember anything. I do hope my brain returns after I give birth...

On another note, I can't wait for someone to ask when I am due from now, just because I love the reaction when you give them a date that has passed...
Agcam if dh can’t discuss with his parents what you need right now then I would excuse myself to the bedroom and tell them that I need 30mins (or however long) alone time with no interruptions. I’m sure I have offended plenty of people over the last week but it’s their shit to deal with not mine. My dad stopped by earlier and I was bouncing on my ball. As he was trying to tell me about something he asked if I could stop and I just said no lol. He managed just fine!
Broken I hope Ryan is jaundice free sooner than later and you manage to feel a little less dishelved...of course I wouldn’t expect that for several months lol.
So I had my 4th stretch today and a discussion about moving forward if I don’t have this baby by Sunday. MW and I have a good plan just in case. I have been having regular contractions (again!!) for the last few hours. I am starting to ‘feel’ them more with more pressure over the last half hour. I’m so hoping things are moving along but it’s hard to have faith when it’s been so frustrating this week. I am feeling back discomfort that’s all I have going for me right now.
Hi ladies! Not sure if anyone remembers I was in this group for a short time but had an early miscarriage. Well I got pregnant again 2 weeks later so Im right behind you all in the June group! Hope you dont mind me popping in to say congrats to those who delivered and hope who’s still waiting meet their babers soon!
Rach I’m so glad you’re so close to meeting your rainbow!! Huge congrats and best of luck in the next few weeks!

Ready if that 4th stretch doesn’t do it I don’t know what will! Sounds like all good things and again it will likely be quick and a very favourable labour after all your prelabour!! So much practice for the real deal!! Hopefully tonight things really pick up for you!

AGcam. I don’t even know. I would probably outright just say I need space because I’m having contractions. And no it doesn’t mean the baby will be here any time soon it’s just what my body is doing.

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