May Marvels 2018

Oh Ready, we were hoping your silence was baby time. I really hope your BH are making some progress in there and you avoid induction. C'mon baby!

Rosie I found that too. Either everyone was scrambling to monitor stuff or it was literally 2 months between appointments. I really think our prenatal care needs to be looked at.

DH got me my "push present" today. A giant KFC :haha: it was amazingly good. I'm still full nearly 5 hours on. That KFC was the light at the end of my pregnancy misery haha.
Jan Broken that’s awesome! I’ve definitely been treating myself to sweets now that my blood sugars are back to normal.

Ready I’m somsorry you’re still waiting. Rosie seems to be handling overdue well but to me overdue is the worst thing in the world. Mentally I just shut down! I was overdue with my first and I believe I was actually legitimately depressed for that week. Anyways, have you ever heard of the Midwife cocktail? Here the midwives will give it to you as soon as you like after 40 weeks before medical induction at 40+10. It’s supposed to get things going. Really worked for my SIL, her 4th was born using it.

Maybe ask about that?
Ready try to relax, baby will just come when ready...the more ready your body is then hopefully the easier your labour will be.
I have also had so many braxton hicks the last few days, some are quite uncomfortable.

I managed to fall over again today argh! Landed on my knee though and baby has been wriggling around...just my knee is looking a bit worse for wear lol!

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow, it will just be a general check over and then the health visitor is coming out on Friday.
Ooooo yazzy be careful! Your poor knee.
I was like 99% sure I'd actually broken my toe when I fell a couple of weeks ago. I don't think I did because it's much better now. But I was worried.

I'm going stir crazy. I'm desperate to leave the house, but my local park has been invaded by gypsies and there's no where else close enough that I feel safe to walk to while I'm still feeling weak and dizzy. I've decided my compromise is going to be to cut my grass tomorrow and take me and Ryan to sit outside for a while, just get some fresh air. I'm going to be doing the school walk on Thursday as well, so that should help the cabin fever.

Ryan has been a bit weird with his feeds last night and today. He was taking 2.5-3ozs every 3-4 hours and now he's dropped to 1.5-2 and even getting that much is a battle. I'm a little concerned, still plenty of wet bums tho so I guess he's getting enough.

Gah! Babies make me stress haha.
Oh lawks, a push present of KFC made me chortle heartily!

I'm sorry you are so fed up RnW. I totally understand it, I found it really tough the first two times but when I was pregnant last time one of my pals who was due the same day as me had her baby at 27 weeks so I forced myself to see the positives of getting to nearly 42 weeks because I figured if I moaned to her by mistake she would tell me she would have given her right earlobe or more to get that far!

So by number 4 I am resigned to it. I am trying to practice patience with the lovely folk asking whether she is here yet. I make a point of asking overdue pals literally anything else.

Also, I am such a drama queen that if I let myself moan and rant, I will spiral into a diva meltdown so it is kinder all round for me to stop and breathe ;o)

BRoken that’s terrible about your park!! I took my older girls to the water/spray park this morning as it’s almost 30 degrees here right now and they played for 2.5 hrs while I sat in the shade just nursing and holding Summer while she snoozed. It was lovely!! That might be how we spend multiple days a week in these early days! It takes a bit longer than I plan to get 3 out of the house though lol! I need to add an extra 15 mins to my plans!
Ryan has been a bit weird with his feeds last night and today. He was taking 2.5-3ozs every 3-4 hours and now he's dropped to 1.5-2 and even getting that much is a battle. I'm a little concerned, still plenty of wet bums tho so I guess he's getting enough.

Gah! Babies make me stress haha.

Ok, Siler has never drank more than 2 ounces and it's usually every 4 hours! He never cries for more earlier and we have to almost make him eat at 4 hours. I worry about him but he's producing enough wet diapers and having enough properly-colored BMs. I do worry about his weight. He hasn't gained any since he lost the initial loss after birth....but we just started bottle to ensure 2 ounces yesterday so we shall see. He does spit up after 2 ounces...maybe his teeny weeny tummy is just slow to grow.
OK, so is gas-like pain all in the abdomen normal?
It's not the uterus cramping, but the pinprick gassy pain, but it's higher up.
It just started and I worry because that's me, but it's probably just everything going back in place, right?

I don't feel I need to fart, lol, but I'm having serious diarrhea that's aggravating my hemorrhoid. Bleh.
Reiko I'm sad about my park too. I want to take DS there so he can play on his bike and me and Ryan can just hang out in the shade and get fresh air.
Hopefully they will either move on soon, or our council will move them on. Nothing against travellers ofc, this is just kind inconvenient to my life right now.

I had a google and apparently 2ish ozs is normal for his age. I think I jumped the gun on the back of a couple of bigger feeds and he wasn't ready to move up to 3 yet. I'm pretty sure it's not reflux cos he doesn't cry or spit up after feeds, he tends to go straight to sleep. We're having a harder time keeping him awake for feeds ATM.

Chel Ryan had put on 3ozs at his 5 day check. So I know he's getting enough. It's just been so long I don't remember what's "normal" anymore. If Siler is done at 2ozs then that's perfectly okay. I hope pumping works better for you guys with his tongue tie.
I can't wait for lazy summer days with the kids. We only have a couple weeks and my daughter will be off school for a week then its the last half term before 6 weeks summer holidays. Got a week away middle of July with my mum and kids so really looking forward to that...I get to chill when my mum is around!

Chel with the after pains I had it was everytime baby feeds and it would feel like horrible period cramps, sure it only lasted a week'ish.

I would have no idea how much you feed a baby, have always bf so never worried about what they have taken. I did express for a few weeks for my lb before his tongue tie was diagnosed and sorted but have no idea how much I fed him!

Reiko that sounds like a perfect day out with the kids, let them play and you can relax with baby. I think your girls are similar ages to my kids.
I’m sooo tired!! Lol. Billie likes to sleep a lot in the day and wakes more often at night, she settles really well but I just need to swop that around! Still feeling quite sore with after pain so taking paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Girls I hope more babies come soon!!!
Chel Ryan had put on 3ozs at his 5 day check. So I know he's getting enough. It's just been so long I don't remember what's "normal" anymore. If Siler is done at 2ozs then that's perfectly okay. I hope pumping works better for you guys with his tongue tie.

Pumping is working so much better! I can track what he's getting and daddy loves being involved (especially in the morning so I can get another hour or 2 of sleep).

He was only taking 1 ounce for most of last week, and now he's up to 2...last night he even did 2.25 so I think we're on the right track.

I'm pumping more milk and I think he was just so tiny and early and taking awhile to play catch-up. I'm making him eat every 3 hours during the day (not the 4 the lazybones would prefer) then we only get up once in the night since he's a good sleeper....
CHEL YOU'RE REALLY NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL US YOU'RE ONLY UP ONCE PER NIGHT WITH YOUR NEWBORN. Haha j/k ;) Good for you!! I don't think I slept at all last night... but the night before she slept like a charm. I have one of those unpredictable babies. Although she is a good baby because she hasn't cried or fussed yet. I just make sure to feed her on time and she sleeps most of the time. She has seriously only cried twice in 10 days. Once when my sister gave her a bath which i know was too cold, and once in her carseat. Our last baby cried and fussed non stop!!

So yesterday and last night LO has vomited after 3 feedings! I can't tell what it is. My niece held her on Sunday for a long time and apparently was feeling sick all sunday night and slept with a bucket in her room. So could be a virus. But I'm wondering if it's oversupply too, my boobs aren't engorged but they are really full and I know their tummies are still small at this stage. OR could be the beginning of a dairy allergy that I've dealt with with all my girls, we were really hoping to escape that this time so I don't have to cut it out of my diet D: Anyways managed to go all night with no vomiting and I'm hoping it just doesn't happen again and I don't need to worry what the cause was!!
Ladies the struggle is real...we go from wanting babies out to dealing with all of the newborn stuff. The first month is hard and exhausting especially with other kids at home. I’m glad my kids will be in school for the first 6 weeks.

I’m back from my 5th and final stretch and have a plan in hand. MW said I’m about 3-4 and membranes are bulging nicely. If contractions and cramping become regular she will come and break my membranes. If by tomorrow that hasn’t done the trick then she will give me induction meds. All was well with baby at my u/s yesterday but because I’m 40 we really don’t want to push things too far. So baby will be here by tomorrow at the latest, god willing.
Oh ready I’m sure at least the water breaking will work and you won’t need meds. Is her head quite low? I wonder if when your water breaks and head drops down your cervix will go really quickly... you might have the quickest labour of us all after waiting so long!! It will be nice for you to have those hours in the day when your kids are at school. Make sure you’re taking advantage and napping lots, do it for me haha. I have 2 at home and no naps anymore so I can’t sleep during the day! I have to go to bed when my girls do at 7:30 to get a few extra hours XD
Ricschick same here. Biiiiiiig long sleeps during the day then shorter ones at night. But he settles well regardless.

Omg chel! You can't just tell people your newborn only gets up once a night!! Haha. Joking ofc, it's great he's a good sleeper. I'm glad your DH is getting to feel more involved with expressed milk.
A big part of my choice not to bf was so DH could be as involved as possible around work and so I wouldn't be doing everything by my self because he works such crazy shifts as will likely go days without seeing Ryan properly once he goes back.

Reiko I'm glad you have a relaxed baby. I hope she's avoided the dairy allergy or a virus and it's just one of those random baby vomit things. I feel so lucky Ryan is a chilled baby, because DS was and I can't believe it got 2 unicorn babies who sleep and stuff :haha:

Ooooo Ready I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you that baby will arrive tonight for you. She must be super comfy in there.
I agree it's nice having an older child in school, it makes everything a bit less stressful without a little person hovering and asking questions.

Reiko I'm still sneaking naps in while DH is off work. But I know they're limited. I don't know how I'll cope without them :haha:
Hello ladies! Sorry I haven't been posting, Evie hardly ever lets me put her down, so I've had to type things out one handed which is super tedious!

She's a good baby though, only really cries if she is hungry or want snuggles. We only have to get up once or twice with her at night, which I am super thankful for!

Breastfeeding is going pretty well. My pump crapped out on me though, and that's messed with things a bit, but I have another on the way from amazon prime that will be arriving tomorrow. We've been having to supplement her a little but with formula, because when she came home from the hospital she had lost a pound from her birth weight and they wanted to make sure that was coming back up. My supply has gotten better since then, so I think they will give me the go ahead to stop supplementing at her next appt if she is continuing to gain weight.
All the memories of having a newborn have started flooding back to me after hearing about all the issues from you ladies!! sounds like for the most part everyone has good chill babies though. My first was constantly fussy and wouldn't allow us to put him down. we'll see if baby #2 follows suit. So today I was bouncing on a birthing ball at work(I work in an office) and then I stood up. Omg it felt like she had dropped down 12 inches, lol. Hope this helps speed things along; I'll bounce on it tomorrow too during my shift.

I talked to my husband and we decided that if she doesn't come naturally by her due date, we're going to go ahead with induction on 5/24. That way it'll be right before the weekend and won't interfere with my husband's work schedule too much(he is self-employed). We'll have the weekend and Memorial Day together to spend as a family. Last time I waited until 41+1 to be induced with my son, but definitely not going to do that next time. If I end up needing to get Pitocin, so be it. At that point it's not technically "natural" labor anyway and I'll just get an epidural.
Oh ready I’m sure at least the water breaking will work and you won’t need meds. Is her head quite low? I wonder if when your water breaks and head drops down your cervix will go really quickly... you might have the quickest labour of us all after waiting so long!! It will be nice for you to have those hours in the day when your kids are at school. Make sure you’re taking advantage and napping lots, do it for me haha. I have 2 at home and no naps anymore so I can’t sleep during the day! I have to go to bed when my girls do at 7:30 to get a few extra hours XD

This is what I’m hoping for! She is very low so should have her head working it’s way through that cervix. MW will be here soon to do the deed. I have been having regular contractions for a few hours that are uncomfortable and they are paired with cramps and back pain. Hopefully I have dilated some or at least effaced some more.

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