I can't believe it's been more than a week since some of you had your babies! Time seems to be flying. It's so lovely to read about all of you feeding and spending time with babies, despite the lost sleep.
Ricschick - Congratulations! She's so beautiful

I hope that you and LO are keeping well.
RnW - I hope baby arrives soon!
Chel - Sounds like pumping is working out really well for you.

Hope your digestive system is settling down a bit.
Reiko - Hope your LO is okay, and it wasn't a bug.
I'd never heard of hte midwife cocktail until you mentioned it. I just looked it up. They don't offer it here.
Broken - KFC! I haven't eaten KFC in years and now want a big bucket of it. I hope you manage to get out and about soon. It's a shame about your local park.
I've told DH that he'll very likely have to run out and get me some sushi afterwards. I can't wait to chow down on that, camembert and parma ham (not necessarily together!)
Viera - Can I ask what pump you bought? Last time, I rented a Medela hospital-grade pump. This time, I've purchased an Avent electric because it was on sale at a really good price. Hoping it works out.
Rosie - I'm now officially joining you in the "overdue" club. Haha.
Yazzy, Strezy, Kitten, and everybody else who is waiting - hope our babies arrive soon
I'm trying to stay chill about it, but the text messages, phone calls and emails are driving me bonkers. I mean, asking every day whether anything is happening isn't going to make her arrive any sooner.
I have a sweep booked for Monday, which would be 40+6, and will then have a second one on the Thursday or Friday. They unfortunately don't do them over the weekend here, and they would want to induce me the following Monday. FXd!