May Marvels 2018

Congratulations hope and RnW!!!!

Ready your a trooper for being able to jump out of the birthing pool!! Not sure I could do that!!!

Lovely list Rosie thank you!! ( I was 39 weeks 😉)

Hope more babies come soon!!

I had the most awful scare on Wednesday Billie woke up in the afternoon and couldn’t catch her breathe she was arching her back and there was orange mucus coming out of her nose I was so frightened we called an ambulance and thankfully she settled after they took her in the ambulance so we spent that evening in hospital where they checked her bloods and did a ecg which all thankfully came back fine. Never been so scared in my life!!! She’s been fine since thank god!!
But she’s such a content baby!! And our other children all LOVE her so much it’s beautiful to see!!
I no I’ve nit written my birth story yet but I promise il do it later!
I’m still getting after pain which I need to take ibuprofen for! And my boobs are killing me!! And I still look 6 months pregnant!! Downside to having so many pregnancies my body takes a while now to go back to normal!! And I’m still suffering with carpal tunnel 😖 by it’s all totally worth it lol.
Ahhh I knew there would be some baby brain in my calculations hehe.

I've seen the midwife today, not dilated at all but my cervix has rotated to the centre.

They've booked me in for an induction on Wednesday night at term+12 if I've done nowt by then.
Scary Ricschick!! I've been there with a disabled brother and the not knowing is sooo scary!

I have nothing to compare to, but hubs and I do agree with have a good baby. He spits up in the day but never at night, lol. He must know if he's sleeping in the big bed he'd better not mess the sheets.

He slept well after 11pm feeding. Up to feed at 3, then daddy got him at 6:30. I didn't get up to pump but did wake earlier and pumped while he's still waking...we've only ever done 2 ounces and he's wanting it a little sooner so we're seeing how much more he wants. He took 2.5 this morning.

Yesterday was rough. Hubs works Saturdays and is off Monday so from this afternoon until Tuesday morning, he is the primary caretaker, rofl!! I need to get out and act like a human adult.

Hope to hear more babies soon!
Rosie I hope baby decides to come soon for you, at least you have a plan if not.

I keep hearing i'll be offered an induction on Thursday if baby isn't here because I'm under consultant care. However I'm only just due on Wed so as long as baby is doing well I will do my best to avoid this.

So at the moment, nothing happening here!
THanks for the list Rosie, so sweet of you to put that together!

Mrsstrezy I get you on the self employed thing. DH only had 2 days off because no one is paying him if he doesn’t work and I’m on half pay for the year of mat leave. So you need that long weekend!! Hope it works out. You never know when things will pick up.

Ricschick that’s sooo scary. So glad Billie is ok. I hope your boobs calm down soon! My body tends to get back to normal pretty quickly but I was being a bit hard on myself this time because it definitely is taking a lot longer!! Must be because it’s the third baby!! Thankfully I have my fat pants and shorts that I can wear for the summer.

Summer had 3 nights of gassy tummy where she was literally up all night. I didn’t sleep a wink. Last night she was bad in the late evening but I got her to sleep at about 12 and then we slept until 8 with a bunch of dream feeds in there so I slept quite a bit thank goodness. I’m cutting out dairy so maybe that’s helping but maybe she’s just a gassy baby too. I might pick up some colic remedy for her too. She was easy for the first 10 days and now getting a bit more demanding so I’m going to start wearing her in my stretchy wrap a lot more and my friend is giving me a linen ring sling too.
Ricschick that is scary but I’m so glad she’s ok.

I have my all crossed for you ladies that are trying to avoid induction. I was getting to the point that I was going to do it just to move forward but I’m glad I didn’t have to.

I’ve been having a struggle with Dylan and her latch. I mistook her latch for early days discomfort but turns out she wasn’t getting enough in her mouth and now my nipples are paying the price. I have corrected it now so hopefully pain subsides soon. She is power eating and managed to bring my milk in in less than 48 hours. She’s staring to settle and sleep more which is good because I’ve had maybe 10 hours of sleep since Tuesday and feeling it. I still wouldn’t change a thing, I’m just so in love with her and happy she’s here.
REady I had a bad latch too for maybe 3 days with Summer that pretty much destroyed my nipples. 2 weeks innand they’re completely better now. I did have a cream
Though, called APNO (all purpose nipple ointment). If you can get that it has a pain killer in it I think and then an anti fungal and a few things to prevent you from getting thrush or mastitis from the nipple damage. It’s needs a prescription though but is a life saver! But if you’ve corrected the latch it will get better in not too long!!

Lots of air drying your nipples too. I stayed upstairs and topless whenever I was home for the first 1.5 weeks XD
Moms, think babies have growth spurts at 2 weeks old?
Siler has just become so needy lately, sleeping more and only soothing on mommy's chest. Makes it super hard for me but it makes sense, no?

My hands-free nursing bra came in today so hopefully that makes things easier for me to deal with him since he will not lie down in pack and play lately (except when daddy comes home :nope: I think they're in cahoots).
Chel...I think the first growth spurt is around 7/8 weeks and they start to cluster feed, although if bottle fed it might seem different.
I think most newborns just love to be held all the time 😂 I know with my lb he wouldn't sleep or settle for very long at all when I put him down until he was 6 months...I just cuddled him or wore him in his carrier for the first 6 months...he even screamed in his pram for the first 3 months.

I thought I might have news for you all this morning, went to bed with painful contractions every 10 mins last night but they all stopped around 3am this morning...argh I honestly thought I'd be in hospital having a baby this morning!
Awww yazzy, so frustrating for you!

I'm not getting any signs, DTD after curry and ball bouncing (as it were) last night but nowt doing.

I'm hopeful that at least if I do go in Wednesday, it may be like with DD3 which was a one pessary kicking it all off nicely job.

I'll have to reacquaint myself with latches and growth spurts, it seems like a really long time since I did this last!!!
Ricschick that's so scary! I'm glad everything was okay.

Chel I was just googling growth spurts this morning because Ryan is having one. 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-5 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months etc etc. They have lots of them!

I was iffy about getting a carrier, but flying solo today with both kids I flipping need one! I'm definitely getting one.

Sending labour vibes to you ladies still hanging in there!
Looks like me, Yazzy, and Rosie might all be having our babies in the same 24 hr span!! Hope none of us actually have to be induced and that we just go on our own. Yazzy-that sucks about the contractions and then having them fizzle out. That’s exactly what happened to me Wednesday and I’ve had barely any contractions since. I’m starting to feel stressed because my 3 yr old has been through two courses of antibiotics in the last month and still can’t seem to get rid of his ear infection. He just finished one course a week ago and then woke up with a fever again this morning. His seasonal allergies are in full force right now too. I normally have a very healthy kid and now all of a sudden, now that I’m due with a baby shortly, there are issues. Ugh I just want him to be ok:-(. Taking him for a chiropractor visit tomorrow to see if they can drain his ear.
Chel I was just googling growth spurts this morning because Ryan is having one. 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-5 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months etc etc. They have lots of them!

I was iffy about getting a carrier, but flying solo today with both kids I flipping need one! I'm definitely getting one.

Ah-ha! I knew it! He's napping in pack and play again today so hopefully they aren't too long. Gonna re-try the bassinet and breast every Monday when he's another week old. Pumping is killing me but his mouth is still too small. The hands-free bra helps. Hubs is home Sunday and Monday and hes on duty so I can connect like a dairy cow and pump all day, lol.

We have a carrier but Siler is too small for it! My little shrimp needs to grow. He is up to 7 pounds and looks longer, but still has his scrawny little legs. He's definitely eating more ounces a day based on my tracking.
I wasn't sure if something was starting earlier, but can't tell if it's just my body reacting to curry for tea, leftovers for breakfast and jalapeño on nachos for lunch haha
Those naughty babies making you guys wait!!! I hope they come soon!!!
I am not too bothered to miss today as it is my mum's birthday. Tomorrow would be either rubbish or bittersweet too as it is the Manchester Arena anniversary :S
Hey ladies, baby Thea arrived this morning! 7lb 13oz and all ok. Totally in love with her. I am sooo ready to get some sleep now though.
Awww yay! Congrats lovely!

So Mrs, have you also birthed? Surely having plans for your 3yo made it inevitable??

I may make a hair appointment tomorrow, see if I can't trick my body into starting to be a scamp!!

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