Yay rics! Exciting stuff!
Foreign I've not bought anything yet and I'm going to have to buy everything again as we weren't planning on having any more so got rid of everything!! Will prob start picking stuff up after 12 weeks.
So sorry boogs, that really sucks

Baby dust your way for your next cycle x
Yay Rach for potty wees!!
Broken glad the bleeding has stopped. I had a few flecks of blood mixed in with cm earlier. Hoping it's nothing, spoke to the EPU and they weren't bothered tbh! Eek for scan, mine is on 30th when I'll be 7+4, seems ages away!!
rischick I'm already thinking about prams!! I was obsessed with prams with DD2, I used to buy and sell and change my pram all the time! I went through 24... yes 24

Only every had one or two at a time, just loved changing my prams!! I'm thinking an Oyster2 this time as I loved my Oyster, think it was my fave.
Afm, still got mild cramps and as I said above had a few flecks of blood mixed with CM earlier when I wiped. Trying not to worry about it (but it's hard not to worry about everything isn't it!). Boobs are on fire and I feel knackered