May Marvels 2018

Happy 10 weeks huggles!! What are the blood tests for? X

It's the first trimester screening bloods - they go hand in hand with the NT scan. The risk factor that they give you after the NT scan is worked out as a combination of the NT measurement, the maternal age, and the results of the blood tests. I think they can be done between 10-12 weeks? Something like that.

Plus we need to check if I have any rhesus antibodies as I'm Rh-

I want to ask the gp to check my thyroid levels again though (I've been on thyroid meds for 23 years) as they tend to go out when I'm pg so the meds might need to be adjusted slightly.
Happy 10 weeks Huggles! I’m right there with you.

Ricschick the test is also called Harmony but that may be in the States?? It’s a non invasive blood test to check for chromosomal issues. Maybe it’s just in North America, I thought it was all over but could be wrong. Here is you are 40+ at the time of delivery it’s covered by health insurance.
Hello all! Well we’re finally moved into our house. The place is a disaster and we have a lot of things to do still, but I’m so relieved the actual moving part is done. I actually felt pretty good the day before the move and the day of the move, so I was able to accomplish a lot. But man, I payed for it yesterday. Could only keep a couple meals down, threw up 4x. Constant was awful. Went to bed early and now feeling better this morning.

I seem to be having quite an issue with hypersalivation...anyone else? It’s driving me crazy!! I almost always have to keep a cup by me because I feel the need to spit constantly.

Chinese gender prediction was wrong for my said I was having a girl. This time it also says girl but I’m trying to not get my hopes up..we’d love one.
Glad you survived the move mrsstrezy. Sorry you paid for it so badly the next day.
Regarding hypersalivation - I haven't been struggling with it but I read an interesting article on the ovia app this morning saying it is quite common at this time of pregnancy.
When did MS end for you who have been pregnant before?

My symptoms have slacked off a LOT the past few days and it's making me nervous! My sickness peaked on Friday (9wks+1), and I felt awful... Saturday, Sunday, and today I have felt pretty good (no extreme fatigue, and only a *little* bit of sickness...) So I'm trying not panic lol BUT I have been starving, so maybe that's a good sign (like waking up at 3am extremely hungry)
Happy 10 weeks Huggles!

Ricschick.. we do! In London apparently. I'd imagine you have to pay though. It's probably not offered in NHS. I looked cos I'd love to find out gender early but I live in Yorkshire and there are no clinics within literally 100 miles that do it.

No movements here, but only second baby so even though I know what I'm looking for it's probably still too early.

I told my ex (FOB) my news and he decided this would now be a perfect time to bring up an old old row about my DS name. We were separated when DS was born so I gave him my surname. When ever me having a baby with DH comes up (last time was when I was miscarrying in 2014, then when DS told him he wanted mummy to give him a sister and now, now) he starts a fight about demanding DS surname is changed to his surname. It's exhausting and really kinda spoilt this pregnancy cos now I know I'm going to spend most of it fighting a pointless battle. He's threatened to take me to court over it before. :cry:
Broken - sorry your ex is giving you so many hassles about your ds's name. I really hope he eases off on your soon :hugs:

brw - according to ovia, around 10 weeks it's totally normal for symptoms to start disappearing as the placenta is taking over more and more. I know you're 9 weeks still but it's close enough. It might be as simple as the placenta carrying more of the hormonal burden.
NAUSEA: I'm not as bad, hallelujah! I tried a half a Phenergan yesterday at lunch (usually only take at bedtime) and paid for it dearly last night. So bizarre this pill makes me worse before better. I guess I sleep through it because I feel somewhat normal each morning. I have to keep nibbles in every 2 hours I figure.

10-WEEK TEST: I'm 40 but still denied it. I'm just a person who would rather not know now...I won't abort and it would stress me immensely. Whatever is birthed will be loved and I can shift to acceptance and do stuff mode then. I am getting the sequential at 13 weeks ONLY because it was the only way to get another ultrasound before W20...if it's normal, I'm not doing part 2...heck, I won't do anything invasive if it's positive!

MOVING: Hubs keeps making a few visits each week taking stuff to the other house. We don't have too much left (I loathe hoarding) and will use a company for the big stuff, to make life easier. I'm okay if it's by the start of November.
Congrats on moving into the house mrsstrezy.

Sorry to hear about your ex broken how annoying!!

Brw I literally came on here to say how worried I am as for about the last week I have had no symptoms ... not a single thing!! I literally would never know i was oregnant right know and of course I am ow panicking that I am going to go to my scan in 2 weeks time and nothing be there!
My sickness is easing off, well I’m getting less sicky days in between now! I’ve been much less sick this pregnancy, was horribly sick with both DDs and it carried on til 14 weeks ish. This time sickness not half as bad but I’m much more exhausted and getting horrible headaches!

We can get the harmony test here in bolton privately but it costs £400 😏
Nice to read about all the positive scan stories!

My nipples are absolutely killing me. It was the same (was it really as bad?) last pregnancy but now I have a toddler who will not part from the boob at night (he is otherwise weaned and as there is no milk anymore he is just suckling for comfort). Have started using lanolin creme in self-defense but it only goes so far. Any handy tips for night-weaning an older child?

I actually found it really easy to night wean my dd... older toddlers understand a lot... I explained She could have milk at bedtime and in the morning when the sun came up, but it went na nights during the night. IF she woke up I reiterated that and rocked her back to sleep. She woke up 2/3 times the first night and then sttn!!
Oh I didn't no we could get the harmony test here interesting might look into that!!!
Sorry broken your ex is being an arse!! I don't think he has a leg to stand on there so I wouldn't worry!! Just ignore him!

Glad you moved successfully!! I hate moving!!!

Glad your feeling better cheluzal!! Are you back to work yet?

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Sorry Broken. It's a shame his behavior is taking away your pregnancy joy. It's not fair. Some people seem to always pick the worst times to swoop in and destroy happiness.

I'm also struggling with my stepmom. My dad passed away in January, so she's been having a hard time, obviously. Growing up with her was not easy; she was one of those types that needed every ounce of attention for herself and would get jealous when dad would spend time with me. She didn't like that my dad had other interests(like hunting and fishing) and gave him an extremely hard time if he went. She was verbally abusive to him at times. Honestly she ruined the relationship between my dad and I. She wanted attention from me too, and I hated her so much that I couldn't bring myself to give her any and found myself avoiding her on a daily basis. She hated me for that and so she was not kind to me.

Fast forward, she now wants MY comfort and support now that dad is gone. She wants to spend time with my son and is excited about the pregnancy. She is always texting and wanting to get together, but I just don't really want to spend time with her anymore. I've been supportive for these first 8-9 months, but I really can't take it anymore. She has been nice for the most part, but I really just hate her personality. I'm feeling guilt because I know that she is grieving and struggling, but she really isn't good for my mental health. This vexes me daily and I'm not really sure what to do about it. I dread the next time I will receive one of her texts. Not to mention, we just moved so I'm still stressed with my mess of a house, and some days the morning sickness is so bad I can barely function. She has offered to help me, but I don't like having her around; she makes me uncomfortable.
Mrsstrezy I had a lot of family members do the same to me when my mum passed away a few years ago. Family that had been horrible, abusive and downright awful were suddenly blowing up my phone to cry at me, both while my mum was ill and after she passed.
No one was there to support me, they all just piled their grief on to me and when I couldn't take anymore piled their anger and abuse on me. It was without a doubt the most hellish time of my life. I ended up seriously mentally ill and had to cut contact with a lot of them for my own health.

Of course this means I am the family black sheep and bitched about constantly but I don't care. I will not have people in my life that treat me that way.

I am sorry this is happening to you, but you don't owe this woman anything. She lost her husband, you lost your dad. You are both grieving and it's unfair for her to pile all her grief on top and act like it is more important than yours.
Yikes Broken, that sounds awful. I think my stepmom is actually trying to be supportive, but we grieve in different ways and it just ends up being stressful to me. I think just being around my son and I is a comfort to her, but I don't want her around. It's her constant need for attention that bugs me, because it just reminds me of childhood. She's trying to be a mother figure or a best friend, but she doesn't realize it's just never going to happen. We are completely different people and I agree, I don't owe her anything. But I feel all this guilt because I don't want to make her sadder than she already is. Although, she made ten years of my life hell so who the heck cares at this point.
It's a hard situation but sometimes you need to look out for yourself and not people please, I too am learning to do this more, I grew up with a selfish alcoholic mother who I then tried my hardest to help when I was old enough too but she constantly let me down so now I don't even bother it's too stressful I need to think of myself now because she will never change. Do what's best for you. Just tell her your busy with the house and you will catch up in a couple of weeks. Xx
I completely understand your feelings of guilt. I still have them, especially with this baby coming now. I'm constantly second guessing if I should get back in touch and let them back in.

But the answer is always no. Because I know who they are and what they do. I can't go back to pretending they are good people who didn't hurt me in the worst way.

I'd just remind yourself you are not responsible for her happiness. She is allowed to grieve in anyway she needs to, but so are you. And if having her around is bad for you then you don't need to facilitate it. You are under no obligations.

Families are very very stressful. Mine is absolutely dire, the only ones I can count on live 200 miles away. My DH is completly estranged from his family. It's very lonely and very hard. I sympathise massively.
Oh wow, I'm feeling lucky with my family. I've had my parents, MIL, and sister and a few friends looking after my girls every single day while I've been so ill. They are so supportive. I hope you all can find some good support people... such a difficult time to have no family around!!
Sorry to you ladies that don’t have good family support. I am so grateful I have a strong network. I don’t know what I would do without them.
I had my midwife appointment today and got my binder. She found baby on the Doppler with a HR around 150. I got my paperwork for the NIPT blood work which is great. Only drawback is we don’t have another ultrasound until our anatomy scan in Dec. She is going to send me to a hospital out of town for my anatomy scan that does 3D/4D scans which is awesome. Only 10 weeks to wait lol.
On a side note I have had a horrendous headache all day. It’s making me miserable!
Ahh lovely that you heard the hb!!! I'm still trying to find babies hb hopefully il find it soon!! Xx

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