Hope this works. This was our social media announcement. Love all the other ones too!!
Mrsstrezy, love your announcement! It's so darling!
Thank you Huggles! That worked.
MrsHudson, that onesie is so stinkin' cute!
Welcome, Ms_Friendly!
RnW, I've heard that before and have tried it when not pg, but it never helped.
As far as coffee goes though I've read that caffeine can significantly increase your risk of miscarriage so I'm opting to rather stay away, despite totally longing for a nice mochaccino
I've been reading Expecting Better (Emily Oster, an economist, got pregnant and got mad about all the incomplete and bad data out there on pregnancy, so started doing literature reviews and ended up writing a book), which is actually pretty encouraging about caffeine.
The vast majority of studies out there support the conclusion that coffee is fine in moderation. Pretty much everything supports up to 2 cups a day. Lots of the evidence supports 3-4 cups. Beyond that the evidence gets more mixed, but nausea is a complicating factor at all of these levels (nauseous women are less likely to drink coffee, but nauseous women are also less likely to miscarry anyway).
That said, she makes the point early in the book that we make decisions by combining two things: 1) the data we have available, 2) our personal values and feelings. Two people with access to the same data can make difference choices, and both be making the correct choice
for them.
For me, I SLAMMED coffee every day when I was at my old job (it was free and delicious). Love it. But I tend towards a bit of anxiety, and caffeine seems to encourage that a bit, so I started weaning myself off it at the beginning of the year. I've had a little green tea here and there during this pregnancy, but that's it.
Do I think my choice is overcautious? I do. Do I think it's the right choice for me? I do. For me personally, the caffeine doesn't feel risky, but the slight increase in stress does. (A friend who now works in pediatrics made a related point to patients about alcohol later on in pregnancy: an occasional bit was fine, but if it was going to make them freak out about risks, it was better to skip the alcohol
and the anxiety.)
One of the weirdest pregnancy symptoms for me has been my sudden increased interest in books! Much more fun than nausea!