May Marvels 2018

I also didn't sleep a wink. I've been taking unisom and b6 to help with my ms but i felt fine last night and had a huge fiasco with ds so forgot to take it. So I didn't sleep because I didn't have the unisom and now I'm nauseous again.

I'm on diclectin which is similar to the unison b6 I think and I take 2 pills 4 times a day... a few days ago I forgot to take my noon dose (alarm on phone didn't go off!??) and I was miserable all day!! Missing a dose is the worst!!

Last night I threw up right before bed and it was just crazy acidic, my throats burned all night so I had a terrible sleep. And then preschooler was up super early to play with her Halloween costume :/
Lovin all the announcements!
As for those with headaches the MW suggested a coffee as the caffeine can actually help dilate the blood vessels relieving pain. I tried it the other day when it felt like my skull was trying to crush my brain and it relieved it a bit. I ended up taking Tylenol as it was making me quite ill. I hate to take anything even when not pregnant but the headaches and vomiting are doing me in.
I missed a diclectin on the weekend and was sick the whole day. I’m ready for this to pass.
RnW, I've heard that before and have tried it when not pg, but it never helped.
As far as coffee goes though I've read that caffeine can significantly increase your risk of miscarriage so I'm opting to rather stay away, despite totally longing for a nice mochaccino :coffee:
Hope this works. This was our social media announcement. Love all the other ones too!!

Mrsstrezy, love your announcement! It's so darling!

Thank you Huggles! That worked.

MrsHudson, that onesie is so stinkin' cute!

I'm due May 23rd 😊

Welcome, Ms_Friendly!

RnW, I've heard that before and have tried it when not pg, but it never helped.
As far as coffee goes though I've read that caffeine can significantly increase your risk of miscarriage so I'm opting to rather stay away, despite totally longing for a nice mochaccino :coffee:

I've been reading Expecting Better (Emily Oster, an economist, got pregnant and got mad about all the incomplete and bad data out there on pregnancy, so started doing literature reviews and ended up writing a book), which is actually pretty encouraging about caffeine.

The vast majority of studies out there support the conclusion that coffee is fine in moderation. Pretty much everything supports up to 2 cups a day. Lots of the evidence supports 3-4 cups. Beyond that the evidence gets more mixed, but nausea is a complicating factor at all of these levels (nauseous women are less likely to drink coffee, but nauseous women are also less likely to miscarry anyway).

That said, she makes the point early in the book that we make decisions by combining two things: 1) the data we have available, 2) our personal values and feelings. Two people with access to the same data can make difference choices, and both be making the correct choice for them.

For me, I SLAMMED coffee every day when I was at my old job (it was free and delicious). Love it. But I tend towards a bit of anxiety, and caffeine seems to encourage that a bit, so I started weaning myself off it at the beginning of the year. I've had a little green tea here and there during this pregnancy, but that's it.

Do I think my choice is overcautious? I do. Do I think it's the right choice for me? I do. For me personally, the caffeine doesn't feel risky, but the slight increase in stress does. (A friend who now works in pediatrics made a related point to patients about alcohol later on in pregnancy: an occasional bit was fine, but if it was going to make them freak out about risks, it was better to skip the alcohol and the anxiety.)

One of the weirdest pregnancy symptoms for me has been my sudden increased interest in books! Much more fun than nausea! :happydance:
Ugh I couldn't drink a coffee if my life depended on it right now!! So averse to hot drinks. I love black coffee normally but right now I feel like I'll never like it again! I'm sure I will though?? Maybe?? I am drinking ice tea though so that's some caffeine.

Yes everyone needs to make the choices that will help them have the healthiest - physically and mentally- pregnancy possible. I'd like to point out though, that in pretty much all cases, if you miscarry it was not because of something you "did" (like drinking too much caffeine) to cause it. It would've happened most likely if you had done the opposite as well. A lot of women have guilt over miscarriage because they think they caused it. Doctors will tell you that's not true, at least mine did. I was certain I caused it by breastfeeding mytoddler and my doctor reassured me it was not the cause.
I’m getting daily headaches, it’s horrible! Don’t remember this from last two times.

I’m still drinking tea and coffee, 2-3 cups a day depending how I feel!
Mrs Hudson and mrs strezy I love the announcements!!!

Welcome ms friendly! We have the same due date. X

I agree you have to do what you think, take in all of the information and make a choice! I love a cup of tea so tend to have 2-3 cups a day which they say is fine so I'm happy with that. I don't drink while pregnant or eat any of the things they say to avoid but that's what makes me feel at ease.

I've felt sick all day today! Nothing has soothed it!! And now a headache. Joy lol.
Yikes Broken, that sounds awful. I think my stepmom is actually trying to be supportive, but we grieve in different ways and it just ends up being stressful to me. I think just being around my son and I is a comfort to her, but I don't want her around. It's her constant need for attention that bugs me, because it just reminds me of childhood. She's trying to be a mother figure or a best friend, but she doesn't realize it's just never going to happen. We are completely different people and I agree, I don't owe her anything. But I feel all this guilt because I don't want to make her sadder than she already is. Although, she made ten years of my life hell so who the heck cares at this point.

My first mentor told me something I never forgot: don't subscribe to guilt; it simply means someone is not getting their way and it has nothing to do with you.

She can't be a brat for eons and expect you to forget and treat her like an angel. Her actions are still selfish, and you create boundaries and she must live within them, whether she likes it or not.

Say it daily; write it everywhere; speak it aloud...and eventually it will go from head to heart and be easier.
OMG I just found babies hb!!! I literally put the probe on and switched it on and it was there!! I'm so pleased!!!:yipee::yipee::yipee:

I borrowed a doppler from my niece and could only find placenta. My luck, it's anterior and bean is hiding in the back, lol.
Ooh I'm just dyeing for sickness to go away. I've had some good days and then I get hit again. Hoping next week 12 weeks will be my magic number. It's been a rough 6 weeks on bed rest and having others take care of our family. Excited to face the world again! Not so keen to get back to work but it's too early for me to go on leave so I'll have to put up with it for a couple more months.
Also, my sickness was so bad they labeled it HG at the hospital since I lost so much weight and needed to be rehydrated... and in the midst of that I though we could never have another baby because it was intolerable. But now that I'm ok my way out of it I'm rethinking number 4... uh oh that's bad lol.

I feel you. I've had a rough week and have been offline. I finally threw up yesterday morning (I never throw up) 5 times in a row. I was miserable all day. I took a half a pill more than normal last night and slept longer and am okay today.

My nausea is more in my throat and I dry heave and gag for no reason. UGH. Stomach has been one hot, hard knot mostly.
This needs to GO! I have to go back to work sending me "we miss you" messages on the online gradebook, lol. Cute.

10 weeks today! Ready to feel better and start enjoying this pregnancy.
Hubby told me last night, "I miss my wife."
I agree that you need to do what works best for you. I have done everything good, right, healthy...and still miscarried. I avoid all the normal things in pregnancy that can cause issues but if I have to take a Tylenol or eat crap for days straight so I don’t feel like heaving I’m going to do it. I know normally I make the best choices pregnant or not to keep myself as healthy as possible so I think I have a good base to make healthy babies. I do think if something is causing you stress or anxiety than it’s not the right choice for you. I was surprised at the caffeine being a benefit but she also said it is safe to have 1-2 cups a day. I don’t drink coffee as a rule, maybe a Starbucks treat here or there but that might be monthly.
I think (like parenting) we have access to too much info and there are so many ‘experts’ out there to scare the shit out of us that some days I feel like a total failure. But then I look at all of the good choices I make either for myself or my family and I know I’m doing the best that I can and I’m proud of that.
I think (like parenting) we have access to too much info and there are so many ‘experts’ out there to scare the shit out of us that some days I feel like a total failure. But then I look at all of the good choices I make either for myself or my family and I know I’m doing the best that I can and I’m proud of that.

Yup, yup, yup!!
Medical science knows TOO much. Somehow zillions of kids were born for thousands of years without the knowledge.
Thank you guys!

Reiko, yes it is the same as dilectin. Unfortunately my insurance won't cover it which is irritating but the unisom and b6 works the same. The only issue is it's not slow release like the rx so it doesn't last as long. I had HG with ds and it was the most awful thing ever. I lost 10 lbs! This isn't that bad as I do have some good days but it's pretty close.

My first clue I was pregnant was coffee made me really nauseous. I love coffee but can't drink it when pregnant. I don't drink caffeine outside of that really so I don't need to worry about it in pregnancy. But I have been enjoying a cup of black tea here and there. Like everyone else said, I think it's best to do your own research and make the best decision for yourself.

After my first mc, I cleaned up my diet and beauty products big time. But it still happened one more time. It doesn't hurt to be healthy though.

ETA: anyone have experience with a cyst during pregnancy? I have a fairly large one on my left ovary and they have to monitor it and may require surgery. It's really hurting me today and I'm scared to have the surgery. It's safe for baby but I've never had surgery other than my wisdom teeth out.
I. Totally agree that one can do everything 'right' and miscarrying anyway, I wasn't trying to imply people were causing themselves to mc by drinking coffee, it's just something I read. I know there is a lot of literature out there saying 1-2 or 2-3 cups a day is fine, I just also found a lot this time saying more research has indicated the opposite. It makes me feel too uneasy to even have one cup. But I do also agree everyone has to do what is right for them and make their own decisions based on the info they have.
I somehow don't feel like tea (although I hate Ceylon tea so it's not an issue anyway) or chocolate are problematic and those both contain caffeine too. There's no way I'm giving up chocolate for 9 months!!! But ya, the coffee info made me uncomfortable so for me, I'm staying away.

As far as headaches, I know Tylenol / paracetamol is also controversial, it's both totally safe and can cause issues. But I also know that if I don't take something for my headaches they just get worse and worse and worse. So as much as I hate taking meds when pg, I do take that when I have a headache. I worry about it constantly, both before taking it and after, but I know that it's probably the safest option for kicking my headaches and so I just go for it, despite any bad articles I've read about it.
cheluzal, I hope you feel enough back to normal soon that you and your husband both feel like you're around <3

I think (like parenting) we have access to too much info and there are so many ‘experts’ out there to scare the shit out of us that some days I feel like a total failure. But then I look at all of the good choices I make either for myself or my family and I know I’m doing the best that I can and I’m proud of that.

ding ding ding this this this.

As far as headaches, I know Tylenol / paracetamol is also controversial, it's both totally safe and can cause issues. But I also know that if I don't take something for my headaches they just get worse and worse and worse. So as much as I hate taking meds when pg, I do take that when I have a headache. I worry about it constantly, both before taking it and after, but I know that it's probably the safest option for kicking my headaches and so I just go for it, despite any bad articles I've read about it.

Yes! My headaches are pretty much the same (they will not leave on their own), and if they last long enough, I end up terribly queasy even when NOT pregnant. Plus, they stress me out. I've taken a couple paracetamol/acetaminophen (we have a different generic name for it in the states :roll: ) so far, because, again, I figure all that stress (and not being able to eat) is ultimately worse. (I am finding this practice of deciding to drop stress is getting easier the more I do it...)

Sometimes I think about that massage therapist again, and her cheerful "oh honey, LIFE is dangerous!" line, and I feel a lot better. Everything's terrible and we're all doing the best we can and heck, at least we know smoking is bad now. (My mother-in-law happily smoked all through her pregnancy in the early '70s and didn't quit until a few years later. My husband turned out fine.)
Ooh I'm just dyeing for sickness to go away. I've had some good days and then I get hit again. Hoping next week 12 weeks will be my magic number. It's been a rough 6 weeks on bed rest and having others take care of our family. Excited to face the world again! Not so keen to get back to work but it's too early for me to go on leave so I'll have to put up with it for a couple more months.
Also, my sickness was so bad they labeled it HG at the hospital since I lost so much weight and needed to be rehydrated... and in the midst of that I though we could never have another baby because it was intolerable. But now that I'm ok my way out of it I'm rethinking number 4... uh oh that's bad lol.

I feel you. I've had a rough week and have been offline. I finally threw up yesterday morning (I never throw up) 5 times in a row. I was miserable all day. I took a half a pill more than normal last night and slept longer and am okay today.

My nausea is more in my throat and I dry heave and gag for no reason. UGH. Stomach has been one hot, hard knot mostly.
This needs to GO! I have to go back to work sending me "we miss you" messages on the online gradebook, lol. Cute.

10 weeks today! Ready to feel better and start enjoying this pregnancy.
Hubby told me last night, "I miss my wife."

Oooh so sorry about all this sickness Reiko and Cheluzal!! My sickness seemed to go up another level after we moved. Bad days include constant nausea and vomiting up to 4x. I’ve had a couple of good days now so the fear is setting in that I’m going to get slammed again. That’s usually how it seems to go.

My husband has also said he misses going out to eat with me...I can’t even remember the last time we’ve been to a restaurant. I just don’t want to deal with all the smells and then waiting on someone else to bring me food...they’re not fast enough:dohh:
Just got back from my 10 week Scan! Eeeek.
Oh Huggles I didn’t think you were implying anyone was doing anything to cause a MC. I was merely just stating that I have to give myself a break and not fear every decision I make. I have spent the past 4 years ttc. I have spent $1000’s on supplements, acupuncture, organic foods, emotional healing therapies, avoided all that could affect a healthy pg and yet I still don’t have a baby in my arms. I think I’m staying calm because I’m giving myself a break with this pg. with DD I wouldn’t take Diclectin because I wanted ‘nothing unnatural’ in my body. I am prone to kidney stones in pg and when I went to the hospital with her at 30 weeks they wanted to give me Morphine! I wouldn’t take Tylenol let alone a narcotic! The long of the short is we all need to make the best choices with the info we do have.
I Respect your choices and take no offence from anyone stating how they feel. Who am I to judge when I don’t walk in your shoes?:hugs:
On a side not I have to go back to the labs to give more blood. I just gave them 6 viles on Thursday!

Beautiful scan!!

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