May Marvels 2018

If I sit in certain positions I'm almost positive I can feel baby, but my scan yesterday went on for ages, with a full bladder and the lady pushing on my stomach and I could SEE baby moving but couldn't feel a thing. So I think I'm just desperate to feel something I'm imagining it.
I've felt baby move but not often, and felt it once yesterday at the us. Don't forget it's not common to feel baby so early on so don't worry plus if baby is lying with its feet towards your back you won't feel it either.

I have to have the GGT test this time too, it will be my first time the biggest baby I've had is 9lb 1.5 how about you ladies??

Woke up to a banging headache this morning and I still feel sicky on and off and I'm still quite tired too!! Could quite easily go to sleep now!!!

Anyone putting their Christmas tree 🎄 up yet? Think ours will be up by the weekend lol!! X
This baby is probably lying feet to face at this point. Such a fidget bum! I'm half excited and half dreading when I feel proper movement cos there will be lots!!

I have to have GGT too. But that's for my weight. My DS was 8lb 2oz, so not massive. I want the midwife I saw yesterday to do my bloods for GGT, because she actually listened to me about my crap veins and only had 2 goes before going deeper into my arm and getting all the blood she needed. It wasn't even any more painful, but it meant I wasn't sat there being stabbed forever.

I woke up with a headache too Ricschick. I slept so badly last night too, awake from 1-3:30 then horrible nightmares until I got up. Awful.

Our �� is going up last week of November. Just before DS birthday. I take it down the day after Boxing Day so I like to give him plenty of time to enjoy it.
Huggles, I am so so sorry to read your news :(

It is lovely to see some scans too.

I can't feel any movement, I am in that weird don't really feel pregnant anymore stage. Anterior placenta here too!

In my 17th week I have THREE appointments; WTH? I called the hospital yesterday to ask why I had an Obs appt and it is my priority status for ticking risk boxes by being a chub (BMI = 35.2 so I could do with getting that under 35 - weird thing is I have dropped two dress sizes so I don't look as big as that IYKWIM?) and this antibody malarky.

Still, I am grateful they are so vigilant and that I work somewhere that are great about me needing time off!!
KItten yes I've been taking my blood sugars for 3 pregnancies now so lots of experience with that. It's given me lots of peace of mind this time around, I am still on s normal diet and even eating lots of carbs and I haven't had any high readings yet. I didn't last time until 20ish weeks so I'd expect similar this time, but I still check because I've heard stories of early 2nd tri diagnosis of GD. As soon as I start getting highs I will take my 2 hr GTT to get a GD diagnosis and then I can be referred to the dietician if I like but I doubt I'll use her.

It's super easy to do and just feels like a pin prick on your finger. But if you're purchasing one without a prescription/insurance to cover it it's expensive. That would be the only downfall in my opinion. Test strips are close to 80 cents each so if you're taking it a couple times a day it adds up.

It's good that your mw wants to be proactive because even slightly high sugars if going unnoticed will pack the pounds on your baby. My sister was a labour and delivery nurse (she's in pediatrics now) but she said she saw lots of moms who were undiagnosed GD and really big babies.

Where I am, test strips are an over the counter thing, so insurance doesn't cover them. Darn things are more expensive than the machine you use!
Viera so expensive! Between opks, hpts, diclectin, and GD supplies this baby will have cost me a fortune by the time they arrive XP

Hope you all have a restful weekend!! I *think* I felt baby move tonight... counting down 39 days till I get to see the creature in there!!

And tomorrow is Nov 11.... Lest we forget xx
Is everyone feeling kicksnow? I still can't feel this stinkin babe at all. Bellys growing so I know the babe is doing ok but wondering if there's other concerns why I wouldn't feel movement yet!!

Not a thing yet! But it's first everything for me, so I'm not expecting much yet. Buuut I fancy myself perceptive about my own body, so I've been concentrating really hard when I'm still sometimes. And then I feel a little bubble...and then inevitably, I rip a pretty good fart. Oh well!

Anyone putting their Christmas tree 🎄 up yet? Think ours will be up by the weekend lol!! X

I cannot even imagine a Christmas tree yet!! Ha! The grumpy American in me is like "no, no Christmas anything until after Thanksgiving," and that's not until November 23rd this year (which is on the early side). The shops are all in fine Christmas gear and have been since just before Halloween. Hrmph.

We also typically get a live tree (rented from a local nursery!), so it can only be inside for a couple weeks, anyway. Excited to finally have room for more than a sad little Charlie Brown tree!!

KItten yes I've been taking my blood sugars for 3 pregnancies now so lots of experience with that. It's given me lots of peace of mind this time around, I am still on s normal diet and even eating lots of carbs and I haven't had any high readings yet. I didn't last time until 20ish weeks so I'd expect similar this time, but I still check because I've heard stories of early 2nd tri diagnosis of GD. As soon as I start getting highs I will take my 2 hr GTT to get a GD diagnosis and then I can be referred to the dietician if I like but I doubt I'll use her.

It's super easy to do and just feels like a pin prick on your finger. But if you're purchasing one without a prescription/insurance to cover it it's expensive. That would be the only downfall in my opinion. Test strips are close to 80 cents each so if you're taking it a couple times a day it adds up.

It's good that your mw wants to be proactive because even slightly high sugars if going unnoticed will pack the pounds on your baby. My sister was a labour and delivery nurse (she's in pediatrics now) but she said she saw lots of moms who were undiagnosed GD and really big babies.

Where I am, test strips are an over the counter thing, so insurance doesn't cover them. Darn things are more expensive than the machine you use!

Reiko, thanks for the insight! I'm kind of assuming insurance wouldn't cover it but I sort of wonder if there might be a way to swing it. (They won't cover ANYTHING homebirth related, so I'm irritated enough.)

Viera, thanks for the additional insight! And I'd missed that you're in Oregon too!!! Yay!

Viera so expensive! Between opks, hpts, diclectin, and GD supplies this baby will have cost me a fortune by the time they arrive XP

Hope you all have a restful weekend!! I *think* I felt baby move tonight... counting down 39 days till I get to see the creature in there!!

And tomorrow is Nov 11.... Lest we forget xx

I keep reading "GD" as a swear and then I have to remind myself that it's not just an abbreviated curse. But yes. I had finally almost started using OPKs (it seemed like a waste! I hadn't ovulated in a year! And then finally had a late one the month before we conceived), and I am that weirdo who took a single pregnancy test and called it good, but boy...trying to err on the safe side with blood sugar could make up for it. Actually, heck, all the acupuncture totally already has. What's money for, anyway.

::falls down a google hole:: Ah, Remembrance Day is like our Memorial Day in May, then! But it's interesting that these November ones are timed the same.

I work with at least four veterans (two fairly young, two much older) and am so glad that folks always remember to thank them. Except inevitably someone does on Memorial Day, too, and they say "that's very kind except we're not dead."
Kitten Nov 11, 1918 at 11 am was the declared end of WWI which is why I think Europe and canada both observe it. I think the Americans already had a Memorial Day before then or I'm sure they'd observe it too! I believe Memorial Day was the end of the civil war? Or is that wrong? We don't get much American history up here in Canada :p
Kitten Nov 11, 1918 at 11 am was the declared end of WWI which is why I think Europe and canada both observe it. I think the Americans already had a Memorial Day before then or I'm sure they'd observe it too! I believe Memorial Day was the end of the civil war? Or is that wrong? We don't get much American history up here in Canada :p

I second this from the UK. I know you have veterans days for living veterans and Memorial Day to celebrate those who have fallen. But I don't know if they are related to any wars or anything.
We don't get taught a great deal about American history here. Hardly anything tbh. Other than slavery. But not the civil war. Ironically, we don't learn a lot about your Independence Day either. Maybe we're still salty :haha:
Kitten how expensive is it to have a home birth? I take for granted our health care until I think about Americans and the crap system that is in place. Our taxes might be higher but it’s worth it to not have to stress when health care is needed.

Ricschick I love that you are getting your tree up so early but I also struggle with doing it too soon. Not for any good reason other than it then seems like we are waiting for Christmas forever. My dd has been vibrating about Christmas since about September so I don’t know if putting it up too early would be a good thing or a daily question of ‘is it Christmas?’ Lol
I’m starting to get uncomfortable while sleeping and I’m not even big yet. I mean my belly looks about 6 months along but it’s not filled with baby yet.
How much have you all gained? I’ve only gained 3 lbs. I know being sick has probably been a factor and not losing weight is a good thing but it just seems low. I had weight to lose so probably not a bad thing.
Hello! Trying to catch up here, left it too long!

Huggles I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. Sending lots of hugs XX

Loving the recent scan pics!

Sorry to hear of those that are sick still. I was majorly sick last night but that’s the first time in a whole week woop! I’m slightly less tired now too. My boobs are enormous and sore and my belly is huge!! Haha

I’m feeling lots of movement now, lying in bed last night and could feel stronger wiggles, it’s lovely! Definitely earlier this time, I was only just feeling flutters at 12/13 weeks last time. This time felt them at 10 weeks!

Despite all that it still doesn’t quite feel real. We told the girls and they’re over the moon, my youngest won’t leave me alone and keeps kissing my belly saying “love you baby” too cute!! Gender scan on 1st December and we are taking them with us 😊
Oh and crimbo tree goes up 1st weekend in December in our house
Ready as of 12 weeks I had lost 3 lbs, I won't weigh myself again till I'm at the mw dec 4. I will probably have gained a few lbs back but generally I gain less than 20 and back to normal weight about 1 week after baby! But I still need to wear a size up in bras and pants until my ribs and pelvis go back to normal for a few months. Controlling your carb intake for GD will keep your weight down!
Happy Saturday all :)

I have already gained 10lbs which of 5 lbs must be boobies 3 lbs butt and the remaining 2 lbs belly :p

Hope every one has a great weekend :flow:
Popping in to say we had our scan yesterday. Baby measured right on exact day: 13 weeks. 160 heartbeat. Didn't see dr (no appointments so f/u on Tuesday) but tech did say, "looks good." I'm hoping she would never say that if something was wrong!

Hubs is still sick as a dog and I'm miraculously avoiding it, so we didn't hold hands or kiss or hug, but he liked it. Baby was jumping a little here and there then got tired of the paparazzi and turned its back on us, lol--too cute! No gender so we'll get that in late December.

I was scheduled for GD test but was too nauseous to try it so we pushed it back to the 20th.

Monday is last day of moving and I think I might take off work to help.

Still nauseous off and on, especially if I don't eat every 2 hours, but I'm feeling relief--finally! Still taking night pill and munching Rolaids like candy.
Yesterday I ate a Chik-Fil-A breakfast biscuit and it was the best thing I've eaten in 2 months! I wanted more. Then I slept too long and got sick. I'll be sooo glad when I have full taste buds and a genuine appetite again. The woozy tummy and icky mouth are beyond ridiculous at this point.
Chel I'm so glad you're feeling more like yourself now! I have my fingers firmly crossed things are going to improve now and you can enjoy being pg! Great news on the scan as well. Glad you got some wriggly baby.
Cheluzal great news on the scan!! Hope dh feels better soon and you manage to avoid it!! But glad things are getting better!!

Emzy we're taking our children to the gender scan too on the 9th Dec!

I'm sorry to say ladies but our tree and decs are up lol!!! We love the lead up to Christmas 🎄 and our kids love them up too.
So annoyed with my DH. I got the day off for Remembrance Day today and he says he wants to work because he has a lot to do and since I'm home anyways... well first off I think it's disrespectful of him to not acknowledge nov 11 and then on top of it, did I really want to be left alone with the kids like every other day of the week? On top of it, the house was a mess when he left and he was stroppy when he got home because it wasn't cleaned up. yeah you're leaving me alone all day and then expect me to clean up the house? Ugh!! I know I sound entitled but he's just on my nerves and he thinks now that I'm in the second trimester he can basically sod off and leave me on my own with the house and kids!! Ok he doesn't think that but I'm just mad at him. I'm exhausted and still sick and I know he thinks I'm just being lazy.
Reiko dh and I got in to it last night and he made some stupid comment like ‘I don’t complain about you lying around, feeling exhausted and not getting anything done!’
If looks could kill he would be dead right now. I didn’t even respond as I thought you stupid ass, that one you will pay for! Might be a trip after baby is old enough, might be a large purchase, might be whatever the hell I want it to be because you’re a moron and deserve what’s coming your way. Bahahaha!!! Hormones make me a miserable a-hole...and today I’m ok with that.
I get they are putting up with a lot from us... but my husband has always been like "if you can handle the nausea I can handle the extra work" well then don't bug me about the work then!!

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