May Marvels 2018

My 6 year old wanted to say good night to the baby. I told him of course he could, but instead of talking to my tummy like he usually does he opened up my mouth and said 'goodnight baby!' down my throat :haha:

I keep thinking I'm feeling kicks and I have this moment of 'OH!' but then it ends up being gas and I become disappointed :haha:

My OH gets grumpy about the state our house is in. I do my best to keep up (I try to at least keep the kitchen tidy) and he's usually good about not blaming me for the mess ("You're pregnant honey, I don't expect you to do all this by yourself") but SOMETIMES it gets through and then there's hell to pay from me
Kitten Nov 11, 1918 at 11 am was the declared end of WWI which is why I think Europe and canada both observe it. I think the Americans already had a Memorial Day before then or I'm sure they'd observe it too! I believe Memorial Day was the end of the civil war? Or is that wrong? We don't get much American history up here in Canada :p

Haven't the foggiest, honestly. I had what I'm sure was a very good US History class in high school, and it bored me to tears, and I remember almost none of it. (I had a world history teacher who said "US history is all just wars; world history gets things like 'let's invent math,' and that's just much more interesting.")

America does weird things with semi-global holidays anyway. Labor Day on the 1st of May, relating to the labor movement? Oh no; let's have it on the first Monday in September and make it about barbecues!

Kitten how expensive is it to have a home birth? I take for granted our health care until I think about Americans and the crap system that is in place. Our taxes might be higher but it’s worth it to not have to stress when health care is needed.

Ricschick I love that you are getting your tree up so early but I also struggle with doing it too soon. Not for any good reason other than it then seems like we are waiting for Christmas forever. My dd has been vibrating about Christmas since about September so I don’t know if putting it up too early would be a good thing or a daily question of ‘is it Christmas?’ Lol
I’m starting to get uncomfortable while sleeping and I’m not even big yet. I mean my belly looks about 6 months along but it’s not filled with baby yet.
How much have you all gained? I’ve only gained 3 lbs. I know being sick has probably been a factor and not losing weight is a good thing but it just seems low. I had weight to lose so probably not a bad thing.

Ahahahaha. Oh man. Uh, if I'd chosen different insurance a few months ago, it probably would have been in-network and a LOT cheaper. (This is the first place I've worked where there even IS a choice; everywhere else has just had one option.) And open enrollment was in August, right around when we conceived.

Between prenatal visits (covered out-of-network) & the birth itself (covered not at all, because my insurance company cherrypicked their evidence about homebirth), we'll end up paying $3500+ if I remember correctly. (But not if we end up with a hospital transfer, in which case the hospital gets paid for the birth by our insurance, and the midwives get paid an hourly rate, which is dramatically less.)

That's about the ballpark we expected (actually kind of on the low end). But I still freaked out mightily at first. My husband mentioned that he still has an HSA though (Health Savings Account; it's a pre-tax savings account that can only be used for healthcare expenses, but the approved expenses are defined by the IRS, not an insurance company). So that'll take care of more than half of it. But jeez.

American healthcare is a clustermess. I was a lot more understanding about it until I spent a year in France in my early 20s, and interacted with THAT system, and learned more about it (it's good as is, and then something like 92% of French people also have private insurance). Yeah, there are pluses and minuses to every system, but nearly all my friends who've had to file for bankruptcy had to do so because of medical emergencies. And it follows them around for years, making it nigh impossible to get credit for anything.


Meanwhile, I lost two pounds then gained five, so I guess I'm right around +3 right now, too!
My DH has thankfully not said anything to me about being lazy or laying around. But that's for 2 reasons, 1: he's lived with and dealt with me when I had depression so severe I couldn't even get out of bed & 2: he's a bloody slob who doesn't care what the house looks likes.
So although he's not bitching, he's not helping either.

He does keep laughing at me when I say pregnancy makes me crazy though. I'm waiting for the first time he take my food and I scream and cry at him. Maybe he'll believe me then. I keep telling him but he doesn't listen.
So annoyed with my DH. I got the day off for Remembrance Day today and he says he wants to work because he has a lot to do and since I'm home anyways... well first off I think it's disrespectful of him to not acknowledge nov 11 and then on top of it, did I really want to be left alone with the kids like every other day of the week? On top of it, the house was a mess when he left and he was stroppy when he got home because it wasn't cleaned up. yeah you're leaving me alone all day and then expect me to clean up the house? Ugh!! I know I sound entitled but he's just on my nerves and he thinks now that I'm in the second trimester he can basically sod off and leave me on my own with the house and kids!! Ok he doesn't think that but I'm just mad at him. I'm exhausted and still sick and I know he thinks I'm just being lazy.

I arranged my sons visitation with his dad around Remembrance Day on the 11th and the remembrance ceremony today on the 12th. My other half had never watched the ceremony and only wears a poppy because I buy him one. It used to make me mad, but I've given up now. My son sits and watches with me and wears a poppy. It's frustrating though.
Viera-that is too cute!

Reiko- happy 15 weeks.

Kitten-at least you are prepared for the expense coming your way.
Men simply don't understand do they!! I manage to get the basics done on bad days so he doesn't say anything about the house but he often tells me how miserable I am lol but not in A horrible way he's quite patient with me.

Dosed til about 10am this morning which was nice but I woke at 7 so uncomfortable!! My back is sore and sleeping on my sides is starting to make my sides hurt lol.
My DH has thankfully not said anything to me about being lazy or laying around. But that's for 2 reasons, 1: he's lived with and dealt with me when I had depression so severe I couldn't even get out of bed & 2: he's a bloody slob who doesn't care what the house looks likes.
So although he's not bitching, he's not helping either.

He does keep laughing at me when I say pregnancy makes me crazy though. I'm waiting for the first time he take my food and I scream and cry at him. Maybe he'll believe me then. I keep telling him but he doesn't listen.

Last night my husband got me Dairy Queen ice cream and gave me a metal spoon from our drawer rather than the red plastic spoon and I complained to him. I wanted the red one! That's a crazy preggo thing I think?? Lol!!
Well I switched from my fat jeans to maternity jeans and my old maternity jeans just didn't fit right. They were supposedly skinnies but were pretty baggy. So we went shopping this afternoon and got nice skinny mat jeans and leggings and a new top. I have lot s of old Mat shirts and a nice chunky open sweater that I wear for my whole pregnancy. But I'm so glad I have pants that fit now!! Yay!!
Reiko I had to get new pants too. My pregnancy weight gain is so different this time around
Ricschick I'm sorry you're getting sore already! I am a tiny bit too which is early for me. I made it till 18 weeks before waddling last time and I'm already close to it because of the pgp!! Getting hit with a bit of pregnancy insomnia too which doesn't help... and kids up in the night still... just tired constantly. But it is what it is. I'm enjoying not being nauseous 24/7 anymore so that's a plus!! Getting closer to my next mw Appt and scan so every day that passes is a day closer :D

KItten babies are so expensive in the US!! I'm glad everything's free in Canada so I can have as many as I like XD. I mean it's all paid for in our taxes but still, my
Homebirth won't cost me any more than a hospital birth would! Last time we had our baby in the van, I wonder what that would've cost in the states!? Lol!!
I'm having hip pain and lots of back pain. But I have back issues anyway. It's still not ideal and I'm not looking forward to later on when I'm much bigger. I struggled with my son.

Ahhh it is what it is isn't it. Happy 14 weeks to me!
As of last week I was about 8lb down since conception or about 5lb down since I found out - Pretty steady the last few weeks but had a higgeldy piggeldy week last week with being in a show. Expecting a gain at SW today.

I'm not hell bent on losing much, but if I can get my BMI under 35 for my 17th week I may escape the GTT!
broken I suffer with my bank too so bending over is getting very sore too! oh well its a good excuse to sit on the sofa and do nothing lol!!:haha: happy 14 weeks!

I have to have the GTT because my bmi is 31! but I spose include thaits my 6th baby that's probably why too. (and I have big babies):shrug:

im not sure if I feel worse now then I did in 1st tri?! I think im more tired and feel pretty crap today have no energy and feel quite sicky today:sleep:
my next appointment isn't til the 20th dec was meant to be a 16 week apt with the consultant but she was available til almost 3 weeks later!! :wacko: thank goodness we have a gender scan booked for the 9th dec so I get to see baby again.:happydance:
I’ve been in maternity pants for a good couple of weeks already! My body has been pregnant a lot over the past 3 years so I imagine it just popped out because of that. I’m also really short and therefore have a little torso. My niece did tell me last night that people probably just think I’m fat right now because I don’t have that definite big baby bump yet lol.
Ricschick I’m still felling a tad crappy too. Yesterday I was vomiting again. The nausea is much better but my stomach still feels like it wants to reject stuff every so often. My fingers are crossed for that 2nd tri glow but I’m not going to hold my breath haha.
Happy 14 weeks Broken! Looks like we are on to 2nd tri.
Happy 2nd Tri ladies! Ready I'm sorry you're sick still. I've had some close calls but able to keep the food in thank goodness. I've been eating like crazy, last night I ate hot wings and a whole pizza when we went out for dinner, but I figure I need to gain some weight before my GD diagnosis slows down my eating and I stop gaining lol.

So for the GTT, in the UK you only have to get it when you're over a certain BMI? Honestly that's kind of a dangerous policy. My BMI is below 18 and I have gotten it twice before. Here they test everyone regardless of risk factors because it can be just totally random. Of course you can refuse any test you don't want! I wouldn't even know I had it if I hadn't taken the test the first time. And I don't think previous pregnancies can dictate if you'll get it or not. I had a friend who got it for #2 but not #1 or #3!
Reiko I believe it's if your bmi is over 35 you get the GTT in the uk.

Anyone experienced dizzyness or fainting? Very nearly fainted walking DS home from school. I picked my friends son up for a cuddle and just felt extremely lightheaded and had to sit down with him so I didn't drop him, anyway, gave him back to his mum and set off walking home, got about 5 mins down the road and ended up sat on someone's garden wall thinking I was going to have to phone an ambulance. It was just me and DS in an empty street. I was terrified.

I think it was a low blood sugar thing, cos I had barely eaten anything all day. But normally I just get weak and shaky, not faint. I made it home and got a drink and something to eat and felt better. But it was really frightening. What a welcome to 2nd tri!
Oh no broken!! With my past 2 pregnancies I had moments like that. First was really close to fainting and second I just felt lightheaded. It was always at work in the first tri and I was off first tri this time so didn't experience it. I think we're at the point where we need to start keeping lots of snacks in our bags to eat. Yesterday I went from 10 - 1 without eating and had really low blood sugar when we got lunch. I'm glad you got home safely... try keeping some snacks on hand even a sugary lollipop or something in your bag!!
I am on the hunt for a double side by side stroller, we have always had a single although I've changed it a few times over the years. Someone posted a great deal on one this morning so trying to barter down a nicer one by telling them someone posted a better deal XD wish me luck they listen to me loL!
I think it’s interesting that they only test with a high bmi. My mom had GD with me and she was tiny. I can’t stand the gross drink and then sitting in the lab waiting is awful.
I agree with having snacks on hand. For the most part I’ve been doing this since Ms started to keep something in my stomach. I think for me the feeling sick is because my stomach is empty. Unfortunately I’m not able to eat all of the time either because of work or whatever and then I have to deal with being sick. I had low blood sugar/fainting with ds1 and it was awful. Again I had to make sure I had food on hand.
Last night I had what felt like definite movement. It wasn’t bubbles it was like baby bounced off the side or something. Am I too early to feel that ‘knocking’ sensation? I had no gas to follow.

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