May Marvels 2018

Honestly Ricschick I have no idea how you manage all those kids and life. I bow down to you.
Ready I’m the same. If summer let’s me put her down for a bit I have to choose between having food, showering, tidying or spending time with the older two... so yeah not much is getting done around here. It’s frustrating. I’m wearing her a lot but still don’t get much done and it’s grating on my nerves how messy it is. We are online grocery shopping too though. She slept for a bit the other day and I rushed to clean our master bathroom so that’s done for another few weeks. The laundry is ridiculous and I’m just managing to stay on top of the dishes every day. We need to be more intentional about doing chores on Saturday when DH is home.

We haven’t Dtd yet at 5 weeks pp but as soon as this baby will sleep for more than a few mins we will try and find some time.
Siler is slowly turning into a "real" newborn. He's eating more (2-4 hours finally) and taking some naps in his big bassinet. Being able to eat or use the bathroom without him crying is nice.

CHORES: whatever hubby does! He's good at cleaning and keeping stuff done, but our floors and bathrooms do need a once-over. Nothing major. Hubs does dishes nightly as he can't stand them and we both do our own laundry (I throw Siler's in with mine).

Getting only 3 hours in bed bassinet but last night he waked me 30 minutes after we laid him down. He wanted food--again. We fed him right before bed. So we slept downstairs in the recliner and ate again at doze off together until between 9-11am. I can't plan anything before noon as we're zombies until then.

I did take him out yesterday to hubby's work. It was very nice just getting out and acting like an adult. He's SO good in the car seat and when out and about.
My house is also gross. I just can’t find time. Hopefully when DH goes back to work and I get me and Ryan into a routine I’ll find a spare half hour to clean something.

I’m still bleeding and boob leaking at 4 and a half weeks pp. I went back on birth control until DH gets booked in for his snip, but at this rate Ry will be a bloody toddler before we actually dtd.
I think I'm lucky at the moment because Thea feeds and then will either cuddle or I can pop her in her pram or Moses basket and she generally sleeps for 2-3 hours so I have time to work (the joys of being self employed, getting straight back to work but luckily from home only). When I had my son he basically had to be held or in the carrier until he was 6 months.

My son loves riding his balance bike so that makes the school runs easy as he gets to go on that each time.

I did however, not go to a dog show I had entered today as I would have had to leave ridiculously early with my son and Thea and drive miles so I thought it was a silly idea to try and go lol!
Hey all, I've been on a chore strike mostly. Last week OH took care of most stuff. This week I've managed breakfast for DD3 plus her packed lunch and school runs, occasional snacks/drinks, a few dishes and one load of laundry. Lyra is mostly held, but has actually been in her shnuggle a couple of hours now. It's a shame to wake her but not safe to carry her up in it.

OH has ordered condoms. I can't be arsed with remembering the POP as well as the sodding Clexane and not happy about hormones in my booby juice so I've said there's a dress code. Tbh I would be fine DTD now apart from the practicalities of leaking and being aware of the baby!!
Thank you RnW!! Once your in a routine it’s easier lol but I am tired and Billie is definitely our last!

We haven’t dtd yet either as I’m bleeding on and off too! I gave him a treat this morning tho 😉 lol. Going to get the pill on Monday temporarily til we decide what to do long term.
Ha ha I spoke to soon and haven't been able to put Thea down all day lol!! She has fed and slept in my arms since we got up this morning.

On a plus note, my little boy slept in his bedroom for the whole night and didn't come in til 7am this morning....that has never happened, ever!!
Thought I would do an update here, for those who remember me. I came very close to still having a May baby! Was sent to hospital on my twins birthday, (May 23rd) with high blood pressure and lots of protein in urine. Monitored for two days, given steroid shots for baby's lungs, and had blood pressure checked every four hours. While there I also had a massive headache I could not shake no matter what I took, my right side was killing me, and i was miserable. Sent home because my blood pressure stabilized and given meds for the headache. Told to come back immediately if headache was still there on that Monday.
Come Monday (May 28th) headache was still there and blood pressure was high again. (152/108) So straight back to hospital. They tried fioricet, flexeril, and oxycodone before deciding to try the headache cocktail (steroids, antihistamine, and anxiety meds) after two doses of that over two days my head FINALLY eased off. But they decided to keep me because my bp was staying higher than it has been. 130s/80s. I've been in since then, and baby boy is scheduled for arrival on Monday!
Congratulations to everyone, the babies are all so adorable!
Gosh, sounds like you've been through the mill you poor thing!

Wishing you all the best for a smooth section and speedy recovery, be sure to come and let us know how you are!
Oh no eppgirl glad there looking after you tho!! Good luck for today!! Let us no how it goes xx

Billie has a sniffy nose since yesterday bless her I hope it clears soon!
Happy birth day eppgirl!
Ricschick Dylan has been stuffy and sneezing for days now and I’m pretty sure she got it from someone at dh family bbq. He just kept passing her around like a platter of food even when I insisted he not. Pisses me off...really most everything he is doing is pissing me off. Lol
CAUGHT UP. Giving myself a medal for that. ;)

Congrats to everyone and their babies! It's so lovely to see all those little squishy faces and hear your stories (even if I'm still feeling a bit tender about everything around births). <3

Mamas with babies... are your pets having any issues adjusting to the new baby? I have 3 cats and none of them will even come in the same room as us when Ryan is there. 2 of them are speaking to us on our own, but 1 is still running from us and I'm not sure how to help them tbh.

Our cat was GREATLY DISPLEASED when we brought Astrid home. Normally she's very affectionate, very conversational, and she just sat several feet away and STARED. She's warmed up quite a bit, and now sometimes sniffs the baby's head, or rubs her foot briefly, but we have definitely disturbed her routine. My mom was here for a bit and started giving her different kinds of food, which seemed to help, and everyone's given her tons of treats, which has also gone over pretty well.

Hi all

Apologies in advance for any errors in my calculations.

:comp: I have been through the first page list and the facebook group and think I have all your babas...please let me know if I need to change anything!

Rosie, you're a champion data collector! Astrid Ursula Lyon (she ended up with two middle names, to our surprise) was born May 12th at 40+3; she weighed 6 lbs 12.5 oz! And was 19 inches and change long. I think. Uh, I can't remember the little stuff. xD

Looks like she was our smallest full-term baby; our friends tend to have giant babies and keep remarking on how little she is, but she seems to be just the right size (and is putting on weight like a champ)!

Ricschick I saw our babes share a birthday!! Astrid was born at 4:37pm, so I think just a few hours after yours! (We're in Pacific time on the west coast...I think 8 hours behind the UK?)

Kitten I&#8217;m sorry you didn&#8217;t get the birth you hoped for. For some women that is VERY difficult to come to terms with and can take a long time. Especially in hindsight as you can see where things could&#8217;ve gone differently when you can&#8217;t see that in the moment... if you get what I mean.

There are some birth trauma groups on Facebook or even on here you could join I believe to talk about it... although sometimes I wonder if those groups can kind of perpetuate the hurt rather than help heal it. But it&#8217;s good to talk about it and I don&#8217;t think any of us here would say your feelings are invalid at all <3

No matter how it went you brought a baby into this world, and you are strong xx

Reiko, thank you <3. The hindsight's been kind of the worst. I don't at all think things had to go the way they went, and I'm furious about how it was all handled. There is a part of me that definitely feels like if I just think through what happened, and how it could have gone differently (or what I could have done, or what ANYONE ELSE could have done), that somehow I'll be able to change the past? Which is obviously absurd. But still feels true.

Mostly I feel so, so much more alone than I could have anticipated. I never had a clear vision for How Things Would Be at home; I stayed super open to whatever might happen at home. But that did not, in a million years, include a c-section. (I educated myself on them anyway, as if that would somehow protect me!) And that homebirth-to-c-section group is vanishingly tiny. (We used to have a group IN MY CITY for HBC moms to connect! And now it's defunct! UGH.)

I totally have that worry about birth trauma groups, too! Right now, I'm just taking the time to know that my husband and our doula know the whole story (which makes me feel a good deal less alone), and there's time to handle the rest of it down the road a bit.

Big hugs Kitten, sorry to have midered you to come on, only talk about it when you are ready to - Astrid is a gorgeous name! All the regulars have had babies now too! I'll go back to that list I did and pad it out with updates...

Rosie, no worries! I don't even check FB much, but when I saw your comment I realized I'd maybe been avoiding this place for reasons I wasn't totally sure about. It was nice to know that someone was thinking about me. <3

Kitten I&#8217;m sorry you had trauma during birth. I can completely empathize and hope you can find peace with it at some point. My friend that is a doula/reiki master deals with clients and their birth traumas. Maybe in time you could find someone like that who can help you through it? I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;ve really processed my own â&#8364;&#732;curve in the road&#8217; that brought Dylan in to this world. I&#8217;m trying to focus on her and being present but will have to deal with it at some point. Hugs lady!

Ready, hugs to you, too! There's a woman in town here who does free craniosacral for infants & pregnant/postpartum women, and I have no idea whether I even believe that craniosacral therapy is a real thing, but 1) I don't care, 2) I DO know that I really love being around practitioners of any modality who see whole people and want to nourish/support them in some way. So, gonna investigate that. One of our midwives talked about the importance of processing things mentally/emotionally, but also physically, and how sometimes it's easier to do one of those first. I am way too full of rage and grief to want to do the talking part yet, but the body stuff seems like a place to start. Ugh. One day at a time. <3
Anthony Irving Pike born June 11th 2018 at 10:11 am via RCS at 37 weeks 1 day, 8 lbs 7 oz 21 inches long.
He had to have a little bit of oxygen just to help him when he came out because his lungs were just a little immature. He is perfect though.
I on the other hand, My previous sections were not this rough, I also got my tubes tied though. I am so sore. Gas pain is really bad. Think I'm being discharged tomorrow.
Hi all.

So is anyone leaking fluid? Not urine I don't think, but it comes out near the top/front of my bajingo like when my water broke. It's not the usual urine leak, but tends to happens usually after I wipe. It's like a gush...could it still be internal fluid leaking? I am a wee bit bloaty still.

Also trying to avoid mastitis. I had a clogged duct and have been massaging and feeling run down. Ugh.
Fenugreek really does help my supply but it tears my stomach up and turns Siler's poop green.
Hey everyone, how are you all getting on?

Chel not leaking any fluid, not sure what it could be really.
Is there any reason you think your supply is struggling? Generally if baby feeds on demand and then cluster feeds at times, this will build your supply as they need it. Is Siler putting on weight nicely?

All ok here, Thea feeds and sleeps and is generally pretty chilled. The older 2 love her and have been great. Some of the smaller baby vests and babygros are already getting too small!
Congratulations eppgirl he was s good weight wasn’t he!! Same as Billie but she came 2 weeks later! Hope you heal quickly! Don’t no how you c-section ladies do it!!

I’m knackered Billie is sleeping well but the last 2 nights it’s taken 2hours to settle her as she has a snotty nose which leads her to throw up if I’m not careful, night before last she throw up over me 3 times which meant 2 bed changes and by the 3rd I gave up a f just slept in it lol! She’s now finishing a 4oz bottle sometimes 5oz so she’s a little piggy and getting chubby.
I think I’ve decided to get sterilised, it does make me a little sad to no I definitely won’t have anymore but I no we are done now so il be booking it at my postnatal appointment next week.

Anybody getting what seems like ewcm which is a yellow/browny colour sorry for the tmi but I’m not sure I’ve had this before? X
Rics oh no about the sick! I think I would have done the same after changing the covers that much lol!
Is it a pretty straight forward op for you to be sterilised?
OH will definitely be getting the snip at some point. I think after my 6 week check I will get him to get referred as it takes up to 12 months. I know what you mean about feeling a little sad about it. I'm really enjoying this newborn stage and making the most of it. I have a feeling Thea is going to be spoilt being the last one!

We got Thea registered today and I got my choice of middle name so she is Thea Kitty.
Is there any reason you think your supply is struggling? Generally if baby feeds on demand and then cluster feeds at times, this will build your supply as they need it. Is Siler putting on weight nicely?

I'm exclusively pumping due to latch issues so it's hard to pump as often as he feeds some days. I can't put him down to nap and the nursing bra gave me clogged ducts. I'm pumping one boob at a time, holding it and massaging to get this duct clear (skin is red but no fever).

Plus my pedi said my age can cause it tp go down. Also, Siler doesn't cluster--not really. He'll munch on a bottle a lot like twice since birth but nothing like I've read. He still is gaining weight though...
Ahh Chel, i understand. When my son was born I had to express and bottle feed for the first 5 weeks due to his posterior tongue tie. I also used fenugreek (not sure how it's spelt) as I worried about my supply while expressing. Good going you, I found it quite hard work expressing every time Jago had a bottle. A friend managed it for 18 months with her daughter so well done you!

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