CAUGHT UP. Giving myself a medal for that.
Congrats to everyone and their babies! It's so lovely to see all those little squishy faces and hear your stories (even if I'm still feeling a bit tender about everything around births).
Mamas with babies... are your pets having any issues adjusting to the new baby? I have 3 cats and none of them will even come in the same room as us when Ryan is there. 2 of them are speaking to us on our own, but 1 is still running from us and I'm not sure how to help them tbh.
Our cat was GREATLY DISPLEASED when we brought Astrid home. Normally she's very affectionate, very conversational, and she just sat several feet away and STARED. She's warmed up quite a bit, and now sometimes sniffs the baby's head, or rubs her foot briefly, but we have definitely disturbed her routine. My mom was here for a bit and started giving her different kinds of food, which seemed to help, and everyone's given her tons of treats, which has also gone over pretty well.
Hi all
Apologies in advance for any errors in my calculations.

I have been through the first page list and the facebook group and think I have all your babas...please let me know if I need to change anything!
Rosie, you're a champion data collector! Astrid Ursula Lyon (she ended up with two middle names, to our surprise) was born May 12th at 40+3; she weighed 6 lbs 12.5 oz! And was 19 inches and change long. I think. Uh, I can't remember the little stuff. xD
Looks like she was our smallest full-term baby; our friends tend to have giant babies and keep remarking on how little she is, but she seems to be just the right size (and is putting on weight like a champ)!
Ricschick I saw our babes share a birthday!! Astrid was born at 4:37pm, so I think just a few hours after yours! (We're in Pacific time on the west coast...I think 8 hours behind the UK?)
Kitten I’m sorry you didn’t get the birth you hoped for. For some women that is VERY difficult to come to terms with and can take a long time. Especially in hindsight as you can see where things could’ve gone differently when you can’t see that in the moment... if you get what I mean.
There are some birth trauma groups on Facebook or even on here you could join I believe to talk about it... although sometimes I wonder if those groups can kind of perpetuate the hurt rather than help heal it. But it’s good to talk about it and I don’t think any of us here would say your feelings are invalid at all
No matter how it went you brought a baby into this world, and you are strong xx
Reiko, thank you

. The hindsight's been kind of the worst. I don't at all think things had to go the way they went, and I'm furious about how it was all handled. There is a part of me that definitely feels like if I just think through what happened, and how it could have gone differently (or what I could have done, or what ANYONE ELSE could have done), that somehow I'll be able to change the past? Which is obviously absurd. But still feels true.
Mostly I feel so, so much more alone than I could have anticipated. I never had a clear vision for How Things Would Be at home; I stayed super open to whatever might happen at home. But that did not, in a million years, include a c-section. (I educated myself on them anyway, as if that would somehow protect me!) And that homebirth-to-c-section group is vanishingly tiny. (We used to have a group IN MY CITY for HBC moms to connect! And now it's defunct! UGH.)
I totally have that worry about birth trauma groups, too! Right now, I'm just taking the time to know that my husband and our doula know the whole story (which makes me feel a good deal less alone), and there's time to handle the rest of it down the road a bit.
Big hugs Kitten, sorry to have midered you to come on, only talk about it when you are ready to - Astrid is a gorgeous name! All the regulars have had babies now too! I'll go back to that list I did and pad it out with updates...
Rosie, no worries! I don't even check FB much, but when I saw your comment I realized I'd maybe been avoiding this place for reasons I wasn't totally sure about. It was nice to know that someone was thinking about me.
Kitten I’m sorry you had trauma during birth. I can completely empathize and hope you can find peace with it at some point. My friend that is a doula/reiki master deals with clients and their birth traumas. Maybe in time you could find someone like that who can help you through it? I don’t think I’ve really processed my own ‘curve in the road’ that brought Dylan in to this world. I’m trying to focus on her and being present but will have to deal with it at some point. Hugs lady!
Ready, hugs to you, too! There's a woman in town here who does free craniosacral for infants & pregnant/postpartum women, and I have no idea whether I even believe that craniosacral therapy is a real thing, but 1) I don't care, 2) I DO know that I really love being around practitioners of any modality who see whole people and want to nourish/support them in some way. So, gonna investigate that. One of our midwives talked about the importance of processing things mentally/emotionally, but also physically, and how sometimes it's easier to do one of those first. I am way too full of rage and grief to want to do the talking part yet, but the body stuff seems like a place to start. Ugh. One day at a time.