So I'm back!
Well I woke up this morning to a tiny bit of brown spotting. Gah. That's how it started last time, so my heart was in my throat till we got to the Drs.
He did a scan, good news is eggy seems to be in the correct place. He said my womb lining is nice and thick, there is a tiny little fluid filled blackness in the middle of it! Obviously at 5+4 its too early to see a heart beat or something like that, but there's definitely a black circle in the correct place.
They took bloods today to look at my levels, will take more on Monday and will call me Tuesday. Please pray they are going up. Depending on the results of that, I'll be going back in for another scan in about 7 to 10 days.
I pray and hope the spotting is just a one off. I've tried to not let my self get excited about this pregnancy. But its still a gut wrenching feeling when you see that.
The Dr fist bumped me for getting pregnant so quickly after the EP haha