May Munchkins 2019

85 days for me to go until I have my c section! I can't believe its coming around quickly!

I think the 3rd trimester starts at 28 weeks, which is a week tomorrow for me. Doesn't seem that long ago I was moving from the first trimester into the second.

I'm starting to feel panicked that we aren't ready for baby yet. And that little nesting urge is creeping in. We also need to move stuff around in the house, sort out all the baby things and clothes. I'm quite looking forward to going through DS' old clothes and preparing them for this little one.
27 weeks is the 3rd trimester according to this site lol. V day is on Thursday for me! Woot. Time is going quick but slow at the same time. I would love to have birth on my hands and knees as well but they do not seem to give me that option when I go to the hospital. If I end up with another epidural it for sure won't happen since I will be numb. Perhaps if I have no time or need for an epidural and this labor is quick I can do it!
YES! Exactly Flou! Same here!

Yes Hoping, agreed about time! I keep trying to remind myself that, during my first labor, I was TERRIFIED to push, & kind of put it off, but found that it was actually a relief! During that labor, I was with a midwife, and she had me on my hands and knees at first. I wasn't giving it my all because I was so scared. I finally got tired, and she had me go on my side - put my mind to it by then (ready for it to be OVER!) that's how my daughter was born. With my son, pretty sure I told my birth stories here - I was def with a doctor that time, and ended up on my back. DEF don't want to do that again! I plan on not having an epidural again (didn't have any pain meds for either of my others, so I can't imagine breaking that streak now - if I could do it then, I can do it now). So yeah, hoping for hands & knees this time. Will admit, kind of a compromising position though :haha: Then again, all of labor doesn't really put us in our best light, does it?? :rofl:
Hahaha. With this being my third baby, I feel like I am so desensitized to being seen. Every appointment now it's like, "Sure! You haven't had a feel or a gander? Go ahead, knock your socks off." :haha:

I won't be doing the nursery for a while because my son will be moving into the larger guest room and the baby will move into his room at around 6 months ideally. The plan is for my son to design his new room and help with the baby's to make it special for him. I want him to feel less kicked out and more big brother. :) He was only 2 when my first daughter was born so it wasn't as big of a deal for him. This time, he is so beyond excited!

I did do my little 99 days announcement! It ended up being softer than planned, but I was in such a good mood! :haha:

It will be here before you know it, flou! Have you bought anything special to help with the healing process?

Awwe! I love V day, Hoping! It must be my favorite milestone really. That and dropping. :)

I actually had an epidural when I did hands and knees. I asked them to turn it off for my pushing stage and we didn't have any issues. It was a Pitocin induction and when I went into transition, she was facing my hip instead of being face up or down. It was so painful! But when I was about 9cm dilated, I asked them to turn it off to prepare for pushing.

I had my special scan today to celebrate the Lunar New Year and she has the same nose and lips as her siblings! We didn't get any full face shots because she was literally cuddling with the placenta, but we got a couple good side views. :) She turned completely towards my spine after the first few. What a little booger!

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Awwww, Sweet, what beautiful scan pics! And loving your announcement! Thanks for sharing!

AFM - Having a rough day. I've been up since 3:30 AM (thank you pregnancy insomnia and anxiety), fairly sure that I forgot to take my Diclegis last night, barely ate breakfast this morning, then was so incredibly nauseous that I almost had to go home from work. I've been crying on and off. This morning I was actually in a good mood and I think existing on caffine and adrenaline. I wasn't even hungry (hence barely eating). I'm just miserable now, and at work. I just want to go home and lie down. :cry: and DH is supposed to be working late so he's not going to be any help either. I get to go pick up my two kids, make dinner, get them settled, etc. on my own. :(
:hugs: bella. I'm sorry that you have had a bad day and I hope you feel better soon. Pregnancy insomnia sucks! I get it from time to time and when you're a working momma its really difficult coping with a lack of sleep. I hope you manage a good night sleep soon and your anxiety eases.

Sweet I haven't brought anything for healing. However, my DH will be around to wait on me! With him being the stay at home dad he will be around to look after me and help me look after the little one (and our DS!) Also I'm really lucky that my parents are just about to retire and they live about 30 mins away and they are happy to help out. Especially my mum she can't wait to have a cuddle with grandchild number 2 and will always help out DS. He's going to be staying with them for the whole time I am in hospital. I'm not sure if they really realise what they have let themselves in for!:rofl:
Thank you! :)

I am so sorry that you had a rough day. Bella! :hugs: Today wasn't the best here either. Last night, my daughter had a bad dream, so she climbed in with us. She slept great! Us? Not so much. Today has been full of a lot of frustrated tears and high tension. I think we both need a do-over. :haha:

Awwe! That will be really nice, flou! My husband works from home so we will have a great setup as well. I am curious to see how it feels to go from 2 to 3. 1 to 2 was hard!

My parents will also be watching my first two while I am at the hospital and I am so ready for it! :haha: My mother will actually take a week off work once the baby is here to help us transition. She is going to bridge the gap and help wherever needed while we figure it all out. :)

Tell your little boy to make sure grandma has a good time ;)
Thanks Flou! Awesome that your parents are so close and only #2!!! They must be ecstatic! My little one will be grandchild # 13 for my parents :haha: My sister has 7 (4 are hers, 3 are step-kids, and add in one step-granddaughter!), my brother has 3, and this is #3 for me! Add in my DH's side of the family: His oldest brother has 4, his sister has 3, and his youngest brother has 1; so even on that side of the family, this will be baby # 11!

Awesome for both of you, Flou & Sweet, that your DHs are around a lot for help! Mine has been better at helping lately, but prior to that, it was pretty much all me. Hoping this streak continues!!! He does work full time out of the house though, and commutes an hour to and from work, so he's limited in how he can help. Right now we're trying to figure out who will watch our two while I'm in the hospital having the 3rd... I'd honestly prefer for them to go stay with my parents, but my MIL has already voiced that she'd like to come over and spend the night to keep them in their own beds/in our own home. Unfortunately, despite getting along with her VERY well, the last time she helped us out by staying over, I was CRAZY by the time she left over the little things - like the fact that she took the sippy cups my kids sleep with out of their crib/bed, washed them, and put them somewhere and I couldn't find them when it was bedtime :wacko: I just can't imagine the little things like that adding up while I'm already hormonal about a new little one.... I just think I'd rather not have overnight company when we've got a new little one. But I also don't know how to tell her no... especially when my parents had my DD sleep over last time when I had DS. MIL is probably thinking it's "her turn." :cry:

After my last post ended up puking and going home sick :cry: Still not sure if I was actually sick with a tummy bug or if it was because I was up since 3:30 that morning and I'm pretty sure I forgot to take my Diclegis before bed.... so it was probably pregnancy related. Still, after throwing up at work on Wednesday afternoon, I ended up staying home yesterday too. Was nice to have a day off. Woke up a bit nauseous (I'm thinking maybe due to lack of food the day before? Being tired? IDK....) but after eating breakfast I was pretty much okay, thankfully. Back to normal today, though a bit tired. 2 more days til V-day for me!!! <3 <3 <3
I have been extremely MIA, just so much going on here at the home front....mainly my job and the stress of being there every day. Lately i come home and just fall asleep from being exhausted from my days.

We found out Jan 20th that our little bean is a BOY!!!! We are beyond amazed that we have finally been blessed with BLUE.

Everything so far is going great. I have a follow up ultrasound on Monday the 18th to try and get better pictures of his spine and also do a weight check on baby. He was 1lb 2 oz at my ultrasound which is measuring on the big side for May 30th. She did say by ultrasound he's due May 21st but they won't change my due date.

Hope all is well for everyone...the nesting phase has hit hard here! Can't believe we are more than half way there!!! Can't wait to see pictures of everyone's little ones.

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Yay! JL that's awesome! Beautiful scan pics! Congrats on your little boy!!!! <3 <3 <3

24 weeks + 3 days here! Yay V-Day! My next appointment is tomorrow! Will be nice to hear baby's HB again <3

I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys... I was in the hospital on Friday because I was having BH all day and reduced fetal movement. I wasn't sure whether to call my doctor, but when I did, I was told to go to the hospital for a labor check. Thankfully (but slightly annoyingly), once I got there, no more contractions. Not too surprised though since I had them when I was on my feet and at the hospital they had me in a bed. While I was there, I heard newborn cries and OMG hearing that just made my heart soar. I can't wait for that again :cloud9:
Jl lovely scan pics! Baby boys are lovely. But I'm a bit biased as I have one DS and this one is also a boy. People tell me that boys are more cuddly. I don't know whether that's true but DS certainly does love mummy cuddles. He's such a mummys boy!

Bella sorry for your stay in hospital but I'm glad all is ok. Congrats on vday!

I can't believe I've reached the third trimester - on the home straight now! I swear the first trimester takes ages, you hit half way and it just flies by. 11 weeks until I meet my little one!
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Thanks, Flou! Eeeeek, congrats on reaching 3rd tri!! <3 <3 <3 That's amazing! Home stretch!
Had another ultrasound today to get images of his spine...thankfully he cooperated this time and all looks well. It was also to do a weight check. Hes in the 95th percentile and already weighing in at 2lbs 5oz and im only 25-26 weeks along depending on date we go by.

What are your baby's weighing in at as if now and how far along are you? Im super worried I'm going to have a big baby
I have been a bit MIA ladies! I haven't been feeling too well. I have been beyond tired and it doesn't help that yesterday I had the GD 1 hour glucose test done. I will find out if I passed at my appointment on Thursday, but man that sugar makes me so damn sleepy! I think it's a bit silly really. "We want to see if you have diabetes, so we are going to give you diabetes just to make sure". :haha:

I am so happy to hear about your baby boy, jlmeans!

I hope that your VDay was wonderful, Bella! I am sorry to hear that you also haven't been well though! We are getting soooooo close to the end though <3

Feels good to be in the 3rd tri, flou! Still jealous that you know exactly when you get to meet your little one :haha:
Heya I’ve just had a growth scan last week and my girly weighs in at 2148g. She’s plotted under the 50th percentile so around 35 so got to have another one in just over 2 weeks. I think it’s all a rough guess anyway and they can’t be 100% sure.. they did that to me last time.. induced me at 38 weeks because they thought she was super small to come out at 6lb 6... so I don’t always believe what they say xxx
Sweet I hope you passed the gd glucose test.

Jl i have no idea how much my little man weighs. I'm having a growth scan on 21st march so I will be intrigued to know. But I agree with linz. I have heard they aren't really that accurate.

I have been off work this week for half term only to be ill for most of it! I have had a dreadful cold and even though I'm over it I'm still coughing up phlegm or it goes down the back of my throat into my stomach and makes my heartburn worse than it already is:(I hope all the yuckiness goes soon!
Hello mommies-to-be!

I hope you don't mind me posting this here.

I'm a UK based TV producer (also expecting my first baby in July!), and I'm working on a taster documentary project for a National US broadcaster (in the commissioning stages so not being broadcast at this stage) looking at how developments in scanning technology allow us to now follow our baby's journey in the womb closer than ever before!

I'm looking for a mom-to-be, ideally East Coast USA, who may have a scan coming up, or would be happy to have a baby scan in the next week or 2 (we can cover the scan cost and reasonable travel expenses) and let us film it.

If you're interested in taking part please get in touch ASAP and I can give you more information. This is a lovely opportunity to have a part of your pregnancy journey documented and get another sneek peek at your little one! We can also supply you with the edited footage as an extra thank you for taking part.

Either reply to this thread with a way I can contact you, or drop me an email at [email protected].

Look forward to hearing from you all and hearing your baby stories!
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA for a bit.... my kiddos were SUPER sick last week - both over 103 fevers - little man's lasted 4 days, then DD was sent home from school the day we sent DS back to daycare! It's been ROUGH!

Sweet, did you get your results back yet?

JL - I'm not sure how much baby weighs at the moment... if I recall correctly, I was told a little over a pound at my last scan (which was... January 23rd. I was 21+3 then. I do have another scan coming up on March 8th to check my placenta & can let you know what they tell me then. I also have my glucose test that day.

Flou - Hope you're feeling better soon!

Jess - I am on the East coast of the US.... but IDK if I'm wanting to be filmed for TV. I will certainly email you if I change my mind. Best of luck on your own pregnancy journey :flower:
I did get my glucose results back and I passed with flying colors! I am beyond happy about it. Three successful pregnancies with no GD! :)

I have been told that in the 3rd trimester, weight scans are very inaccurate. I even know someone personally who was told she was going to have a 9 1/2 lb baby so they induced her early. Baby was just over 6 lbs and it turns out she just had a huge placenta. It's also incredibly rare for a baby to actually be too big for a mother to birth. It does happen though.

I hope that everyone is feeling well now! My almost 3 year old is actually sick today. Last night, she spiked a high fever and she is pretty congested. She is doing slightly better today, so we will see.
I have my glucose test next Wednesday and hoping it all goes well and i dont have to do the 3 hour testing...knock on wood I didnt have to with my other 2 but this pregnancy seems to be giving me a run for my money

Sweet,- hope your little one gets better soon. I know there is a lot of stomach bug cases going around our school. Hoping to avoid. Hope you can keep yourself healthy as you tend to your little one

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