I have a bunch of ICs in a drawer in my bedroom. They are calling to me. Someone please stop me poas this early!! I swear, I have no willpower!
Girly922, if my IC had arrived I would of been testing from at least this morning too. Think I am 7dpo but only AF is due at around 11 or 12dpo so know my LP will just be too short for anything to happen but will hold out hope until it does and test from tomorrow if they arrive today!
2dpo and I am super annoyed by random smells..... am I paranoid???
Hi ladies! I'm 5dpo today and trying hard not to symptom spot because it's way too early but I am so bloated to the point it's straining my pants. I also felt pretty nauseous yesterday. I ordered come cheapies last night and they should be here either wed or Thursday. I think AF is due around the 7th but no way I'll hold out til then. Will prob test this weekend good luck to everyone!
Is it wrong I want to pee in a pot and take it to work just so I can buy a test on my way?