Silas, I'm not really seeing a line there, but I am working hard on not making myself see lines unless they are really strong, so that might be my own eyes playing tricks on me. If you see them in person, I would wait until at least another couple days before trying a digital, because I think they say that HcG doubles every 24-48 hours. Also, the digitals are not as sensitive as a FRER, so waiting even a few more days, you would be more likely to see something. I wouldn't worry about the strength of the line being so far after your AF because maybe you ovulated later this cycle.
I am ovulating today based on my positive OPK yesterday at 6pm, but we haven't been able to have sex today due to both of us not feeling that well. But we BD'ed on Sunday and Saturday, so I'm hoping that was good enough for timing.
Baby dust to everyone!