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May wasn't our month so testing in June.

OOOH Never you do sound like a moody teenager, maybe its a SIGN!!!
Aw, Steph -- your pledge is missing one item. You say you will encourage others to test early (#5), but you didn't say you'll encourage others to spot symptoms! :haha:
OOOH Never you do sound like a moody teenager, maybe its a SIGN!!!

:haha: you plonker but yeah, you're right I am very stroppy and have been fr a couple of days but it due to being overtired from not sleeping. I've just had a crappy day and ranted and let off many expletives in my journal. *big sigh*

:grr: is how I'm feeling

Littlebird as long as i'm not spotting my own symptoms it counts :winkwink: :haha:

Never have read your rant and responded, take care :hugs: I know ben and jerrys is out of the question on the old healthy eating, but maybe chew on a carrot or something :rofl:

Or ask oh to install a punchbag- exercise while you rant :winkwink:
Healthy eating?! What? Where?! Had a pack of biscuits and starburst :dohh:

Thanks Steph :hugs:

:rofl: sounds bloody good to me, in fact i'm salivating just thinking about it :wacko: :hugs:
CRC - I'm not sure not having taken fertility meds myself, best thing to do would be to probably speak to your doctor, and see what they advise on the LP shortening. Its still not that bad though, about the same as mine all in all. :flower: Sorry about AF showing her ugly face.

Babybaba - I wonder where you are in your cycle too, how long is it normally? FX for your BFP this month! :happydance:

Never - never say never :thumbup::haha:

well i called today to get my clomid refilled and im officially cd3 today so they had me come in.... well they did an u/s and said i had no cysts from the clomid and that my ovaries look good and they are having me come in on the 8th to have a test done to check my tubes and make sure no polyps or fibroids. and then on the 11th im having my u/s to check response to clomid.... and then on that date will deterimine date of the trigger shot and when they are going to do MY IUI... im so excited! we have a new game plan! im also taking clomid on cd3-7 instead of cd5-9... so im cd3 already, so im ready for round 2 :)
Oh, CRC! Are you saying AF came? If the bleeding is early and not as heavy as normal AF, maybe you should keep doing the HPTs to make sure you're not just having some early bleeding. Especially since you know that your LP is always longer. Please keep us updated! :hugs:

I woke up today and its heavy, so no reason to test :( getting ready to call and get a game plan set up w/ the fs. what day do you take clomid??? and the lp being shortened kinda scared me b/c I dont know if its from the meds or what????

Aw, I'm sorry. I don't know if it makes you feel better, but I have heard of people getting their BFPs after 2-3 months on Clomid -- actually it seems more common that they don't conceive the first month. Maybe it needs to be in your system a little longer to get the proper results. I know it is no fun getting AF, especially when you want your BFP (now!!!), but this is what I told myself after AF came. I'm feeling very confident this cycle -- just hoping that the appointment tomorrow turns out OK and I don't require surgery.

I know you and DH are paying for all this, so you want results sooner rather than later. I really hope that this cycle is your BFP!

I would definitely mention the LP being shorter. And if you're opposed to Clomid this cycle, you can see if they'll prescribe Femara, like Holly used.

Thank you! Im praying your appt. goes well and everything turns out perfect for you and your dh!! well i called to get my prescription refilled and they said since its cd3 i need to come in today... so i went and they did my u/s and no cysts and ovaries look good... they scheduled me an appt to check my tubes for fibroids and cysts... and then on the 11th im having an u/s to check response to taking clomid on cd3-7 this cycle... last cycle i did it cd5-9... praying that i respond well to the cd changes, and also at my appt on the 11th they are going to determine my trigger day and then schedule my IUI.... we are so pumped to be able to help our chances this month!!! this is the my month I conceived last year :( so hoping we can make it happen again! :)

Ill keep praying for you! :)
:hi: ladies!
tweak, huge congrats on your :bfp: :happydance: :bfp: :happydance:

pugluv, Yay for O, FXed you've caught the eggy :thumbup:

woody, OMG sounds like Ovulation EWCM, keeping everything crossed it is :hugs:

crc, :hugs: so sorry AF got you. Im glad your u/s went well. Loving your PMA. :hugs:

baby, haha your post made me laugh. I hope that you did O and get that :bfp:

annmarie, oh sorry the witch got you :hugs:

never, FXed you get that :bfp:

:hi: everyone, hope you're all doing well :hugs:

afm: still no AF. I have my scrips for cd3 & cd21 but need the stupid witch to show her face...
:hi: ladies!
tweak, huge congrats on your :bfp: :happydance: :bfp: :happydance:

pugluv, Yay for O, FXed you've caught the eggy :thumbup:

woody, OMG sounds like Ovulation EWCM, keeping everything crossed it is :hugs:

crc, :hugs: so sorry AF got you. Im glad your u/s went well. Loving your PMA. :hugs:

baby, haha your post made me laugh. I hope that you did O and get that :bfp:

annmarie, oh sorry the witch got you :hugs:

never, FXed you get that :bfp:

:hi: everyone, hope you're all doing well :hugs:

afm: still no AF. I have my scrips for cd3 & cd21 but need the stupid witch to show her face...

ugh :/ thats something I hate waiting for... im glad mine came early this month... so no worrying here! ive got a really good game plan so its def. something to smile about! I sure hope af shows her face so you can get this month started! :)
same here ugh... I so hate waiting. loving your attitude and you definitely have a really good plan for yourself next cycle :hugs:
same here ugh... I so hate waiting. loving your attitude and you definitely have a really good plan for yourself next cycle :hugs:

I know... my af wasnt even due til today and im already cd3 which is a good thing, Im a little ahead of schedule. So now i start my first pill of clomid tonight so im excited to start this game plan! i hope everything goes as planned. the f/s seemed to think taking clomid and doing an IUI is a great thing and that I responded very well to the clomid last cycle on cd5-9 , so trying it on cd3-7 this time and then having the test to make sure my tubes are good and open and then the u/s to check the follicle response and then the trigger shot and IUI.... im hoping this is the month b/c next month we wont be able to do all of this b/c of paying out of pocket. so im praying God hears my prayers this month :) Im praying your af shows real soon!! are you taking clomid on cd3 this month???
Wow CRC thats a lot to look forward to this month!!! Glad you're looking on the positive side and lets go onwards and upwards to the new cycle :thumbup:

Lisa - hope AF comes up very soon she has been slacking with some people lately!
Intend to dtd tonight and as much as possible before holiday and gonna TRY so hard to bd (secretly) during fertile time

On a side note I bought some soy from tesco today!!
So all ready to go full force in July!!

I keep meaning to start a journal never!!
Ive just been so busy!
Got some bits to do tonight but hopefully I'll get chance today!
I also need to do it on laptop which I'm never on (too hard to type volumes on iPhone/iPad)

Fx for everyone xxxxxx
I know what you mean about typing on the phone, my crappy phone always puts two lls and repeats stuff when I'm trying to delete its errors and it really gets on my nerves and I need my swear deleting button :growlmad:

Glad you're all prepared for next cycle and good luck for BDing in the meantime you may never need that soy! :haha:

I look forward to reading your journal when you get a spare minute! :thumbup:
Hi Ladies :hi:

Hoping for a June :bfp:. I'm due to OV soon, so FX that I'll be able to test Father's day weekend!

Good luck everyone!! I hope this IS the lucky thread and we all get our BFP's! :dust::dust::dust:

Here is to a 2012 :baby:!!
Thank you! Im praying your appt. goes well and everything turns out perfect for you and your dh!! well i called to get my prescription refilled and they said since its cd3 i need to come in today... so i went and they did my u/s and no cysts and ovaries look good... they scheduled me an appt to check my tubes for fibroids and cysts... and then on the 11th im having an u/s to check response to taking clomid on cd3-7 this cycle... last cycle i did it cd5-9... praying that i respond well to the cd changes, and also at my appt on the 11th they are going to determine my trigger day and then schedule my IUI.... we are so pumped to be able to help our chances this month!!! this is the my month I conceived last year :( so hoping we can make it happen again! :)

Ill keep praying for you! :)

Oh, that's awesome that you're doing an IUI! I'm sure you and DH are very excited about this month's plan! I definitely think you will catch that egg this time around!
Hi ladies, holiday is going well, lots of bding! Phone signal is rubbish though!!
Sorry af got you crc but what a great plan you have for this cycle. Hope your af comes soon Lisa. Great news on bding woody.
Sorry it's a short post, wanting to wish you all well.xxx
Hey Cornish, Glad you're having a brill time on holiday, will catch up with you when you get back, just concentrate on catching that little egg!:thumbup:
my journal ladies


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