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May wasn't our month so testing in June.

I'm itching to test today to get this month over with, good job my HPTs haven't arrived yet! I need something to distract myself with today :dohh:
Thou shall not test...one of your pledges my dear...besides...too early :haha:

I know, I know....:wacko:

Having a very bad day and need cheering up :cry:
I'll do a naked dance and show you my truffle shuffle with my belly?

:rofl: you definitely put a smile on my face there, you nutter! :hugs: thanks x
Steph, sorry you're having a rough day! :hugs: Glad your HPTs are safe and sound outside of your home. When are they supposed to arrive?

Never, thanks for keeping Steph in line with her pledge and the naked dance visual. :haha:
Well I'm feeling really stooopid and in the entertaining kind of mood :haha:

LB...do not encourage by asking when the HPT's will arrive :grr:

I so need to get off my fat ass and clean the house but I can not be bothered :haha:

Never- you are hilarious you're still keeping me chuckling at the truffle shuffle!

James has just got one of the egg cups off the side stuck a raw egg in it and whacked it with a spoon, raw egg everywhere, now he's demanding soldiers!!!

Hpts are in the mail..could be delivered tomorrow, more likely saturday or monday!

I also need to get off my fat ass and clean but i've said bollocks to it for now!!
I need to get up and get DS1 ready for school, but I'm so freaking tired. This higher dose of Clomid is making me very, very sleepy! I'm already thinking about when I might be able to take a nap.
ouch, I hate being tired, makes everything such an effort! Hope you get chance to have a nap soon littlebird!
Thank you! Im praying your appt. goes well and everything turns out perfect for you and your dh!! well i called to get my prescription refilled and they said since its cd3 i need to come in today... so i went and they did my u/s and no cysts and ovaries look good... they scheduled me an appt to check my tubes for fibroids and cysts... and then on the 11th im having an u/s to check response to taking clomid on cd3-7 this cycle... last cycle i did it cd5-9... praying that i respond well to the cd changes, and also at my appt on the 11th they are going to determine my trigger day and then schedule my IUI.... we are so pumped to be able to help our chances this month!!! this is the my month I conceived last year :( so hoping we can make it happen again! :)

Ill keep praying for you! :)

Oh, that's awesome that you're doing an IUI! I'm sure you and DH are very excited about this month's plan! I definitely think you will catch that egg this time around!
Thank you!
Im def. praying this will be the month for all of us!!! we all have been trying so hard and we deserve a BFP!!! yeah Im wating for the f/s to call me back b/c I saw a diff. one in the same office and this month the f/s isnt having me come in til cd14... which last month I came in on cd11 for my follicle check, and now im taking clomid on cd 3-7 instead of 5-9 will that affect my follicle growth?? lol... will it make my follicles grow 2 days more..??? i really just dont want to miss my chance of an IUI... so I called the woman I saw last month b/c she wasnt in on the day I went in last.... so im waiting for her to call me back... b/c as I recall they said my follicles were 17,14,14,11 and I dont know if changing the cd I take clomid will effect this growth or what... im just real nervous waiting for cd14 to check my follicle growth b/c thats usually when I O... so cant miss that... so im praying that I can go in at least cd12 would make me feel much better. lol.... im such a control freak its crazy but ive been really putting alot of effort in thinking this one out.. .I know they know what they are doing... but at the sametime I know my body... My brochure even says to check follicle growth on cd 11/12.... so guess Ill just wait. lol.... Im having the SIS on wed... kinda nervous about it.. not real sure what they do.... i know its like the hsg but the shg they do in the office. i know the SIS in a saline injection and the HSG is an x-ray. and I read that with the SIS they do a vag. U/S to check the tubes after the saline has been injected:wacko: oh my!!! ok enough about me! how are you doing?? what cd are you?? how are you feeling?
Thank you!
Im def. praying this will be the month for all of us!!! we all have been trying so hard and we deserve a BFP!!! yeah Im wating for the f/s to call me back b/c I saw a diff. one in the same office and this month the f/s isnt having me come in til cd14... which last month I came in on cd11 for my follicle check, and now im taking clomid on cd 3-7 instead of 5-9 will that affect my follicle growth?? lol... will it make my follicles grow 2 days more..??? i really just dont want to miss my chance of an IUI... so I called the woman I saw last month b/c she wasnt in on the day I went in last.... so im waiting for her to call me back... b/c as I recall they said my follicles were 17,14,14,11 and I dont know if changing the cd I take clomid will effect this growth or what... im just real nervous waiting for cd14 to check my follicle growth b/c thats usually when I O... so cant miss that... so im praying that I can go in at least cd12 would make me feel much better. lol.... im such a control freak its crazy but ive been really putting alot of effort in thinking this one out.. .I know they know what they are doing... but at the sametime I know my body... My brochure even says to check follicle growth on cd 11/12.... so guess Ill just wait. lol.... Im having the SIS on wed... kinda nervous about it.. not real sure what they do.... i know its like the hsg but the shg they do in the office. i know the SIS in a saline injection and the HSG is an x-ray. and I read that with the SIS they do a vag. U/S to check the tubes after the saline has been injected:wacko: oh my!!! ok enough about me! how are you doing?? what cd are you?? how are you feeling?

I think the earlier days for Clomid cause more follicles to develop. Later days cause fewer to develop, but they have a higher quality. So maybe your doctor was so happy with the growth last time and just wants to make sure you have more than once chance to catch the egg.

I think last time I went in on CD13 to check for follicles. (I'm trying to remember -- I think I had one 13mm follicle on day 13.) And this time they scheduled me for CD13 again. Maybe it depends on how long your cycles usually are. I typically ovulate on CD16 (CD17 last month with Clomid). So I think they want to time the ultrasound to fit in a few days before ovulation. That being said, maybe CD14 is a little late for you. I don't think there is any problem with you calling them and asking. Especially since their brochure says CD11/12.

I'm not familiar with the SIS. I wonder how it's different from the water sonogram I just had yesterday. It was similar to the HSG except using water, and they didn't use a balloon. The HSG was done at the hospital, the water sonogram was done in the office.

I'm CD7 today, wondering how long I can get away with sleeping. I swear I could sleep until the weekend if given the chance. That's really the only thing that's bothering me so far with the Clomid. Had a small headache yesterday, but really I haven't felt like doubling the dose was much worse for me. Last cycle, I was at a work conference and I just kept having all these crazy thoughts and just not feeling like myself. So that's something to be thankful for!
Glad you're not having double the symptoms from double the dosage little bird. Got my fingers crossed for you two that clomid does the trick and you get your BFP this month x :thumbup:
I think the earlier days for Clomid cause more follicles to develop. Later days cause fewer to develop, but they have a higher quality. So maybe your doctor was so happy with the growth last time and just wants to make sure you have more than once chance to catch the egg.

I think last time I went in on CD13 to check for follicles. (I'm trying to remember -- I think I had one 13mm follicle on day 13.) And this time they scheduled me for CD13 again. Maybe it depends on how long your cycles usually are. I typically ovulate on CD16 (CD17 last month with Clomid). So I think they want to time the ultrasound to fit in a few days before ovulation. That being said, maybe CD14 is a little late for you. I don't think there is any problem with you calling them and asking. Especially since their brochure says CD11/12.

I'm not familiar with the SIS. I wonder how it's different from the water sonogram I just had yesterday. It was similar to the HSG except using water, and they didn't use a balloon. The HSG was done at the hospital, the water sonogram was done in the office.

I'm CD7 today, wondering how long I can get away with sleeping. I swear I could sleep until the weekend if given the chance. That's really the only thing that's bothering me so far with the Clomid. Had a small headache yesterday, but really I haven't felt like doubling the dose was much worse for me. Last cycle, I was at a work conference and I just kept having all these crazy thoughts and just not feeling like myself. So that's something to be thankful for![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think the doc. was happy with the response of the size just wanted more! and im right with her! lol.... so I called and got my appt changed. I go in wed. for my SIS and then thurs for my u/s to check follicle growth and to schedule IUI and when Im going to do my trigger shot!!! im excited I can be a little more relaxed... :) and im not sure what the diff. of the test I know the SIS is also done in the office and it is done w/ saline so just like water.... Did you get your results from your test yet?? On my paperwork it says i will get to watch the SIS b/c its done on the vag. u/s ... so im excited/ nervous.. praying there are no cysts or fibroids in our way!! Well im cd5 not much going on just still taking my clomid and on my left side im super achey guess its a good thing. not going to complain :)
Well I hope you get some rest from the double dose of clomid! :) praying you get your BFP this month!!!
Yeah, I think the doc. was happy with the response of the size just wanted more! and im right with her! lol.... so I called and got my appt changed. I go in wed. for my SIS and then thurs for my u/s to check follicle growth and to schedule IUI and when Im going to do my trigger shot!!! im excited I can be a little more relaxed... :) and im not sure what the diff. of the test I know the SIS is also done in the office and it is done w/ saline so just like water.... Did you get your results from your test yet?? On my paperwork it says i will get to watch the SIS b/c its done on the vag. u/s ... so im excited/ nervous.. praying there are no cysts or fibroids in our way!! Well im cd5 not much going on just still taking my clomid and on my left side im super achey guess its a good thing. not going to complain :)
Well I hope you get some rest from the double dose of clomid! :) praying you get your BFP this month!!!

I'm glad they could move your appointment up. Sounds like they want you to be completely comfortable! Ok, so you 're going in Thursday for your follicle check. I'm going on Wednesday! I am CD7 today, but if you trigger early, we might be in the 2WW at the same exact time this cycle. I'm hoping and praying for all our BFPs, too! Baby dust for all! :dust:
Yeah, I think the doc. was happy with the response of the size just wanted more! and im right with her! lol.... so I called and got my appt changed. I go in wed. for my SIS and then thurs for my u/s to check follicle growth and to schedule IUI and when Im going to do my trigger shot!!! im excited I can be a little more relaxed... :) and im not sure what the diff. of the test I know the SIS is also done in the office and it is done w/ saline so just like water.... Did you get your results from your test yet?? On my paperwork it says i will get to watch the SIS b/c its done on the vag. u/s ... so im excited/ nervous.. praying there are no cysts or fibroids in our way!! Well im cd5 not much going on just still taking my clomid and on my left side im super achey guess its a good thing. not going to complain :)
Well I hope you get some rest from the double dose of clomid! :) praying you get your BFP this month!!!

I'm glad they could move your appointment up. Sounds like they want you to be completely comfortable! Ok, so you 're going in Thursday for your follicle check. I'm going on Wednesday! I am CD7 today, but if you trigger early, we might be in the 2WW at the same exact time this cycle. I'm hoping and praying for all our BFPs, too! Baby dust for all! :dust:

Yes, im so glad they moved it up b/c it was making me nervous...lol... im so excited to hear how you responded to the 100mg this month... I have a good feeling! :) how cool we get to be in the 2ww together... you know what beats that if we could be bump buddies w/ Holly :) :) did ya get your nap today???
Glad you're not having double the symptoms from double the dosage little bird. Got my fingers crossed for you two that clomid does the trick and you get your BFP this month x :thumbup:

How are you feeling??? what dpo are you?
I think i'm 8dpo today, not feeling much either way and don't know if what i'm feeling is because I want to feel it if you know what I mean?

We will have to wait and see!

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