May wasn't our month so testing in June.

Oh- and FOR SURE - FOR SURE- FOR SURE- have sex that same night after the IUI was done and the day after! :thumbup: It's A LOT of work- and you'll be tuckered out :haha: but then you can take a breather and relax! :)

What we did is had sex TWICE the day after the IUI :haha:

My dh is SUCH a trooper!!!!!!!!!!! He has a hard time doing it 9 days straight- much less 2 times in one day after ALL of that! The 2nd time was his idea too :winkwink:
Thank you for your response and we decided we are going to wait and talk it out and let her know where we stand together... we are taking this one day at a time... dh told me today he knows its his mom and we will handle that. he cried and told me that he was sad we lost the baby and he wants this so bad thats why we are having the IUI this month!!! sometimes it takes a fight like this to make you see what you have... maybe i was taking dh for granted and i need to respect him more for all that he does! I love him and dont want to loose him. so im cd9 today and we are going to start the bding tonight and I started the mucinex on cd7.... so getting things ready! :) how have you been ??? have you started the bding marathon yet?

I'm so glad that you and your DH are on the same page. It's good that you can feel like he's behind you no matter what. In my case, things can get really iffy when there are problems with the in-laws so I tread lightly. My DH can get into a fist fight with his dad but if I complain about his mom, all hell breaks loose. :wacko:

Even before this happened, it sounded like your DH was completely committed to getting you knocked up! But the fact that he's telling you that he wants nothing more than to have a baby with you means that there is no doubt in his mind that you are the person he wants to spend his life with and raise his children with. And he wants that now! So he sees who you really are and knows that his mom is completely off base when it comes to how she's treating you. You two must be feeling very close after that talk. I'm so happy that he's being supportive and understanding.

I've started with my guaifenesin -- syrup this time -- and we have been BDing just a little. I tried to get him yesterday a couple of times, and he said, "It's not the 8th yet!" (That's when I have my next exam. I think he's saving his energy!) So I'm going to be working my magic on him tonight! :haha:
LB~ you're the best! I always love your posts!!! :hugs: You're so sweet! :)
oh crc Im so glad you had a heart to heart with your hubby and you guys were able to talk about how you're feeling and have come to a solution... don't you love it when that happens??! when Dh and I argue and make up, it makes me feel like our communication is getting better and our relationship gets stronger :hugs:

afm: so still no AF :shrug: Im not going to let it get to me cuz I have a plan, but for now that plan is to wait... hey I've waited 57days :rofl: I think I can wait a little more w/o going :wacko: :rofl:

hope everyone is doing well :hugs:
Lisa - you have such a great attitude and spirit, I'm sure I would be tearing my hair out a long time ago if I were in your position. I really hope :witch: sorts out her diary and pays you a visit very soon!!! :thumbup::flower:
oh crc Im so glad you had a heart to heart with your hubby and you guys were able to talk about how you're feeling and have come to a solution... don't you love it when that happens??! when Dh and I argue and make up, it makes me feel like our communication is getting better and our relationship gets stronger :hugs:

afm: so still no AF :shrug: Im not going to let it get to me cuz I have a plan, but for now that plan is to wait... hey I've waited 57days :rofl: I think I can wait a little more w/o going :wacko: :rofl:

hope everyone is doing well :hugs:

Yep, I always feel better after we've worked through some big issue and made up. I complain a lot that DH is not the best at communicating and I wish we could talk more without having to fight first. But the truth is that if something is really important to me, I can't just hold it in. And when we get through it, we're stronger than before.

Sorry about AF still being a no-show. She's such a witch! :witch: Thanks for sharing your positivity with us -- I really appreciate your upbeat attitude! It helps me put things in perspective whenever I feel like I'm starting to get down.
:hugs: awww thank you ladies, you guys are GREAT too... I love coming on BnB and reading all of your posts... :hugs:

ladies, I used to be more patient than I am now lol... but ever since m/c the patience has been thrown out the window but it's slowly coming back... I just get a little frustrated bcuz my DH is a great person and always puts me and my daughter before him and he really deserves to have a baby... my daughter is not biologically his but he treats her like she is and she adores him too. I guess Im in good spirits bcuz Ive seen the doc and we have a plan all set up to go :thumbup: it sucks that I have to wait but it hasn't gotten to me, YET :rofl: Im enjoying just a little bit that I haven't had AF, I hate her so much LOL.

LB, you're right, commuincation is the key to everything in life.... hubby and I work on it everyday and it does feel good to be able to understand what we both want out of our relationship.... right now, we're doing something together that has brought us even closer, we're watching our diet and exercising together and it feels great.... next plan is TTC. he's coming with me to my next FS appt and he is willing to give :spermy: sample... so I can honestly say that we're on the same page.... FOR NOW... haha :haha:
:hugs: crc :hugs:

I don't think you over-reacted in any way... that was really rude and disrespectful of your MIL. just reading how your MIL acted towards the ex and how she treats you says a lot. your MIL sounds controlling and I bet that she told DH not to go ahead with the marriage but the fact that you are married to him also says a lot. he may not show it at times but I think he sides with you but at the same time it's like he needs his parents approval... I think you and DH need to talk about how you are feeling. I am so sorry you having to go through this. this should be a happy time for you and DH to be planning for your own little one.

I hope you are feeling much better.


It hit the nail right on the head w/ my MIL.... she is very controlling and if she isnt happen then she makes my FIL upset then he upsets my dh.... its a whole cycle that happens... my MIL is so crazy she will call tonight and ask where we eating at for dinner like we always do on tuesdays and my dh said he is just gonna make something up b/c he doesnt want to ruin our week w/ my step daughter which is fine w/ me if we can get thru this week she leaves on friday for disney world so that will be a nice vacation for me!!! haha... and yes my dh does side w/ me alot but not as I would do it.... but im thankful he stands up for me and the more we talk the more he understands why and how i feel the way I do.... and its like he has to make his dad happy so he has to please them too! its sad... he is so much happier when we arent around them.... his dad is overbearing and controlling... its just sad.... me and dh made up last night and things are good :haha: so on with our lives. my SIS appt. tom... im super duper nervous praying my tubes are good and clear :)
I'm glad you and DH talked :hugs: No matter what- never let it compromise your marriage. It's hard- but important!

As far as the IUI and bd'ng- I'll tell you how we did it both times. In Jan- My OB said it wasn't necessary to abstain- whereas in April- my FS said to abstain for 48 hours before the IUI. Wellll- we didn't abstain AT ALL in January and got pregnant. We had sex 9 days straight. What happened in that cycle- I got my positive OPK @ 3pm- I dragged him RIGHT THEN AND THERE to bed- and :sex: .. IUI was the next morning around 11am- so there was only 19 hours in between. And - it worked :thumbup: Sperm count was 37 million post wash which is decent.

This time- we DID "sorta" listen to the FS and abstain JUST the night before- so definitely not 48 hours- IMHO that's too long- so we :sex: like 5 days in a row prior to the the trigger shot- the night of the trigger shot- we abstained- & the next morning we had the IUI. I didn't have a LONG 36 hour window though from trigger to IUI- it was only 20 something hours. We had 59 million sperm post wash- even better.

I think since your DH has stellar numbers- I would try and just give it a 20-24 hour window of abstaining- like if you know your IUI is on a Friday morning- try and have sex Thursday morning- but not Thursday night- does that make sense??

yes it makes perfect sense... im not sure if the SIS washes away the sperm thats already there??? so dont know to bd tonight or skip tonight and do it tom. night after the tubes have been checked.... what you think???? might be a silly question. b/c where does the saline go after it goes thru the tubes? im super nervous for this appt. tom... I wish it would be today so I could get it over w/..... and then I have to turn around and come back thurs. for follicle check... i think they should just do my follicle check tom... im be cd11 tom so thats the day they did it last month.... so i was reading online and it says that iui paired w/ clomid only has a 20 % success rate... I thought it would be more than that... but it said egg quality and age of the woman and the dh's sperm quality and so fourth.... are many factors... but so far we have passed all test w/ flying colors so after tom. I can rest with relief and no worry!!! praying we get a BFP this month my SIS cost 700 dollars tom. and then the u/s is 130 and then the IUI is 400.... so we cant aford to do this too much longer.... In the paperwork they gave me it says that they only do the clomid for 3 months at 50mg... so not sure what will happen if we dont get our BFP this month or next month....

How are you feeling? I hope that your nausea is better!! Im really excited for your appt. this week :) praying for you :flower:
Thank you for your response and we decided we are going to wait and talk it out and let her know where we stand together... we are taking this one day at a time... dh told me today he knows its his mom and we will handle that. he cried and told me that he was sad we lost the baby and he wants this so bad thats why we are having the IUI this month!!! sometimes it takes a fight like this to make you see what you have... maybe i was taking dh for granted and i need to respect him more for all that he does! I love him and dont want to loose him. so im cd9 today and we are going to start the bding tonight and I started the mucinex on cd7.... so getting things ready! :) how have you been ??? have you started the bding marathon yet?

I'm so glad that you and your DH are on the same page. It's good that you can feel like he's behind you no matter what. In my case, things can get really iffy when there are problems with the in-laws so I tread lightly. My DH can get into a fist fight with his dad but if I complain about his mom, all hell breaks loose. :wacko:

Even before this happened, it sounded like your DH was completely committed to getting you knocked up! But the fact that he's telling you that he wants nothing more than to have a baby with you means that there is no doubt in his mind that you are the person he wants to spend his life with and raise his children with. And he wants that now! So he sees who you really are and knows that his mom is completely off base when it comes to how she's treating you. You two must be feeling very close after that talk. I'm so happy that he's being supportive and understanding.

I've started with my guaifenesin -- syrup this time -- and we have been BDing just a little. I tried to get him yesterday a couple of times, and he said, "It's not the 8th yet!" (That's when I have my next exam. I think he's saving his energy!) So I'm going to be working my magic on him tonight! :haha:

Yeah, I feel like we just met all over again :) we had dinner and then we came home and we bd'd like we had just met. :dohh: It was fun.... i just sent him a text asking how he feels and he said a little sleepy!! I rocked his socks off! :haha:

And I know its not nice to talk about his family b/c it has to be hurtful but im tired of putting up w/ it and her treating me like crap then running over and hugging the ex who did my dh so wrong.... made his life hell... :( so how can his mother forget that?? i have tried to ask her to lunch and shopping w/ me.. .she wont go anywhere w/ me... but her and the ex were bff.. but thats not what i want... i want her to the grandma and quit trying to be the mom of my stepdaughter...... so dh and i have decided to take a step back from them since she is crossing her boundary lines...... but we also wanted to cool down before talking to her. my FIL thinks i should talk to the mother myself... but i dont want too b/c she will turn everything around and come out crying that i tried to kill her or something crazy!! she is nuts!! no joke.... my dh just needs to let her know that we are going to take a step back until she can get things right in her head b/c its not good for my stepdaughter to but in this stressful situation and she is not stable enough to have my stepdaughter alone... the only person my dh will leave my stepdaughter w/ is me! i dont trust my MIL at all.... it breaks my heart that she doesnt like me b/c i havent done anything to hurt her and she keeps trying to break us apart since the wedding and thats not gonna happen sorry lady! move on!! i think that since my SIL is going off to college and her first born son is married and doesnt need her she is loosing control...... but im not sure its not my problem anymore... i deserve to be happy and that what dh and I want!!!

And we started bding last night... what do you think should we skip tonight b/c of the SIS tom... didnt know if it affected the sperm that can live for up to 5 days???? and pick up tom. night. I tried the syrup last month.. i got tired of that real soon! lol.. so im doing the muccinex this month its alot easier taking two big pills a day!!! hope you get your bding in tonight!!
:hugs: awww thank you ladies, you guys are GREAT too... I love coming on BnB and reading all of your posts... :hugs:

ladies, I used to be more patient than I am now lol... but ever since m/c the patience has been thrown out the window but it's slowly coming back... I just get a little frustrated bcuz my DH is a great person and always puts me and my daughter before him and he really deserves to have a baby... my daughter is not biologically his but he treats her like she is and she adores him too. I guess Im in good spirits bcuz Ive seen the doc and we have a plan all set up to go :thumbup: it sucks that I have to wait but it hasn't gotten to me, YET :rofl: Im enjoying just a little bit that I haven't had AF, I hate her so much LOL.

LB, you're right, commuincation is the key to everything in life.... hubby and I work on it everyday and it does feel good to be able to understand what we both want out of our relationship.... right now, we're doing something together that has brought us even closer, we're watching our diet and exercising together and it feels great.... next plan is TTC. he's coming with me to my next FS appt and he is willing to give :spermy: sample... so I can honestly say that we're on the same page.... FOR NOW... haha :haha:

you and your dh have a great plan and thats awesome that you are doing things together! def. brings the relationship together... i feel like dh and I needed that fight to bring us back together from the stress of trying!! so it was really nice to bd last night b/c we wanted too and not b/c we had too! we had dinner together and it was perfect!! so tonight my stepdaughter comes who I had to leave on sunday not b/c i wanted to b/c i had too!! so im soooo excited to see her! i miss her sooo much! :(

Keep up your pma! we love it! it really makes things alot easier.. you are def. more patient than i could ever be!!! praying that dirty old witch shows up real soon!!
:hugs: crc :hugs:

I don't think you over-reacted in any way... that was really rude and disrespectful of your MIL. just reading how your MIL acted towards the ex and how she treats you says a lot. your MIL sounds controlling and I bet that she told DH not to go ahead with the marriage but the fact that you are married to him also says a lot. he may not show it at times but I think he sides with you but at the same time it's like he needs his parents approval... I think you and DH need to talk about how you are feeling. I am so sorry you having to go through this. this should be a happy time for you and DH to be planning for your own little one.

I hope you are feeling much better.


It hit the nail right on the head w/ my MIL.... she is very controlling and if she isnt happen then she makes my FIL upset then he upsets my dh.... its a whole cycle that happens... my MIL is so crazy she will call tonight and ask where we eating at for dinner like we always do on tuesdays and my dh said he is just gonna make something up b/c he doesnt want to ruin our week w/ my step daughter which is fine w/ me if we can get thru this week she leaves on friday for disney world so that will be a nice vacation for me!!! haha... and yes my dh does side w/ me alot but not as I would do it.... but im thankful he stands up for me and the more we talk the more he understands why and how i feel the way I do.... and its like he has to make his dad happy so he has to please them too! its sad... he is so much happier when we arent around them.... his dad is overbearing and controlling... its just sad.... me and dh made up last night and things are good :haha: so on with our lives. my SIS appt. tom... im super duper nervous praying my tubes are good and clear :)

glad to hear you guys made up... :haha: your MIL's vaca is your vaca too :rofl:, love that..... haha. I am praying that everything goes well for you, I think you deserve it :hugs:

:hugs: awww thank you ladies, you guys are GREAT too... I love coming on BnB and reading all of your posts... :hugs:

ladies, I used to be more patient than I am now lol... but ever since m/c the patience has been thrown out the window but it's slowly coming back... I just get a little frustrated bcuz my DH is a great person and always puts me and my daughter before him and he really deserves to have a baby... my daughter is not biologically his but he treats her like she is and she adores him too. I guess Im in good spirits bcuz Ive seen the doc and we have a plan all set up to go :thumbup: it sucks that I have to wait but it hasn't gotten to me, YET :rofl: Im enjoying just a little bit that I haven't had AF, I hate her so much LOL.

LB, you're right, commuincation is the key to everything in life.... hubby and I work on it everyday and it does feel good to be able to understand what we both want out of our relationship.... right now, we're doing something together that has brought us even closer, we're watching our diet and exercising together and it feels great.... next plan is TTC. he's coming with me to my next FS appt and he is willing to give :spermy: sample... so I can honestly say that we're on the same page.... FOR NOW... haha :haha:

you and your dh have a great plan and thats awesome that you are doing things together! def. brings the relationship together... i feel like dh and I needed that fight to bring us back together from the stress of trying!! so it was really nice to bd last night b/c we wanted too and not b/c we had too! we had dinner together and it was perfect!! so tonight my stepdaughter comes who I had to leave on sunday not b/c i wanted to b/c i had too!! so im soooo excited to see her! i miss her sooo much! :(

Keep up your pma! we love it! it really makes things alot easier.. you are def. more patient than i could ever be!!! praying that dirty old witch shows up real soon!!

i think it's awesome too and it has defnitely brought us together even more... sometimes having an argument is what we need to get all of our emotions out of the way and it really does takes a lot of the weight off your shoulders... Im glad you BD'ed last night not bcuz you had to but bcuz you wanted too.... :sex: is also a great stress reliever :winkwink: aww I can see how much you adore you step-daughter, so happy that she's coming over...:hugs:

thanks, hopefully my pma sticks around a little longer, I really don't know how much longer I can keep it up.... the exercising is helping me a lot actually... I hope that nasty witch shows up soon too, thanks :hugs:
CRC -- I think you'd be OK skipping tonight. I think the saline does just run through. Some of it comes back out, but maybe some gets absorbed? I'm not sure, really. I can't believe the SIS would be good for the spermies already in place. But I would say that if you take a break tonight, you'll have even more energy to BD from tomorrow until ovulation and that is a good thing!
CRC -- I think you'd be OK skipping tonight. I think the saline does just run through. Some of it comes back out, but maybe some gets absorbed? I'm not sure, really. I can't believe the SIS would be good for the spermies already in place. But I would say that if you take a break tonight, you'll have even more energy to BD from tomorrow until ovulation and that is a good thing!

yeah we took a break for the last 2 days... im cd12 today so im not stressing yet. lol... we are taking the relaxed approach. we dont have my step daughter tonight so we can get back on schedule!! :) I do have to say that the SIS was very painful!! It was awful. lol.... i was laying there b/c my dh didnt come in b/c my stepdaughter and my niece were asleep in the car so he stayed w/ them! so i was all alone :( they put all those devices down there :wacko: and then the catheters w/ air in the ballon and then when she started pushing the saline in i thought i was gonna cry! it was awful... then it was like instant period cramps x's 100!!!! when you had it done was yours painful??? well anyways. they said that my tubes were clear! and they were in good shape... so they cancelled my appt for today b/c he said the only biggest follicle was 15 but i responded VERY well! so I go back tom. to check on follicles again.... so i peed on an opk today and the test line is there but def. not positve yet... im scared that im gonna miss the big O.... so I go for my follicle check tom. and then they will determine the IUI day... the f/s said he was looking at monday... but thats cd16 I think thats a little late.... so they will tell me what day to do my trigger shot tom. and schedule im IUI day!! im getting excited! how are you doing? how did you follicle check go in your response to the 100mg??? praying for you! :) hope all is well.
CRC -- I think you'd be OK skipping tonight. I think the saline does just run through. Some of it comes back out, but maybe some gets absorbed? I'm not sure, really. I can't believe the SIS would be good for the spermies already in place. But I would say that if you take a break tonight, you'll have even more energy to BD from tomorrow until ovulation and that is a good thing!

yeah we took a break for the last 2 days... im cd12 today so im not stressing yet. lol... we are taking the relaxed approach. we dont have my step daughter tonight so we can get back on schedule!! :) I do have to say that the SIS was very painful!! It was awful. lol.... i was laying there b/c my dh didnt come in b/c my stepdaughter and my niece were asleep in the car so he stayed w/ them! so i was all alone :( they put all those devices down there :wacko: and then the catheters w/ air in the ballon and then when she started pushing the saline in i thought i was gonna cry! it was awful... then it was like instant period cramps x's 100!!!! when you had it done was yours painful??? well anyways. they said that my tubes were clear! and they were in good shape... so they cancelled my appt for today b/c he said the only biggest follicle was 15 but i responded VERY well! so I go back tom. to check on follicles again.... so i peed on an opk today and the test line is there but def. not positve yet... im scared that im gonna miss the big O.... so I go for my follicle check tom. and then they will determine the IUI day... the f/s said he was looking at monday... but thats cd16 I think thats a little late.... so they will tell me what day to do my trigger shot tom. and schedule im IUI day!! im getting excited! how are you doing? how did you follicle check go in your response to the 100mg??? praying for you! :) hope all is well.

Aw, I'm sorry to hear your SIS wasn't easy! And you had to do it alone. I was ok with both that and the HSG, but the IUI really made me cramp up today.

I'm ok, just resting up for the rest of the day. I have to somehow figure out how to fire my nanny today. :(
CRC -- I think you'd be OK skipping tonight. I think the saline does just run through. Some of it comes back out, but maybe some gets absorbed? I'm not sure, really. I can't believe the SIS would be good for the spermies already in place. But I would say that if you take a break tonight, you'll have even more energy to BD from tomorrow until ovulation and that is a good thing!

yeah we took a break for the last 2 days... im cd12 today so im not stressing yet. lol... we are taking the relaxed approach. we dont have my step daughter tonight so we can get back on schedule!! :) I do have to say that the SIS was very painful!! It was awful. lol.... i was laying there b/c my dh didnt come in b/c my stepdaughter and my niece were asleep in the car so he stayed w/ them! so i was all alone :( they put all those devices down there :wacko: and then the catheters w/ air in the ballon and then when she started pushing the saline in i thought i was gonna cry! it was awful... then it was like instant period cramps x's 100!!!! when you had it done was yours painful??? well anyways. they said that my tubes were clear! and they were in good shape... so they cancelled my appt for today b/c he said the only biggest follicle was 15 but i responded VERY well! so I go back tom. to check on follicles again.... so i peed on an opk today and the test line is there but def. not positve yet... im scared that im gonna miss the big O.... so I go for my follicle check tom. and then they will determine the IUI day... the f/s said he was looking at monday... but thats cd16 I think thats a little late.... so they will tell me what day to do my trigger shot tom. and schedule im IUI day!! im getting excited! how are you doing? how did you follicle check go in your response to the 100mg??? praying for you! :) hope all is well.

Aw, I'm sorry to hear your SIS wasn't easy! And you had to do it alone. I was ok with both that and the HSG, but the IUI really made me cramp up today.

I'm ok, just resting up for the rest of the day. I have to somehow figure out how to fire my nanny today. :(

Ugh :/ im just glad its over and I can move forward knowing nothings wrong.... so now I wait til tom to get my follicle check... im getting excited. :)

Im sorry that you had cramping from the IUI :( but it will all be worth it!
Make sure you rest and no stressing today!
So are you firing nanny1 or nanny2?? didnt know if you have agreed to put kids back in daycare or you or still trying to resolve how to let nanny2 take over full time! good luck. will be praying for you today! :)
Firing nanny 1. I did ask DH if he wanted to put the boys back in daycare but he said no. Nanny 2 is just such a big help and it makes a huge difference in our house when she's there.
LB~ I'm glad you were able to have Nanny 2 come in and help you my dear!

Btw~ I had quite a bit of cramping with my first IUI too- very normal. I actually felt like laying in bed all day. The cramps were off and on the rest of the whole cycle honestly. Put your feet up if it starts to be too much! :hugs:
Firing nanny 1. I did ask DH if he wanted to put the boys back in daycare but he said no. Nanny 2 is just such a big help and it makes a huge difference in our house when she's there.

Im glad that you get to continue w/ nanny2 since she is such a big help! thats awesome that dh is not asking you to put boys in daycare! hope that your cramps go away and you get to relax today! :)
Hi ladies, sorry I've kind if abandoned thread, posting more in may roller uppers and journal now to try and keep up with everyone. Crc, sorry you had a painful procedure but fxd that your follicle grows nicely over the weekend.
Afm, think I'm O !!! so here comes the tww!!xx

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