MAY we all be blessed with baby! May 2013 and beyond (BFFs Seeking BFPs)

We ended up in labor and delivery tonight. I've been having pain for a few weeks, but today I could barely walk today it hurt so bad and then this evening I started cramping so we decided to go just to make sure everything was ok. He was perfect, not a fan of the heart monitor, he literally kicked it every few seconds for 5 minutes straight. I had 1 contraction the whole time we were there and I found out I'm dilated to a 1 after being completely closed last week at my appt. I'm just supposed to take it easy and make an appt if it doesn't go away or go back to l&d if it gets worse.
Thanks ladies!

I feel like no one is taking me seriously. I went to a different ob today because my normal one wasn't in. She was in the room for maybe 3 minutes. Long enough to ask me what I was thinking, being pregnant in this heat. To ask what was going on, check me and say the hospital was crazy that I'm not dilated at all. No advice for why I am in such pain. I had a breakdown with my husband when I got home. Like I'm glad my baby is ok, but there has to be a reason for all of this. She caused me more pain by checking me because she was not gentle in the least bit. So now I'm crampy, my vagina hurts, and I feel like my pelvis is about to rip in half. But as long as I'm not contracting, it's fine. Sorry for the rant, I just needed to vent.
That's terrible Athena,
Fx you're feeling better today.
Oh my goodness! I am so far behind here. I've not been on Bnb much over the last couple months- I've just been feeling so sick and my energy went into taking care of DS and just didn't have much left for Bnb.

I hope you all are doing well- congrats to profwife! And I saw pathos is expecting so congrats to you as well!...I'll finish catching up later and hopefully see some more good news!

Athena- how scary! I'm sorry the doctor was so rough on you. Take it easy hun and I hope that you can get some relief soon from the pains.

AFM, I am 13 weeks and officially in my second trimester! It has been a rough first tri but is slowly getting easier. We have decided to stay team yellow this time so I've been looking up ideas for the nursery already lol. I've been feeling baby move every now and again for a couple weeks, which has just been awesome. Sitting at the doctors now and will be able to hear the HB for the first time!

I will finish reading back during nap today. Looking forward to catching up with everyone!
I can't believe you are already in second trimester! Even my own pregnancy seems to be flying by - almost 28 weeks now! Still no real complaints, either, which I'm happy to report!
I think I'm in my second trimester too :) time is certainly flying by. Had my nt scan - 1 in 3000 chance of downs syndrome, which Is fantastic given my "geriatric" age for pregnancy (37).
Yay newbie! And welcome to second tri!
Clande- you're already 3rd! It'll come on fast now!

We have our 20wk scan tomorrow. Letting my dad find out the gender and he'll do the reveal on Saturday- we're having a neighborhood party to raise our playhouse (I had asked my husband to build a 4x5 foot playhouse for our daughter... it's 8x12, 13 feet tall and has a loft for sleep overs.... he's a ridiculous overachiever.) He's got the walls all put together and the rafters all cut, so the kids in the neighborhood (there's A LOT) are coming with their hammers and the dads can help raise the walls while the kids build or paint little birdhouses. You know you're a parent when the biggest party you've planned in A LONG time starts at 9am :) I have pink and blue balloons and my dad will poke pin holes in whichever color is incorrect. Then hubby and I will each blow up one and see which one blows up!

Baby is moving like crazy now and is SO LOW! It's a little weird- almost every wiggle is below my bump, in my pelvis. At 15 wks the doc said that baby was really low, and that it doesn't matter, just where he/she is comfy. I feel like I'm squishing it with the underbelly band pants though... Also hopeful that it doesn't mean I have placental previa or something... Still a little nervous for the rest of the anomaly scan, but I know that since baby is really active, that's a good sign.
Prayers appreciated!
Yay for the a/s tomorrow! Just FYI, even if you have a low lying placenta tomorrow it likely won't mean you have previa. Something like 95% of "previa" that early moves up away from the cervix by term. Have a fun party!
Yay for the a/s tomorrow! Just FYI, even if you have a low lying placenta tomorrow it likely won't mean you have previa. Something like 95% of "previa" that early moves up away from the cervix by term. Have a fun party!

Thanks, I heard it was not uncommon for babies after the first full pregnancy to be low... wonder why? Maybe my hips are so spread out now that it's roomy? :)
Mine is a first and my placenta is anterior and rather high and even now, most of the movement is low, all below the bellybutton. Was down where you are describing forever!
Melann Both of my boys were super low, both were already head down at the 20 week scan.

This boy though is apparently ready to make his appearance sooner rather than later. I went to l&d again Wednesday morning and was having what I thought was mild contractions every 8-9 minutes. They said they were uterine cramps which I'm still left wondering what the difference is. My 32 week appt was yesterday and I told my dr what had been going on. She checked me, because she said sometimes after you've had 1 baby the cervix can feel dilated from the outside but can still be closed on the inside and sometimes nurses don't know the difference, but she said I'm definitely at a 1, she could feel his head. So I was promptly sent to l&d for more monitoring and steroid shots just in case. I have to go back for a second shot this evening. She also ran a test to determine if labor could start within the next 2 weeks. I looked it because I was curious as to what they were looking for. Apparently it's to test for the glue that holds the placenta in place, if it's positive there's a 10% chance I could go into labor the next 2 weeks and I'll be on full bed rest til his arrival.
My test results are back and I'll be on full bed rest til this little boy is born since they were positive.
I had no clue they could test that! Do you have help for your little one while you're on bed rest. One of my friends (who delivered the same day we did) was on bed rest for almost 2 months straight due to a shortened cervix. Her little guy didn't understand why Mommy couldn't pick him up. Broke her heart.

Sorry I've been MIA for a few weeks. PPD/PPA hit me HARD. I've tried two antidepressants so far, but both made me feel like absolute crap (at least the last one took away my anxiety...but that's a high price to pay daily to reduce anxiety). Been using xanax to manage the anxiety symptoms until I can get into counseling (Monday at 2). I can't take naps right now because I'm actually getting mild panic attacks in my sleep (I can sleep at night without an issue though...getting up is another story).

Hoping all is well with you guys!
Prowife fortunately my husband is a teacher and is on summer break til August, that is unless he gets the asst principal job he applied for. He passed the phone interview and has a final interview on Monday morning. My mother in law doesn't work so she will be here when he's not. My lo is taking it pretty well he's almost 2 so he can climb onto the couch with me or the bed to snuggle. I think he has a sense though that baby will be here soon because he has started wanting me to rock him to sleep and that is very odd for him. As for the test, it's apparently not a definite test. I've been reading up on people that have gotten positive results and it's pretty much split whether they go into labor in the 2 week window or if they make it to full term.

As for the ppd issues, I never had any until I stopped breastfeeding around 5 months. The hormone changes hit me hard then. I'll be praying that you get the right balance to help you get through it.
ProfWife: I'm so sorry you're going through this. I ended up on Zoloft after my second. It worked okay but it was such a tough journey. I eventually was off of it...I'm guessing after 3 mos. or so, but I'm not 100% since that was over 8 years ago. My husband helped me through it, but it was such a dark time for me. I literally contemplated getting into my car and leaving everyone and everything behind. I never had thoughts of hurting myself or my baby, but I was so desperately sad. I don't know how else to explain it. I just had to keep telling myself that this too shall pass, but it sure didn't feel like it at times. I feel for you! And the sleep deprivation is so challenging...challenging isn't even the word I'm wanting...brutal, maybe. Breaking.

Hang in there. I know it seems like it will never get better, but it will. Sorry for the lengthy post, but I remember how hard this part of being a mom was for me. I felt guilty about it at the time, but now I realize that getting on medication and asking for help made me a good mother. Blessings.
Profwife, one of the best things you've done is recognise it and you asked for help. That's your first step and hopefully you'll find the right balance soon. I can't even imagine what you're going through, but I know how important it is that you're getting help. Thinking about you!
Profwife- will be praying for you. I didn't deal with PPD/PPA, but have plenty of friends who have. I'm so glad you're getting help and I hope they find something that works for you.

Athena- glad that you have help! Now that little one just needs to improve their patience!

AFM- had US on Friday. Everything was perfect. Tech explained that all movement is super low because babe is folded in half with feet and arms all in the same area (down low), but the butt is closer to my belly button. Baby was flipping all over the place during the US, so I thought she might have trouble getting pictures, but she said it was actually really helpful because LO kept revealing different bits :)
No previa, placenta is posterior which is why I've already felt movements on the outside. And... It's a boy!! Which we're a little in shock about- but it will be fine once I get used to the idea!

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