Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....


Mommy to Kat & Vin
Feb 22, 2011
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It's going to be a new day tomorrow and it's going to be a new me...well...the old me really. I am done sulking and I'm going to smile. I've been so consumed with TTC that it is literally driving me :wacko:...and this is only month 2 of trying :dohh:. I want me back. I want to have fun with life and TTC. I'm going to start working out again (easier of course), eat healthier, and just be a better me! Maybe if I act positive...soon I will get a :bfp:. And I will act positive until :witch: shows her ugly face and I will have a bubble bath, chocolate, and a glass of wine and a good :cry:...and do it all over. And I'm not going to let ignorant friends/family get my down with their lectures of when I should get pregnant. I need people who are going to understand what I am going through, not judge me for what I want. And that's why I am here, because there are sooo many women who ARE going through the same and want the same thing. It seems that my "friends" think I'm going crazy with the TTC but I know it'll be the same when they want to be pregnant...but I instead...will be there and will not be judgemental because that is who I am. A good person. Ok...done ranting now...thank you for listening!
This was so great to read! Good for you! I'm adopting a similar outlook lately :thumbup:

Everything you said really hit home. My friends who have had babies (accidents) and even abortions before those accidents.. my well-meaning aunt who got pregnant with her 2 girls as soon as she decided to.. they're all trying to stay up to date with "ARE YOU PREGNANT YET!" as if I can just snap my fingers and I'm pregnant. THEN after I share everything I do, temping, pre-seed, timing :sex: they act like I'm nuts and tell me "Well once you stop trying so hard, it'll happen!" And I have to remember my OH's parents.. they're such controlling spazzes. We would never tell them we were TTC again, we miscarried in November and there reaction was so negative, it crushed me. Then when I miscarried, they felt horrible (as they should!).. but I'm still afraid of what they'd say if they knew we were trying again.

As for the "stop trying itll happen" advice.. I laugh every time instead of choking whoever says it like I want to! What does stop trying mean? Stop having sex? So frustrating and so easy for them to say.. it's usually like this, " Stop trying so hard it'll happen. But hey, I gotta go, baby's teething". :dohh:

After the m/c I really was stressing myself out, but thankfully last month I FINALLY had my first normal cycle, and that has calmed me down a lot. When there's nothing going on AF-wise for months, it's really hard not to go crazy.

So now I'm with ya. No more stress! Did you see the PMA (positive mental attitude) thread around here? I read a bit of it today, so many BFP's ended up in there. It really gave me hope!

Sorry for the rant as well :haha:
:spermy:Thank you for replying! Sorry about your m/c. I haven't gone through on but was there for my sister when she had hers after two years of TTC. But yes, no more stress! Easier said than done, but its doable! Just because we want a healthy, PLANNED pregnancy...we're the crazy ones. Yeah...I should just laugh when people make their comments. I just don't say anything to them and leave it be and don't tell them anymore about it. I just have to do something different...obviously what i've been doing isn't working. I've been totally different with my body...stressed out big time which I know is not helping one bit, I miss working out. I'm still going to chart and everything but I'm not going to plan it for the perfect time because when the big O comes...:sex: seems for like a business deal than having fun. Maybe my body is in toxic mode so the :spermy: are running away...who knows lol. Well good luck to you sweetie and glad that youre body is going back to normal. I will keep you in my thoughts!
Hooray, my first B and B friend!

My fertility friend chart finally put my cross hairs on it, so I can see that I ovulated Tuesday! This is such a relief. Last month, I BD'd every day but I wasn't really into it, was just doing it to try to get pregnant. This month, I actually enjoyed it and had fun and all the timing was perfect. It didn't seem like such a chore this month just because I had a new mindset to enjoy my relationship instead of just trying to get pregnant.

So I'm officially in my second 2ww!! 3 dpo.. I'll probably test in about a 10 more days or so! If I can wait :winkwink:

Are you planning on using Pre-Seed or anything?
Yup! This will be my 3rd cycle and 2nd time using PreSeed. My cervical mucus is not reliable at all so it's hard to chart it. So I thought I had missed my ovulation last month and I kept having mittelschmerz for two days and the second day during the evening took an opk and it came back smiley face and we bd but wasn't totally into it. I'm happy that you are in your 2ww!! It's exciting but nervewracking lol. Just don't be like me and test 9dpo lol. I have no will power I guess. I should be ovulating around the 7th but I'm just going to have fun with it. Still gonna do my opk just so I have an idea when I am ovulating so I can compare it to the last two months. Plus my period is not very reliable either, sometimes it's on time, sometimes a day early, sometimes 4 days late or even later. BAHHHH! I really need to chart my temps but I keep forgetting in the morning. I'm not very good at this conception thing. But hopefully if we just have fun with it, it'll happen. Keep me updated!! Hopefully you'll get your :bfp:!!!!
Hey, how's the positivity going? I've been doing very well with it, only slightly down when I realize the girl who got pregnant the same time I did has found out she will be having a girl. It's hard not to feel jealous or sad.. I'm happy for her. But it makes me wonder why things happen the way they do! Oh well, our time will come!
Hi guys!! :) Mind if I buddy up with you?? I really need this "TTC and still living and breathing" attitude in my life! I find it that the more involved I get into TTC, the less I live and the other way around. Need to find a way to balance that up!
Of course!! More positive the better! What sorts of things are you gonna try to do differently?

I'm 6 dpo and NOT symptom spotting :thumbup: Such a waste of time and hope! I also went for a health screening today.. F A T! Haha. I've officially put on 4 lbs since TTC (started on October). YUCK! Gonna hop on the treadmill tonight.
Hehe, I started in July and put on 4kg since then! ;) Which I shifted back and forth in the last months. Every time I start new cycle I work out and eat well and loose weight. Somewhere in the middle the stress of TTC gets to me and I loose interest in working out and start comfort-eating. Not good! I think it's the my biggest concern so far. But working out makes me much more relaxed, so I'm going try my best this month!

I really wanna start running every morning! :)
Sorry I haven't been on! Been moving furniture and what not and working like mad. Ugh...been stressed and want to get away with the DH for a day maybe go to Universal Studios before a possible :bfp: (hopefully soon!) but due to his schedule and being smack dab in the middle of season...I won't get my wish. Positivity has been going better...have yet to work out since I've been busy but trying to act as normal as can be! I feel better that I'm not the only one to gain weight during TTC. I hate it but I'm not going to go diet crazy since I heard you have a better chance getting pregnant with extra calories. I've gained 5 lb since beginning TTC in December. Ugh...hate it. Think I'll hit the treadmill too! And welcome to our lil group Soili!! What cycle are you on and when are you due to test? I'm on my 3rd cycle and due to test on March 21. Hopefully I'll get that lil :bfp: but with the stress lately, something tells me that it won't be happening but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. I understand wondering why certain things happen, Jess. I have a 5 year old who is special needs. She can't walk or crawl and is learning to sit and stand. She also has profound hearing loss so it's definitley been a journey. I hate it that other women drink/drugs during pregnancy and their child is perfectly healthy. And women who beat their kids? Don't get me started on that. She is our miracle though and we love her to pieces. Hope everything is going well with everyone and sticky baby dust to both of you! Keep me updated :);6;28;14
Yey, I'm so glad I found you, girls!! :) I hope we can help eachother not loose interest in life besides TTC! :D
MouseyMom, I read about your daughter in another thread and I noticed how you sound so grounded and so loveling when you talk about her, it's really sweet! I hope you'll make a sister or brother for her soon! ^^

I'm on CD9. Bu my cycles are a bit weird as of lately. I'm not sure yet what's causing it. But I'm doing this month without any vitamins or supplements, because I have suspicion that something in Pregnacare was messing with me and I wanna rule that out. For the moment it's another big reason why I need to stay calm and relaxed, because I can't relay on my body functioning like I expect it to and any deviation from expected drives my anxiety wild if I focus too much on TTC.
Trust me, I haven't always been grounded with everything going on. It's gotten way better though...I don't cry at every doctor appointment anymore :) She is such a joy and always smiling and laughing. I see her with my nephews and how she is at school and it is amazing how much she pushes herself to do more. I hope she gets a sibling too! I'm just scared about having another daughter. One being able to something, and one not. I know we'll get through it but I really hope I have a boy. I'll love it either way! What's pregnacare? Is it a prenatal? I'm on a prenatal...VitaFusion gummy prenatals. I thought it might help me get pregnant sooner...but um....nope its not :) I'm on CD 9 too but my cycles are always weird too. I can't rely on any of the ways to determine ovulation except opk. I'm hoping this month, if we BD a little bit before my ovulation rather than almost during or right before ovulation, I'll have better luck. Well I hope we can help you stay calm hun. I'm trying sooo hard to stay calm lately. Been reading from my book every night and have my Midnight Jasmine Yankee Candle burning right next to me. Its such a calming scent!! You should definitely try candles. I'm going to start walking on the treadmill hopefully later this week. I looked into the aerobics I usually do but they are extremely high impact so I read its not that great to do during TTC...just in case. So I'll do the next best thing. How is your DH with coping with TTC?;6;28;14
Mouseymom- I love hearing about your daughter! It is so incredible to hear about her strengths. You sound like a fantastic mom. I know you have so much to offer more children :flower:

I was born with a cleft palate, which is not even close to what your daughter has been through. I was very fortunate it only affected the inside of my mouth. My teeth are fine (lil help from braces) and there is not a trace of evidence you can see. It was determined to be caused by poor maternal nutrition, not heredity, so I feel my odds of having a child with this condition are about the same as anyone else's. My mom had bleeding her entire pregnancy, so imagine her surprise when she found out she was 6 months pregnant and her vomiting had been due to severe morning sickness!! She wasn't able to keep anything down so they say that's why I had the cleft palate. I feel it makes me less worried of having a child with birth defects or special needs.

Soili- I know that weird cycles can be beyond frustrating!! I'm wondering what Pregnacare is , too?

I need help staying positive, girls!! I had a huge temp dip today which would be 7 dpo. I REFUSE to get my hopes up about an implantation dip. I was hoping to have a peaceful two week wait but this is a frustrating thing to try to ignore! I hope temps are back up tomorrow. It would make me the happiest person ever if that's what it was, but I'm just so tired of getting my hopes up each time, I'd rather just try to stay realistic. :dohh:
Thanks Jess! I'm sure your child will be fine. At least you know what caused so you can better prepare yourself. Wow...bleeding for 6 months? My MIL had a period for the first 6 months while pregnant with her daughter (my SIL). Crazy! Have hope with the dip in temp! Ill be sending sticky baby dust your way...ill get some at work since its seems so abundant lol. Maybe ill catch it! Your doing way better than me when I was 7dpo. Just don't test yet :) I don't think 2ww are ever calm lol. Im going to try but its gonna be hard. Only 6 more days till the big O, wish me luck!
Morning, girls!! :flower:

jess123, I have a trick for you! :D I believe I heard of someone who asked DH to put temps in the chart every morning! :D So it's less tempting to obsess over the dips and raises and stuff like that, hehe. Wouldn't work for me, I'd be peaking at it all the time anyway! Those dips are so bizarre! And just because they don't exactly always mean implantation, they MIGHT, right? Enough to get your head occupied with that thought for the whole day :dohh:
MouseyMom, candles are great idea!! :) They always work for me too! Sometimes I light one early in the morning, if I feel like I might be starting a day stressing myself out.

DH has agreed with me last month that we're both beyond stressed out about TTC and should try to keep it cool. The TTC itself doesn't get to him, but he's worried seeing how big of a toll it's taking on me. So for the sake of both of us - gotta chill :D

Going to the city today, to pick up my blood work results! Not exactly the case of not thinking about TTC, hehe, but I have some shopping plans there as well, should be fun! The blood work is all the hormonal stuff, to find out why my cycles are so weird. I did it on CD3.

Oh, forgot! Pregnacare is vitamin complex that's supposed to be good for conception too (that's how they advertise it), but it's been reported here on BnB to cause a lot of problems with delayed ovulation and screwed up cycles.
So glad I don't take Pregnacare... I only take prenatal vitamins and that's all- besides the conceive plus lube.

have fun shopping... I think I need to do a shopping spree eventually soon...
Good luck Mousey! :) So today, my temps shot way back up. Who's ignoring it? ME!!

This month's chart looks so zig-zaggy and crazy because I've been waking up at random times :sleep: So I don't know if any of it means anything! UGH!

So a lots of pregnancies at work? That's so annoying lol. Happy for them though.

Soili - That's a great idea! I would be looking at it everyday as well anyway . But imagining my OH putting in my temps is a hilarious thought. He's wonderful but he is in every way a typical man. For example, one day I asked him to clean the bathroom and I caught him using furniture wipes for the sink :haha:
How terrible that something called Pregnacare would cause problems! Have fun shopping and let us know what your results are.

Hey deafgal! I'm only doing prenatal vitamins and pre-seed.. I'm worried about trying anything else.
Yeah I'm taking the prenatals and I started PreSeed last month because I heard it works wonders. Well after a long discussion today with DH, we've decided that if we don't get pregnant this third cycle, we are going to take a 3 month break from TTC. I don't know how friends/family will react but I guess I shouldn't care what others think. Its just between the stress of it lately and stress dealing with work and him being in the middle of season it just seems like that is preventing us from being calm and having time lol. I don't know what I should tell people or if I should say anything at all if they dont ask? My SIL is the only one in the family who knows we are TTC and I'm going to tell my father but thats it. My co-workers/managers know and a few friends. I feel very good about our decision because it gives us time to get past season and in those 3 months I'm going to try REALLY hard to get to my ideal weight so I know that will help getting pregnant too. I'm 20 pounds away so it's not too big of deal but it seems like a giant mountain to climb. I will of course still be on here...can't leave hehehe. But we'll know (HOPEFULLY) March 21st if I become preggers. Anyone else deal with taking a break TTC? I feel so weird like people are going to judge me. Ohhh wellll....btw...welcome to our lil group deafgirl!! What cycle are you on and when are you due to test?
Mousey, thanks for the warm welcome. I've only been here for like a month but I've been trying since Dec so i'm on my third cycle/ soon starting my 4th. I've decided i'm not going to test unless it's for opt or aunt flow decides to not show up. I've been TTC for the past three months but if nothing this week, then I might just take a break from TTC until summer before we try again, but like I told DH I'm not going to do anything to stop the bd either- we'll keep using the conceive plus lube instead of astroglide and i'll keep taking my prenatal vitamins.

I wouldn't let others judge you for wanting to take a break from TTC. It's been said that once you stop stressing over TTC, you can get preg easily and quickly.

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