Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Well I'm glad that I'm not a 'bad' person from just wanting to take a break. I also wouldn't mind get the rest of the tattoos I want because I definitely won't get them during my 2ww and I'm not going to rush something like that. I don't want it possibly hurting a pregnancy and I don't want it to get infected or something like that. I've never had a problem before but ya never know and that is not something I wanna mess with. Hmm...I know Astroglide but I've heard not to use anything except fertility friendly lubes like conception plus and PreSeed. They've actually done studies that even though some lubes don't have spermacide...they still kill amost all the sperm before even 24 hours! Not sure what causes it but something in regular lubes...that might be what the problem is?? Hmmm...I'll do some research and see if I can find the page I found the info on. I've used PreSeed but only once and I used the recommended amount but it seemed like NOTHING! I know you can find PreSeed at CVS for $20. Ok did my research and found this site for you! It looks like Astroglide has been known to inhibit and kill sperm! Definitely go with PreSeed or one that says fertility friendly. Sticky baby dust sweetie! Yeah...if I don't get pregnant this month then we are waiting for June or July to try again. The website I found the lube info is:;6;28;14
Thanks for the link. That's why I switched up to conceive plus lube very recently. I couldn't find preseed or conceive plus anywhere in stores here in the city so I ordered it off the internet.

What kind of tattoos would you get? If i ever get brave enough to get just one tattoo, I'd get a butterfly but that's not ever gonna happen. LOL... I can understand why you'd want to get them done now and not when you're trying.
Well I have one on my back that I am getting covered up. I got the one on my shoulder blade when I was 15..its nice but not that nice and its way faded and gross. And I'm getting my upper arm done on my right. I found a really nice Koi design and love it! I have 3 others...a baby pegaus on my calf and a baby unicorn on the other calf, and I got clovers on my boob lol. The last one was a 21st birthday whim but I still love it. I always see other women with tattoos on their shoulders/arms and love it! I won't do my entire arm though...I want it to be classy and nice. Yeah...I was the same way with tats before but I've come to the realization that I'm only going to live once and I might as well enjoy it right? I'm probably crazy but oh well.

Here's the pic of the one I am getting to cover my other one. The Koi one I found in a book at my work so no pic yet but I think I'll buy the book tomorrow.;6;28;14
That looks so amazingly lovely! If I wasn't such a big fan of butterflies, I'd get a flower tattoo. That point of view is very reasonable- live it up cuz we only live once.
Pretty much! Plus if I wait 3 months...I can attempt to get an accurate reading on my temps/cm. Haven't charted temps cuz I keep forgetting! :dohh: so I've been relying on opks. Well I hope that the lube works for you! I'm now entering my "fertile period" so onward with :sex:! Maybe :bfp: this month???;6;28;14
I hope you get your bpf this month! I'm still like 2 days away from seeing af so I'm just waiting for the cycle to start over again. Then again, never know, i could be preg and not know it. DH is having dizzy spells today and I've had other minor symptoms that doesn't linger more than few hours. I joked with him telling him that he's pregnant with our baby.
Lol! I am the same way with DH!! Last month when I was SURE I was pregnant and he was having heart burn and a few other things and I'm like "Are you sure your not pregnant???" Well it is possible you could be pregnant and not feel anything yet because of hormone levels. I'll be sending sticky baby dust your way! Good luck sweetie and keep us posted!
Yeah I will. I am pretty sure I'm not pregnant though. But I never know because my symptoms are too much like pms symptoms too. I've had a headache this morning and yesterday morning. I've had nausea on and off (just mild). Occasionally I get constipated or have cramps/stomachaches. My breasts are a little tender, just very mild so I think nothing of it (and that's new to me since last year). Plus my period was a little off last month- it wasn't the normal period I always have and it's very regular for me so it was a bit odd last month.
Hmmm yeah I understand with symptoms. Last year had nausea in the morning a few days...nothing too severe. And a few other symptoms but the reason I thought that I was pregnant was that my breasts were sooooo tender and painful which they've never been that bad. But was :bfn:. But maybe you'll have better luck :)
True as they always say you're not out til af shows up... We'll see what happens. Course, it's possible I keep getting chemical pregnancy- I wouldn't know because I dare not test until I've been late with af which is... never...
Hey girls,

How's everyone doing? So cool about your tattoos, Mousey. I have a lot and I worry about being judged by doctors, etc. I have a half sleeve, some pretty big tattoos on my legs, feet, ribs and back. I was going to be a tattoo artist at one point in my life, if you would have asked me then about my future, I would have said no relationships and certainly no children. How times change! Haha. My OH is heavily tattooed as well. I figure as long as we don't do necks or hands, we can clean up pretty nice lol.

Deafgal, I don't know HOW you are strong enough to wait for AF to test. I just can't. I have absolutely no will power. My work is close to Dollar General so last night, I said what the heck and went and got three $1 pregnancy tests. I took one last night and one this AM :blush: I'm such an idiot, only 9 dpo. Don't even know what I was thinking testing so early. 2ww is kickng my stay positive butt :dohh:

I may want to take a break soon as well. I feel like TTC just stresses me out and makes me gain weight. How old is everyone? I'm gonna be 28 in September and I'd really like to be pregnant by then, seeing as how I want at least 2 kids, probably before 30.

We bought a 58 inch tv to be delivered tomorrow. That will be a great distraction :haha:
Jess, i guess I just have the willpower to tell myself that I don't want to know if I have any chemical pregnancy so I'm less likely to know I'm preg with that if I don't test at all. Besides my af shows up like clockwork so I only test when it's late. No news is better than knowing I guess...

I'm 28, going on 29 in Sept. which day in Sept, Jess? Same, I'd like to have 2 by the time i'm 30. My DH wants only 2, but I want... 3... So we'll see who wins that debate. I told him that I'd settle for 2 though if it's one boy and one girl. We'll see what happens. Yay for a new tv, Jess! I so need to buy a new tv.
I guess I can't be secure in waiting because my AF's have JUST NOW started getting on track. They were always crazy irregular, so I went on BC pills for years, finally stopped taking them last October. Got pregnant in 2 weeks, then I had a m/c (chemical preg) in November. Had random spotting in December and then in January I finally got back on track. So this 2nd cycle is basically the first time in my life I've had normal AF's.

Or maybe I'm just really impatient and want to test haha.

My birthday is September 3! I really would like to get pregnant this cycle because my due date would be in November sometime, and my OH's bday is Nov 27. So I think that would be really cute.. and I really need something to get me through the holidays.

My mom committed suicide Dec 20, 2010. :cry: I've always been a scrooge somewhat because I've never had a good stable family situation. Don't know my dad and I have no siblings.. with my mom being all I have and her being depressed all my life, the holidays have always been a nightmare part of the year. Even the commercials with big get togethers and everything smiling and exchanging gifts make me sick. And now my mom killing herself has sealed the deal on me being a scrooge forever.

I'd give anything to be able to start my own family before the holidays of 2011 and really make some new, positive memories.
Mine's on the 21st. I'd love to have a baby Nov. 11, it'd be cool cuz one of my good guy friends has his birthday on that day so I was thinking it would be very ironic and interesting if my baby had that birthdate. That'd be a good way to get through the holidays- birthdays to celebrate.

That sucks about your mom. I can't imagine being without my parents ever- even though I'm not that close to them. Good for you for having that outlook- trying to create new positive memories for the holiday traditions. I hope your cycles become more regular and predictable so you can get preg quicker.
Hey all! Been working my butt off with my job and DH job so its been crazy! That's awesome you're tabooed Jess. The other one I want is a half sleeve with an awesome Koi. Im the same way with the 2ww...I go crazy and test at 9dpo too. Im turning 24 in a week. Yes im a youngin I know lol. Got pregnant with our first 2 months after my 18th birthday. Its been a journey but wouldn't change it :)
Thanks deafgal!! How's your wait going?

I always wonder what it will be like for kids to have tattooed parents. Will they grow up and rebel by refusing to modify their body in any way? haha.

What do you do, Mousey? I work at a coffee shop. I really like it. They're flexible with my hours and don't worry, I limit my caffeine. Easier than it sounds since we have smoothies. :happydance: They also let me display my paintings there so I'm occasionally able to make some extra money with that.

I'm very lucky I don't have pressure to make much or work full time since OH pays for most everything, so I think it's a perfect job to have while TTC.
That being said, I really should finish school and do something with myself. But I am $11,000 in debt from student loans as it is and most of my friends with degrees can't find "real" jobs either!

I've pretty much failed at being positive. I tested again today, BFN and am not feeling pregnant at all. I've been having light cramps but today I got really annoyed at work which would be my typical PMS symptoms. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. Last month, we BD everyday during the fertile period and that didn't work. This month, we BD sometimes twice a day with pre-seed and I'm feeling doubtful. TTC sucks.
TTC sucks.

You know what?? I think I might make a banner out of this phrase and put it in my signature! ;) You summed it up perfectly!

I would love to have a tattoo! I love watching those those Miami Ink shows and such, really makes me wanna do it. But I'm just such chicken. It's not the pain I'm afraid of, I just wonder what if I get bored of it easily... But maybe I just didn't find what I want to have tattooed on me yet :)

I'm having high temps in the last days, 36.8 - 37.1 and FF now thinks I've ovulated already. I don't mind it one bit, even though it would mean that we only BD once at the right time and chances are slim. But it would also mean that I'm going to have a very short cycle, only 24 days! My previous one was 46 days! I'm still suspicious of those temps though, they might still go down next days.
I work at Books-A-Million. We have a coffee shop in ours. I prefer Starbucks though, lol. Sorry about the bfn Jess. With all the stress at work lately, I'll probably have the same. Had an issue with a psycho co-worker and her "mennonite counselor" actuallty came into my store and threatened me!! And then waited for me in the parking lot all night! Talk about stress. All figured out now though and she's still working with us but I won't be having any more problems with her...she dug herself in a major hole. Guess thats what I get for being too nice. Oy vay...I can pretty much positively say that I won't get pregnant this month with everything happening 2 days before ovulation! Ugh...anyway...enough about my problems. Hope your cycle gets better and :BFP: Soili! Yeah...the past 2 cycles we only BD once during my positive opk so this month we're like rabbits. Too bad that my fertile period this month has been when we're both working so much that I won't see him so I gotta drive to where he is delivering bread and...well...pretty much find a quiet spot. Thankfully he has a 20 foot box truck. Gotta do whatcha gotta do to get pregnant , lol. Maybe being spontaneous will work?? We'll find out :) I should be ovulating sometime between Monday-Wednesday and testing March 22 which then I will be one day late. And I am telling myself that I WILL NOT test early like I ALWAYS do, and no symptom spotting. Ugh...I'm soooo gonna need help with keeping that up! I had a weird dream though last night...wonder if it means anything. I dreamt that I had light pink spotting as in actual little pink spots in my panties?? And I remember in my dream that it was a sure sign that I was preggers because that never happens to me. Sorry if its TMI. Maybe a sign!;6;28;14
Well, the wait is over and it's a new cycle... Here's to a new cycle of trying again! Hey, I can't complain- at least I really partied last night. I couldn't believe it when I realized my cousin was right, he's never seen me touch alcohol, not one bit until last night. I had two drinks and it was damn worth it. A hand grenade and some sweet red wine (I think from Oliver winery), I'd have to ask my cousin about the wine, he's the one who poured it for me.

Mousey- I had dreams too- two of them actually. Turns out the second one was true and the first one didn't happen.
Aw deafgal. You inspire me to be mature about all this. But my 2ww is still pissing me off lol. My temp SKYROCKETED today. HUGE! Highest its ever been. But I am sure it is a cruel joke, as I don't feel anything at all. I tested a couple times this weekend and it was making me so mad, so I didnt buy anymore. I might go out and get some today. I'd love to say I could just wait until tomorrow, since that's the day I usually start spotting before AF. But these weird temp dips and spikes are driving me nuts. :wacko:

Mousey, your life is so exciting lol. Work drama and spontaneous BD.. Sounds great to me haha. Hope your dream comes true :winkwink:

And soili, I can see it now, our banners saying TEAM TTC SUCKS all sparkly lol. So glad I have you guys to vent to. I'm gonna take a shower and go try to find planet earth on blu ray for this huge tv!! Hope everyone's had a great weekend.

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