Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Jess-8 hate talking about TTC too. Its so annoying with the replies you get. And people can be so thoughtless with it too. Obviously, this is a big deal and they just don't understand. Let us know how it goes!

Deafgal- yeah people are curious. I especially am since DD is deaf...well...mostly anyway. Its odd that 90% of parents without hearing issues have deaf kids compared to deaf parents chances being slim. But life is odd and amazing lol.

Thank you for the kind words girls. Trust me, we love DD very much but its a roller coaster with emotions. We have gotten better though! We've realized crying isn't going to help her. So in TTC news, had something weird happen last night and its sooo weird and freaky! A bit of TMI too! I noticed when I changed into my pj's my nipple was hurting/sensitive against the shirt. So I look and smack in the middle there's a ball of skin pushing up where the main milk duct is. It has some whitish stuff under it. My SIL had that when she was pregnant with #2. Just way worse because all the ducts were opening with her. Maybe mine will too? It was an early symptom for her. Either that or my nipple is slowly disintegrating! Took a hpt last night after I had already peed so of course negative. Gonna buy first response in a few a coupon! Haven't had any other symptoms other than I get hungry to the point of getting sick much more quickly and very emotional. Way more than when AF comes. But I am believing its just due to stress and nothing else. Don't want to get my hopes up. Oh and after I mess with it I want to scratch sooo bad. I would google it but not sure how to word it? Hmmm...

Oh and about Geritol. Its a certain multivitamin that contains more iron. Women swear that it has helped but the manufacturer says its just a rumor. Supposedly studies show that more iron does help fertility. I've always had low iron levels and had to take iron when I was pregnant. I never really eat meat since it was ne er in the house growing up. Its supposed to be for old people hence the GER as in GERIATRIC. Hmmmm might be worth a shot!
:thumbup: Yep... Guess it's worth a try with the Geritol... :shrug:

:hugs: Hope you're gonna get your :bfp: soon! Then you won't need to try the Geritol.

How's your DD doing?
DD is doing good. We met with all the doctors and went over the procedure. Surgery is in 4 days! I'm not really nervous because we have been through so many. I am more nervous about the outcome. Still having this weird nipple strange and kinda scaring me lol. Bought hpts today. Gonna start testing tomorrow and then every other day until :bfp: or :witch:.

So how have you been? Looks like your getting closer to your ovulation right? Baby dust!!!
Getting closer to ovulation yes but my sex drive is gone... I mean absolutely nonexistent... I don't even feel sexy with being sick from my allergies. :dohh: How am I supposed to do the bd when I can't even feel the love?
Aww that does suck. Me and DH are so exhausted at times that we lay there debating whether to :sex: or not lol. Its tough when you just don't feel like want a baby but you just aren't into it at that time to make one so to say. Hopefully you'll start feeling better before ovulation.

I am driving myself crazy with symptom spotting. Ugh..I know, im weak lol. Tested this morning and negative. If I go by when I've ovulated in the past...I should start AF around Saturday...but sometimes I have a normal cycle so who knows. So I really would only be around 8 dpo I think. Some symptoms but that's what I say most months so im trying hard to not look at symptoms. My mood has really been something fierce. I get so angry so quickly to the point my blood pressure goes up and im crying over EVERYTHING! And im never this bad, even with AF near. My nipple still looks like its sprouting mini cauliflower so im freaked. Slight cramping on my left side. And I keep having to eat more often or else I get sick or a headache. I am sticking with the notion that I am just over stressed. Maybe it wont disappoint me as much if I get :bfn: this month.

Well hope you start feeling better and sex drive kicks back into gear! Have a good day!
Aw try not to symptom spot but it does make it easier to deal with a bfn when you rule out all symptoms by other explanations. :shrug:

I'm on track to feeling somewhat better- still no sex drive yet, maybe it will come in a day or two. DH is planting some of the plants outside now (the ones that are ready that is). Danger of frost should be over by now (according to farmers' almanac).
It should come back after a day or two of feeling better I would think. DH has horrible allergies so I know the drill heehee. I love planting. I've got a couple of jasmine and some vines thing with pink flowers and they're so pretty right now. Yeah we have had to deal with frost in the past but probably not as bad as up there. Last year in January I think it went down to around 20 degrees. My neighbor had just planted about 30 banana trees and all dead.

Yeah I hope the notion of blaming my symptoms on other things will help me. Im gonna test Wednesday again and we will see.
Good luck with that, Mousey!

How awful for your neighbor to plant 30 banana trees only to have them all die! It should be ok this week- lowest temp we'll see is about 40 degrees and the highest we'll have is 68. Gonna see a lot of rain this week. :shrug: The plants are gonna love being out there that's for sure.

Yeah hopefully that sex drive pops back right before I ovulate. I see a very very very faint line on my opks so that has gotta mean one thing- I'm gearing up to ovulate in a few days.
Yup the plants will be happy! Mine I have to water every few days because there has been no rain no clouds and 90 degrees. Oy vay it is HOT! That is awesome that you will be ovulating soon..that sex drive better get in shape for some baby making!!!
Or maybe being sick with allergies will delay my ovulation. :shrug: I took a step backwards last night. Around 4 am I started feeling allergy symptoms bad- runny/stuffed nose with bloated head feeling. Then about 6 am I realized that one window was left open. :dohh: I wonder who left that window open- it sure wasn't me who opened it so I've been closing the windows every night when I arrive to work as someone else likes them opened due to the heat still on at work. I think that's the only reason why my allergies are as bad as it is- opened windows equals pollens and whatever's in the air to come in and irritate my head. So I have to pick between being hot or my allergies... I of course pick to close the windows and minimize my allergies as much as possible since I always bring shorts to work with me so I can stay "cool" with the heat on. I slept away 6 hours today already and I usually only sleep 4 hours by this time (not 6). :dohh: Oh well... I guess my body's trying to fight the allergies off.

DH's gonna make chili. Maybe that will give my allergies the kick I need... I'm still living off of popsicles... Gonna have to buy more soon even though I haven't emptied out the popsicle box yet (but I will- I'm sure of it).

On upside-the plants are just soaking up sun today. I will have to take picture of the garden and post it soon. The other plants that aren't ready yet been put out today so they can soak up sun too. Hopefully it won't be long before they grow too. I'm excited cuz that means we may see some crops growing by June sometime depending on how long they take to mature. Last year the crops weren't ready til July or so but that was because we bought them already sprouted. This year we really got a jump start- preparing the garden and starting a lot of them from seeds. :thumbup: I can't wait for yummy garden food.
Yum that sounds delicious! No garden food yet for us but once we know if we get the house or not I might. Don't want to do a bunch of work just to move. You will have to post pics! What crops are you growing?

Had a mini fiasco today. DD bloodwork for surgery never got sent back to the surgeon in Miami so had to make a dozen calls and drive 3 cities over to kick someones butt. No bloodwork=no surgery. All is taken cafe of now though. Been having horrible headaches for three days now. It sucks. Man if I had allergies like you I don't know what I would do! Well gotta be inin Miami at 6am which means I leave the house at 3am. Meeting the in laws there too so I really hope that MIL and I do not clash. Im probably gonna be on edge and MIL will too and she just doesn't know when to be quiet lol. I think I will just be the bigger person and stay quiet. She doesn't know about the TTC and I think if she gets me started I might just blurt lol. Tomorrow is testing day! I really don't know what to expect so im a lil nervous...we will see I guess.

Any closer to ovulation? How's the sex drive..hopefully getting back!
Right now we have 3 snap peas plants, 3 purple cabbage plants, 3 small cucumber bush plants, and 1 pumpkin plant out there in the garden... That's what we had that was ready to be moved out there so far. I just hope the storms this week doesn't hurt the plants. We have 2 roma tomato plants sprouting but they're not ready to be moved out there yet. Hope you get a house soon so you can plant a garden.

:dohh: That's awful about having to chase around 3 cities to track down what happened to the bloodwork. I am glad it's sorted now though. Good luck with MIL tomorrow. Yeah, you'll have to be the bigger person and be quiet instead of "blurting" that you're ttc. Let me know how that testing goes. I'm curious to know if you're pregnant or not.

I think I'm due to ovulate in the next few days (unless being sick big time with sinus allergies delayed it). My sex drive is not there yet- I let DH dtd last night so that's an improvement but still I need more to really get into it. I guess I was a bit conscious about trying not to cough or sneeze or anything during the bd. I don't know if the :spermy: really stayed in either- I had to cough and sneeze on the way to work but nothing came out during that time, but I had used the toilet before getting dressed for work and leaving so maybe most of the mess got cleaned up at that point. I don't know. :shrug: I don't think my chances are that great this month.
Those sound awesome! I do not have a green thumb though lol. I tend to kill plants. These ones have been ok for now so keeping fingers crossed.

Well you may think that you don't have a good shot at this month but you might get surprised. That's good that nothing came out. Yeah...I use the bathroom if I have to leave for work right away or else I am standing for 8 hours and you can probably guess what happens.

Im curious with testing tomorrow too. I fear that my mind is probably playing tricks on me. But even if its negative tomorrow I am still going to have hope. I might have ovulated later and my cycle has been on average 31days so I feel that I am in the running until AF shows. Gonna test on Saturday again if still nothing.
I've never been good at keeping plants alive. We managed to keep them alive until August (from June) - after we got busy with work, we let them die. By that point, they had given us everything possible anyways that could be eaten. I love the smell of it too.

That sucks you have to be on your feet at work the entire 8 hours. I can sit and relax at work usually.

That's a good plan. I hope you get a :bfp: but even if it doesn't happen, you're still one cycle closer to a :bfp:. You're still in the running if AF doesn't show.
DD surgery went well. On our way home and I am beat. Still tested negative today. (Thinking of ways to torture pee stick into turning positive) hopes are down and I have a feeling that it wont be my month. Everyone feels that its not the right time for me. (Sigh)
hey keep the pma... u ain't out til af shows!

Good to know DD's surgery went well.
hey keep the pma... u ain't out til af shows!

Good to know DD's surgery went well.
Thanks for the words of encouragement hun. Its just hard being optimistic sometimes. I know you know! Poor DD...she's been miserable and making little whining noises. When she gets fidgety in her carseat she'll sometimes throw her head against the carseat (not hard of course) but with the surgery...she just screamed and I felt so bad. Had to fight with CVS to get her meds. It was going to take over 2 hours and I'm like "She just had surgery and you're gonna tell me I can't get her meds??" She has a cup thing around her ear and the incision with padding and its wrapped around her head. It kept falling so I took a few of my bobby pins to try and keep it up around her hair. We go back to Miami Friday and hopefully they take it off because I don't think it'll last two weeks. MIL ended up not coming and thankfully just stayed home today. My house is a total wreck and we only had 3 hours of sleep and been out all day with her surgery. DH has come to the conclusion that maybe we're not supposed to be pregnant right now with everything going on and that maybe we're not even meant to have any more children. I don't know...I understand that it's not our time but it still bothers me that I'm not pregnant yet. I just have this sinking feeling and I don't think DH understands. Of course he doesn't because it's a whole different situation between men and women but I just have this feeling like "What if something is wrong with me?" Sorry to be nagging lol. I think it's from lack of sleep and way too much driving :)
:hugs: I totally get ya... I've been there with the down and negative before. :hugs:

Aw poor kid! I hope after that comment, CVS was more cooperative and got the meds right away (it shouldn't have taken 2 hours, it should really be only like 20 minutes or less). I definitely know that cup thing very well... My good friend Cat had the same look for a few days after her surgery. She underwent the same surgery like was it 4 years ago? It was either 2 or 3 years ago. I can't remember. I do recall she had it done on Halloween so she got to see the drs/nurses all dressed up for the occasion. :haha:

What's your worry/concern? You say you have this sinking feeling? Do you mean something might be wrong with your woman parts that is not able to conceive now (when it was able to before)? Might be worth checking out. Sometimes our guts is right in these things- but yeah, other times our guts can be over reactive or over imaginative about what could be wrong... It wouldn't hurt having the dr take a look next time you get a check up.

:hugs: what a long day it's been for your family!
Hey girls

:hugs: I am so happy to hear your daughters surgery went well and is over. I hope she's getting plenty of rest and gets to heal as quick as possible. I also hope that the implant does what it is supposed to do perfectly!!

I can't imagine how hard it must be for a parent when your child is in pain or has a big surgery. I was always the one in the operating room for my cleft palate related surgeries and I know my mom had a hard time going through it with me. It's just so hard for everyone!!

Sorry you don't have a BFP yet. Fingers still crossed.

I know something is obviously wrong with me. I've been bleeding super lightly off and on since Sunday. I have mentioned before that I hope it's the Vitex getting things going. I think I am going to start temping again in the next few days.

I finally got a copy of my marriage license so Will just has to take it to work and hopefully I'll be totally insured and can get to a doctor soon.

Do you guys know what I would do? Just go see a gyno and have a check up and say that I'm TTC and having problems? I've always gone to the health department and have been very happy with the services they offer as far as family planning (getting my BC pills/paps) go but obviously I am going to have to find a real practice.

My weekend with my girlfriends went about as I'd expect. It hurts to see how much people get wrapped up in their own lives. They either don't care or are such idiots. They knew I was pregnant in November and that I wasn't pregnant anymore. And so they of course asked me when I was going to have a baby and I was like well my cycles are screwed up after the miscarriage.

They really were like "oh so you had a miscarriage". :dohh: And didn't act like it was a big deal at all. It's infuriating. :growlmad:

And my friend who has had an abortion and a baby after that is just having sex with anything that has a penis where she lives now. I know I must be getting old because her stories and obvious desperate need for male attention and lack of respect for herself were disgusting to me, I guess mostly because she was worried about her period being late and talked about not using protection with the two current guys she's having sex with. What the F is wrong with people?!?! Her current baby daddy is worthless, about to be homeless and she still pays most of his bills. So why would she continue to not use protection with guys she doesn't even know?!

I came to the conclusion that I'm really glad I only have to see them every six months or so.

Phew! I feel so much better getting all that out. I feel like a bad person talking about my own friends but they just really hurt me with how clueless they could be.

Gotta be in a wedding this weekend and I think we've picked out where we will have our reception party!

It seems every couple I know that I personally judge to NOT NEED A CHILD are pregnant. So I just remind myself that I have what matters most for having a baby and that's a proven, loving partner. Very hard to remember some days but I'm trying!

Hope you guys are doing well! Sorry for the typical huge update from me. Get that BFP mousey! And keep BD deafgal. Remember, when I got pregnant, I always went straight to the bathroom after BD so I dont think you should worry about it falling out :thumbup:

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