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MC in March, TTC straight away. Wait with me?

Cheryl: I was testing every day but ran out of ICs and had to wait five days. In that time it went from an evap line to dark! I started testing at 10dpo but didn't get my BFP until 21dpo.

Dani: I always used the temp taken at about the same time every day so I would use your 7.15 temp. The reason is because the ambient temperature tends to be different at different times and I am obsessed enough to think it makes a difference. LOL
Congrats on the BFP Mightymom!! WOohoo

Well I am 4 dpo according to FF but my temps seem so crazy..I don't know. :(
Hi everyone, hoping that you would let me join as reading these forums comfort me so thought that joining may be even better! I found out I had a MMC on 9th Mar when I should have been 6wks. Ultrasound and tests showed no pregnancy and I was devasted, pregnancy was an exciting surprise. I am a mother of two and never had a misscarriage, one of those people that never thought it would happen to them. DO wants another baby and I was in two minds after MMC but a couple of weeks past and I thought one night let's see what fate will do. Got a BFP last Tues and booked to see doctor next Wed (I will be almost 6wks). Having sharp pains like I did last time and am trying to be positive but it's hard. Going to see if I can see my doctor tomorrow and hopefully get bloods or even appointment with EPU as I think this stress isn't doing any good.

Good luck to everyone else !
Hi everyone, hoping that you would let me join as reading these forums comfort me so thought that joining may be even better! I found out I had a MMC on 9th Mar when I should have been 6wks. Ultrasound and tests showed no pregnancy and I was devasted, pregnancy was an exciting surprise. I am a mother of two and never had a misscarriage, one of those people that never thought it would happen to them. DO wants another baby and I was in two minds after MMC but a couple of weeks past and I thought one night let's see what fate will do. Got a BFP last Tues and booked to see doctor next Wed (I will be almost 6wks). Having sharp pains like I did last time and am trying to be positive but it's hard. Going to see if I can see my doctor tomorrow and hopefully get bloods or even appointment with EPU as I think this stress isn't doing any good.

Good luck to everyone else !

:hugs: So sorry for you loss. Hope all goes well with this pregnancy. I had loads of cramps with my DS, its when I have no cramps or back ache I worry. Good luck
:hugs: So sorry for you loss. Hope all goes well with this pregnancy. I had loads of cramps with my DS, its when I have no cramps or back ache I worry. Good luck

Thanks very much, not the cramps or the back ache that worries me, it's the sharp pains. Tired to change my appointment today but no luck....have to wait till Wed :cry:
Welcome Oznic22!

Sorry for your loss. Congrats on the :bfp: and I am hopeful that everything will be fine at your Doc's appointment. Sucks that you have to wait till Wed tho'...

Try to keep off your feet and take it slow...it might just be your body telling you it needs more TLC :) Hoping this make the sharp pains go away soon dear! You are in my thoughts.
Welcome oznik. That's fantastic news to hear you are pregnant again so soon. Hopefully, all will be just fine this time.
Hey ladies,

Was wondering what "rainbow babies" meant- hehehe.

I had a rough day emotionally.... just been crying non-stop. Also went out and ate sushi (buffet) and now I'm feeling guilty.
I guess I am still coping emotionally (2 weeks today from time of MC). Does anyone feel like people have forgotten already and just expect you to be back to normal?

I guess I wanted so much to prove that I was "normal" again, so I went to a group sushi lunch and now I'm thinking... I'm on CD16 and BD like crazy... I should not be eating raw fish!!! :dohh:
You're doing very well hun, try not to worry about others. You have to do whats right for you. I had a small glass of wine at in-laws Easter lunch. I felt guilty. I try to eat/drink anything risky in moderation.

Yes I feel like some people think they are 'miss-know-it-all's- because they've been through a M/C. Everybody and every M/C is different.

My M.I.L came to see me the day I found out I M/C to give me comfort as she had a M/C on her 2nd pregnancy. I felt the opposite of comfort. She asked me that day if I needed a lift to my S.I.L baby shower that was coming up (GRRRRR) I was not ready to go to a baby shower!! And she told me that day to get the D&C over and done with. I hadn't even had the chance to process the fact that I had M/C yet.

I think we just need support and understanding. Not judgement or being told what to do/how to feel.

I went out to my best friends birthday party 2 weeks after D&C. She knew I M/C and she just found out she was PG. She told one of the girls there that I had a M/C (GRRRR). And she just talked about PG symptoms ALLLL NIGHHHTT LOONGGGG. Worst night ever. I am very happy for her but didn't she realise that I'm still fragile and some of the comments she made were hurtful?

I'm not sure exactly what rainbow-baby means but I'm assuming that our baby is the pot of gold found on the other side. I.E Rainbow-Baby??? LOL when I see an abbreviation or a slang word I just invent my own meaning.
Oznic22: I'm sorry for your loss! Very happy for your :bfp:! Hang in there! The odds of a repeat MC are not increased! :hugs:

NeeSAH: Don't worry about the Sushi! Most of the time, it's nothing that we do that causes MC. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you find yourself expecting your sticky bean soon.

I sure hope we rain :bfp:'s in here! LOTS & LOTS of them! :)

AFM: 7dpo: I feel really really good about this cycle! :)
Scorpio: My SIL has experienced 2 MC. Both devastating and I felt empathy both times. Well, when I told her I was expecting lil dragon. She said "Was there a HB?"! Then the next time after my first Dr. appt. She asked "So, did you see a HB." I lied, I said "yes" when in fact there wasn't one. But, I wasn't ready for her to know I thought I had lost my baby.

Then when she found out I MC. She wouldn't stop asking me personal questions about passing and bleed. Right, in front of my BIL. And she also said "No one understands until they've experienced a MC."

But she was wrong, because when I found out she had MC. I cried! I was sad. I had empathy for her. Just as I would a stranger. I felt like she was wanting me to hurt, like she had over hers.

I don't know why she would ever say those things. Act the way she did. Knowing how hurtful and painful MC is, herself.
Leinzlove: sounds like all of your SIL questions were getting on top of you. How did that make you feel? I hope my friend doesn't think I was asking too many questions. I asked her (only once) if she was well and if she saw a HB. On the night of her bday I convinced her not to drink alcohol. She seemed annoyed. I hope this was just due to her hormones.

I felt very disconnected from my inlaws when I M/C (except for my SIL who had M/C a few months before this). But I felt so much emotional support from my mother, father and two elder sisters. We only have a small family and they were really looking forward to a new niece/grandaughter (hopefully). I only have two young nephews.
Just to throw it out there:
A rainbow baby refers to a baby you have after you have lost a baby. It is a metaphor, because you don't see a rainbow before the rain. It comes after the storm, and sometimes the storm (the pain) is still there in the background but the rainbow is what shines through to your soul and stays with you forever.
Scorpio: Well, these were different occassions. So, I doubt you offended anyone. I found it disturbing, and took offense when she asked me "If there was a HB" when I told her I was expecting. I wanted her to say "Congratulations." I even took offense to it, when I was still pregnant. Then again after my Dr. Apt. Why couldn't she just ask "How did it go?" But instead "Was there a HB?" And then I wish she wouldn't of asked me about the bleed etc in front of my BIL, that made me feel uncomfortable. It really made me feel overall that she wanted things to go wrong.

Thanks Mighty Mom! I love the rainbow Metaphor. It has given me strength and hope! :)
You're welcome. I like it too. Reminds me to keep positive, a rainbow will come!

My SIL was very nice when I told her I was m/c. She just asked how far along the baby was (not "how pregnant" I was which is a question I still find uncomfortable). My next pregnancy I didn't tell anyone but OH until after I m/c then I only told my mom and dad. This pregnancy I finally told OH yesterday after the first scan showed a sac. I don't think we will tell anyone about this until at least June when I can safely say the baby is ok.
MightyMom: Thanks, that is a beautiful illustration!!

Scorpio & Leinzlove: Thank you ladies. I feel the same way. Hubby just told me to expect these reactions from people. I also had a few ones tell me to do D/C and get it over with (same day we discovered no HB!!)....Thank God I had a natural miscarriage about 10 hours after the discovery. Imagine, I hadn't even wrapped my head around the possibility of losing a baby and all some folks could say was "get on with the D/C and it will all be over with"

Today is a beautiful day tho'- cried all night over DH's shoulder, so I feel lighter and better :D
Hello ladies can I join you. I was diagnosed with my third mmc on the 26 th march and had an erpc on the 28 th march. We have decided to ttc straight away. Hpts are still positive but opks are negative ( purposely bought a higher sensitivity opk) so going to see if I do ov this cycle. Been referred fir testing but all I think is I could be pregnant with my rainbow while I'm waiting on tests.
:wave:debzie xxx

:hugs: everyone x people can be so insensitive sometimes!! Xx
Neesah: I'm happy you had a better, beautiful day! :happydance:

Welcome Debzie! I'm sorry for your losses! I hope they figure out whats going on! And you concieve your rainbow, super fast! Making attempt at words, when I know theres really nothing I can say. :hugs: Don't give up!!
Thanks for the welcomes.

Mrskg Fancy seeing you here. X

Leinzlove we all know of that jealously that we have for pregnant women not to take your sil side but she may be speaking before thinking driven by the jealousy and sometimes contempt we feel after loss. I know my stomach has turbed so many times as friends and family have told me of their pregnancy news and I have to say congratulations through gritted teeth then cry my eyes out.

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