MC in March, TTC straight away. Wait with me?

I'm sorry for your loss Cheryl. :hugs:

Bec: Which tests are you watching for progression? IC's are awful with progressing. And I've read on several websites that pg tests indicate yes or no... not if the HCG is increasing. I hope you aren't having a chemical and find AF staying far away for the best of reasons. :hugs:
Yeah I'm getting bloods done to test for clotting... But they won't do anymore till I hav had 3 so thts why I'm trying the aspirin... Hope ur ok.. U should speak to hubby ur in it together babe...x
I agree with Cheryl... You definitley should talk about it with hubby. :hugs:
Bleeding now so guess it wasn't to be :(
I'm so sorry, hun! I was hoping it was IB or something. :cry::hugs::hugs::hugs: sorry hun!!! :hugs:
Praying this new cycle brings you wonderful news
Hi ladies :hi:

Just wanted to see how y'all are doing.
I know this was the first thread I joined when I had my MC, so I'm sorta attached :D

So, I guess I am officially in my 2ww. I'm actually testing two weeks from today. That way I don't waste a test if :af: shows. At this point I am keeping the faith but also hoping for a beautiful :bfp: and a February Baby *prays*

Wishing y'all the best this cycle! June is turning out to be great so far...
For those who got :af: Praying your fresh cycle will bring your sticky beans :hugs:
Hi, NeeSAH!

Yay for the 2ww! Did you O yesterday, then? Are you waiting for missed AF? I'm hoping and praying she has the best of reasons for staying away. This is so exciting! :happydance:

Come on June BFP for NeeSAH's February baby! :happydance:
Yuppers! I think I did O. All signs are there.....
Will keep BDing evet other day just in case I get the 2nd surge like I did last time.

When is your visit? Scheduled any scans yet? So happy you are doing great hun!
Bec, Cheryl, Im so sorry :(

Nessah, Im with you on that. This is also the first thread I joined after D&C.
It was all of u who inspired me to TTC again. Thank you.

Im also in the 2WW. I did temping a few weeks after AF. I BDd when I had EWCM & +OPK & FF confirmed OV. Im so proud of myself for trying everything properly for the first time.

Leinz, hope youre feeling great :)
Oh, Ladies you put tears in my eyes... I'm so excited! I want this 2ww to be the one for you both... SO BAD!!! It sounds so promising that you got your BD timing down. I'm confident your tubes were full of healthy spermies just waiting for your eggs. I'm sooooo happy! Yay for O! :happydance:

Please do keep me updated with your symptoms, and BFP's! I can't wait for you to be testing already! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I hope that you ladies haven't minded that I've stuck around after my BFP. This thread has also helped me so much. I was in such a dark place when I created it.

AFM: I'm okay. I have mouth ulcers causing some pain and swollen gums. Its painful and I can't get into the dentist until July 11. I've been using salt water. I take it that its a good sign that my pregnancy is progressing. As its caused by increased blood flow and progesterone.

I haven't had any Dr. Appts., blood tests or scans. My first is June 19, which is almost here... I'm trying to stay positive but I'm nervous... As its the same appt. I found out I had lost little dragon.
Leinz! Dont leave us... I'm truly blessed to have shared this journey with you. Keep us in the loop with your scans.

I had +O on Thursday. On Friday night I was having THE most painful O cramps on my right side. It was hard getting up and down or walking around. And Saturday morning I had bleeding gums when brushing my teeth. Didnt have this all month. I didnt get a confirmed O until this morning on FF. My boobs feel slightly fuller. I noticed this when I was sleeping on my tummy this morning.

My mind is already going crazy with EDD, baby gender/names & etc. And Im nowhere near BFP yet hahahah. Regardless of the outcome I'm proud of DH and I as we'll be prepared for Cycle 2. I'm just super happy that I actually ovulated. I had so many fears of being infertile. I was scared that I may never have children. Thats why I took MC so hard.
I'm so happy to hear this. I have swollen gums right now from rise of progesterone. I also had O pains but I never noticed them until I was TTC!

When would you be due? I would love for us to be bump buddies! :)
I never felt O pains until this week. They were hard to avoid; it was SO strong.

38 weeks from this week, will be 28 Feb or 1 Mar. I was freaking out because I was thinking is next year a leap year?!?! Phew, luckily it isn't. If I had a late baby it would be cool to give birth on 13 Mar, my wedding anniversary. Like I said my mind is going crazy hehe.
That would be awesome! But, it's rare to go that late. It'll be close though. :) I think it's probably better not on your wedding anniversary. So, that way you can keep two seperate celebrations. One for babies birthday and one for your anniversary.

Not that dates have ever mattered to me. I just want my baby. :)
Scorpio23: :dance: Yay for tww!! Let's keep each other sane :D
What are you planning to do to distract you? The wait is killing me-lol... We are hosting a couples' night this coming week & also have a grad party to attend.

When do you test?

: I agree with Scorpio; Don't leave've been a wonderful encouragement this far and we cannot wait to join you :hugs:
I know the nervous feeling you're having will turn into a marvelous one when you hear your baby's heartbeat at the scan!!!! So excited for you...keep us posted.
Sorry about the ulcers, but it is a good sign. Are you able to eat tho'?

Oh, talking about O pains- I think I had it for a split second, compared to last cycle where it went on for a couple of hours....not sure what that means???
i'll wait with you. i feel as if i was a bit slow off the mark with TTC after my mc last december. but i just couldnt get over it. i was in a real difficult place for about 3months after and though we got out lives back on track we didnt start TTC until april. i am now awaiting af but have had a bfn this morning so i know it is iminent. just frustrating waiting, the later it is in the month the less time we have to BD!!!! just want to be pregnant again bu to hold onto it and it to hold onto me this time!
hope2bmum2b: Welcome!! SO sorry for your loss. Glad you're back in the game :hugs:

When do you test? I test end of June.

It's not over until AF shows...praying it stays awat :af:
What dpo are you in now?
NeeSAH: I adore you! I definitley don't know where I'd be in the journey with your kind words and support. You are amazing!

Eating is difficult and painful, but it has to be done or I get morning sickness so bad. I'm toughing it out, it is a good sign... I did read that the mouth ulcer should go away in 3-4 days. Which is a huge relief, because I worried about it sticking around for duration.

Welcome hope2bmum2b: I'm so sorry for loss. :hugs: I'm also very happy that you are back and ttc again! I hope it happens fast and right now you are already pregnant! Hopeing the :witch: has the best of reasons for staying away! :)
Nessah, Im doing ok so far. Ive come to terms with the fact that it will happen when the time is right. Im focusing on my health, eating right etc. This keeps my mind off SS & wanting to test.

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