Metformin & PCOS

Aein have a safe and happy trip :hugs:

Hippie, whaaat?! I can't believe they quit selling ultra's. I think walmart here still has them. They have super, super +, and ultra. That sucks that its worse when you actually work! Thats exactly how mine was, although it didnt matter really if I worked or just sat there, it was only a matter of time before it was leaking through. And a toooon when it did! :hugs:

Yaaaay Meli! Congrats! Thats awesome! Do you stay on the same dose during the first three months or do you reduce it?
hi guys! i got my bfp today! im in disbelief, but i hope it gives you guys hope since if it wasnt for the metformin this wouldnt have happenned! im staying on the metformin for three months to reduce my risk of miscarriage. thanks to you all, and i hope the best for all of you!

Happy and healthy 9 months to you Hun! Congratulations! How long we're you on the met before it happened for you?
CONGRATS MELI!!! Happy and healthy 9months to you :)

baby - I never went to Wal-Mart to look, I went to Price Chopper. I think after this cycle I won't need ultra again. I'm hoping it will be less each cycle. I used a super+ last night and when I changed this morning it will fine. Though I'm hoping this isn't a "hey, were going to trick you to thinking your done, but then hit hard the next day!" I hate when that happens.... I have to wait til 1:15 to call the gyn and ask if it's ok to be seen with period. I think it will be lighter in the next two days, at least I hope it will.
Congrats Meli!

Have a safe trip Aein!

I am finally done with af. But the pain in my back is still there. However, it has transfered to the other side and has lightened quite a bit. So I am really confused with it. I have my drs. appt. on Thursday so I am hoping to discuss this pain as well as trying Clomid.

I have noticed this cycle already seems different. I am on CD 8 and I am already producing cm on my own. Which I never do. So I am excited to see if I might actually O again? I have been having some pain on my right side, which is opposite of last month. So I am taking that as a good sign.
Ohhh okay. We dont have a price chopper here lol. I'm glad its getting lighter, and I think it will get lighter the longer you're on Metformin. A bnb buddy of mine used to have super heavy periods, and since she started on Metformin they've been lighter and shorter.

Krissie, that sounds like a really good sign! If you're O'ing on your own there's really no need for Clomid. I was actually really surprised my new doc prescribed it before seeing if I would O on Metformin alone. I've been having cm too, but so far no O pains :( but I shouldn't O til late this week, so I'm not stressing it. :) I hope you do O without Clomid again! That would be so exciting!

I weighed myself this morning and almost peed my pants I was so excited when I seen the number. I lost 15lbs prior to starting Metformin just exercising alone. Well, I've been a real slacker and havent been back to the gym in a month. When I weighed this morning I was another 5lbs down. The last 5lbs lost has to be from the Metformin, I havent done anything. I can't believe I've lost 20lbs, I tried for so long and only got to 15. And now its almost falling off! I am lovingggggg it!
Baby that is awesome! It feels so great to lose weight. I also lost about 15 before metformin. I am hoping to start losing again. My hubby has been supportive of getting a gym membership or working out at home.

I am hoping I O with just the metformin. That would be great. It would be easier than going down the Clomid route, but at this point if the met doesn't do it this time then I want that option available. On that note, my cm seems to be almost ewcm. It is gearing up to be the right stretchiness and all that. So I am really hopeful. I might use the last couple OPKs I have in the next few days. Even though I told myself I would be good this cycle and not do it. It is just to promising not to. ;)
Thank you! Thats great your hubby is so supportive! My hubby is very supportive too, he just doesnt wanna do it with me lol. He did at first, but then he kinda backed out. But he doesn't need to lose weight so I wasnt too upset over it haha. But I totally agree, you should def have the option if you decide to go that route! And I dont blame you! I'd be so anxious I'd wanna do opk's too lol. I'm really going to try to steer clear of all that testing, but time will tell haha. I hope you get a positive OPK if you decide to test! :D I'm so excited for you!
My hubby was so skinny for so long. But in the last year he has gained quite a bit of weight. He really feels down about it so I think that is his motivation. Before that he was just fine not doing any exercise. It is great to have supportive guys. It really helps with all this.
Yeah it is awesome. My hubby has gained a lot of weight since we got married, but he only weighs 200lbs and he's 5'10" so he's like 10lbs over weight lol. When we first got together he weighed 135lbs, so he's gained a good chunk. But he just looked too hungry in high school hahahaaa.
Haha. I totally understand we got together when he was 19 (he just turned 28) and he was 160 at 5'11" and now he is closer to 220. I love to cook and bake and he loves to eat. But I have worked hard the last few months to learn how to cook healthier foods. That has helped, now its working on his portion control. But he quit smoking this summer so I will wait awhile before I tackle another issue.
Congrats on losing the weight baby!

I'm doing WWs so I track EVERYTHING I eat and glad to see I'm losing. My DH is SKINNY! He's 5'9" and weighs around 150lbs! He eats like a pig! I'm waiting to see him gain, but he never does. I asked him one day if he has worms, lols:haha: He just does a lot around the house and runs so he's nice and fit. I'm hoping to get under 200lbs (about 21lbs away). I'm wondering if I O'd on my own. I know I had a +OPK and got a period about 13days after. Maybe this cycle I'll keep a very close eye on temps and OPK. What does do you ladies start? I heard to start on the 10th day? Is that right? I wonder what the gyn will do for me? I called and the nurse said unless it's like heavy - heavy to cancel, but I think I will be fine by then. I'm on super now :p I wonder if I should have DH come with me for support. I'm just so worry of being rejected like the NP did to me.
Haha, yeah you cant make men do too much all at once lol. I wish I could get my hubby to eat healthy! What a joke, he does not like veggies or fruits. All meats and potatoes haha. Thats great that you're so close to your goal hippie! I've got 16lbs to lose before I'll be under 200lbs. Seems like a lifetime away! I tried ww's last year and I didnt lose didly on it, so thats great that its working for you!! If I do OPK's I start around CD12, but I doubt I'll be doing them this cycle since I'm on CD12 now haha. I had my hubby come along with me to my new ob. Mostly for mental support, but also so he could be there while the doc explained everything to me. He tries to understand everything about PCOS but hes a typical male lol. I lose his attention after a while and all he wants to know is when we can dtd hahahaaaa.
to anyone who asked, the last pregnancy i had with my baby girl, i was on metformin for fourteen months before i got preg. this time i have been on it for eight months. i have been on a dose of 1000mg and will only be taking 500mg during the first three months. i really believe it helps reduce your risk of miscarrying, if you miscarry due to hormonal factors. thanks again ladies, i love to help anyone i can struggling with pcos and trying to conceive:)
Haha, yeah you cant make men do too much all at once lol. I wish I could get my hubby to eat healthy! What a joke, he does not like veggies or fruits. All meats and potatoes haha. Thats great that you're so close to your goal hippie! I've got 16lbs to lose before I'll be under 200lbs. Seems like a lifetime away! I tried ww's last year and I didnt lose didly on it, so thats great that its working for you!! If I do OPK's I start around CD12, but I doubt I'll be doing them this cycle since I'm on CD12 now haha. I had my hubby come along with me to my new ob. Mostly for mental support, but also so he could be there while the doc explained everything to me. He tries to understand everything about PCOS but hes a typical male lol. I lose his attention after a while and all he wants to know is when we can dtd hahahaaaa.

LOL, men!:haha: I just told mine he's coming and he said, "OK" I think it's good for him to come and will see what happens together. I just hate to be rejected after what happen last time. I heard good things about her since her DH is an IVF specialist so I'm hoping for good news.
Yeah, I think it will be good. Well I hope you wont be rejected again! Thats terrible, but I know how it feels. I've had more than my fair share of horrible doctors. :hugs: what happened last time, if you dont mind me asking? If you've already said I'm sorry, my memory is the absolute worst. I can only imagine when I have "pregnancy brain" :haha:
Yeah, I think it will be good. Well I hope you wont be rejected again! Thats terrible, but I know how it feels. I've had more than my fair share of horrible doctors. :hugs: what happened last time, if you dont mind me asking? If you've already said I'm sorry, my memory is the absolute worst. I can only imagine when I have "pregnancy brain" :haha:

I don't remember if I posted the story on this thread or not.

Here's the story: I went to my doctors office and finally told him I want to have a baby, but my period never came after stopping BCP. He did blood work that day and a week later it was PCOS. I was put on Metformin 500 ER. So after doing some research online a lot of woman seemed to do better with the higher dosage. So I called back after 2 weeks of taking it and they told me to wait a month. If I didn't get a period to call back and they'll see what they can do. Well it turned out my doctor LEFT for another practice and I was crushed! They had a new nurse practitioner that my DH knows from a long time ago through work. Well when my DH went for a follow up he had a note for my doctor (at that moment I didn't know he left) and she was there. She said he was gone and wanted to know what the note was about. He told her about upping the dosage and she said that she had no problem helping me. So I made an appointment and went in later that week. I brought my DH with me for support and she came in saying so why didn't I think the Metformin wasn't working. I expressed how I thought maybe the dosage was low and maybe upping could help me. She start out said that she has PCOS and has been trying to conceive for 5 years and that Metformin DOES NOT work! She was on 1000mg for years and it did nothing for her. She straight out said because I have PCOS I was infertile and need to see an IVF specialist. She also said no ob/gyn would touch my case because of the PCOS and that was that. I cried so hard. It was the worse feeling in the world. I even called the head doctor of the office and reported what she did to me. Oh get this, the real reason they wouldn't up it was because of my SUGAR LEVEL! I said why couldn't she of said that instead of sitting there telling me i'm infertile and no gyn would touch my case!:growlmad: So I told her from now on I want to be only seen by her and not the nurse practitioner, did they listen - nope! So when I had my bad cramps I made an appointment and looked who walked through the door. Stupid b*tch:growlmad: She asked me if I made an appointment with the IVF and I said no because when I called they said I should see an gyn first because I haven't tried everything else before needing IVF! She seemed sooo pissed! I was happy inside.

So that's my story, sorry it's long. I really hate that NP and never EVER want to see her again. I hope she loses her job! I don't think she will last anyway.
Oh wow hippie! That's crazy! Metformin does work sometimes for women with pcos. That doctor is crazy! I definitely wouldn't go back!
Wooooow, I'm sorry :( Yeah I don't remember you telling me that story. Haha, you should see my history of shitty docs if you havent and think yours is long! (I think I explained it all to someone on the 3rd page of this thread). My experience with OB's has been the WORST. And I'm already a fan of Metformin, 5lbs lost just from taking it is fantastic to me. I havent been on it long enough to really see any huge changes, but I said all along that if it only helped me lose this weight I'd be happy. I mean duhh I want a bfp too, but Clomid and other medicines can help with that if Metformin doesnt do it. And I think for almost every woman with IR (I say almost cause I'm sure there's a few exceptions) it atleast helps with regulating the insulin and weightloss. I'm pissed my old ob didnt mention or suggest it a year ago. I've been so unhealthy for so long and tried everything to get healthy, and nothing worked. But don't let one bad experience fog a new one. I was so nervous at my appt with my new OB last month, and it was all for nothing. He was amazing, and did everything in the first visit that it took my old OB a year and a half to do. So just go in there with an open mind, tell them exactly what you want, and if they don't have a good fertility plan there are other OB's out there :D
hi guys i hope i can join your thread?

i have been on meta formin for 6 weeks now at 2000mg and still suffering tummy troubles quite bad, i can only eat brown carbs and have been on a diet since starting met as my insulin was at 20, i have lost 6kg so far but i think thats because i have been on the toilet so much :nope:

i hope that it can re-start my af as i havent had one on my own for 2 years, been ttc for 2 and half yrs, but i have sat for over an hour reading all your stories and you have given me hope that i will hopefully eventually have my af!

i have 2 children but 8 angels, never had a problem getting pregnant but it was keeping them but now cant get preg! hope that the docs are going to put me on some clomid!

hi to all from switzerland, its getting cold here!

kay x
hey, my mother-in-law is from switzerland! keep your chin up, if you got preg before the chances are, you can get preg again! How long have you been on the met? it can take awhile for it to take effect. with my second daughter it took 14 months. talk to your doc though, they sometimes do a combination of metformin and clomid together to up your chances. also they can give you something to induce a period, im not sure what it is called, just ask your doc. good luck hun:)

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